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Max Planck Society (MPG) and CAS re- cently set up a Part- ner Group on First-Principles Theory of High-pressure Oxidation Catalysis at the CAS Dalian Insti- tute of Chemical Physics (DICP). Headed by Dr. Li Weixue of DICP and in cooperation with Dr. Karsten Reuter from the Theory Department of the MPG Fritz-Haber Institute, the group will be devoted to the development of precise and predictable catalysis theories based on quantum mechanics and under real oxidation conditions.…  相似文献   

Dr. MA Xucun from the Institute of Physics (IOP) and Dr. LU Lei from the Institute of Metal Research (IMR) under the Chinese Academy of Sciences received the Chinese Young Women in Science Fellowship, together with other eight recipients of the fellowship, at a special ceremony in Beijing on December 11, 2012.  相似文献   

<正>The MPS/CAS Partner Group on Thermoelectric Systems was launched in 2010 as a collaborative eff ort between the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research(MPIP)and the Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics(SINAP),CAS.Under the leadership of Prof.Dr.ZHANG Yi from SINAP,the group worked in close collaboration with colleagues from the Polymer Physics Division of MPIP,which is directed by Prof.Dr.Hans-Jürgen Butt.The group’s original aim was to carry out joint studies on thermoelectric systems,with focus on a better understanding of the thermoelectric  相似文献   

Dr. CHEN Yu-ao, a young professor from the National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at the Microscale, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), had received the Fresnel Prize for fundamental aspects by European Physical Society (EPS) on May 14 for his "outstanding achievements in the fields of multi-photon entanglement, quantum communication, quantum computation and quantum simulation based on manipulation of photons and atoms".  相似文献   

Prof. Liu Dongsheng (Tungsheng Liu), a CAS member and professor at CAS Institute of Geology and Geophysics, has been awarded the 2002 Tyler Prize for Environment Achievement. He shared a cash prize of $200,000 with the other laureate, Dr. Wallace S. Broecker from Columbia University, the US, and received a gold Tyler Prize medallion on April 12.  相似文献   

正Dr.Jan-Christer Janson is Professor Emeritus at the Department of Chemistry of Uppsala University,Sweden.He is a distinguished bio-separation scientist known for his contributions to modern protein chromatography on an industrial scale,in particular,for the development of cross-linked agarosegel chromatographic media and columns that have been widely used in the bio-pharmaceutical industry.  相似文献   

正This year’s Tan Kah Kee Young Scientist Award goes to a total of six researchers,as announced by the Tan Kah Kee Science Award Foundation in Beijing on May 30,three of whom are from CAS:Dr.HUANG Zheng from the Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry,Dr.WU Beili from the Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica,and Dr.SUN Yele from the Institute of Atmospheric Physics.Dr.HUANG Zheng,recipient of the 2018 Tan  相似文献   

Aresearch proposal on the simulated extraction and exploration of gas hydrates has passed the scrutiny of an expert panel under the auspices of the CAS Bureau of High-tech Development. At the meeting in Guangzhou on Oct. 31, a nine-member panel from home and abroad approved the overall planning of a research platform on simulation studies of prospecting and exploration of gas hydrates, and feasibility studies made by the CAS Guangzhou Insti-  相似文献   

<正>On a warm day of 2014 winter,Dr.ZENG greeted the author in her lab nested on the ninth floor of the"Biochemistry Building"on the campus of the Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology(SIBCB)under the Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences(SIBS)in a scenic area of Shanghai."Honestly I was not aware of the Hundred-Talent Program when I made my first efforts to seek a position back in China,"seated among green plants against a large window with a quiet smile,  相似文献   

Dr. Peter H. Raven, a leading botanist and director of the Missouri Botanical Garden, received an honorary title of research professor at the CAS Wuhan Botanical Garden on Sept. 20.  相似文献   

吴志春 《科教文汇》2014,(36):223-224
“从哪里来”和“到哪里去”是人类永恒的话题。本文试图对“根”与“跟”的神话哲理进行阐述,并在文学哲学等领域探讨文化寻根的种种问题。  相似文献   

基于我国目前的交通现状,本文对“电子狗”进行了深入的剖析,并针对“电子狗”的特点提出了“电子警察”的应对之法,更着眼于和谐交通对“电子警察”的管理模式进行了拓展。  相似文献   

姜诗尧 《科学学研究》2020,38(9):1698-1705
迭代式创新作为新创企业技术微调的敏捷战略模式,对于新创企业的生存发展和维持竞争优势具有重要意义,相关研究受到理论界和实践界的广泛关注。文章整合调节焦点理论和吸收能力理论,以160名实验被试,探究创业预期实现、创业者调节焦点和创业者吸收能力对迭代式创新的作用机制。研究表明:创业预期实现对迭代式创新具有显著影响;创业者调节焦点在创业预期实现与迭代式创新之间起中介作用;创业者吸收能力在创业者调节焦点与迭代式创新之间起调节作用。研究结论对于推动迭代式创新研究有着突出的理论贡献,同时为新创企业迭代式创新提供必要的实践指导。  相似文献   

