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有机化学多媒体教学探析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
有机化学教学中合理使用计算机多媒体技术,可以解决数学中的诸多难题,增加教学容量和信息量,有利于学生所学知识的巩固和提高,能够提高课堂效果。  相似文献   

义务教育化学学科,以科学探究作为课程改革的突破口,强调科学探究是一种重要而有效的学习方式,又是义务教育阶段化学课程的重要学习内容。在课堂教学中合理利用资源,真正体现"教为主导,学为主体",提高探究学习的有效性。  相似文献   

Few evidence-based instructional practices achieve large-scale use, often remaining only in the schools directly involved in their development. Research on scaling up effective educational practice often lacks sensitive measures of the practice's implementation and the required research protocol. This article describes how we used rate of implementation as a sensitive measure to help identify barriers to implementation of class-wide peer tutoring (CWPT). Using communication technologies and a learning management system, we monitored the rate of CWPT implementation and its research protocol across nine schools in five states. Rate of implementation was defined as the number of weeks in which a school successfully completed the 12 implementation tasks required to reach full implementation. We discuss factors related to the variation in implementation rate (30-50 weeks) between schools, and implications of this measurement strategy for research on instructional practices and the technology used to facilitate scalability research.  相似文献   

多媒体技术在基础化学实验教学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文探讨了多媒体技术在基础化学实验教学中的应用,利用录像、电子幻灯、计算机模拟实验等手段丰富实验教学内容,活跃课堂气氛,增强学生对实验的理解和领悟能力,提高学生的动手能力。  相似文献   

对多媒体在大学化学教学中的应用进行了研究和探讨。多媒体技术在无机化学教学中应用,实现了多媒体技术与传统教学方式的结合,提高了教学质量。  相似文献   

This study examines the influence of laboratory instruction that engages students in a wide range of the practices of science on Turkish high-school students’ chemistry learning. In this mixed methods study, student learning in two different laboratory settings was compared, one that featured an instruction that engaged students in a wide range of disciplinary practices (through Argument-driven Inquiry – ADI) and similar laboratories in which a more traditional Structured Inquiry (SI) approach was employed. The data sources included a Chemistry Concept test, an Argumentative Writing Assessment, and Semi-structured interviews. After seven weeks of chemistry instruction, students experiencing ADI instruction scored higher on the Chemistry Concept test and the Argumentative Writing Assessment than students experiencing SI instruction. Furthermore, girls who experienced ADI instruction scored higher on the assessments than their majority peers in the same class. The results suggest that Turkish students can substantially improve their chemistry proficiency if they have an opportunity to engage in instruction featuring a broad array of the practices of science.  相似文献   

化学学案设计中的学习任务分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
学习任务分析是促进、优化学案设计的一门重要技术,它帮助学生将新知识与已有知识经验形成联结,为新知识提供附着点,也为学案中学习顺序的安排和导学情景的创设提供了心理依据。  相似文献   

多媒体课件在中药化学教学中能绘制中药化学成分结构及反应过程,直观展示提取分离操作流程,呈现仪器设备等,不但使课堂讲授形象、生动,而且可拓宽教学视野,增加教学内容的广度和深度,提高课堂效率。将多媒体技术与传统的教学方法相结合,可提升中药化学教学效果和质量。  相似文献   

The research to explain student’s self-regulated learning has grown rapidly in recent years. However, the studies on self-regulated learning have shown fascinating but mixed results. Thus, there is a need to identify and describe the key dimensions of self-regulated learning according to an empirical framework in order to integrate these complex results. This study attempts to explore the structure and the pattern of self-regulated learning. In a sample of high-school students, it was found that self-regulated learning consists of three components; cognitive regulation, motivational regulation, behavioral regulation. The result also shows that students can be grouped into six clusters in terms of these components. This study appears to be useful for understanding self-regulated learning conceptually but has some methodological limitations.  相似文献   

浅议多媒体技术在工科物理化学教学中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据工科物理化学的特点,结合各相关专业实际,提出将多媒体技术应用于工科物理化学教学过程中,并与传统教学方式有机结合起来,以解决该课程的抽象性强、内容多、公式多、逻辑推理严密以及学时少的问题,从而达到了培养应用型人才,提高物理化学教学质量的目的。  相似文献   

