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Analysis of the circumstances surrounding Gordon & Breach vs. American Institute of Physics. Albert Henderson has worked in publishing for over thirty-five years. He has provided consulting services to many commercial and nonprofit publishers, including Gordon & Breach, and has been following this case for nearly ten years. He has edited Publishing Research Quarterly since 1994.  相似文献   

Robert Baensch documents and discusses the impact of consolidation, not only in publishing itself, but in printing, book distribution and government funding. He also analyzes the impact of declining enrollments in higher education and the growing competition that the video industry (and its concentration) poses to book publishing. Rather than despair, he urges, publishers must attempt to deal with these forces and shape the future. Robert E. Baensch is director of publishing for the American Institute of Physics. Formerly vice president of marketing, Macmillan Publishing Co., he is also chairman of the AAP’s Professional and Scholarly Publishing Division Address for correspondence.  相似文献   

Kevin Howat was named Senior Vice President, Business Development at WiseBear.com, Inc. in November 1999. Immediately prior to this appointment, he served as Vice President, Business Development & Brand Management at Time Inc. New Media. Mr. Howat was a co-founder of and served as Vice President and Publisher for Simon & Schuster's Macmillan Digital unit, an early publisher of new media titles for consumer reference market. He has also held editorial and marketing management positions with book publishers Thomson and Addison & Wesley. This article is based on a presentation made during the E-Commerce: Developing New Online Businesses for Publishers, a seminar sponsored by the Center for Publishing, New York University, Villa La Pietra, Florence, Italy, February 2–5, 2000.  相似文献   

Crane, Russak & Company was a small, independent publishing establishment created in 1973 at 52 Vanderbilt Avenue in New York City. It was a creation of Ted Crane, a former head of VNR Publishing Co., and Ben Russak, then recently retired president/founder of the American Elsevier Publishing Company. Its opening-day list consisted of 400 British-import titles for which the founders had acquired U.S. rights. It was, through its short life, a tiny operation with only a few employees. Nat Bodian helped organize the start-up operation for Crane, Russak and during its early years wore most of the ‘hats’ in the company including marketing, publicity, promotion, and production. He served under Ben Russak, who was its active president. Ted Crane, at that time, was active with Boutwell, Crane, Mosely & Associates—publishing consultants—at the same address. Excerpted fromThe Joy of Publishing: Fascinating Facts, Anecdotes, Curiosities, and Historic Origins … about Books and Authors, Editors and Publishers … Bookmaking and Bookselling. By Nat Bodian. Published June 1996 by Open Horizons Publishing Co., P.O. Box 205, Fairfield, Iowa 52556. Approx. 250 pp., cloth. ISBN 0-912411-47-3, $29.95.  相似文献   

Fred Kobrak, who has spent much of his career marketing U.S. scholarly books abroad, puts his experience to use in viewing the task of foreign publishers who wish to sell their products in the U.S. market. In so doing, he discusses changes in the environment of scientific publishing and raises the interesting question of how one distinguishes between “domestic” and “foreign” publishers. He suggests that “U.S.” publishers have much to learn from “foreign” competitors, and that competition can benefit publishers, their authors, and their customers. Fred Kobrak is a partner in Adrian Higham Associates, consultants, on the international publishing industry. He recently retired from the presidency of Collier Macmillan International, New York, the international arm of Macmillan Publishing Company. Address for correspondence  相似文献   

The Spread of Educational Technology edited by Philip Hills and John Gilbert (London: Kogan Page/New York: Nichols Publishing, 1977—$27.50)

International Yearbook of Educational and Instructional Technolo. 1978/79 compiled and edited by Anne Howe and A.J. Romiszowski (London: Kogan Page/New York: Nichols Publishing, l978—$23.50)

Educational Film Locator (New York: R.R. Bowker, 1978—$45.00)

Graduate Degree Programs in Instructional Technology 1978-79 by John W. Ellison and Clara DiFelice (1978, 152 pp.,—$4.50, paper)

Learning via Telecommunications (1978, 80 pp.r–$8.95, paper)

The Politics of Interconnection: A History of Public Television at the National Level by Robert K. Avery and Robert Pepper (1979, 66 pp.—$3.00, paper),

The Nixon Administration Papers on Public Broadcasting (1979, —$5.00, paper)

AVMP 1979: Audiovisual Market Place: A Multimedia Guide (New York: R.R. Bowker, 1979— price not given, but about $24.00, paper)

Charles Callaci Learning Through Television: A Handbook of Principles (Ramo II Publishers, Box 352, Chino, Ca 9l710—price not given, paper)

