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Locomotor, resting, and feeding responses to four levels of environmental complexity were measured in a two-phase study. In a long-term free-choice testing situation (ad-lib phase), subjects (N = 20) demonstrated a marked preference for high complexity during “day” conditions. This preference, present in the patterns of resting and locomotor behavior, was partially preserved under “night” conditions. The patterns of feeding behavior were essentially independent of complexity preference. The same subjects in the discrete trial phase of the study chose high complexity most often in a four-choice testing situation. The apparent preference for high environmental complexity was interpreted as a shelter/relaxation seeking response elicited by the number or complexity of elements in the complexity area. Complexity seemed to reduce the arousal level of the subject, arguing against current arousal hypotheses which suggest that complex stimuli are attractive because of their arousal-inducing qualities.  相似文献   

In this study hierarchical syndrome analysis was used to investigate empirically the clustering of tests each of which consisted of items based upon the rationale of a particular category of the Bloom Taxonomy (i.e., an “application” test, an “analysis” test, etc.). Each test included items related to eight physical science principles. Thus an attempt was made to hold the content as constant as possible and systematically vary process in the formation of the tests. The data indicate possible ways of combining Taxonomy item types based on the psychological distance between the categories.  相似文献   

The authors assessed the effects of using “none of the above” as an option in a 40-item, general-knowledge multiple-choice test administered to undergraduate students. Examinees who selected “none of the above” were given an incentive to write the correct answer to the question posed. Using “none of the above” as the keyed option made items much more difficult (d = ?1.11). Furthermore, 45% of the time that examinees correctly selected “none of the above,” they wrote either a wrong answer (19%) or no answer (26%), and rescoring items to deny credit in these cases caused item discrimination to fall (d = ?0.35). Thus, when “none of the above” is the keyed option, credit earned by examinees with knowledge deficiencies can make items appear to have more discriminatory power than is actually the case. The authors recommend that “none of the above” should not be used as an option in multiple-choice items.  相似文献   

Practical use of the matrix sampling (i.e. item sampling) technique requires the assumption that an examinee's response to an item is independent of the context in which the item occurs. This assumption was tested experimentally by comparing the responses of examinees to a population of items with the responses of examinees to item samples. Matrix sampling mean and variance estimates for verbal, quantitative, and attitude tests were used as dependent variables to test for differences between the “context” and “out-of-context” groups. The estimates obtained from both treatment groups were also compared with actual population values. No significant differences were found between treatments on matrix sample parameter estimates for any of the three types of tests.  相似文献   


In Summer 1996, an opinionnaire survey was used to evaluate the opinions of Korean professors, in earth science education and geology departments, about the science concepts related to environmental issues that might be important for secondary preservice earth science teachers in the Republic of Korea. The opinionnaire contained 63 items within the 14 major topics being considered. It used a 4-choice, Likert-type scale and was completed by 47 professors (response rate = 51%). There was a good coincidence in opinions on major topics to be included. Respondents favored an environmental earth science course that emphasized the “human impact on the environment” rather than “natural environmental hazards.” Also, they favored study of natural hazards that commonly occur in Korea within a context of worldwide natural hazards.  相似文献   

Abu Dhabi high school students’ interest in physics in different contexts was investigated with a survey conducted in connection with the international project, The Relevance of Science Education (ROSE). The sample consisted of 2248 students in public and private schools. Means of most items that belong to the school physics context for both girls and boys were below the score of (3.0). The most interesting topics for both genders were connected with fantasy items. The least interesting items (particularly for girls) were connected with artifacts and technological processes. Girls assigned the highest scores for “why we dream” and “life and death.” Boys assigned the highest scores for “inventions and discoveries” and “life outside of earth.” The main message of the study is that new curricular approaches and textbooks can be developed through combining technological and human contexts. The implications for curriculum development, teacher professional development programs, and other education strategies in Abu Dhabi are discussed in light of the ROSE survey.  相似文献   

The major aim of the present study is to assess college students’ attitudes, perceptions, emotional reactions and affective dispositions with respect to various critical dimensions of course achievement testing and assessment, including: “papers” vs. “exams”, “essay” vs. “multiple choice” type formats, “open book” vs. “closed book” exams, “free choice” among items vs. “no free choice” among items, and “oral” vs. “written” modes of test administration. A further aim is to delineate the construction, properties, and potential classroom uses and applications of a selected sample of examinee feedback inventories designed to gauge students’ test attitudes and dispositions. The use of each examinee feedback inventory is demonstrated and exemplified in the context of an empirical study. This paper discusses the assumptions underlying the use of feedback systems in college achievement evaluation; their importance for assessing the face validity of classroom tests; some possible future applications of feedback inventories for research and applied purposes in college; and some guidelines for future research. A mapping sentence specifying the universe of content of test attitude and examinee feedback research is suggested as a heuristic device for guiding future research.  相似文献   

