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高等教育政策既有一般公共政策的共性,更有自身独有的特性。拉迪斯拉夫·塞里奇认为高等教育政策具有目标的含糊性与冲突性、执行的复杂性与缓慢性,以及环境变化的多重效应等特征。塞里奇的高等教育政策观,对我们揭示高等教育政策的本质与规律,以及提升高等教育政策制定的质量和执行的效益无疑都具有重要的理论意义与实践价值。  相似文献   

The Future of Higher Education and the Future of Higher Education Research   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Higher education research isclosely linked to the debates on highereducation policy and practice. It provides theinformation basis for decisions about thefuture of higher education. As the themes of the public debate on problems and reform needs in higher education change quickly, higher education research has to anticipate future problems andthemes of debates in order to develop conceptsand to generate knowledge well in advance.Future-conscious higher education researchmight aim to identify likely future changes inthematic areas which are already in thelimelight of public attention, as trends in theareas of expansion of higher education,diversification of structures of the highereducation system, system steering andinstitutional management as well asinternationalisation and globalisation suggest.Moreover, future-conscious higher educationresearch should try to identify thematic areasnot frequently discussed at present but likelyto be major issues in the future. For example,professionalisation of higher education interms of the emergence and expansion of newadministrative and service professions inhigher education institutions might havefar-reaching implications in the future and isworth to be paid attention by higher educationresearchers.  相似文献   

高等教育与社会就业的关系极其复杂,一些研究发现了"就业"与"就学"的相互替代、高等教育发展与经济发展的"反周期"、高等教育调节分割的劳动力就业市场供需关系等现象,这些发现已经具有了公共政策的意义。事实上,很多国家在运用高等教育调节社会就业中取得成功。本文研究了高等教育调节社会就业的理论基础和主要经验,提出了我国现阶段运用高等教育作为公共政策工具调节社会就业的四个方面的政策选择。  相似文献   

Politics, Interest Groups and State Funding of Public Higher Education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
State support of public higher education has rapidly declined relative to total state spending. Much of this decline in support is due to the rapid growth in spending on such things as Medicaid. However, relative support of public higher education varies significantly between states. This study applies Tandberg’s (2009) fiscal policy framework created to explain state support of public higher education in order to evaluate the relationship between various factors and states’ relative support of higher education. While Tandberg’s fiscal policy framework accounts for traditional economic and demographic factors in explaining state support for higher education, it also draws attention to political influences as well including the impact of state-level interest groups. Using cross-sectional time-series analysis these relationships are explored over a 19-year period. The findings provide evidence of the significant impact of interest groups and politics on state fiscal policy in regard to higher education.  相似文献   

教育是一项社会公益事业,高等教育作为教育的一个重要组成部分,其公益性主要体现在高等教育应该符合国家和社会公共利益。中国的现实国情与高等教育的功能体系决定必须把公益性作为中国高等教育的出发点和落脚点。为确保高等教育的公益性,政府必须加强宏观调控和政策引导,大学自身必须彰显本色和强化责任,同时也亟待社会的积极支持和主动参与。  相似文献   

Privatization refers to the changing funding base for public higher education. Beginning in the late 1970s, state governments slowly but steadily decreased the level of support for higher education. As the state support declined, student tuition rose, both in absolute terms and as a percentage of the support for the Education and General budgets of public colleges and universities. At the same time, the rationale for higher education changed, from viewing it as a public benefit—with the major share of the cost borne by the public—to describing it as a private benefit—with the students paying the major share of the cost. A public policy issue of this magnitude requires the involvement of the public in an informed discussion before change occurs.  相似文献   

The article adopts a comparative approach to review three periods of theory development in research into higher education policy implementation. Given the conceptual affinity between Cerych and Sabatier's 1986 seminal study into higher education policy implementation and public policy implementation theory, the field of public policy is chosen for reference and comparison. The article argues, first, that the underlying characteristics of higher education research such as sector‐isolatedness, application drift and sensitivity to political agendas hindered the development of sector‐specific theories of policy implementation. Second, this gap in theory formation started to be narrowed from the late 1990s onwards, due to critical reappraisal of the 1986 study and due to limited utilisation of mid‐range theory concepts conceived within or related to the public policy field. It is through the utilisation of such public policy theory that higher education implementation research may reach a more mature stage.  相似文献   

希腊高等教育具有政府举办、学校自治的特征。希腊宪法规定,高等教育是公立的,高校实行完全免费政策。绝大多数高等教育机构在行政体制上由国家教育与宗教事务部管理,少数由其他部委监管;同时法律赋予高等学校完全的自治权和学术自由,在学校内部运行和管理上有完善的学校制度。  相似文献   

全球化背景下高等教育公私属性的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用萨缪尔森的产品概念来界定高等教育产品的公私属性,并以此来分析高等教育的全球性、浮现的世界市场和全球公共产品,那么以是否国有来界定高等教育产品的属性就行不通了.若从社会特性来区分产品的公私属性,那么全球的高等教育产品只能分为非排他性和非竞争性两类.由于公共产品往往在市场上生产不足,所以,充分认识高等教育私有产品在世界市场上的内在属性有现实意义.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the higher education literature surrounding happiness and related notions: satisfaction, despair, flourishing and well‐being. It finds that there is a real dearth of literature relating to profound happiness in higher education: much of the literature using the terms happiness and satisfaction interchangeably as if one were tantamount to the other, such conflation being due to the move towards consumerism within higher education and the marketisation of the sector. What literature there exists that actually deals with the profound happiness of students in higher education, generally argues that in the United Kingdom institutions do not currently do enough to promote happiness in higher education. These findings imply that flourishing, contentment and well‐being should be regarded as legitimate goals of higher education, alongside satisfaction and related economic outcomes that are currently promoted across academic and policy literature, university rankings and the National Student Survey.  相似文献   

