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<正>2019年度《中学政治及其他各科教与学》共转载论文188篇,全文转载报刊56种,本刊以15篇的论文被转载量继续位列其中,并且名列前茅!  相似文献   

<正>一、统计分析1.刊物转载情况概述2015年年度《复印报刊资料·小学数学教与学》(以下简称《小学数学教与学》)共转载论文159篇,被全文转载的报刊有33种。其中《小学教学》《教学月刊》《小学数学教育》《小学教学研究》《小学数学教师》等转载量最大的14种刊物转载总量占84.9%,有7种刊物年度转载量超过10篇,这7种...  相似文献   

通过对2012—2022年中国人民大学《复印报刊资料·中学政治及其他各科教与学》全文转载的思政教育论文统计分析,得到研究成果历年转载量、源杂志转载量、第一作者情况、所转载论文的课题和基金项目等研究情况,并得出全文转载的内容以高中思想政治学科为主、近十年研究无课题和基金项目的转载论文占比较大、第一作者主要分布于江浙京地区且已形成一定的主力群体等结论。未来思政教育研究需要重视思政学科核心素养落地、道德与法治课标研究、跨学科主题学习开展、思政教师专业发展和信息化与人工智能结合等方向。  相似文献   

1917年,毛泽东发表于《新青年》杂志上的《体育之研究》一文,内容非常丰富,历来为专家所重视,被誉为中国近代体育理论的开山之作。笔者从该文对体育“真义”的界定,体育与德育、智育的辨证关系的论述,体育的特殊功效的揭示以及对我国有关体育错误思想的批判等方面,探讨《体育之研究》理论的创新以及具有的历史和现实意义,探索体育在我国教育改革和社会生活中的地位,以引起教育工作者时体育的重视。  相似文献   

通过对2001—2021年中国人民大学《中学政治及其他各科教与学》全文转载的思政教师论文的历年转载量、源杂志转载量,以及第一作者情况统计分析,得到思政教师研究成果主要集中于思政教师专业素养研究、思政教师行为研究、思政教师专业发展等方面,且存在相关实证研究较少等问题。未来对思政教师研究需要重视思政教师专业标准研制、思政教师专业素养研究、思政教师专业发展评价、乡村思政教师专业队伍建设,以及加强思政教师的实证研究。  相似文献   

我国的改革开放和现代化建设事业以进入了一个新的阶段,随着《中国教育改革与发展纲要》的颁布和实施,学校体育在全面发展教育、在国民体育、终身体育和精神文明建设中的重要地位和作用,必将越来越充分地显现出来。积极推进和全面实施素质教育是实现科教兴  相似文献   

职业性体育是高等专业学校体育的实质和特色的体现.国家教育部颂发的《全国高等专业体育课程教学指导纲要》及其《实施细则》明确规定了职业估育教学的时数比重.为推动高职学校职业性体育的发展,本文拟对其性质、任务、原则、特点及针对性手段,从理论和实践上作以研究与概述.  相似文献   

《学习〈为人民服务〉》和《忆张思德》两文,原载1964年12月5日《解放军报》.为供教师学习毛主席《为人民服务》一文参考,现特转载于此.  相似文献   

一.基本原理和认识 体质的问题,在体育教学中是个社会、家庭、教育多方面的系统问题。在联合国科教文组织《体育运动国际宪章》中明确指出:“体育运动就个人来说是有助于维持和增进健康,提供一种有益的消遣,使人克服现代生活的弊病:就社会来说,能丰富社会交往和培养公正的精神,  相似文献   

姜志军,男,1954年生于山东省平原县.毕业于哈尔滨师范大学中文系.现任《呼兰师专学报》主编,1996年晋升为编审,是当时全国高校文科学报界最年轻的编审.他勤奋严谨;学术造诣精深.现已在《红楼梦学刊》、《中国人民大学学报》、《北京师范大学学报》、《北方论丛》、《求是学刊》等刊物上,发表论文百余篇.有大量文章被《新华文摘》、《中国人大资料中心》、《全国高校文科学报文摘》、《中国现代文学研究丛刊》等全文转载和摘要转载.真论文多次获得全国教育总工会、全国高校学报研究会,东北地区高校学报研究会、黑龙江省委宣传部、省新闻出版局、省科委、黑龙江省高校学报研究会等优秀科研论文一等奖.已出版专著、主编、参编书籍20余部。  相似文献   

作者运用文献计量学、统计学的方法,对<承德民族师专学报>1981-2004年间刊载论文的年代分布量、学科分布、篇均页码、发表时滞、引文情况等进行统计分析,定量地揭示了该刊的学术质量及办刊特色.结果表明,<学报>载文量适当,发表论文主题分布特色鲜明;一些专辑的出版时效性强,影响力大,转载率高;发表时滞不长;信息密度逐年上升;篇均页码较初期缩短;教育教学类论文量偏多,学术水平有待进一步提高;引文量分布较少;无参考文献篇数较多;影响因子有待提高;基金论文的发文量少,基金论文的发表应予以重视与加强.并由此提出了学报的改进意见.  相似文献   

本文通过对2010年人大复印报刊资料《职业技术教育》所转载论文的统计分析,回顾了这一年来我国职业技术教育理论研究所取得的成绩和呈现的特点,并对2011年我国职业技术教育理论研究的走向进行宏观展望。  相似文献   

