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西方马克思主义是在特定的时代背景下产生的,它的各个学者的研究侧重点和思想观点是不同的,他们并没有形成统一的思想体系;不仅不同流派的思想家之间缺乏真正交流,甚至同一学派的思想家之间也发生着争论。所以他们在物质观上也有较大的分歧和缺陷。而这些分歧和缺陷,为我们后学者对物质观的研究留下了较大的空间。  相似文献   

在马克思和恩格斯的哲学观点中是没有一般物质概念的,在那里,物质的概念有三个不同的含义,即自然物质、客观实践和社会存在。然而,马克思的物质观又是统一的,在马克思看来,所谓物质的东西,不过是在人类的历史发展过程中,作为这个过程的基本条件和根本动力的那些因素和力量。一般物质概念来源于旧唯物主义,它们站在直观的立场上看待世界,其真正内容是自然物质。教条主义者则用旧唯物主义的思想方法理解马克思主义。  相似文献   

西方马克思主义的社会主义观是当代国外社会主义理论的一个重要组成部分,在当代社会主义思潮演变中起着重要作用。西方马克思主义的社会主义观以人道主义为根本特征,以批判苏联模式为基础,以寻求"第三条道路"为出路,他们希望找到一种既不同于发达资本主义,又不同于现存社会主义的"新社会主义"。通过梳理和概括该流派思想的主要内容,力图对其观点做出客观的分析和评价。  相似文献   

作为科学的辩证唯物主义物质观,马克思主义物质观具有丰富而深刻的理论价值和实践意义,为我们认识世界、改造世界提供了强大的思想武器。一切从实际出发,理论联系实际,实事求是,在实践中检验真理和发展真理,是我们党在长期革命、建设和改革实践中逐步形成、发展和完善的思想路线。这条正确的思想路线是马克思主义物质观的升华——党的实事求是的思想路线体现了彻底的唯物主义一元论、唯物辩证法、能动的反映论。新时代,毫不动摇地坚持党的实事求是思想路线应做到五个基本遵循:认清和把握"实事";尊重客观规律;坚持群众路线;推进党的自我革命;坚持理论创新。  相似文献   

现代物理学的发展成果涉及了哲学物质观的若干问题。在物质的客观性和可知性问题上 ,人们在实践中所能认识的是实践场域内客体间相互作用 ,离开了实践场域 ,谈论客观事物的自在性质是否可知是没有意义的。在物质世界的无限性和有限性问题上 ,哲学宇宙观不同于自然科学宇宙论。在决定论和非决定论问题上 ,量子力学的统计特征并不表明世界在本性上是统计性的或非决定论的 ,而只表明客体间相互作用是必然和偶然的统一。在进化和退化问题上 ,从宇宙无限性角度来看 ,不能把进化或发展看成是物质世界的一般本性 ;从整体上说 ,物质世界只能是进化和退化的辩证统一。  相似文献   

随着科技的进步,社会主义国家和资本主义国家在政治经济方面发生了诸多变化,在此基础上西方社会出现了一系列自称是对马克思主义有发展的“新社会主义”,但是却提出了诸多与马克思主义根本观点不相一致的理论主张:在革命的动因和目标、革命的主体、革命的途径上都“修正”了马克思主义,我们要正确地看待这种“新社会主义”,认清其本质,识别其目的,以科学的态度正确发展马克思主义。  相似文献   

马克思主义正义观具有自身的内在价值特质和社会意义。马克思主义正义观代表了人类社会进步最基本的价值立场;构建了当代中国社会基本的价值原则;为构建和谐社会提供了一般价值工具。  相似文献   

无论是把马克思主义哲学定义为辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义,解释为实践唯物主义,或者是把它看做是超越唯心和唯物的实践哲学,物质范畴都是不可回避的.对物质范畴的规定实际上是以浓缩的形式体现着马克思主义哲学的基本特征.因此,只有把实践引入物质观,更深刻地理解马克思主义哲学的实践创生物质观.  相似文献   

西方马克思主义是当代资本主义世界产生的一股有着重大影响的社会思潮。这股思潮由卢卡奇、柯尔施、葛兰西等人首倡,后为萨特、马尔库塞、弗罗姆、阿尔都塞等在不同时代、不同方面予以继承和发展。西方马克思主义产生、发展乃至最后转向,无一不是与相对发达的资本主义社会所发生一系列巨大变化紧密联系在一起的。  相似文献   

随着现代主义思潮的发展,19世纪末,马克思主义的经典现实主义理论在理论和实践上受到了强有力的挑战。西方马克思主义者或从人道主义角度出发,或试图将现代主义艺术纳入现实主义理论模式加以阐释,出现了卢卡契的“伟大的现实主义”、费歇尔的“当代现实主义”和加洛蒂的“无边的现实主义”,从而捍卫和发展了马克思主义的现实主义理论。  相似文献   

