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教师形象是教师的教育理念、教育行为、人格品性等外显的综合表现.近代欧洲的三位教育家--洛克、卢梭和第斯多惠,分别在他们的著作中塑造了三种不同的教师形象,即:德性之师、率性之师与真理之师.三种教师形象既兼具师者的共性,又个性鲜明,对于当今时代塑造理想的教师形象有着一定的启示.  相似文献   

2000年,我们在启动示范性职业技术学院建设的时候,提出了"以教育思想、观念改革为先导,以教学改革为核心,以教学基本建设为重点,提高质量,办出特色"的建设思路.在这一建设思路中,我们提出了三个"关键词",就是改革、质量和特色.今年10月份,教育部专家在对我院人才培养工作水平评估中,肯定了我院"以改革求发展,以特色求进步,以质量创品牌,建成全国示范性职业技术学院"的办学思路.在办学思路中,改革、质量和特色也是其中的"关键词".可以说,我们把改革、质量和特色提到了前所未有的高度.这一办学思路,是我们在全面分析高等职业教育发展形势、我院面临的机遇与挑战、我院的任务目标的基础上提出的.  相似文献   

本文简要对比了两种教育,即为了经济富裕的教育和为了人的发展的教育。作者指出,因为迫切追求利润,对民主未来非常重要的价值正面临丧失之虞。如果教育真的要促进人的发展而不仅仅是为了经济增长和个人财富增加的话,批判性思考能力和想象力就绝不能忽略。  相似文献   


This study examines differences between university students and permanent residents of an Appalachian community in their attitudes toward the environment and toward proposed local energy related developments. Survey data showed that townspeople (non-student residents) were somewhat more supportive of the proposed energy developments than were students, however students were typified more by detachment from the issues than by opposition to them. It is suggested that differences between students and townspeople in support for local energy developments is not due to environmental attitudes but may be due to economic ties to the local area.  相似文献   

唐先生认为,船山的两端一致说,肯定气禀,认为恶的来源不在于欲求,而在欲求的不中节,以情才之交的不当位而下流。耳目口鼻与欲求,不是吾人当该舍弃的对象,而是当吾人把情才之交,流荡而为机械式,下委而不能中节所造成的。故唐先生对船山论气质与恶的关系所作诠释发挥了船山重气的义理,视气是可以保住的,重点在于别低贱气,独尊性,因性为孤立,如此则否定世间气化,而且情才也要依于性善的引导,才能不流于恶。  相似文献   

当代新儒家中,牟宗三先生看中船山的历史哲学,认为蕺山是宋明理学的殿军,故牟先生对于船山学总是忽略之;徐复观先生的精神则放在先秦及两汉;相对于此,唐君毅先生对于船山学很能有其相应的理解,故唐先生的船山学值得探讨。唐先生并不强调宋明理学的分系,认为张子与船山为气论一派,而不同程朱陆王。唐先生的船山学,重视船山的天道论与人性论,船山特重人成,故吾人亦谈唐先生对于人道论的阐发。此文中,唐先生并未引船山原文,主要就其心中的船山印象作一发挥,然大致可以看出,主要是以《张子正蒙注》为背景所作的论述。《张子正蒙注》谈变化气质、气质之性,船山亦有文字诠释之,而唐先生能分别出张子与船山所重注之性之不同。依此吾人把唐先生此文作一分析与探讨,以见唐先生所侧重的船山学之面向。  相似文献   

This article proposes that states create low-income targeted voucher programs for 3- and/or 4-year-olds. The basis for this proposal is considerable research demonstrating long-term effects for a number of random assignment and quasi-experimental preschool programs. Benefit–costs rates of return for these programs are between $2 and $16 for every dollar invested. These results are also consistent with developmental and neuro-biological studies supporting early childhood interventions. Other research shows that low-income students are less likely to be in preschool, and if they are, they are more likely to receive low-quality services. Taken together, and to control costs, I propose an income-targeted program. I argue for vouchers based on improved equal opportunity and higher efficiency in the delivery of preschool services. Design details are generally to be the province of state decision makers. My one caveat is that it seems to make sense to require programs, at least for 4-year-olds, to be center based.  相似文献   

Arguably, 'all children have a right not to have a special statement made about them'. John Sayer, principal of Banbury School, Oxfordshire, criticises the procedures of the 1981 Act and describes an alternative approach  相似文献   

Nationally endorsed competencies, a certification process, and standards for specialty training in gerontological counseling have been developed and approved. Implementation of the gerontological counseling specialty in counselor education is considered.  相似文献   

Change and complexity are creating a need for increasing levels of literacy in science and technology. Presently, we are beginning to provide students with clear contexts in which to learn, including clearly written text, visual displays and maps, and more effective instruction. We are also beginning to give students tools that promote their own literacy by helping them to interact with the learning context. These tools include peer-group skills as well as strategies to analyze text and to indicate comprehension by way of text summaries and concept maps. Even with these tools, more appears to be needed. Disparate backgrounds and languages interfere with the comprehension and the sharing of knowledge. To meet this need, two new tools are proposed. The first tool fractures language ontologically, giving all learners who use it a language to talk about what has, and what has not, been uttered in text or talk about the world. The second fractures language epistemologically, giving those involved in working with text or on the world around them a way to talk about what they have done and what remains to be done. Together, these tools operate as a two- tiered knowledge representation of knowledge. This representation promotes both an individual meta-cognitive and a social meta-cognitive approach to what is known and to what is not known, both ontologically and epistemologically. Two hypotheses guide the presentation: If the tools are taught during early childhood, children will be prepared to master science and technology content. If the tools are used by both students and those who design and deliver instruction, the learning of such content will be accelerated.  相似文献   

Evaluating the impact of instructional innovations and coordinating instruction, assessment, and testing present complex tensions. Many evaluation and coordination efforts aim to address these tensions by using the coherence provided by modern cognitive science perspectives on domain-specific learning. This paper introduces an alternative framework that uses emerging situative assessment perspectives to align learning across increasingly formal levels of educational practice. This framework emerged from 2 design studies of a 20-hr high school genetics curriculum that used the GenScope computer-based modeling software. The 1st study aligned learning across (a) the contextualized enactment of inquiry-oriented activities in GenScope, (b) “feedback conversations” around informal embedded assessments, and (c) a formal performance assessment; the 2nd study extended this alignment to a conventional achievement test. Design-based refinements ultimately delivered gains of nearly 2 SD on the performance assessment and more than 1 SD in achievement. These compared to gains of 0.25 and 0.50 SD, respectively, in well-matched comparison classrooms. General and specific assessment design principles for aligning instruction, assessment, and testing and for evaluating instructional innovations are presented.  相似文献   

Deng Yaping's eyes blazed, and the Chinese were assailed by embarrassment, pain, and mixed feelings as Koyama Chire smashed one ball after another over the net. As I see it, however, rather than avenging herself upon her former country, she was teaching the Chinese a lesson.  相似文献   

Freaks, Geeks and Asperger Syndrome: A User Guide to Adolescence Luke Jackson, 2002 London: Jessica Kingsley ISBN 1-843-10-098-3 Can the parent of a child with autism or Asperger Syndrome ever really comprehend the experiences of their child? As a greater number of cases are identified and more is understood about these conditions, autism and Asperger Syndrome seem to be increasingly commonly understood terms. Despite the clear definitions provided by diagnostic criteria for the conditions (e.g., American Psychiatric Association [APA], 1994), it often remains difficult for professionals, parents and other carers, particularly those who are newcomers to this field, to truly understand the complexities of these conditions with respect to the day-to-day influences upon the affected individual.  相似文献   

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