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PACS在医学影像学教学及临床实习已经广泛应用,本文回顾性分析总结PACS在7年制学生影像教学工作经验,结果显示:PACS教学对学生影像学知识的掌握、知识面的扩大,资料收集能力均有帮助,尤其是对培养学生独立阅读片能力和综合分析能力效果明显,教学质量显著提高,但对学生书写报告能力提升不足,强调实习学生尽量不使用报告模板。  相似文献   

"无机非金属材料工程综合实验"教学初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据"无机非金属材料工程综合实验"课程特点,发挥学生的主体作用,注重选题质量,实行开放式教学与管理。将材料结构与性能研究、材料制备、新材料开发及应用等基础实验技能贯穿起来,既加强对学生专业基本原理、基本知识和基本实验技能的培养,又能全面培养学生的创新意识与发现、提出、解决问题的综合能力,教学效果良好。  相似文献   

PACS能够通过通讯网络及高速计算机设备利用数字信息来实现医学图像资料的加工。PACS对医学图像信息具有的存储、采集、管理、传输及处理等功能。通过PACS对医学图像的有效管理和充分利用,促进了医学影像资料库的完善建立,从而为培养医学学生自主学习能力,提高医学学生临床见习和实习效果,转换医学教学模式方面提供了良好的基础和先进的技术手段。  相似文献   

船舶锚泊系统设计与性能仿真实验是一项设计性、综合性、实践性很强的实验,将“虚拟现实+互联网”技术融入实验教学项目,坚持“学生中心”的原则,面向船舶与海洋工程行业,突出锚泊舾装设计关键技术,开发了虚拟仿真实验项目,丰富了船舶及海工机械装备设计课程内涵。学生通过参加具有开发性、发散性的设计过程,提高了对大型复杂船舶辅助机械系统的设计能力、创新开发能力及独立解决问题能力。该虚拟仿真实验在培养具有高效安全可靠设计理念的现代船舶及海工机械装备复合型创新人才中发挥了积极作用。  相似文献   

为提高电子技术相关专业本科生的实践能力,激发学生对电子技术的兴趣,并帮助其积累开发经验,设计了真随机数发生器实验。实验基于Xilinx公司的ZedBoard开发板,将硬件描述语言与嵌入式软件开发相结合,使学生熟悉并掌握嵌入式开发与FPGA开发的不同设计思路,同时了解真随机数生成原理及ZedBoard中PL与PS端的数据交互方法,有助于提升学生的综合能力。  相似文献   

PACS系统在医学影像教学中的应用优势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨影像存档及传输系统(PACS)在影像教学中的应用优势.方法:从我科室承担教学任务的班级中随机抽选出4个班,分为2组,1组为PACS系统教学组,1组为对比组.2组分别采用PACS系统教学和传统教学方式,最后以问卷及考核来评价.结果:PACS组学生读片测验及卷面考试中,成绩显著高于传统教学组,问卷调查PACS组学生绝大多数认可该教学方法.结论:将PACS系统应用影像教学中,能显著提高教学效果及质量,并是学生欢迎的教学方式.  相似文献   

改革高分子综合实验,尝试开放型的实验模式,注重将实验开发与学生素质培养、潜能开发相结合,着重培养学生的独立动手能力、综合运用知识能力等。  相似文献   

PACS(Picture Archiving and Communication System,图像归档和通讯系统)查询病例简易,具有海量储存空间,可以较为便捷地提供大量高品质病例图片,有助于培养学生核医学临床实践能力,还可保证核医学考核的公平、合理性,进一步提高试题质量,在核医学考核中具有较好的应用前景。在实际工作中,应注重维护PACS安全,并将PACS试题的理论考核与实践考核相结合,将能更好地发挥PACS在核医学考核中的优势,促进教学水平提高。  相似文献   

物理学是一门以实验为基础的科学,实验方案的设计,是发展学生智力,培养学生能力特别是创新能力的有效途径,但同时也是学生普遍感到困难的事情.为了解决这个问题,提高学生实验设计的能力,我们对有些学生实验的教学方法进行了改革,将实验方案的设计权力真正地交给学生,把由教师主  相似文献   

王立平 《中学生物学》2009,25(10):30-32
1教材分析 “胚胎分割及胚胎干细胞”是普通高中课程标准实验教科书人教版生物选修三“现代生物科技专题”中的内容。该内容属于专题三胚胎工程中第三节“胚胎工程的应用及前景”的第二课时。选修模块是为了满足学生多样化的需要而设计的,它有助于拓展学生的生物科技视野,增进学生对生物科技与社会关系的理解,提高学生的实践和探究能力。但鉴于教学内容的现代性与我校实验设备条件之间的矛盾,因此发展探究能力将比较多地集中在学习资料的收集分析、撰写专题综述、口头交流、讨论或辩论等方面,并辅以适量可行的调查或实验活动。  相似文献   