实现高等教育大众化是当今乃至今后我国高等教育发展的总体目标。作为一项公共政策,在政策执行过程中必然受到各种因素的影响,从而使政策的执行难以实现预期的目标。因此,需要对影响高等教育大众化的因素进行仔细分析。  相似文献   

The Portuguese higher education system has been called upon to play an important role in the regional development of the country through the initial training of technical and managerial cadres and through continuing education. With this role in mind, the State gave its support to the founding of a number of higher education institutions, both public and private, at university and at polytechnic level. Thus the disparities with regard to the availability of higher education throughout Portugal are being reduced. As a result of these measures, all the regions of the country have registered considerable increases in the numbers of students enrolled in higher education institutions, even if these figures are very small compared to those with regard to higher education enrollment in the other countries of Europe. The Portuguese case is an excellent illustration of the future of higher education, not only with regard to the initial training of cadres, but also with regard to the continuing education of teaching staff members and technicians. Research will play a decisive role, not only in production, but also as a means of assuring the continuing education of managerial staffs who are in particular need of it.  相似文献   

高校教育资本来源主渠道的机制改革探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高等院校产品的准公共性质,决定了公共财政在高校资本供给中的主渠道地位。同时,由于高校产品具有较强的外溢性、排他性、竞争性及较高的个人投资收益率,所以适当增大成本的个人分担比例也是必要的。中国高校教育资本来源主渠道的公共财政及学费,现阶段存在供给机制上的不合理性,改革公共财政投资体制,完善学费决策机制是高等教育扩招政策顺利实施的重大举措。  相似文献   

随着我国经济社会快速发展,广大人民群众对公共服务的需求日益增加,公共服务类高职教育日益得到社会的关注。从国家执政理念、政策的变化,公共服务的现实需求,公共服务类高职教育的现状出发,系统阐述举办公共服务类高职教育的必要性,并对该类高职教育的特点和人才培养的内在规律进行了分析。从深化合作的角度就推进公共服务型类高职教育发展提出建议。  相似文献   

Location is an important dimension of higher education, even in a small country like England. While part-time courses clearly need to be accessible to their potential students if they are to serve a useful purpose, this is also true, though to a lesser extent, of full-time provision (and many institutions offer both). Widely varying locational strategies have been adopted by institutions of higher education in the past, and the distribution of higher education opportunities remains highly skewed, with university and public sector provision concentrated in particular areas of the country. Greater attention needs to be given to locational considerations in the future planning of higher education if reasonably equal access is to be ensured. Five policy implications of such a strategy are identified - provision should be increased in areas currently under-provided for; institutions should adjust their provision so as to serve a greater regional and local role; part-time provision, particularly at first degree level, should be expanded; mixed forms of distance and face-to-face higher education should be developed; less emphasis should be placed on the residential element in higher education .  相似文献   

根据对亚太国家和地区的调查数据 ,评价了一些已被广泛认可的假设 ,同时也论述了高等教育与社会发展的关系。认为亚太地区发展中国家的高等教育应有相应的优先发展权。文章还对亚太地区高等教育的发展水平和公共政策 (其中也包括关于高等教育和私立高等教育的筹资政策 )作了评价 ,强调必须增加对高等教育的公共投资 ,反对过分依赖成本回收措施和私立高等教育。  相似文献   

希腊高等教育具有政府举办、学校自治的特征.希腊宪法规定高等教育是公立的,高校实行完全免费政策.希腊绝大多数高等教育机构在行政体制上由国家教育与宗教事务部管理,少数由其它部委监管;法律赋予高等学校完全的自治权和学术自由,在学校内部运行和管理上有完善的学校制度.  相似文献   

This article reflects on the desire to defend and claim public education amidst the educational policy effects of contemporary neoliberal politics. The defence of public education, from schools to higher education, undoubtedly provides a powerful counter-veiling weight to the neoliberal policy logic of education-as-individual-value-accrual. At a time of intense global policy reform centred on marketisation in education, the public education institutions of the post-war welfare state are often characterised as being lost, attacked, encroached upon and dismantled. In this paper, I contend it is important to avoid mobilising a memory of public educational pasts that do not account for their failings and inequalities. Turning to a historical engagement with the emergence of neoliberal politics, the paper explores how challenges and contestations surrounding ‘the public’ from multiple standpoints converged in the rise of neoliberalism. Recognition of these convergences and contestations, I suggest, assists to provide a more nuanced account of the relationship between neoliberal reform and the welfare state, and thus of the complex task of imagining, claiming and working towards a just and equitable public education.  相似文献   

国家政策在一定程度上决定了我国民办高等教育的生存与发展.目前国家政策把民办高校定位于专科层次的高等职业教育.这种不合理的定位限制了民办高等教育的进一步发展.因此要调整民办高等教育的政策定位,允许有条件的民办高校进入本科及研究生教育领域,实现公办高校与民办高校共同发展.  相似文献   

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