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There is probably no more dramatic an example of a developing country acquiring an industrial capability demanding the highest levels of technological and managerial skills, than that of the Indian nuclear industry. With the detonation of a nuclear device by India, much concern has been expressed that this is a case of nuclear proliferation resulting from an aid programme of a western state (Canada).This study demonstrates that rather than an aid programme, Canadian/Indian nuclear cooperation has been mutually beneficial to both countries' industries. In fact, India was a full risk-sharing partner in the development of the CANDU technology. It is also shown that there were no agreements with Canada broken by the Indian Government and that the detonation of the device was not a consequence of the links between the two programmes. Differences between the structures of the Canadian and Indian nuclear industries and the implications of these differences to broader national policies are discussed.The paper offers a basic criteria for the determination of the ‘appropriateness’ of a technology which, if applied to commercial nuclear power generating reactors, would result in a very gradual proliferation of this technology. In discussing the process of technology transfer, the paper identifies an optimal relative level of development between the industries of the two nations concerned. This relationship suggests that the most likely pattern of transfer in the future will be between LDCs that wish a new technological capability and other LDCs that have already acquired a certain level of competence.  相似文献   

针对1988—2010年期间全球风能产业不同动态发展阶段及其演化动力进行分析。早期,丹麦和美国加州的风能产业发展主要依靠风力等自然资源禀赋;随着德国风能接入法等公共政策领域的创新,进一步推动了全球风能产业发展;以美国、西班牙、印度等为代表的新一轮全球风机产业发展越来越受到公共政策创新和产业技术能力双重动力的影响。对于中国风能产业发展的主要启示是:有利于风机整体产业发展的公共政策学习和创新、技术引进和不断增强的制造能力,针对国情的公共政策创新、良好的产业生态组织和培育自主创新能力是未来风能产业可持续发展的方向。  相似文献   

Flexibilty within a framework of internal labour markets is now widely seen to be an important factor in the ability of manufacturing firms to respond quickly to changes in market conditions — which is increasingly coming to be the form that competitive advantage takes in advanced industrial economies. An emerging and flourishing literature has identified a number of ‘new production concepts’ being developed in manufacturing industries, that depart from time-honoured Taylorist systems of job fragmentation and skill minimisation. The new concepts, such as ‘flexible specialisation’, ‘human-centred production’, and ‘diversified quality production’, are all in one way or another seeking to characterise a form of ‘functional flexibility’, that both enhances productivity and offers workers themselves a greater sense of involvement with their activity. The new concepts rest on the identification of a critical linkage between work organisation, skill formation and advanced manufacturing technology; they point to a convergence between the previously separate worlds of work and of learning.

In this paper the new production concepts are characterised as elements of an emergent ‘post Fordist’ technoeconomic paradigm. The present period of uncertainty can be construed as a transition between the Fordist paradigm centred on mass production, and its successors. There is nothing predetermined about the shape of these successors: this will be the outcome of a prolonged economic, industrial and political process as much as of a technical process. The choices are identified as falling between a continuation and intensification of Fordism, dubbed Computer-Aided Taylorisation; or a break with Fordism, dubbed Skill-Dependent Innovation. The new production concepts are characterised as instances of the latter approach to manufacturing management and technology. It is through this notion of ‘competing paradigms’ that this paper formulates an approach to the ‘politics’ of technological change.  相似文献   

杨烨  谢建国 《科研管理》2022,43(2):36-45
   过去的几十年,中国通过支持偏离自身比较优势产业的发展使本国出口技术复杂度得到了快速提升,但这种发展同时伴随着政府的市场干预和较低的资源利用效率。我们以政府干预为切入点,利用STIRPAT模型并结合GMM-System估计方法研究发现:在排除市场扭曲干扰时,出口技术“适应性”偏离比较优势的赶超有助于提高资源利用效率,从而降低碳排放强度;考虑市场扭曲时,出口技术赶超的减排效应发生重要改变,具体地,市场扭曲使得出口技术较低程度的赶超不利于经济发展水平落后和资源要素富集地区的减排,只有当这种赶超在较大距离上偏离比较优势时则会扭转消极影响,但目前并未实现;市场扭曲抑制了经济发展水平较高和资源匮乏地区的资源、劳动密集型行业出口技术赶超对资源利用效率的积极效应。  相似文献   