多媒体集图、文、声、动画和视频于一体,声情并茂,为教学提供了逼真的表现效果,提高了学生的学习兴趣,提高了课堂教学效果,但要明确它在教学中的地位只是辅助,不能代替其他教学手段和方法。  相似文献   

RAY is a learning environment that includes a flexible ray tracing simulation, graphic tools, and task authoring facilities. This study explores RAY's potential to improve optics learning in high school. In study 1, the teacher used RAY as a smart blackboard with a single computer in the classroom to explore, explain, and predict optical phenomena; to introduce concepts; to interpret experiments and to represent theoretical exercises. A comparative study shows a significant effect on the spontaneous and correct use of the model by students in solving problems and a limited effect on conceptual understanding. In study 2 students, guided by written materials used the simulation individually. Students considered in a systematic manner the relationship between image formation and image observation—a major conceputal stumbling stone. They reflected on the problem-solving activity and reformulated explicity their knowledge in the domain. Case studies describe the interplay between the various aspects of the learning process in the development of conceptual understanding. A comparative study shows the importance of three factors to students' understanding of concepts and their ability to use the ray model: the computerized environment (versus written instruction of similar kind); a task design that addresses directly conceptual difficulties; and the explicit reformulation of ideas.  相似文献   

Understanding the nature of chemical thinking and action, as well as their application and impact on our world should be central goals of chemistry education at all educational levels. However, traditional school chemistry is still mostly focused on having students learn the body of declarative knowledge built over the years in the discipline. Achieving changes in curriculum and teaching practices in this context remains a challenging task. Studies in the history and philosophy of the discipline suggest that chemistry has unique characteristics that need to be recognised and considered in chemistry education. Many of these studies point to a pluralism in the discipline, and in the understanding of and about chemistry, that should be characterised and incorporated into our educational models. In this essay, we have attempted to build such a characterisation using conceptual profiles theory to propose a framework that can be used to enrich and support the thinking and action of chemistry teachers at all educational levels.  相似文献   

化学课堂教学是化学教师实施创新教育的主渠道 ,改革化学课堂教学方式是化学教师培养学生创新素质的根本途径。“讨论———实验”和“情境性问题解决”教学法探讨了在化学课堂教学中实施创新教育的尝试  相似文献   

本文从应用化学教学中创设学习情景的重要性入手,着重阐述了在课外学习、课堂学习和实验学习三方面进行学习情景的创设策略.  相似文献   

根据地方师范学院实际教学情况和分析化学实验课程的特点,对应用化学专业的分析化学实验教学内容、教学方法、实验数据的记录与处理、实验课成绩考核方法、鼓励学生参加技能比赛和职业技能鉴定等方面进行了改革与探索。目的是提高教学质量和学生的就业能力,为培养社会需要的高素质实用型人才打下基础。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to describe the design of chemical engineering laboratory sessions in order to focus them on the learning company approach. This is an activity carried out in the classroom similar to the activities that exist in real companies. This could lead classroom practice to a more cooperative learning and a different style of experimentation. The stated goal is to make a design that seeks to motivate students in a cooperative manner to perform their experiments self-directed and self-organised. The teaching organisation and development of participatory action research are described.  相似文献   

在精细化工课程教学中,要提高应用化学专业大学生的创新素质,应培养学生的学习兴趣,激发其创新欲望;引导他们掌握创新方法,使之具备创新技能;增强其创新力.  相似文献   

多媒体技术是随着计算机技术的使用而发展起来的一门新兴的技术.该技术在有机化学实验教学中的应用逐渐普遍,其起到的作用可见一斑.多媒体技术能够形象直观的对实验内容进行解释,使得学生印象深刻,能够熟练记忆实验过程和实验现象,真正掌握知识.多媒体技术的使用,应该合理安排,精心设计,达到教学的真正目的.从多媒体技术应用于高职学校的有机化学实验教学的实践出发,探讨其发展状况和值得注意的问题,以期为更好的利用多媒体技术提供参考.  相似文献   

国家级基础化学实验教学示范中心网站的开发   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用目前通用的开发平台和运行环境,运用多媒体、网络和数据库技术,开发了“基础化学实验国家级教学示范中心网站”,将教学和管理融为一体,在程序的设计上注其实用性、安全性、综合性和智能性,实现了网上选课、网上预约实验、网上答疑、学生实验预习、学生自测和网络考试等重要模块功能的综合性智能化,对网站功能进一步的强化和完善作了介绍。  相似文献   

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