The National Assessment of Educational Progress Science Assessment has consistently revealed small gender differences on science content items but not on science inquiry items. This assessment differs from others in that respondents can choose “I don't know” rather than guessing. This paper examines explanations for the gender differences including (a) differential prior instruction, (b) differential response to uncertainty and use of the “I don't know” response, (c) differential response to figurally presented items, and (d) different attitudes towards science. Of these possible explanations, the first two received support. Females are more likely to use the “I don't know” response, especially for items with physical science content or masculine themes such as football. To ameliorate this situation we need more effective science instruction and more gender-neutral assessment items.  相似文献   

All teacher evaluation forms completed in the arts and sciences division of a large community college were analyzed at three levels: division-wide (N=9,080), in class groups (31 groups), and class averages (548 classes). Multiple regression was used to predict teacher rating from the other nine items on the form. At all levels, expected grade, with minor exceptions, was the least important predictor. Certain items relating to teacher characteristics as perceived by the students had a consistent impact on rating. They included the following: “tries to help students understand,” which was most important, “sincerely interested in students,” and “uses class time effectively.”  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to test the applicability of two American instruments designed to assess tertiary students' evaluations of teaching effectiveness with New Zealand students. The scales were found to have high internal consistency reliability coefficients, most of the items were seen to be appropriate, and every item was considered of importance by at least some of the students. In addition, all but the Workload/Difficulty items clearly differentiated between “good,” “average,” and “poor” lectures. Further analyses generally supported both the factor structure identified in earlier research and the convergent and discriminate validity of the scales from both instruments. This research has provided strong support for the applicability of these American instruments for evaluating effective teaching at a New Zealand university.  相似文献   

本研究主要通过有声思维的方法探索阅读任务中词汇附带习得的注意过程,以及时间压力和语境识别对附带习得的影响。结果发现:(1)注意过程包括“理解障碍–生词的语境意义”、“理解障碍消除–生词的用法”、“生词复现–生词的语境意义”和“生词复现–生词的用法”等四类,且阅读理解障碍是促发学习者对生词进行注意的重要原因;(2)注意过程对词汇附带习得有较明显的促进作用,但注意过程的类别差异对附带习得的影响不大;(3)时间压力的主效应以及时间压力和语境识别的交互作用不显著,但语境识别的影响非常显著,即语境线索越接近注意过程中的语言输入,学习者对生词意义的再认就越容易。  相似文献   

本文整理了文献中关于动点一动系选择的四条原则,论证了其中最基本两条的合理性。而另外两条作为恰当性原则有助于解决某些特定问题。对文献中一些提法进行了讨论,并给出了若干反例,包括“动点动系选择的唯一准则”,“动点是否必须要动”和‘相对速度的理解”等。  相似文献   

以2019年中国高等职业教育质量年度报告中“育人成效”“教学资源”“国际影响”“服务贡献”4个项目为一级评价指标,以4个项目中的12个考核内容、43个考核点作为二级和三级评价指标,建立评价体系;选取各项目60所入选公示院校的各项数据作为评价指标数据,分析高等职业教育质量年度报告的考察重点和入选公示院校的项目优势、不足,为其他职业院校找到学习对比的标杆,为职业院校人才培养提供经验借鉴,全面提高高等职业院校人才培养质量。  相似文献   

Items from two American instruments designed to measure students' evaluations of teaching effectiveness were translated into Spanish and administered to a sample of Spanish university students. Most of the items were judged by the students to be appropriate, every item was chosen by at least a few as being a most important item, and all but the Workload/Difficulty items clearly differentiated between lecturers whom students indicated to be “good,” “average,” and “poor.” A series of factor analyses clearly identified the factors that the instruments were designed to measure and that have been identified in previous research. Finally, a multitrait-multimethod analysis demonstrated that there was good agreement between factors from the two instruments which were hypothesized to measure the same components of effective teaching, and provided support for both the convergent and discriminant validity of the ratings. The findings illustrate the feasibility of evaluating effective teaching in a Spanish university and the appropriateness of the two American instruments.  相似文献   

回应哈金的“消去主义”,是当代自然种类理论研究的一个难题。克里普克通过哲学的语义分析导出一种“类本质主义”,引领出一个集中于解释分类自然性的自然种类理论研究趋势。由“类本质主义”到“稳定性质簇说”,相关探讨接受语言哲学“遵从世界”的思维,并随之接受一个“人-自然”式的二元世界结构预设。“稳定性质簇说”基于“集团稳定性”解释自然种类,该解释具有一定的优势,但是它主要从认识论的角度综合“自我平衡性质簇说”和“非规则的稳定性”,没有质疑已有研究的本体论基础,因此在本体论取向方面犹豫不决。“稳定性质簇说”重视本体论实践,但是需要一种本体论观念的修正。综合关于自然种类的哲学语义学、认识论和形而上学研究,有可能给出对于哈金“消去主义”的进一步回应。  相似文献   