基于技术合作的企业技术创新能力强化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以技术能力为基础的企业技术创新能力是一系列不同能力的组合。以产业中普遍存在的技术溢出为背景和工具,建立了一个包含技术合作企业和外围企业的两阶段博弈模型,比较研究了两类企业的技术溢出对参与技术合作企业技术创新能力强化的可能性、作用机理以及相应的实现条件。此外,还指出通过技术合作来强化技术创新能力是企业获取持续竞争优势的一种理想和可行的选择。  相似文献   

Four types of technological capability are distinguished: capability in the purchase of technology, plant operation, duplication and expansion, and innovation. In the purchase of technology, Indian buyers are observed to be less inhibited by lack of knowledge as by the inability to attract technology sellers of their choice; the difficulty becomes greater if the buyers become significant exporters. The scaling down of plants and the adaptation of processes to locally available materials have called for local technological development, which has been more successful in engineering than in the process industries. The engineering industry was built up through blanket import substitution, whose cost was paid by the investing industries in the form of high capital costs and low quality of equipment. But in industries where a large number of plants was built, teething problems in plant construction were overcome, and cheap and reliable equipment came to be made which formed the basis of India's technology exports in the late seventies.  相似文献   

随着PCT程序成为世界创新者谋求国际专利的首要途径,各国PCT申请量及其动态已成为全球技术竞争格局及其变化的重要反映.近年来中国PCT申请量全球排名不断跃升,使其在全球技术竞争中的表现成世界争论的热点.本文在对有关研究文献、数据来源和分析方法进行概述的基础上,首先对前10大PCT申请国对世界PCT申请量增长的贡献进行了比较,其次根据各国PCT申请量所占世界份额的变化,对其在全球不同技术组和领域上的重要性及其动态进行了考察;再次,对上述10国在全球市场上的技术比较优势格局及其演变予以了分析;第四,对各国间技术竞争关系及其变化进行了探讨;最后,在上述分析的基础上对其政策含义进行了讨论.  相似文献   

杨莹  于渤  吴伟伟 《科研管理》2011,32(8):26-33
高效的技术学习率有助于企业维持持续的竞争优势。本文在分析技术能力势能和技术能力势能差对技术学习影响的基础上,应用系统动力学理论构建了技术能力提升对技术学习影响的模型,模型分析了技术能力提升对技术学习的作用过程,并仿真模拟了技术能力提升对技术学习率的动态影响。结果显示企业技术能力增长速度减缓后会对技术学习率产生负向的影响;而选择恰当的时机连续地调整其技术能力势能差,能够使企业高效的技术学习率得到有效地延续和提高。研究成果可为企业如何利用现有的技术能力获得最佳的学习效果提供重要的参考。  相似文献   

通过对两家后发工程机械制造企业创新追赶历程的探索性案例分析,得到以下研究发现。一是发现工程机械制造企业的技术能力提升呈现“序贯性”特征,企业创新追赶过程中需要科学依循技术能力的序贯性。二是发现组织学习和资源治理作为技术能力提升的重要支撑行动,随着追赶过程的深入也呈现序贯性的演进。三是发现技术(工程)科学知识的掌控是复杂工程机械制造企业技术能力向高端演进的关键因素,对其的关注应贯穿技术能力提升的整个过程。  相似文献   

我国高技术产业竞争力与技术创新的关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伴随科学技术的迅猛发展以及知识经济的兴起,技术创新已成为推动产业发展和经济增长的不竭动力。在设计了技术创新能力和产业竞争力指标体系的基础上,以我国高技术产业2003—2008年28个省市(西藏、青海、新疆除外)的面板数据为样本,运用回归分析的方法对技术创新与产业竞争力之间的关系进行了实证研究,深入分析了影响产业竞争力的技术创新关键要素。实证结果表明:技术创新能力与产业竞争力有显著的相关关系,其中创新研发能力和创新间接产出显著影响产业的效益竞争力,创新研发能力还显著影响产业的成长竞争力。  相似文献   

技术学习过程与技术创新政策   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:7  
赵兰香 《科研管理》1999,20(6):8-14
中国技术创新整体水平发展速度缓慢、企业对国外技术依赖性提高的重要原因之一在于技术学习过程的不完整。为此,必须在产业层次上加强技术创新的政策导向,加强两类产业技术创新的协调发展。特别要根据国家技术进步的不同阶段,有侧重地鼓励不同类型的创新。  相似文献   

