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在新编的中学英语教材中,more than与more…than多次出现,其用法与含义却不尽相同,本文主要谈谈如何判断其词义。1.当more than后接数词时,意思是“多过”“超过”“……以上。”相当于over,可与over换用。如:Between 1975 and 1980 morethan 1.2mil,lion trees were planted.(SBI,L18)在1975年到1980年期间一共种植了120万株树。Altogether the centre lost more than 1,000trees in the huricane.(SBⅡ,L43)这个中心在飓风中总共损失了1000多株树。But it will be more than 100 years beforethe country begins once again to look as didbefore.(SBⅡ,L43)不过,这个国家要想恢复到以前那样,得要100多年。  相似文献   

No more than与Not more than@田温  相似文献   

University governance reforms: potential problems of more autonomy?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
University governance reforms are very much a reflection of the broader New Public Management reforms that are focusing on increasing efficiency in public organizations. The article deals with how university reform ideas of a generic nature, emphasizing that universities should be treated and reformed like any other public organizations, are important and reflected in specific reform measures. The special empirical focus is on that universities through reforms are changing their formal affiliation to superior ministries in a more autonomous direction, implicating more autonomy in financial, management and decision-making matters. One the other hand, universities are also through reforms more exposed to more report, scrutiny and control systems, financial incentive systems, pressure to get resources from other sources than the government, cut-back management, etc. So a main question in the analysis is whether universities, as traditionally having quite a lot of real autonomy, through the reforms in fact are getting less autonomy, not more, like the reforms entrepreneurs often are promising. The analysis is based on a transformational approach from organization theory, representing a combination of structural, cultural and environmental factors of explanation for reforms processes and their effects. Empirically the article is based on the author’s own empirical studies of university reform and reviews of comparative studies.  相似文献   

在英语中,“the more…the more”句型以其匀称的结构深得人们的喜爱,在各种文体中出现较为频繁,在各种教材中都见到它的身影。在教学中,笔者发现有不少同学对其用法一知半解,甚至误解,在英语写作中出现的错误现象更是比比皆是。有鉴于此,笔者拟就“the more…the more”结构的用法作一探讨,希望对英语学习者有所裨益。  相似文献   

Two years of assessment results from the full‐time MBA of a highly ranked UK business school are examined to compare the outcomes for students for whom English is a second language (ESL) with those for whom English is a primary language (EPL). The results suggest that the overall higher level of higher‐degree outcomes for the EPL group is underpinned by evidence of an interaction between assessment methodology (coursework versus timed, closed book examinations) and assessment outcomes with examinations particularly disadvantaging the ESL cohort in terms of final grades.  相似文献   

more than和no(not)more than不仅仅是反义词,它们在不同的句子中表示不同的意思,列举如下:  相似文献   

One more cake     
The old lady was delighted with the gift the boy and brought her."I'll go round and see your mother tomorrow," she said, "And I'll thank forthis lovely pie.""Um, if you don't mind," the boy said nervously, "could you thank her fortwo pies?"One more cake…  相似文献   

小议more than     
本文从语法的角度分析、探讨more than的用法及翻译。  相似文献   

我唱着歌在水房里接开水,关上龙头,就看见爱林扭开了旁边的水龙头。“向佳,你好啊,真巧。”爱林笑着向我打招呼,露出一排洁白的牙齿,说实话,她是个漂亮的女孩子。我当然也朝她微微一笑,“一路回寝室吧。”她用劲地点点头。开水瓶有点沉,我们一步一步走,慢慢地,很稳当。爱林有些吞吐地打开一个话题,“向佳,教教我怎  相似文献   

在看朋友借给我的《郭敬明作品集》。 他在自序中这样写道:……突然前所未有 地想念我远在几千公里之外的我的中学。 很少有人知道它,它不像北京四中、黄冈 中学那么有名,连我们高三做的参考书上 都有它们的名字,我的学校很简单,我在 里面笑过,闹过,风光过,也哀伤过流泪 过。去过,也离开过……读到这里,心里 微微地牵动,继而,很冲动地想起自己那 亦不是很出名的初中。  相似文献   

Bullying in schools is an international problem impacting negatively on children’s well-being. Children’s drawings can provide an insight into their emotional states. There is little published literature that uses children’s drawings to gain better understandings of the nature and impact of bullying. We report two studies using indicators of emotional distress to examine Australian primary school children’s drawings about bullying. In Study One, children’s drawings were examined using indicators of size, detail and line heaviness in terms of gender and developmental trends. The analysis showed no main differences for gender, however, there were clear developmental aspects to children’s depictions of school bullying. In Study Two, children’s self-reported victimisation was associated with the degree of detail and the relative distance between the protagonists represented in the drawings. The studies suggest that drawings could be used to counsel young people and help remediate the effects of bullying.  相似文献   