Whitney North Seymour, Jr. and Elizabeth N. Layne For the People: Fighting for Public Libraries (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1979—$8.95)  相似文献   

This article considers the British experience of developing education for publishers at the end of the 1990s. To introduce the subject, it briefly outlines recent trends in the UK in publishing and bookselling: the size and nature of the workforce as revealed in recent surveys; and what employers recently indicated that they are looking for in their employees. Then, it summarises some of the developments that are taking place in education and training, before outlining the courses currently available in the Universities, their growing emphasis on business management and Information Technology, and the benefits to employers of recruiting students from these courses. Finally, it raises issues that will become more significant in the future: new legal and ethical challenges, and the responsibility for preservation and conservation arising from technological changes; keeping existing staff up to date; the international dimensions of the industry; retaining links between the academic community and the industry; regulating standards of professional practice; and the development of research. An earlier and shorter version of this paper, entitled “Education for publishing— the British experience,” was presented by Ian Johnson at a colloquium “Books, Publishers and Libraries,” organised by Zagreb Chamber of Commerce’s Association of Publishers and Booksellers and the University of Zagreb’ s Department of Information Science in December 1996. IAN JOHNSON has been Head of the School of Information and Media at The Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, Scotland since 1989, and initiated the School’s development as a centre for publishing education and research in 1992. He is currently joint editor of Libri; a member of the Editorial Board of Education for Information; and Chairman of the Heads of Schools and Departments Committee of BAILER: the British Association for Information and Library Education and Research, and of the Executive Board of EUCLID: the European Association for Library and Information Education and Research. JO ROYLE is Subject Leader for Publishing Studies and Course Leader for the BA/BA (Honours) in Publishing Studies in the School of Information and Media, where she has taught since 1993. She is currently researching aspects of branding in publishing, and the impact of the Internet on relationship management within the book trade.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Journal Publishing By Gillian Page, Robert Campbell and Jack Meadows, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997, 420 pp £35.00, ISBN: 0 521 44137 4 Small Publishers A–Z: The guide to good publishing By Daphne Macara, West Molesey: Pandor House Publications, 1997, 44pp £6.50, ISBN: 1 871248 03 5  相似文献   

刘辰 《出版科学》2007,15(4):88-90,94
自1993年至今,蔡学俭全心投入《出版科学》工作。对编辑工作的热爱是蔡老先生“乐而忘老之已至”的精神源头。  相似文献   

刘辰 《出版科学》2007,15(4):88-90,94
自1993年至今,蔡学俭全心投入《出版科学》工作.对编辑工作的热爱是蔡老先生"乐而忘老之已至"的精神源头.  相似文献   

Despite the anticipated fall of customs barriers in 1992, linguistic differences among European cultures will persist. English-language publishing will increase its presence, particularly in science and technology. Concentration will increase. But the penetration of the Italian market is not one-sided: Italian publishers, too, have entered other markets. The Italian printing industry is healthy, growing, and competitive worldwide. Gianni Merlini is president and CEO of Unione Tipografico-Editrice Torinese (UTET). His 1952 law degree thesis on “The Publishing manager and managing director before becoming president in 1975. He is active in numerous European associations in the fields of printing and publishing. UTET will celebrate its two-hundredth anniversary in 1991 and has been in Dr. Merlini's family since its founding.  相似文献   

Unauthorized use of copyrighted materials is widespread and has been facilitated by technological advances. Copyright piracy has been reduced by the actions of the United States Trade Representative, the Association of American Publishers, and the International Intellectual Property Alliance. A number of successful antipiracy activities are reviewed, along with areas where problems continue. Fred Kobrak is a partner in Higham Kobrak Associates, consultants on the international publishing industry. He was formerly president of Collier Macmillan International, New York, the international arm of Macmillan Publishing Company. This article is adapted from a presentation to the seminar “East Meets West: Copyright and the Publisher in a Market Economy”, Hamburg, March 1991.  相似文献   

The Single European Market heralds the biggest and most exciting change in English-language publishing since the Anglo-American copyright agreement was signed a century ago. Now the change is being driven by economic factors; by social, educational, and cultural elements; and by dreams of an age in which publishing prospers in a totally literate world. Philip Attenborough has been Chairman of Hodder & Stoughton, London, since 1975 and has been with the firm for 32 years, serving as export manager, director, and sales director. He has been a member of the Publishers Association Council since 1976 (and was its President from 1983 to 1985). He is a Director of Book Tokens Ltd, Chairman of the British Council Publishers Advisory Committee, and a member of the Executive Committee of the International Publishers Association. He is a former member of the British Library Advisory Council.  相似文献   