Despite a dramatic growth in interest in technology over the last two decades, this has not resulted in a clear understanding of either the nature of technological change or the basis for its regulation. Part of the problem is the ambiguous heritage of science, technology and society studies which rose to prominence in the 1970s. This paper seeks to provide a theoretical scheme for categorising the commonly used models of technological change: to outline the limitations of ‘technocratic’ and ‘technophobic’ approaches to technology and social development and argue for the superiority of an explicitly ‘technochoice’ approach; and to discuss the dominant models for the public control of technology.  相似文献   

我国要提高技术创新能力,成为信息产业强国,首先要从技术创新机制这个根本上进行改进。研究了欧洲、美国、日本信息产业领先的国家和韩国、印度信息产业局部领域领先的国家的技术创新机制,并结合我国目前的实际情况,提出了"政金用,产学研"联动的信息产业科技创新的机制。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2022,51(8):104143
The comparative advantage of a location shapes its industrial structure. Current theoretical models based on this principle do not take a stance on how comparative advantages in different industries or locations are related with each other, or what such patterns of relatedness might imply about the evolution of comparative advantage. We build a simple Ricardian-inspired model and show that hidden information on inter-industry and inter-location relatedness can be captured by simple correlations between the observed structure of industries across locations, or the structure of locations across industries. We then use this recovered information to calculate a measure of implied comparative advantage, and show that it explains much of the location’s current industrial structure. We give evidence that these patterns are present in a wide variety of contexts, namely the export of goods (internationally) and the employment, payroll and number of establishments across the industries of subnational regions (in the US, Chile and India). In each of these cases, the deviations between the observed and implied comparative advantage in the past tend to be highly predictive of future industry growth, especially at horizons of a decade or more; this explanatory power holds at both the intensive as well as the extensive margin. These results suggest that a component of the long-term evolution of comparative advantage is already implied in today’s patterns of production.  相似文献   

数字技术的迅速普及,给企业内外部环境带来巨大的变动性。现阶段,企业急需构建动态能力,以应对内外部环境的动态变化。作为技术、管理以及市场都落后的后发企业,如何通过技术、管理与市场能力的协同演化来构建动态能力,成为现阶段后发企业应对数字化挑战的关键。基于此,本研究采用案例研究法,以中国华为公司为研究对象,通过追踪华为公司追赶过程中的技术学习、管理学习以及市场扩张行动,探究其管理能力、技术能力、市场能力协同演化机制。研究发现,首先,“管理-技术-市场”能力协同演化推动后发企业形成应对环境震荡的动态能力,其中,管理能力为企业技术与市场能力积累提供管理基础,技术为市场能力的积累提供产品基础,市场能力对企业技术与管理能力具有资源反哺效应;其次,技术学习、管理学习、市场扩张是后发企业获取与改进技术、管理以及市场能力的重要渠道;最后,在不同追赶阶段,后发企业的能力积累依赖于差异化的技术学习、管理学习以及市场扩张战略。案例企业的追赶过程显示,案例企业通过技术学习、管理学习以及市场扩张的方式实现三维能力的协同演化以及可持续追赶,具体而言,其技术学习行动的阶段性演化特征为:产品仿制引发的技术学习,产品改进引发的技术学习,技术应用与推广引发的技术学习,全球创新网络引发的技术学习;其管理学习行动的阶段性演化特征为:产品质量改善导向的管理学习,组织(机构)建设导向的管理学习,流程改进导向的管理学习,流程融通导向的管理学习;其市场经验积累的阶段性演化特征为:来自于低端市场的经验积累-来自于中高端市场的经验积累-来自于国际中低端市场的经验积累-来自于国际高端市场的经验积累。对现阶段后发企业制定追赶战略而言,本研究主要管理启示为:首先,应对数字化下的环境动态性,后发企业应注重推进多维能力协同演化;其次,针对不同追赶阶段,后发企业应该根据其所处阶段特征制定相应的管理、技术、市场能力改善战略;最后,后发国家应该为国内企业提供有助于其多维能力协同演化的支持政策,推动后发企业实现管理能力、技术能力、市场能力的协同演化,进而全面推动后发企业实现可持续追赶。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2019,48(7):1694-1713
Building on Lee and Malerba’s (2017) framework, we explore how leading firms in Brazil’s forestry and pulp industry responded to windows of opportunity, in learning terms, shaping an early entry into path-creation technological catch-up, shifting that industry into a globally leading position. Drawing on an in-depth inductive study based on 50 years of evidence, a 10-year fieldwork in large firms, and on a novel approach to micro-level external and internal absorptive capacity (AC), as empirically observable external and internal learning mechanisms (LMs) underlying firms’ innovative capability accumulation (technological catch-up), we find that: (1) firms responded to changing windows of opportunity by developing dual AC through the intensity and the manner of use of multiple LMs across the emergence, gradual catch-up, and forging-ahead phases of the path-creation process; (2) however, there were variations within and across firms in the effectiveness with which they developed their dual AC over these phases, leading to a non-homogenous technological catch-up: while some firms reached a world-leading capability level, others became fast-followers. We contribute to deepening and refining the understanding of technological catch-up through robust empirical insights on how the dynamic interplay between windows of opportunity and variation in the micro-level dual AC development’s effectiveness helps to explain the nature and extent of firms’ technological catch-up. We also provide a basis to further the analysis of technological catch-up and its learning processes, particularly in natural resources-rich industries in resource-rich developing countries.  相似文献   