Resistance to more humanistic forms of science education is an endemic and persistent feature of university scientists as well as school science teachers. This article argues that science education researchers should pay more attention to its origins and to the subtleties of its stubborn influence. The paper explores some of the imperatives which dominate the continuing practices of teachers; the linkages between school and university science; and re-considers the relationships between learning science, learning to do science and learning about science. It draws on recent, prominent publications, as well as neglected and rather more contentious material, to underline the unhelpfully narrow view of science held by those who defend the traditional disciplinary influences of biology, chemistry and physics. Suggestions are made as to where those of a more radical and determined disposition should direct their attention in the interests of improved education, vital scientific progress as well as human survival. It is argued that university science must change in order to ensure that teachers better help their students to learn, do and appreciate science.  相似文献   

Effective instructional explanations help the students to construct coherent mental representations. To do so, one condition is that they must be tailored to students’ needs. It is hypothesized that explanations are more helpful if they also explicitly aid the students to detect problems in their mental representations, as this provokes an impasse that motivates students to process the explanation deeply. Participants were provided with a computer-based material on plate tectonics and then with explanatory support in the form of either a tailored explanation preceded by an impasse-trigger (I + E group) or an identical explanation without the impasse-trigger (noI + E group). After the reading of the materials they solved retention and transfer tests; their flawed ideas were also counted. Participants in the I + E group recalled more correct information, generated more transfer solutions, and showed fewer flawed ideas than those in the noI + E group. This indicates that tailored explanations combined with impasse-triggers that make explicit conflicts between the text model and the students′ models can indeed foster deep learning.  相似文献   

New categories of leadership are continually being invented. Because the ways we think are productive of the ways in which we act, it is important to hold these rhetorical innovations to account. This paper focuses on the latest of these categories – creative leadership. Mobilising a Foucauldian notion of ‘discourse’ I deconstruct the notion of creative leadership as it has recently been represented in five published texts. I suggest that the interpretation on offer has a determinist view of the future, ignores the history of debates about creativity, offers creativity as a generic skill and underestimates what it is that teachers and leaders might need to do in order to work creatively. I show that the notion of creative leadership on offer is strongly connected with that of creative learning, and put the ‘recipe’ offered by one set of texts into conversation with a body of empirical evidence about what is happening in schools that aim to promote creative learning. I argue that what is evident from the dialogue between the texts and the empirical studies is that it is pedagogical leadership that is absent but is actually most required, embedded in leadership/management principles and practices that promote social justice.  相似文献   

在英语科技资料及文学作品中,含有more than结构的语句屡见不鲜.这种结构使用范围广,用法比较复杂.它的基本含义是"多于"大于"超过".在不同的语境中,它还可以引申出多种不同的用法和译法.因此,许多学生往往不能正确理解和运用它,不是将其译得牵强附会,就是将句子的原意完全颠倒.本文将列举一些more than结构的常见用法.  相似文献   

在初中课文中,more常有下列几种用法:1.表示“比较多的”,是many、much的比较级。句子中通常修饰可数或不可数名词,作定语。  相似文献   

一、more than的基本用法1.more than后面接数词时,意为"……以上"、"多于……"、"……有余"。例如:  相似文献   

请看以下句子:Morethan150peopleweremissingintheearthquake.地震中有150多人失踪。Morethan400youngtreeswerecutdownbythepeoplecomingfromthenextvillage.从邻村来的人砍掉了400多棵小树。以上两句中Morethan的意思是“超过……”。  相似文献   

我们在阅读英语文章的过程中经常遇到“more…than…/more than…”结构,虽然其单词拼写和结构都很简单,但在实际应用中其意义却非常丰富。笔者在平时的数学工作中收集了一些含有“more…than…/more than…”结构的句子,并试着将其归纳、分析,就教于同行。  相似文献   

我们知道,more是形容词many和副词much的比较级形式,其基本含义是更多(的),更加。more还有很多别的用法,现总结归纳如下:1.more可表示额外的数量,意为又、再、还等。例如:Would you like some more rice,please?你再添点米饭好吗?I'd like two more apples.(=I'd like another two apples.)我还要两只苹果。(more放在数词之后,而another需放在数词之前)  相似文献   

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