In Canada, data on book publishing are collected and disseminated by a variety of agencies. The types and collectors of data are described, and the accuracy and completeness of data are assessed. The relationship between available statistical information and policy formation and application in support of book publishing is discussed, and Canadian programs to support writing and publishing are evaluated. Rowland Lorimer is director of the Canadian Centre for Studies in Publishing. He is active in research in publishing policy and mass communications.  相似文献   

The Canadian Centre for Studies in Publishing at Simon Fraser University is about to admit its first students. This article describes the founding of the Centre and the evolution of its curriculum. In its present form, the curriculum combines advice from the industry and the academic requirements of the university. Rowland Lorimer is professor of communication at Simon Fraser University. He is director of the Centre for Canadian Studies and co-director (Research and Credit Curriculum), Canadian Centre for Studies in Publishing. He is active in research in publishing policy and mass communications.  相似文献   

An indigenous publishing industry is essential to African development. The author places the African situation in a Third World context and discusses such issues as the nature of the African reading public, the politics of language, the role of multinationals, problems of distribution, and technology. He describes the challenges faced in developing an African book industry and suggests some possible approaches to providing assistance. He is the author or editor of numerous books and articles on education and publishing in the Third World, including most recently Publishing and Development in the Third World.  相似文献   

PROGRESS IN COMMUNICATION SCIENCES, VOLUME V edited by Brenda Dervin and Melvin J. Voight (Norwood, N.J.: Ablex 1984---$39.50)

MACMILLAN DICTIONARY OF MARKETING & ADVERTISING edited by Michael J. Baker (New York: Nichols Publishing, 1984---$4.50)

THE FIRST FREEDOM TODAY: CRITICAL ISSUES RELATING TO CENSORSHIP AND TO INTELLECTUAL FREEDOM edited by Robert Downs and Ralph McCoy (Chicago: American Library Association, 1984---$40.00)

MEDIA POWER by David Altheide (Beverly Hills, Ca.: Sage Publications, 1985---$28.00/14.00)

CURRENT ISSUES AND RESEARCH IN ADVERTISING 1984 edited by James Leigh and Claude Martin, Jr. (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, 1984---$15.00)

THE COPYRIGHT BOOK; A PRACTICAL GUIDE by William Strong (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1984---$13.95)  相似文献   

为更好地发挥出版专业技术人员职业资格考试对高校编辑出版专业教育的影响,文章从出版理念和出版实践两方面分析了出版专业技术人员职业资格考试对我国高校编辑出版专业教育具有的引领和规范作用,并就进一步加强考试工作对高校编辑出版专业教育的影响力提出建议:第一,鼓励高校编辑出版专业学生参加出版专业技术人员初级职业资格考试;第二,倡导编辑出版专业的师生将出版专业技术人员职业资格考试辅导教材作为必备的专业教学辅导用书;第三,把参加出版专业技术人员职业资格考试纳入编辑出版专业专任教师的岗位培训范畴,并将获得出版专业技术人员中级职业资格证书作为专任教师晋升高级职称的重要条件之一。  相似文献   

As European economic integration proceeds, governments will have to address the cultural issues that they have thus far neglected. In the Netherlands, special, concerns include a decline in the level of reading and of book sales, the need for low VAT rates and fixed book prices, and the forcing out of small producers. At the same time, integration offers opportunities in the maintenance of local markets, multicultural and language education, and harmonization of copyright laws. Joost Kist has been active in publishing since 1953. He was vice-president of the Executive Board of Wolters Kluwer and retired from its board in January 1990. He remains a consultant to the board and special assistant to the chairman. Dr. Kist is a member of the Council for Libraries and Information Services and author ofElectronic Publishing: Looking for a Blueprint and many articles on the subject of new media. Wolters Kluwer was formed in 1988 by the merger of the Wolters Noordhoff and Kluwer groups. In May 1990 they purchased J.B. Lippincott from HarperCollins. Their turnover for the last fiscal year was just over $1 billion, with pretax income of $123.5 million.  相似文献   

徐诺  程利冬 《编辑学报》2015,27(3):283-284
根据《International Journal of Smart and Nano Materials》与世界4大知名出版集团之一的Taylor & Francis出版集团的合作办刊经验,总结并分析国际合作对增强期刊竞争力的积极意义及应当注意的事项.  相似文献   

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