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章对英国的MBA教学及其发展过程进行了系统的研究,并对英美两国的MBA教学思想,课程设置和教学方法进行了比较,为在我国施行MBA教学提供了借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

许民利 《高教论坛》2007,(2):175-176,F0003
根据在英国Cardiff大学商学院的访问学习,分析了英国MBA教育在招生、课程设置、教学方法等方面的特点,提出我国MBA教育应该在招生方面尽可能地多元化,在课程设置上应该更细更有针对性,在教学上应该多方法结合,强调实践教学和团队合作训练,加大学生的学习压力,而学校还应多收集实际企业的资料,为MBA学员提供学习企业经验的机会。  相似文献   

工商管理硕士的知识结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
工商管理硕士(MBA)的培养目标是从事企业经营管理的职业经理人,其核心能力是带领团队谋取盈利,基本技能为计划、组织、领导和控制.根据产品的生产过程、利润的三大决定因素和主要管理职能,可导出不同类型的MBA应有知识结构.过程框架型、职能框架型和绩效框架型知识结构所含内容殊途同归,但三者确实各有侧重、分别适于培养不同就职前景的MBA.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was twofold: (1) to use Chinese MBA students to validate the expanded reflective learning continuum and address the concerns raised in this regard in business education; (2) to determine whether the continuum concept holds true in a non-western culture and whether the reflective learning continuum remains a powerful force in MBA students’ learning outcomes in China. A total of 232 MBA students in China completed a three-page questionnaire that included all question items set out in the work of Peltier, Hay, and Drago. The translation/back-translation technique was employed in order to achieve a semantic, conceptual and normative equivalent relative to the original English version. The results yielded by this study and its predecessors suggest that (1) reflective learning is a multi-dimensional concept in nature, and (2) the reflective learning continuum could take on a similar picture across various social and cultural contexts. This study extends the work of Peltier et al. on reflective learning continuum in the context of Chinese higher education. Given the increased need for internationalisation of business education and the paucity of studies examining educational needs across cultures and nationalities, the results drawn from the Chinese MBA student sample provide valuable information about the degree to which Chinese MBA students take on problem-based and explorative approaches from school.  相似文献   

李治 《英语沙龙》2014,(6):56-57
期末考试,你准备好了吗?MBA平时的课程不轻松,到期末考试更是紧张。以前没有相关背景的栗子感觉压力颇大,不过好在大多数同学们都在同一个战壕中,考试对大家来说都不是一件容易事!平时好好学习,期末好好考试。考完试尽情享受假期吧!  相似文献   

作为一种面向市场和企业的高等职业教育,MBA教育必须适应社会经济发展需求。针对MBA教育发展现状和存在的问题,本文提出在办学定位、课程设置、培养方式等方面进行"有效供给",不断提高办学水平和人才培育质量,并就MBA教育的体制、机制等方面的供给改革提出了建议。  相似文献   

介绍了国际性MBA专业鉴定的概况,MBA协会的性质和宗旨,及其鉴定的要素和特点。  相似文献   

MBA管理沟通课程的发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作者介绍了MBA管理沟通课程在美国的发展,提出了在我国MBA项目中开设管理沟通课程应关注的一些问题.  相似文献   

In recent years, domestic demand for MBAs has fallen in most major Western markets but has increased or remained stable in emerging economies such as China and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), which are the two countries globally that host the largest numbers of international branch campuses. Thus, this research aimed to discover why students in China and the UAE still want an MBA. A survey questionnaire was completed by a total of 354 MBA students, at two universities in China and two universities in the UAE. Some of the results were surprising and unexpected. For example, recognition, prestige and networking – all key features in Chinese and Emirati societies – were found not to be key motivators for wanting an MBA. Instead, the desire to acquire knowledge and skills was the strongest motivator among respondents, accounting for 32.4 per cent of variance. This was followed by reasons associated with intrinsic benefits. The findings have implications for institutional strategy, curriculum design, program delivery and the marketing of programs.  相似文献   

欧洲MBA教育的发展及其特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
欧洲MBA教育在二战之后才渐渐地发展起来,最初是美国向欧洲输出MBA项目,但经过50年的发展,欧洲已发展出自己的"欧洲MBA模式"。本文主要回顾东西欧国家MBA项目的发展过程,并分析其特点。  相似文献   

