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可读性是体育科技论文的生命力要素之一。重视体育科技论文的可读性,除了要注重内容的科学性、先锋性之外,还要注重标题的制作,摘要的撰写,语言的运用,写作基本功的修炼和写作态度的端正。  相似文献   

安管 《垂钓》2002,2(2):67-67
陕西李靖国钓友:《垂钓》是本很好的专业刊物,可读性强,很吸引人。我常听人提到拉砣技法,想问一下是怎么回事?  相似文献   

体育院校学报优化选题,应以积极性选题为主,随机性选题为辅,坚持学术性与可读性、理论与实践相结合的原则,提倡研究教学、训练中的现实问题,应反映各院校学科优势和特点,并注重选题的整体设计。  相似文献   

我是从一位钓友那里偶然看到《垂钓》杂志的,读后发现它内容充实,可读性强,很有自己的特色。我很想订阅,但已错过了邮局征订的季节,请问可以通过编辑部邮购吗?另外,去年的《垂钓》杂志现在是否可以买到?  相似文献   

读者朋友,本刊自今年起已改为《网球天地》。新年伊始,本刊将努力以新的面貌奉献给广大读者,使刊物内容在专业的基础上能够生动活泼、雅俗共赏、可读性强。为此,根据读者建议,本刊从今年起将不定期开设  相似文献   

严秋松 《钓鱼》2004,(24):45-45
《钓鱼》杂志编辑们:你们好!首先感谢你们辛勤的劳动!我喜欢钓鱼,更喜欢《钓鱼》杂志,不仅因为我是江苏人喜欢江苏出的杂志,更因为这本杂志的确是一本好杂志,内容全面,可读性强,每月两期,每月在一本杂志仔细看完后正好等来第二本,过瘾。  相似文献   

你好!我是一名酷爱篮球的超级“球Fans”,而《篮球频道》也是我最喜欢的篮球杂志之一,还有一种是你们的《当代体育篮球版》,我还觉得你们的杂志Very棒,不仅内容丰富图片精美可读性还很高,实乃居家旅行外出打球必备良书啊!!嘿嘿,不小心跑题了。  相似文献   

一部详细介绍与评析奥林匹克运动的最新科普专著《奥林匹克风》(《金苹果丛书》第四辑之一)问世了。该书由程志理先生独著,江苏教育出版社2000年10月出版。全书融知识性、趣味性、可读性、科学性、哲理性于一体,字里行间不时闪现着作者的思维火花。通读全书,“科学知识、科学思想和科学精神的永恒魅力和无尽乐趣”跃然纸上,令人耳目一新,意味隽永。内容丰富言简意赅全书共12.7万字,着墨不多,但要言不烦,言简意赅。内容涉及奥林匹克运动的各个方面。其中,第一部分:奥运竞技的魅力。以刘易斯和本·约翰逊的“世纪之战”…  相似文献   

中国羽毛球队自六十年代崛起,多年来人才辈出,战绩辉煌,长盛不衰。本文融资料性、可读性于一炉,可资参阅。  相似文献   

日本风景戳启用最早,使用最多、堪称风景戳大国。仅战后,风景戳启用已超过万枚。2000年1月至2001年12月,日本《邮趣》杂志刊出名为《全国风景戳巡礼》的连续文章,每月选一个地区探寻风景戳,连续刊出24期,文章图文并茂,作者写出旅行盖戳经过,成为以风景戳为中心的游记,报导集中,内容丰富,可读性强。  相似文献   

结合现代短跑技术专门练习的教学实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过结合现代短跑技术专门练习与传统专门练习的对比教学实验 ,发现传统专门练习对运动成绩的提高不如结合现代短跑技术专门练习的明显 ,并指出专门练习必须与现代“屈蹬式”以“髋为轴的快速摆动———平动运动”相结合 ,才能有效地改进短跑技术 ,提高运动成绩。  相似文献   

体育市场是市场经济体制下的必然产物。文章在研究相关文献资料的基础上发现,近十几年来我国体育市场虽然取得了很大的发展,但还是存在着许多问题。文章针对当前体育市场发展的现状,提出新时期加强和完善体育市场的法制化管理的意见,旨在促进体育市场的健康发展。  相似文献   

户外运动类课程作为新兴课程,在建设和发展的过程中存在许多亟需解决的问题。本文运用文献资料法,专家访谈法,问卷调查法,案例分析法对体育院校户外运动类课程发展要素进行研究,得出以下结论:全国14所体育院校都已设置了户外运动类课程,且呈现出较好的发展态势;体育院校户外运动类课程的发展要素包括课程核心和教学要素两个部分,其选取和确定要满足社会需求、学科发展、学生自身及教学环境的需要;课程共同特征是以户外运动技能为核心,教学内容丰富充实、教学形式灵活多样、教学环境不确定,保证教学安全的特征;沈阳体育学院户外运动类课程的理论框架及结构模型设置比较合理,能够满足户外运动教学的需要和人才培养目标的要求。  相似文献   