以司马迁及《史记》为研究对象的“史记学”,与现实社会有密切关系。本从四个方面加以论述:(一)《史记》与汉代社会现实;(二)“史记学”与当代人精神;(三)“史记学”与当代经济;(四)“史记学”与当代学术。  相似文献   

本文从中国现实及教育的实际状况出发,分析和论证私学在社会主义阶段的现实基础、教育地位及社会意义.  相似文献   

以理论分析和现实考察相结合,探讨知识经济条件下,高等教育响应社会需求的应然与实然状况。社会需求的变化主要体现在产业结构的变化中,高等教育的状况体现在高等教育规模和专业设置两个方面。在厘清基本概念的基础上,提出教育领域存在市场,为高等教育发展与社会需求相协调寻找理论支撑,从供求关系和现实基础两个视角阐释高等教育发展适应地区经济结构的基本理论,描述并分析我国高校与社会需求相协调的现状与问题。  相似文献   

This paper opens with a discussion of the relevance of service integration to the successful implementation of the Integrated Community Schools (ICS) policy in Scotland. It continues to offer an overview of the teacher/speech and language therapist (SLT) collaboration policy context and introduces some of the relevant wider children's services integration policy themes. The approach and aim of a discourse-based analysis are then discussed and the paper continues to suggest how such an approach may be used to uncover individuals' identifications and subject positions. The analytical framework of five dimensions of power is introduced, empirical data are analysed to demonstrate how collaboration operates in practice in one specific collaboration relationship, and the issues of power which were uncovered are examined. The analysis would suggest that while policy discourses construct collaboration in particular ways, practitioners differentially appropriate collaboration and other professional discourses as resources with which to construct acceptable identities.  相似文献   

The 1968 structural reform of the education system in Israel was part both of a global process of democratization of education launched after the Second World War and of a larger modernization project in which the social sciences played a crucial role. This dynamic was an expression of a conjunction of interests, in which political forces used research on educational matters in order to advance their socio‐political agendas, while researchers used the state's interest in their work and in the ‘social problems’ they elaborated in order to receive public funding and to obtain state recognition of their scientific contribution. This article traces the reformist discourse structuration—the process of institutionalization of the different social science discourses in state institutions, such as universities and national institutes—in order to disclose the social sciences/politics linkage in Israel. It also puts forward the argument that in order to understand discourse structuration at a national level, it is essential to consider an additional factor: global education networks. Global networks adopted a discourse inspired by the American school model that tended to be adopted by scholars in different countries. The article focuses on the processes in Israel whereby knowledge producers elaborated the ‘inequality of opportunity’ and ‘ethnic gap’ social problems, and proffered the 1968 structural reform as the solution.  相似文献   

本文通过对十九世纪时美国社会消费主义的诞生及消费型社会文化特征的诠释,分析了十九世纪末美国的贫富差距对当时的影响,即人们对物质的强烈追求和精神文化生活的极度匮乏,即产生了诸如劳资之间的矛盾,道德观念的败坏,人性的泯灭等问题,值得引起人们的日益关注。  相似文献   

社会转型时期价值观念作用的可能与现实   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
面对社会的转型,人们的价值观念必然随之发生变化。就目前的社会现实而言,价值观念在社会发展中仍起着不可或缺的作用,这种作用既具有内在可能性,也具有实现这种可能性的现实性。因此,建构新价值观念对社会转型和社会稳定是非常必要的。  相似文献   

Research findings in the last decade indicated that although situation comedies were most popular with children, most children did not fully understand the moral of stories or the messages conveyed. Psychologists expressed concern that an adequate comprehension of messages in this genre may require complex intellectual operations which young viewers were not capable of. A broadcast presenting deceitful behaviour in a situation comedy, tested among 314 9‐12 year old children in Israel, had no immediate effect on the perception of children vis‐à‐vis norms of behaviour in their surroundings. The degree of understanding increased with age as did the level of children's critical approach and moral judgement of deceitful behaviour in the broadcast. Young viewers regarded negative behaviour presented on the screen as wrong. Evaluations of such behaviours on TV were independent of children's perception regarding the norms of behaviour in their real life environment. The study revealed that even at the age of 9, Israeli children display a high degree of understanding of motives and effects presented in a situation comedy. Sympathy for TV characters was not based on the characters’ moral/immoral behaviour, but rather on their entertaining appearance and quality of acting.  相似文献   

This article discusses how in South Korea, English-medium international schools, initially established to educate foreign residents, have recently transformed themselves into private providers of global education for South Koreans. The article explains the social, economic and political circumstances under which the South Korean government has allowed this transformation to take place in response to the forces of globalisation as well as to South Korean elites' educational demand. The article argues that English-medium international schools are elite-class reproducing institutions. The role of English, one of the major imperatives of global capitalism, will also be discussed, as this language has been impinging on South Korea's education and labour market.  相似文献   

Zheng  Jie  Wu  Hantian 《Higher Education》2022,84(3):611-628
Higher Education - This paper contends that the inclusion of meso- and micro-level perspectives has been under exploration in the study of the internationalization of humanities and social...  相似文献   

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