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The purpose of the study was to examine the confidence level in career decision-making of Bahamian adolescents in the high schools in Nassau, Bahamas, investigating factors that influence one's level of confidence in career decision-making. The Career Decision Scale along with a demographic survey were administered to 385 11th and 12th graders to examine six factors which measured the effects and/or interaction effects of influences on confidence in career decision-making. Two MANOVAs and the appropriate follow-up statistics (Tukey's Honestly Significant Difference post hoc tests) were used to determine differences and interaction effects among the variables measuring the level of career decision-making skills. Based on the findings of the study the researcher concluded that for Bahamian adolescents, the type of school, the grade level, and a visit to the school guidance office were significant factors that influenced one's level of confidence in career decision-making.  相似文献   

当今日本社会,年轻人缺乏人生目标与志向的倾向较为严重,这必将会对日本的未来发展产生影响。对此,日本政府高度重视,并号召整个社会关注与援助。他们采取职场体验的方式,进行职业体验教育,以培养学生的劳动观、职业观、社会责任感等。这方面的问题对我国也有着十分重要的警示与借鉴意义。  相似文献   

本文首先对此子课题研究的目的、意义进行简要阐述,对核心概念“职业选择”做出界定,及与其相关的文献做了综述;接着提出了本课题的理论分析框架和研究方法;再次就此次调查的结果从个人因素、环境因素以及职业选择情况利用SPSS11.0教育统计软件进行基本情况的整体分析和各因素之间的差异性分析(主要涉及方差分析和相关分析);最后得出了七个主要的结论,并就此结论分别对学生、家长和教师提出了几点切实可行的建议。  相似文献   

新高考背景下,高中生需要自主选科选课,高中生涯规划教育旨在帮助学生对职业生涯发展形成自主的认识.为了探讨父母特定生涯行为与高中生职业成熟度的关系及其内在作用机制,采用《中学生职业成熟度量表》《父母特定生涯行为量表》《职业决策自我效能量表》,对427名高一学生进行调查.研究发现:父母特定生涯行为(包括支持型、干预型、缺失型)与高中生职业成熟度显著相关;职业决策自我效能在父母特定生涯行为与职业成熟度的关系中起中介作用;父母特定生涯行为是干预型和缺失型的学生,在职业生涯规划中体验到的职业决策自我效能比父母特定生涯行为是支持型的学生少一些,导致前两者学生的职业成熟度较低.为了帮助学生做好职业决策,学校和教师应重视家长在学生生涯发展中的重要作用,做好家长的职业生涯规划教育;对高中生开展有针对性的辅导,助力其生涯发展;"五位一体",推进高中生生涯课程体系建设,提升学生的职业决策自我效能感;实施"全方位辅导",推动高中生涯规划教育改革.  相似文献   

新高考背景下,高中生需要自主选科选课,高中生涯规划教育旨在帮助学生对职业生涯发展形成自主的认识.为了探讨父母特定生涯行为与高中生职业成熟度的关系及其内在作用机制,采用《中学生职业成熟度量表》《父母特定生涯行为量表》《职业决策自我效能量表》,对427名高一学生进行调查.研究发现:父母特定生涯行为(包括支持型、干预型、缺失型)与高中生职业成熟度显著相关;职业决策自我效能在父母特定生涯行为与职业成熟度的关系中起中介作用;父母特定生涯行为是干预型和缺失型的学生,在职业生涯规划中体验到的职业决策自我效能比父母特定生涯行为是支持型的学生少一些,导致前两者学生的职业成熟度较低.为了帮助学生做好职业决策,学校和教师应重视家长在学生生涯发展中的重要作用,做好家长的职业生涯规划教育;对高中生开展有针对性的辅导,助力其生涯发展;"五位一体",推进高中生生涯课程体系建设,提升学生的职业决策自我效能感;实施"全方位辅导",推动高中生涯规划教育改革.  相似文献   

In this study, we explore how career orientations of Russian high schoolers are related to the quality of their academic capital. We introduce and validate the concept of the academic capital of high school students. We describe why we chose Schein’s Career Orientations Inventory as a screening instrument, which allows us to determine whether the individual is aware of their vector of future career advancement, and we propose how the instrument can be modified to be used among the cohort of high school students that form the subject of our study. During the course of the study, we tested three hypotheses of the interrelationship between the academic capital of high school students and their career orientations.  相似文献   

采用量表法以358名高中学生为被试样本进行心理测验,考察职业高中学生与普通高中学生缺陷感量表各因子与情感各纬度的关系.结果显示,普通高中学生正性情感和快乐感均显著高于职高学生;职业高中学生自尊心较低,自信心不足;自尊与学习能力是情感各纬度稳定有力的预测指标,它们能预测职高学生的负性情感和预测普高学生的正性情感.体能预测职高学生的正性情感,人际自信和外貌预测普高学生的负性情感.  相似文献   