Sport is often viewed as vehicle to achieve positive health outcomes. While sport's potential to contribute to health is rarely disputed, sport is not always managed in ways that specifically prioritise health objectives, and evidence regarding sport's contribution to health has been inconsistent to date. This special issue was designed to advance a research agenda in relation to the management of sport for health. Articles published in the special issue examine sport management practices that impact health, both positively and negatively. The authors identified three overarching themes, with respect to how sport can be managed towards the achievement of health outcomes: sport should be aligned with community needs and should be empowering; sport should be adaptable and evolving to ensure sport culture values health; and, sport organisations should leverage partnership for health to promote organisational sustainability. In future research, scholars are encouraged to further examine the three identified themes and expand on other findings presented in the special issue, towards a stronger evidence base in relation to the management of sport for health. Opportunities exist to continue to advance knowledge regarding the potential for management strategies, models, and practices to lead to positive-and importantly, negatives-health outcomes through sport. If sport management scholars and practitioners are to meaningfully contribute to health agendas, health objectives must play a central role in reshaping sport systems and strategies toward the achievement of such outcomes.  相似文献   

采用文献资料等方法,对高技术的人文评价成为影响高技术未来走向进行分析,意欲为我国未来体育高技术的发展进行定位。主要结论:对体育高技术全然没有人文反思是不可取的,那样就会使体育成为脱缰的野马,失去了体育本有的价值,同样,对体育高技术的过度的人文忧思也是不可取的,那样就会走向体育技术的悲观主义,失去了体育的活力。积极的人文忧思,可以转化为一种积极的人文关怀,转化为人类体育运动发展的动力。建议:体育高技术应当是:适应社会环境、符合人文环境、创造和谐环境。体育高技术与人文评价应当是:"生"与"养"的融合、"才"与"德"的融合、"批"与"赞"的融合。  相似文献   

本文通过文献法、逻辑分析法,研究在体育强国梦的大背景下我国体育话语权缺失的原因,分别从政治、经济、文化、社会等方面阐释了原因,并从这些方面提出相关的建议,不断完善有关体育的方针政策、进行经济体制改革、增强全民族的体育文化自信、完善体育设施、培养体育人才、积极参与国际事务等。  相似文献   

In this paper, the author argues that, regardless of whether e-sports qualify as sports, they should be examined in sport management because they are a manifestation of sportification. Sportification means to either: (a) view, organize, or regulate a non-sport activity in such a way that it resembles a sport and allows a fair, pleasurable, and safe environment for individuals to compete and cooperate, and compare their performances to each other, and future and past performances; or (b) add a sport component to an existing activity in order to make it more attractive to its audiences. As the sport industry itself is embracing e-sports as a sport, scholars should embrace e-sports as a manifestation of sportification and examine their negative and positive effect on our industry.  相似文献   

野外体育产业若干理论问题探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章对野外体育产业的理论体系进行了探究,并界定了野外体育及产业的概念,分析了其特点。为了使其理论更明晰,本研究又把野外体育与其它一些相关的体育活动了对比研究。  相似文献   

This paper argues that for the purposes of any sort of serious discussion about immoral conduct in sport very little is illuminated by claiming that the conduct in question is cheating. In fact, describing some behavior as cheating is typically little more than expressing strong, but thoroughly vague and imprecise, moral disapproval or condemnation of another person or institution about a wide and ill-defined range of improper advantage-seeking behavior. Such expressions of disapproval fail to distinguish cheating from many other types of immoral conduct. The discussion shows that we should set the concept aside and assess the moral disapproval implied by claims of cheating by reference to the moral and other principles that underlie the practice of sport. This allows us to consider carefully the complexity of the issues that are raised when allegations of cheating are made and not be distracted by the emotionally loaded, conversation-stopping tendency of the concept. This means that some types of disputes in sport will be messy and demand more effort to resolve, but the payoff will be better informed and more thoughtful discussions and greater awareness of the moral complexity of sport and of its principled underpinnings.  相似文献   

通过现代体育发展对社会的影响及对高校体育的进一步渗透,以及国内外高等学校体育发展动向的分析,认为我国的高校体育教学要适应现代社会、现代体育的发展和我国社会主义市场经济的发展,应面向二十一世纪,跳出单一的传授运动技术技能的小圈子,实现从阶段到终生、从个体本身向社会整体的转化,形成全方位的高校体育教学。  相似文献   

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