This study is a follow-up of 47 children previously reported, who were referred to one paediatric unit and found to be “at risk” of child abuse. They were classified as “Satisfactory” (12), “Unsatisfactory” (18), and “Uncertain” (17), on the basis of breakdown of natural parenting, growth failure, developmental delay, behaviour disturbance and nonaccidental injury. Three years later, of 6 “unsatisfactory” children still with natural parents, 3 were unchanged and 3 had deteriorated. Of 10 fostered children from this group, 4 were considered normal and 5 had improved. Of 17 children in the “Uncertain” group, 3 are reclassified as “Satisfactory,” 3 are now “Unsatisfactory” and in 3 significant organic disease makes attribution of disability difficult. Ten out of 12 children in the “Satisfactory” group have remained in this category. These findings point to the conclusion that in those families where child rearing practices are so poor as to produce emotional and developmental impairment, the usual social work support and other conventional methods are not able to reverse the harm and in some cases to prevent further deterioration.  相似文献   

Is belief in the paranormal alive and well within preservice teachers? In this survey 232 undergraduates (including 202 preservice primary teachers) were asked to react to a series of eight statements reflecting paranormal New Age beliefs rated earlier by a faculty panel as “totally unbelievable.” Overall, the students' modal response was expressed as “no particular opinion,” although for five of the eight items the modal respónse was “slightly believable.” It was found that only four students within the sample consistently rejected all eight statements. The frequency of ‘believers’ outnumbered the ‘skeptics’ in relation to three items (beliefs in UFOs, psychic seances, and Nostradamus). New Age factor scores were not significantly related to undergraduate faculty or year level, to holding anti-scientific beliefs or to a measure of TV-viewing, and did not correlate significantly with the personality scale Need for Cognition. Females evidenced higher New Age scores than males, but attitudes to science were unrelated to gender.  相似文献   

Identifying the Causes of DIF in Translated Verbal Items   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Translated tests are being used increasingly for assessing the knowledge and skills of individuals who speak different languages. There is little research exploring why translated items sometimes function differently across languages. If the sources of differential item functioning (DIF) across languages could be predicted, it could have important implications on test development, scoring and equating. This study focuses on two questions: “Is DIF related to item type?”, “What are the causes of DIF?” The data were taken from the Israeli Psychometric Entrance Test in Hebrew (source) and Russian (translated). The results indicated that 34% of the items functioned differentially across languages. The analogy items were the most problematic with 65% showing DIF, mostly in favor of the Russian-speaking examinees. The sentence completion items were also a problem (45% D1F). The main reasons for DIF were changes in word difficulty, changes in item format, differences in cultural relevance, and changes in content.  相似文献   

The “Teacher Education and Development Study in Mathematics” assessed the knowledge of primary and lower-secondary teachers at the end of their training. The large-scale assessment represented the common denominator of what constitutes mathematics content knowledge and mathematics pedagogical content knowledge in the 16 participating countries. The country means provided information on the overall teacher performance in these 2 areas. By detecting and explaining differential item functioning (DIF), this paper goes beyond the country means and investigates item-by-item strengths and weaknesses of future teachers. We hypothesized that due to differences in the cultural context, teachers from different countries responded differently to subgroups of test items with certain item characteristics. Content domains, cognitive demands (including item difficulty), and item format represented, in fact, such characteristics: They significantly explained variance in DIF. Country pairs showed similar patterns in the relationship of DIF to the item characteristics. Future teachers from Taiwan and Singapore were particularly strong on mathematics content and constructed-response items. Future teachers from Russia and Poland were particularly strong on items requiring non-standard mathematical operations. The USA and Norway did particularly well on mathematics pedagogical content and data items. Thus, conditional on the countries’ mean performance, the knowledge profiles of the future teachers matched the respective national debates. This result points to the influences of the cultural context on mathematics teacher knowledge.  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been an increasing interest among educational researchers in exploring the relationships between learners’ epistemological beliefs and their conceptions of learning. This study was conducted to investigate these relationships particularly in the domain of science. The participants in this study included 407 Taiwanese college science‐major students. All of them responded to two major questionnaires, one assessing their scientific epistemological beliefs (SEBs) and the other one probing their conceptions of learning science (COLS). The SEB questionnaire included four factors: “certainty,” “source,” “development,” and “justification” of science knowledge. The COLS survey consisted of six factors in a hierarchical order, that is, learning science as “memorizing,” “preparing for tests,” “calculating and practicing,” “increasing one’s knowledge,” “application,” and “understanding and seeing in a new way.” The students’ confidence and interest toward learning science were also assessed by additional questionnaire items. Stepwise regression analyses, in general, showed coherence between students’ SEBs and their COLS, indicating that the sophistication of SEBs was consistent with less agreement with lower‐level COLS (such as “memorizing” and “preparing for tests”) as well as more agreement with higher‐level COLS (such as “understanding and seeing in a new way”). However, the SEB’s “justification” factor was positively related to almost all of COLS factors from the lower‐level to higher‐level. This study finally found that among all of the SEB and COLS factors, the “preparing for tests” factor in COLS was the solely significant variable for predicting students’ interest in science and confidence toward learning science.  相似文献   

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