In our article, we explore the possibility of formulating theses about teaching as one way to use research as a basis for educational action. The theses are formulated from current educational research on teaching and learning in higher education. We also explore the potential for action and the consequences derived from the theses. With our theses, we criticise less complex ways of using research for educational purposes. Through theses we can suggest directions for action without prescribing certain methods or procedures and provide answers without reducing the teachers' possibilities for choice or diminishing their responsibility for their actions. Our exploration is an invitation to a collaborative exploration of theses on teaching and learning in order to broaden and deepen our shared basis for educational action.  相似文献   

主要运用文献计量学方法,通过对我国1999~2009年间与航海体育相关的论文,从文章的载文情况、著者情况进行了统计,分析其主要特征与规律,对研究的现状进行客观分析与评价,找出存在的问题及发展规律,为航海体育科研发展提供理论依据.结果表明,我国航海体育论文的发文量各省市发展不均衡,航海体育科研论文总体上呈波浪式增长趋势;我国航海体育论文的研究内容集中在课程设置与改革上;具有副教授以上职称的中年专业教师是我国航海体育科研的主力军.  相似文献   

To rise to the challenge of today’s university, professors make use of many types of pedagogical innovation. This paper examines professors’ perceptions of the impact arising from innovative teaching through a qualitative study based on semi-structured interviews conducted with assistant, associate and full professors of a Canadian university. Grounded theory analysis shows that pedagogical innovations support learning, professionalisation and graduation, and remote access to courses for students, and alters their behaviours and attitudes. Moreover, pedagogical innovations reinvent teaching practices and satisfy professors, while the associated academic institution can take pride in the achievement. Paradoxically, the outcomes of this study highlight the recognition granted to pedagogical innovators, in contrast to innovative teaching, which remains denigrated. This paper discusses the implications of the findings for educational practice and provides recommendations as well as avenues for further research.  相似文献   

Research on work life and job satisfaction of university professors is becoming an important research issue in the field of higher education. This study used questionnaires administered to 1 770 teachers from different levels, types, and academic fields of Chinese universities to investigate job satisfaction among university professors and the relationship between job satisfaction of university professors and the organizational characteristics of the university. The job satisfaction of Chinese university professors includes six dimensions: career development and school management, teaching and research services, salary, benefits and logistical services, professional reputation, teaching and research facilities, and the work itself. The overall job satisfaction levels are close to average, with salary and benefits receiving the lowest level of satisfaction. The organizational characteristics of universities, such as school type, school level, academic field, organizational climate, evaluation orientation, and school management, all have significant effects on the overall job satisfaction of university professors. The organizational climate and school level affect all six dimensions of job satisfaction among university professors.  相似文献   

Twenty female and 23 male professors at a liberal arts college participated along with their 803 undergraduate students in a questionnaire study of the effects of professor gender, student gender, and divisional affiliation on student ratings of professors and professor self-ratings. Students rated their professors on 26 questions tapping five teaching factors as well as overall teaching effectiveness. Professors rated themselves on the same questions as well as on nine exploratory ones. On student ratings, there were main effects for both professor gender (female professors were rated higher than male professors on the two interpersonal factors) and division (natural science courses were rated lowest on most factors). These patterns were qualified by significant interactions between professor gender and division. Although professor self-ratings varied by division, there were few significant correlations between professor self-ratings and students' ratings. Implications for future research are discussed.Appreciation goes to Laura Capotosto and Julie Phelan for their research assistance.Suzanne Montgomery is now at Widener Law School, Philadelphia, PA, USA.  相似文献   

教授承担本科教学是关系到本科教育质量的一件大事。对全国八所一流大学教授的访谈表明,教授们都很重视本科教学,但现存教师评价体系对教学不重视等原因,影响了教授承担本科教学的积极性。教授们认为,要改变现状,必须从澄清教学与科研观念、改革现行教师评价和教学管理制度、营造重视本科教学的良好氛围等多方面努力。  相似文献   

通过对中国人民大学复印报刊资料《教育学》转载论文的统计分析,可以看出,2011年教育学研究的热点集中于教育公平、学前教育、公民教育、教师专业发展、教育评价等问题,质性研究方法、教育隐喻、儿童游戏等也是教育学研究的重点问题。在未来教育学研究的发展中,将关注社会主义核心价值体系教育、义务教育均衡发展、教育投入及经费支配等问题。  相似文献   

The present study focused on making invisiblecolleges of educational science in Finlandvisible through analysing networking relationsbetween scientific research communities. Thestudy aims at developing methods to analyse theintensity and focus of social collaborationbetween educational research groups in order tounderstand internal relations of scientificdiscipline and support scientific evaluationwith information about participation andinformal communication beyond quantity ofpublished products. Informal and formalnetworking connections of the professors ofeducation in Finland were examined by usingdifferent methods of social network analysis. The results of the study revealed that theinformal information flow between professors ofeducation concentrated within universitieswhereas more formal collaborative relations(e.g. citations) cross boundaries betweenuniversities. The educational research wasstructured as three distinct invisible colleges(learning researchers, research on teaching,and the sociology of education). Furthermore,the professors differed considerably in termsof informal collaborative relations andcitations. Only a few central actors dominatededucational research in receiving the majorityof the citations, whereas some professorsappeared to be completely isolated from othereducational research network. We conclude thatsocial network analysis opens up a newpromising perspective, which can be used inanalysing and assessing different branches ofscience.  相似文献   

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