为了提高PACS系统之间以及PACS系统内部各成员间的交互性和资源共享性,提出了将XML技术引入DICOM网络通信的设想,这将大大降低DICOM固有的网络通信的复杂性,增强适应性和可扩展性。提出了一种新的DICOM网络通信模型,并在此模型基础上就建立分布式PACS系统做了详细的研究与设计。  相似文献   

Peace and conflict studies (PACS) higher education is a blossoming field. Literature (both conceptual and conjectural) and research (theoretical and empirical) has proliferated in recent decades. This paper details case findings from an ethnographic study with university-based PACS educators completed at one University of The United Nations in 2015. The six-month ethnography involved document analysis, participant observation, and semi-structured interviews with 25 peace scholars and 108 postgraduate students. Data was thematically coded and analyzed using concepts from critical race/critical Whiteness studies. This paper outlines the study and explores the theme of Whiteness that emerged from data. Findings point toward the cultural reproduction of Whiteness in the faculty, pedagogy, and institution. The paper concludes with a discussion of implications concerning global equity and ‘post-structural violence’ in PACS education, as well as a call for further research into the role of peacebuilding education in broader social change.  相似文献   

Peace and conflict studies (PACS) education has grown significantly in the last 30 years, mainly in Higher Education. This article critically analyzes the ways in which this field might be subject to poststructural critique, and posits Bourdieusian second-order reflexivity as a means of responding to these critiques. We propose here that theory-building within PACS education is often limited by the dominance of Galtung and Freire, and that, while the foundational ideas of positive and negative peace, structural and cultural violence, conscientization, reflexivity and critical pedagogy are still relevant today, they nevertheless need to be combined in new ways with each other, and with Bourdieu’s notions of habitus and field, to adequately respond to poststructural critique. Thus, we call here for greater field-based reflexivity in twenty-first century PACS.  相似文献   

PACS系统是实现医学影像信息管理的重要条件,它对影像的采集、显示、储存、交换 和输 出进行数字化处理,最终实现影像的数字化储存和传送,使影像诊断技术走向更深层次。顺 利实现PACS系统设计方案和系统构建任务具有非常重要的意义。系统总的设计原则是根据医 院自身情况进行,要遵从DICOM标准化设计,达到标准化,模块化,可扩展性,灵活性,实 时性的目标。  相似文献   

随着信息技术的发展,医学影像教学中的传统教学模式不能适应现代医学的发展,采用PACS教学模式不但能提高教学效益,而且有利于学生将来能较快地适应工作环境,是一种符合社会发展趋势的教学模式。  相似文献   

本文发展了一种基于Laplace变换的直接微扰方法 ,求出了sine-Gordon孤子微扰论中各级修正的Green函数并首次将它用Bessel函数表出  相似文献   

PACS系统的关键技术及其发展前景   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
PACS系统的作用是使医学影像能够被网络用户在线使用,要做到这一点,关键是解决网络设计和技术研究两大问题,网络设计要实现物理层,应用层,管理/用户层方面模块设计,技术研究则要侧重于图像压缩传输、存储、搜索、可视化、安全性等方面的研究。  相似文献   

为了适应医院日益增大的体检客流量,医院重新开发了一套新的体检信息系统,优化了体检流程,同时与HIS、LIS、PACS等系统直接通过接1:1数据共享,大大减轻了医院体检工作人员的工作量,而且更规范、更合理。  相似文献   

First, third, and fifth graders' ( N = 201) reactions to 2 types of and (direct help [answers] and indirect help [hints]) commonly used by helpers to assist children were examined. The children were randomly assigned to receive either direct or indirect help on a task, and then were asked to try a similar task immediately and again a few days later. Direct help was expected to elicit dependency, whereas indirect help was expected to elicit independent reactions. Age and/or sociocognitive level were predicted to moderate the effects of help. Direct help resulted in feelings of threat, low perceived control, and high dependency help-seeking for girls, but not for boys. Boys who received indirect help and understood the notion of consistency of personality requested less dependent help than did boys with less of this sociocognitive skill. Moreover, children high in the understanding of consistency of personality were more autonomous (i.e., helped themselves more) in the indirect than in the direct help condition.  相似文献   

Abstract Microcomputer aided instruction often provides pupils with a means of obtaining assistance. The findings of an initial study suggested that experience on a microcomputer task with a help facility does not necessarily lead to improved performance. The frequent use of a help facility was associated with poorer concurrent performance and was associated with poorer performance when the help facility was no longer available. The possibility that the effects of the help facility were confounded by other variables led to a second controlled investigation of this issue. This experiment confirmed that a help facility was of no significant benefit and appeared to interfere with some aspects of the pupils’ performance. The initial investigation also examined other sources of influence on computer‐based problem solving. It was found that, as predicted, pupils with an intrinsic orientation tended to use a help facility less and to choose more difficult problems. However, pupils who were intrinsically orientated were not found to be any better at computer‐based problem solving than pupils who were less intrinsically orientated. Finally, no differences were found in computer‐based problem solving according to gender or the pupils’ access to home computers.  相似文献   

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