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Each year, more districts implement early warning systems (EWS). These EWS predict negative student outcomes, such as dropping out, before they occur. Predictions are then used to match at-risk students to appropriate supports and interventions. Research suggests that these systems are useful in ensuring educators respond to student needs early, generating conversation around specific students at risk of dropping out. However, no research considers what new information teachers gain from having a specific prediction for a student. This article bridges this gap by comparing teacher and EWS predictions of whether students will complete high school and enroll in college. Further, it assesses whether accuracy in teacher judgment stems from additional information not in models—especially related to academic tenacity—and biases like self-fulfilling prophecies. Generally, EWS can provide benefits both as organizational tools and by increasing the precision with which students are identified for supports and interventions.  相似文献   

目前,高中会考的理论意义与实际效果之间存在着很大差距.通过对2007届部分高中毕业生的会考体验研究发现,学生把会考当作是一种"集体竞抄"的游戏,教师轻视会考并纵容舞弊,考试通过与否靠抽签决定,会考的效度和信度消失,其作为评价手段的检测功能已不复存在.这种考试背离了教育的旨归,有害于学生的德性培养,给教育造成许多消极影响,建议改革或取消会考.  相似文献   

初中生父母教养方式的发展特点研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究使用问卷调查法,对548名初中生的父母教养方式进行研究。结果表明,父母对低年级初中生和女生的接纳程度显著高于高年级初中生和男生,对高年级初中生和男生的干涉程度显著高于低年级初中生和女生;母亲教养类型在不同年级被试中的分布差异显著,父亲教养类型在不同性别被试中的分布差异显著;父亲的教养类型以接纳型为主,母亲的教养类型以中间型为主。  相似文献   

A high school education prepares young people to participate positively in the economy and in civic life, among other positive life outcomes. However, nearly one in five American high school students does not graduate from high school on time, if ever. Progress has been made on understanding why students fail to complete high school and on raising graduation rates. Previous reviews and syntheses of this literature have focused on identifying factors that put students at risk for dropping out of school. Less is understood regarding what assets can promote high school graduation. Therefore, we reviewed research from the past 25 years on high school graduation, focusing on longitudinal, US-based studies of malleable factors that predict graduation. Through this systematic search, we identified 12 assets in individual, family, school, peer, and community contexts, which predict high school graduation, as well as identified assets for which more research is needed. Implications for policy and practice and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

论中考标准的控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中考标准是中考命题的根本依据,是中考质量控制的核心要素。在提出中考标准控制的主要铱据、主要原则的基础上,并试图从中考标准制定的权限控制、内容控制、技术控制三方面来阐明“由谁控、控什么、怎么控”的问题,以期能对现行新课程标准实施下的中考改革,特别是中考命题改革的研究引起重视与关注。  相似文献   

美国俄亥俄州加强高中毕业资格管理,制定州一级的统一学分要求,举行统一的毕业考试,划定统一的资格线,这样既保证高中毕业生的水平,又促进学校提高教学质量。建议我国省级教育行政要加强高中毕业要求,制订、举行统一的高中毕业考试(取消会考等考试),确保高中毕业要求在高校招生中的地位。  相似文献   

采用修订的《家庭教养方式调查表》测查了470名普通中学生的家庭教养方式,并探讨了其中247名普通高中生家庭教养方式与321名职高生家庭教养方式的异同。结果显示,由24道题组成的调查表具有较好的一致性和效度;普通高中生父母对子女的要求程度和关心程度都显著低于初中生,父母对子女的要求程度显著高于其关心程度;尽管母亲对中学男女生的教养方式没有明显差异,父亲对男生尤其是高中男生的要求程度、对女生尤其是初中女生的关心程度都明显高一些;结合两个维度对中学生家庭教养方式进行诊断之后发现,采取放任型教养方式的父母的文化程度偏低,而权威型和溺爱型的父母文化程度则较高。应用该调查表对职业高中生的测查发现了类似的规律,但职高生父母对子女的关心程度明显高于其要求程度,这与普高生父母的做法刚好相反;尽管他们采用权威型教养方式的比例差别不大,但有更多的职高生父母采取了放任型和溺爱型的教养方式,采取专制型教养方式的职高生父母相对更少。  相似文献   

This 5-year longitudinal randomized study focused on the effects of a dropout prevention program implemented at two urban high schools. The program incorporated the characteristics of personalization found in previous research to have some positive effects, and typical of the type of programs implemented in many high schools nationwide. The primary program component was the provision of a facilitator for about 60 program students at each school to encourage students regarding attendance, their academic coursework, and personal issues. In particular, the study examined whether at-risk students randomly assigned to the program had better outcomes (particularly attendance, on-time promotion in grade, and high school completion) than those at the same high schools that were assigned to the control group. The article explores reasons for the nonsignificant effects of this program, emphasizing the need for earlier intervention prior to the ninth grade year among at-risk urban students.  相似文献   