利用2007—2019年数据,检验中国战略性新兴产业要素禀赋、技术创新能力与产业发展质量之间的相关关系和作用机制。实证结果表明:(1)中国战略性新兴产业的劳动力要素、技术要素对产业发展质量具有显著正向影响,资本要素对产业发展质量具有显著负向影响;(2)技术创新能力对产业发展质量有显著正向影响;(3)技术创新能力与技术要素的交互作用对产业发展质量具有显著正向影响,但技术创新能力与资本要素的交互作用、技术创新能力与劳动力要素的交互作用对产业发展质量具有显著负向影响。  相似文献   

The comparative kilogram-price of an equivalent product group in international trade is a rough indication of underlying technological capability. Although there are many theoretical and practical difficulties involved in applying this approach to East-West trade, these difficulties can be minimised by a careful selection of product groups. In this connection, advanced chemical products are particularly suitable because the chemical industry is one in which both kilogram-prices and technological sophistication tend to increase hand-in-hand at successive stages of manufacture. The results of this enquiry are quite striking. From the standpoint of bilateral trade, the kilogram-prices of Soviet and East European exports to the EEC countries are consistently lower than those of corresponding imports from the EEC. Throughout the period 1960–1972 these differentials appears to be closing either very slowly or not at all, while the Soviet and East European share of the EEC marked has remained more or less constant or has declined since the mid-1960's. From the alternative perspective of the “neutral” Yugoslavian market, the kilogram-prices of EEC exports are again consistently higher than those obtained by the Comecon coun tries. Moreover, there has been a considerable eroson in the market share of the Comecon countries since the mid-1960's. These general findings are broadly in line with other kinds of estimates and suggest that in these relatively advanced and dynamic sectors of industry, Soviet and East European technology is at present substantially inferior to that of the Common Market countries.  相似文献   

徐蕾  李明贝 《科研管理》2019,40(5):110-119
随着知识经济时代的到来,如何通过技术多元化提升企业创新绩效引起重点关注,但对两者间的内在机理尚缺乏深入剖析。为此,本文从组织能力视角出发,构建“技术广度多元化、技术深度多元化--吸收能力、技术整合能力--创新绩效”的理论框架,采用回归分析等方法,以沪深两市6个制造行业303家上市公司为样本进行实证检验,研究发现:(1)技术广度多元化与技术深度多元化对创新绩效呈现显著正向影响:(2)吸收能力与技术整合能力在技术多元化与创新绩效间所起作用各不相同,技术广度多元化主要通过吸收能力提升创新绩效,而技术深度多元化主要通过技术整合能力对创新绩效起作用。  相似文献   

张冬梅  史雅楠  徐雨森 《科研管理》2019,40(11):123-133
通过对两家后发工程机械制造企业创新追赶历程的探索性案例分析,得到以下研究发现。一是发现工程机械制造企业的技术能力提升呈现“序贯性”特征,企业创新追赶过程中需要科学依循技术能力的序贯性。二是发现组织学习和资源治理作为技术能力提升的重要支撑行动,随着追赶过程的深入也呈现序贯性的演进。三是发现技术(工程)科学知识的掌控是复杂工程机械制造企业技术能力向高端演进的关键因素,对其的关注应贯穿技术能力提升的整个过程。  相似文献   

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