任怡 《科教文汇》2012,(1):91-91,156
秦始皇是中国历史上一位"拥有优秀的军政素质和博大政治功业的君主"[1]。自古以来,史学界对其褒贬不一,评价秦始皇"残暴"的人也不计其数。本文从历来指控秦始皇"残暴"的事件出发,分析史书记载中这些事件的历史背景、前因后果,并将其行为与前朝后代君王作比较,来说明联系具体的时代背景和实际情况,秦始皇并非传统意义上的"残暴",所谓的"残暴"是因种种社会和现实原因已被夸大。  相似文献   

作为技术创造和技术转移的社会实验,建立科技园区可能成功也可能失败。本研究利用国内8个科技园内457家高技术企业的问卷调查数据,对科技园的"温床效应"、"围城效应"以及高技术企业组织战略对创新效果的调节作用进行了考察和实证检验,研究发现:科技园的"温床效应"和"围城效应"并存,而且其对创新的主效应作用明显,但是高技术企业采取合理的组织战略可以促进"温床效应"对创新的正向作用,并且合理的组织战略可以负向调节科技园"围城效应"对企业创新的抑制性作用。基于研究结论,本文也为政府相关部门和入驻科技园的高技术企业提出具有针对性的政策建议。  相似文献   

"似"与"等"的美学思想在翻译中的体现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中西译论各自所倡导的“似”和“等”翻译原则,都有其美学传统。本文从中西美学思想在艺术实践中的体现入手,探讨了中西美学思想在翻译中的体现,认为“形式对等”和“形似”、“动态对等”和“神似”在诸多方面有共同之处,可以对其加以沟通,并就在英汉翻译实践中如何运用它们提出了自己的观点。笔者认为,像“形似”和“神似”一样,“形式对等”和“动态对等”也可作为英汉文学翻译的原则,以“等效原则”作为衡量的尺度。“等效原则”也是相对的,但应成为译者努力争取的目标。  相似文献   

佘红英 《科教文汇》2011,(17):165-166
在周代的乐器分类中,"金"乃"八音"之首。"金"主要是指钟类乐器,"金奏"当是指敲击钟、镈乐器以奏乐。"金奏"是至礼备乐,一般场合是不能随便演奏的,它在中国古代是地位与权力的象征,与鼎有同样重要的意义。"金奏"乃周代的礼乐重器,在周代的音乐生活中占有十分重要的地位。本文拟在已有的文献资料和音乐考古资料的基础上对周代"金奏"的乐器种类与组合、形制演变、音乐性能等方面进行探索,以期进一步了解周代的用乐制度。  相似文献   

李莉 《科教文汇》2014,(36):15-16
本课题主要研究高职院校在“大德育”的理念下,通过“三师制”,即以思政教师和辅导员、班主任为主导力量,以“小班级”为单位的学生集体进行示范性“大德育”教育的实现途径,探讨如何激发主体能动性,培养阳光型、专业型、拓展型“三型”大学生。本文的研究,拟在实践活动中针对高职院校中班级德育教育的现状和问题,提出通过“三师制”实现对“小班级”的“大德育”培养模式的构建体系,推动高职大学生德育实效性的研究与实践实效性。  相似文献   

基切尔认为,树立于温和实在论基础之上的科学形象才是实际的,这也是将科学民主化的认识论依据;与此同时,布朗论述了将科学民主化的政治学依据。这两个依据是旨在为科学实践治理提供标准的“良序科学”理想得以建构的重要前提。“良序科学”理想要求“理想慎思过程”贯穿于科学的资助、具体的研究内容及研究成果转化的全过程,以此确保民主力量能始终发挥作用。基于“良序科学”理论来看,最近爆发的中国是否应该建造“环形正负电子对撞机和超级质子对撞机(CEPC-SPPC)”的争论至少反映出了当前中国科学实践及其治理存在的三个显著问题:1)中国科学实践的“治理”方面存在观念性障碍;2)治理主体未能充分认识到科学实践治理的民主模式及其多样性和具体性;3)治理主体未能辨明科普的双重目的:“理解”与“参与”。若要解决这些问题,下述的思路或许可供参考:1)思想观念方面强化认识科学实践时的整体论思维;2)理论研究方面引入普遍语用学的维度;3)制度设计方面重视科学实践治理的正义原则。  相似文献   

基于国内外相关理论的研究和我国客观现实的需要,在对构建产学合作制度化联合创新组织进行理论透析的基础上,提出“流程型”产业资源共享的信息化、虚拟型、制度化的联合创新组织模式架构。并就创新投入、创新资源、创新产权、创新组织的制度安排作出框架性的设计。  相似文献   

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