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周永红  张子刚  刘开军 《科研管理》2006,27(6):32-39,79
本文首先阐述企业技术创新人员发生腐败的可能性,以及这类腐败行为对企业技术创新活动产生的X效率影响。其次在评述与组织腐败相关研究文献的基础上,本文按照对人类行为由表及里的认识逻辑,从主观认知和制度缺陷两个维度入手,着重讨论推动技术创新人员实施腐败行为的动力因素,包括心理契约、资源稀缺以及制度的设计和应用。最后针对技术创新人腐败行为产生的成因,提出相应的预防对策。  相似文献   


Much of the Knowledge Management (KM) literature assumes that all relevant knowledge can be represented as information and 'managed'. But the meaning of information is always context-specific and open to subsequent reinterpretation. Moving over time or between contexts affords scope for new meanings to emerge. Making sense of information signals (speech, body language, tone-of-voice or whatever)--Aand the absence of such signals--Ainvolves dimensions of individual and collective tacit knowledge that are frequently misrepresented or ignored in mainstream KM. By relating power and knowledge to 'rules of the game', it is possible to consider how the contexts in which information is rendered meaningful are bounded, as well as crucially related in the stretch between macro-level processes and micro-level practices. In the knowledge debate, Japan stands as a counterfactual to Anglo-Saxon expectations about formal rules, liberal individualism and market-rational entrepreneurship. While seminal accounts of knowledge creation in Japanese companies impelled the West towards KM, there has been no corresponding KM-boom in Japan. Our interpretation of the processes by which Japanese and Anglo-Saxon practices are situated suggests that KM is limited by the separation of knowledge from power and information from meaning.  相似文献   

由于大厂矿区周边没有固定水源,再生资源分公司2008年完善内部生产用水改造以后,生产能正常维持。随着7#坝尾砂矿回采的枯竭,又进行内部工艺流程改造,选矿一车间便成为二车间和三车间的尾矿再处理车间,选矿生产用水问题便将成为生产组织的关键问题,解决好Φ24米循环回水处理系统,将是确保该公司生产组织的根本。  相似文献   

文章通过和国内常见的其他煤炭仓储形式比较,介绍了气膜钢筋混凝土穹顶球仓在建设和使用方面的众多优点。同时介绍了中天合创公司选煤技术人员在气膜钢筋混凝土穹顶球仓建设过程中提出的并获得成功的技术优化,以及在球仓使用过程中的经验总结,供有关技术人员参考借鉴。  相似文献   

通过对发电站二次回路的绝缘故障分析、提出检查方法和注意事项。  相似文献   

Salt stress is a major environmental factor limiting plant growth and productivity. We recently discovered an important new salt tolerance pathway, where the cell wall leucine-rich repeat extensins LRX3/4/5, the RAPID ALKALINIZATION FACTOR (RALF) peptides RALF22/23 and receptor-like kinase FERONIA (FER) function as a module to simultaneously regulate plant growth and salt stress tolerance. However, the intracellular signaling pathways that are regulated by the extracellular LRX3/4/5-RALF22/23-FER module to coordinate growth, cell wall integrity and salt stress responses are still unknown. Here, we report that the LRX3/4/5-RALF22/23-FER module negatively regulates the levels of jasmonic acid (JA), salicylic acid (SA) and abscisic acid (ABA). Blocking JA pathway rescues the dwarf phenotype of the lrx345 and fer-4 mutants, while disruption of ABA biosynthesis suppresses the salt-hypersensitivity of these mutants. Many salt stress-responsive genes display abnormal expression patterns in the lrx345 and fer-4 mutants, as well as in the wild type plants treated with epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), an inhibitor of pectin methylesterases, suggesting cell wall integrity as a critical factor that determines the expression pattern of stress-responsive genes. Production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) is constitutively increased in the lrx345 and fer-4 mutants, and inhibition of ROS accumulation suppresses the salt-hypersensitivity of these mutants. Together, our work provides strong evidence that the LRX3/4/5-RALF22/23-FER module controls plant growth and salt stress responses by regulating hormonal homeostasis and ROS accumulation.  相似文献   

本设计采用新型单总线数字温湿度传感器DHT11和光强度传感器BH1750,以STC89C52单片机为控制器,LCD1602为显示模块,蜂鸣器为报警模块,用按键对最适宜温湿度、光照进行设定,对植物生长的室内温度,湿度,光照进行测量。其中最适宜温湿度、光照都可以根据不同季节进行人为设置,当测量值超过设定值时,报警装置即会启动。对搭建后的系统测试结果表明:整个系统结构简单,功耗低,硬件接口少,易于嵌入其他系统中,经济实用。  相似文献   

自然界有花植物大约有30余万种,大体来说,世界上有多少种花,就有多少种种子。而不同的种子在形态、特征、传播途径以及作用等各个方面是各具特色的。本文通过对种子作用的多样性、种子的多样性以及种子传播途径的多样性的形象描述阐述了自然界中植物种子的千姿百态。  相似文献   

西藏林芝具有非常丰富的野生观赏植物约有1091种和变种,其中木本观赏植物有900多种,占整个野生观赏植物的80%左右。本文对其主要种类进行了归类和整理,并对其资源的保护与开发提出了初步的建议。  相似文献   

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