围绕MBA培养目标,阐述了MBA学生综合素质能力的内涵,结合目前MBA学生培养中的问题,分析了实施MBA校友导师制的必要性。以提升MBA学生综合素质能力为出发点,以中央财经大学实行MBA校友导师制的实践为基础,从实践操作的角度,对MBA校友导师制的基本内容、指导机制、实施步骤进行了科学设计。  相似文献   

Should classification of the UK honours degree have a future?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The classified honours degree has so much prestige and so venerable a tradition that only very serious and systemic changes could justify the question as to whether classification has a future. However, while this paper argues that such changes have indeed taken place in the past 30 years, the main arguments for change are pedagogical. The proposed change is for an unclassified degree, in which details are provided in a profile, covering assessments—only some of which can be classified—in a range of learning activities. A major innovation is the creation by each student of a portfolio, a device well known in art and architecture, which documents their learning. One consequence of this change is that students are treated individually and the traditional concept of fairness, which is based on all students being treated the same, has to be replaced by a more sophisticated concept of fairness. More generally, this change—with its stress on integrating assessment and the process of learning, as opposed to the current attitude where assessment certifies the product of learning—will have to affect not only the processes of assessment, but of all associated teaching and learning. The proposed scheme ought to be helpful also to prospective employers, who would, however, have to change many traditional attitudes.  相似文献   

对我国MBA教学中的问题之思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以理论和方法的应用为主,以其研究为辅,应作为MBA教与学的指导思想;在建设案例库方面应加强兄弟院校之间的合作;必须改变MBA学员到撰写毕业论文才明确导师的现状,学员进校后分研究方向或者学科小组有益于MBA的教学与科研;树立MBA的营销意识和融资理念,走专业化的MBA或EMBA的办学道路,是我国许多高校要突破的思维模式。  相似文献   

MBA教育自1908于美国诞生到现在,已经走过了上百年的历史。中国与日本作为MBA教育中相对"年轻"的国家,有很多的异同之处。本文首先介绍了MBA教育的相关理论,接着分别阐述了日本及我国MBA教育的发展概况;然后结合中日MBA教育差异进行对比,最后通过上述对MBA教育的阐述与分析,提出对于完善我国MBA教育的对策和建议。  相似文献   

This paper discusses segmentation of the potential MBA student market according to demographic criteria, based on the assumption that student success (identified as completion of the degree within five years) is indicative of client satisfaction. The University of Western Australia's MBA program began in 1973. Using the records for this period, demographic variables are tested as predictors of student success. It is found that students who have been admitted without taking the Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT) do significantly worse than average, as do those students whose previous degrees were in the professional fields of Medicine, Law and Architecture. Women do less well than men, though this is explained by the facy that a larger percentage of women have been admitted without GMAT scores. It is also found that, for those students admitted to the couse, the GMAT score (except for very high scores) and the years of work experience are not significantly related to success. This result is interpreted as indicating, not that GMAT score and work experience are unrelated to success, but rather that these criteria have been appropriately weighed against other criteria in the selection procedure.  相似文献   

The position of the case method in MBA education is discussed, followed by an examination of the nature of business cases, benefits to be derived from the case method, roles for students and instructors in case-oriented courses, and issues concerning integration of cases into an overall course design. It is argued that case analysis helps students to develop the kinds of skills that are essential to success in business organizations: identification and analysis of complex business problems, application of judgment in developing solutions, interactive problem-solving, and persuasive presentation of conclusions. The case method presents special challenges to both the instructor and the student. Both are required to sacrifice their traditional roles. The instructor is a facilitator rather than a content expert, and the student must assume a highly active role, providing the substantive content for the discussion. Both instructor and student are well rewarded for their adjustments by the many benefits of the case method.  相似文献   

介绍了绿色MBA项目的背景与内涵,指出绿色MBA旨在培养具有社会责任和商业伦理、绿色思维,践行绿色和可持续发展理念的工商管理人才。阐述了绿色MBA培养体系的构建及其国际化,认为完善的绿色MBA培养体系包括绿色师资团队建设、绿色课程设计、绿色教材编著、绿色案例选择与开发、绿色实践经验交流和实战演练。以北京林业大学MBA项目为例,分析并总结了绿色MBA培养体系构建的经验,以期完善和提升当前国内绿色MBA项目的建设。  相似文献   

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