本研究采用巴雷特(Jim Barrett)的职业调查测验量表,对青海民族地区的618名高中生进行了职业兴趣问卷测查。结果显示:(1)民族地区高中生的职业兴趣特征倾向依次是:实验型→文字型→组织型→艺术型→商业型→社会型→自然型;(2)民族高中和普通高中同一年级的学生、同一学校不同性别的学生、同一民族而不同学校的藏族学生,均在职业兴趣类型上具有显著性差异,但差异性程度不同。文章还分析了民族地区高中生的职业兴趣类型差异及其成因。  相似文献   

对北京市某中学初中生生涯适应力水平和生涯需求的调查发现,北京市初中生生涯适应力达到中上水平,初二学生的生涯适应力显著高于初一学生,但男女生在生涯适应力各维度上不存在显著差异;有无理想专业对初中生的生涯适应力有显著预测作用.调查样本中,87.70%的初中生认为生涯指导重要,64.30%的初中生希望通过课程的形式开展生涯指...  相似文献   

Nontraditional college students (29 women and 37 men) participated in a career counseling workshop based on Bandura's (1977) self-efficacy theory. Participants were randomly assigned to either an experimental treatment group or a delayed-treatment control group. Results suggested that participation in the workshop had a significant, positive effect on the career decision-making self-efficacy of the participants (p < .05) across levels of age, sex, year in college, and family income. Results provide support for career self-efficacy theory and indicate that the career decision-making self-efficacy of nontraditional college students is amenable to change through counseling interventions.  相似文献   

The influence of contextualfactors on the career decision states of 429South African and 623 Australian male andfemale students in grades 8 to 12 wasinvestigated. The results for both nationalsamples on the Career Decision Scaledemonstrate that grade, gender, and theinteraction of grade and gender impact on thedevelopmental progression of career decisionbehaviour. Gender differences across nationswere more pronounced for males than females.Both South African and Australian students aremore decided in lower grades. Internationaldifferences suggest that South African studentsare less certain and evidence greaterindecision than Australian students. Theimplications for educational decision pointsand career education practices are discussed.  相似文献   

通过对徐州市区普通高中的523名学生的职业生涯规划调查发现,高中生在自我认识和职业了解上不存在显著性差异,而在社会了解、规划意识及规划行动上存在着显著性差异;学校的职业生涯教育严重缺失;父母在孩子职业生涯规划上的指导缺位。高中生的职业生涯规划涉及到个人、学校、家庭和社会,只有协调好各种因素、整合好各种资源,高中生的职业生涯规划才能取得实效。  相似文献   


To study the relationship of parental occupation with academic achievement of the students, the Progressive Matrices Test was administered to 1359 randomly selected high-school students (age range 14-17 years) studying in 22 urban and six rural secondary schools in the Lucknow district. Data for parental occupation and marks in the high-school examination were also collected. It was observed that there was positive relationship between the level of parental occupation and mean high-school marks. Analysis of variance showed that the differences in the mean achievement scores of the students belonging to different occupational groups were statistically significant (F = 32.50 p<.01). Analysis of covariance showed that this relationship held good even when intelligence as measured by Progressive Matrices Test was held constant (F = 24.34 p<.01).  相似文献   

This study examined the level of career maturity of 324 secondary school students and the impact of career guidance and parental involvement on the career development of these students. The results showed that students who had been exposed to some form of career guidance in school scored higher on the Career Attitude Scale. Those who had received home support in the form of parental involvement in career planning and availability of career role models also showed a higher level of career maturity in terms of career planfulness and work orientation. Although career attitude was found to mature with age, there was no significant sex differences in the career development of these students. Such findings highlighted the importance of career guidance in school and home support in enhancing the career maturity of our students.  相似文献   

A large sample (N =1,279) of high school students was assessedusing the Career Maturity Inventory (CDI-A;Lokan, 1984). The two composite scales ofCareer Development Attitude and CareerDevelopment Knowledge were examined in relationto age, gender and whether the students hadengaged in paid work experience. Levels ofcareer maturity increased with age, and ingeneral, females at all age levels reportedhigher levels of maturity than males. Studentswith paid work experience reported higherlevels of Career Development Attitude thanthose with no paid work experience. CareerDevelopment Knowledge was not associated withpaid work experience. Gender differences alsooccurred, with females with paid workexperience generally reporting higher levels ofcareer maturity than males with paid workexperience. Results are discussed in adevelopmental context.  相似文献   

在高中语文教学中,阅读占有重要地位,不但是重要的考核内容,且对学生学习和生活具有重要的影响。而经典阅读对学生的影响更是巨大,不仅能提高学生的文学素养,丰富他们的思想,更蕴含了丰富的心理健康教育内容,可使学生身心健康发展。  相似文献   

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