This paper describes the origins of parenting stress, defined both as tensions in the parent-child relationship and as broader changes in five family domains as men and women make the transition from couple to family life. Despite significant change in their average level of functioning, parents show continuity in their level of adaptation from pregnancy through the first five years of parenthood. Parenting stress emerges from the context of parents' individual and marital adaptation before the child is born. It is possible to identify expectant parents who are at risk for later parenting stress and lower well-being across employment and family domains. Path analyses show that men's and women's prior well-being and their involvement in paid work during pregnancy are associated with higher parenting stress—and lower self-esteem, marital satisfaction, family work satisfaction, and job satisfaction—two years later when their babies are 18months old. Stress in the parent-child relationship at 18 months postpartum compounds preexisting stress in other family domains to reduce well-being in other aspects of family life. Links among parenting stress, parenting quality, and children's adaptation to school lead to suggestions for preventive interventions early in the family life cycle.  相似文献   

采用父母教养方式评价量表(EMBU)对某中学80名学生进行抽样调查,目的是提出科学可行的初中生父母教养方式。结果:大多数初中生父母教养方式处于正常范围,父母教养方式一致性程度较高,在性别和城乡上没有显著差异,但是在父亲的惩罚、严厉维度上,非独生子女极显著高于独生子女。结论:一致性程度比较高的教养方式有利于孩子的身心健康成长;独生子女与非独生子女家庭的父母教养方式可能对两类家庭成长的孩子形成不同的心理品质。  相似文献   

This paper describes the origins of parenting stress, defined both as tensions in the parent–child relationship and as broader changes in five family domains as men and women make the transition from couple to family life. Despite significant change in their average level of functioning, parents show continuity in their level of adaptation from pregnancy through the first five years of parenthood. Parenting stress emerges from the context of parents' individual and marital adaptation before the child is born. It is possible to identify expectant parents who are at risk for later parenting stress and lower well-being across employment and family domains. Path analyses show that men's and women's prior well-being and their involvement in paid work during pregnancy are associated with higher parenting stress—and lower self-esteem, marital satisfaction, family work satisfaction, and job satisfaction—two years later when their babies are 18months old. Stress in the parent–child relationship at 18 months postpartum compounds preexisting stress in other family domains to reduce well-being in other aspects of family life. Links among parenting stress, parenting quality, and children's adaptation to school lead to suggestions for preventive interventions early in the family life cycle.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine relationships among Baumrind's three parenting styles, parent involvement (both parenting variables as perceived by student), and mastery and performance goal orientations of high school students. The sample consisted of 196 students enrolled in two Florida high schools. Many expected relationships appeared in line with the parenting and goal theory literature. Maternal authoritativeness was related to a mastery orientation. Maternal authoritarianism and permissiveness were related to a performance orientation. Differential findings were evident with regard to student ethnicity. Appearance of stronger relationships among maternal parenting styles and student goal orientation may be due to the nontraditional living arrangements reported; a number of students reported not living with their fathers. Parent involvement was positively related to a mastery orientation for all students. Student gender and parental education were not significant factors in this study. Conclusions are tempered by limitations of a relatively small sample.  相似文献   

普通高中英语会考是检测高中学生英语课程修习状况的省级水平考试,是评价普通高中英语教学质量的一个重要举措,也是推进素质教育的重要机制。浙江省2013年普通高中会考英语试卷很好地体现了英语会考的考核要求和基本原则:基础性原则、全面性原则、科学性原则、有效性原则。对今后的平时常规教学起到了积极引领作用。  相似文献   

文章对中外高中毕业考试制度进行考察,重点介绍了美、法、德、英、日等五个主要发达国家的高中毕业会考制度,从考试的组织、考试的类型、考试的标准、考试的内容、考试的形式、考试结果评估、考试的功能七个方面对国外考试制度进行了比较分析,通过中外高中毕业考试的特点分析,积极探索我国高中会考制度的形成与发展。  相似文献   

教育部教学[2008]4号《关于普通高中新课程省份深化高校招生考试改革的指导意见》提出建立高中综合评价制度,并逐步纳入高校招生选拔评价体系,这是高中教育评价的一场革命,高中会考结束了我国高中没有终结性考试的局面,高中学业水平考试是高中会考的继承发展,在继承中改革,在改革中完善,才能健康推进学业水平考试,完善高中综合评价制度.  相似文献   

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