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美国联邦政府为了有效地解决战后退伍士兵面临的就业、培训、医疗保障等方面的问题,于1944年颁布了《退伍士兵权利法案》。该法案奠定了美国战后退伍士兵安置的法律基础,促使联邦政府大量的资金源源不断地流入到对退伍士兵的教育训练中去,有力地推动了战后美国各州教育尤其是成人教育的改革与发展进程。  相似文献   

Since the Post-9/11 GI Bill was enacted in 2009, student veteran populations have nearly doubled while services that support their transition to higher education have dramatically increased. Despite a surge in resources, however, institutions are deficient in training faculty and staff about veterans’ issues, consequently leaving student veterans susceptible to inaccurate perceptions about their service and wellbeing. In an effort to provide an inclusive environment for service members, this article discusses findings from two focus groups and 14 interviews with student veterans. Recommendations for training faculty and staff and enhancing the visibility of veterans’ issues through Veteran Ally training and student veteran discussion panels are discussed.  相似文献   

Examining both the GI Bill and the origins of desegregation of traditionally segregated institutions of higher learning in the South, this historical essay argues that these 2 separate historic markers should not be considered independently. Indeed, to understand the full scope of the GI Bill, we must consider the limited options that Black veterans had when it came to college admissions. Conversely, when considering the desegregation of historically segregated southern colleges and universities, we must also evaluate the strong will many Black veterans expressed in their desire to redeem the federal government's promise for a college education. Building off the body of critical scholarship published on the GI Bill, this article closely examines the enrollment and experience of the first 2 Black veterans to attend the University of Florida (UF), contextualizing the experiences of these veterans with that of other African Americans seeking to gain acceptance to historically segregated public universities in the United States. It also contrasts the African American veteran experience at UF with that of the first White veterans to attend UF following World War II.  相似文献   

美国国会于1944年颁布了《退伍士兵权利法案》。该法案规定:联邦政府对在二战期间服役超过90天的退伍士兵提供必要的经济资助,根据其服役时间长短和职位等提供一定数额的退役金、教育训练补助金、失业救济金和住房贷款等。《退伍士兵权利法案》的颁布,奠定了美国战后安置退伍士兵政策的法律框架,为美国二战后在短时间内妥善地安置近千万退伍士兵发挥了重要作用,促进了美国高等教育的大发展,为美国战后经济的腾飞和社会进步提供了强有力的人才支持和智力保障。  相似文献   

The Passing of the Education Reform Act   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
When the Education Reform Bill, now an Act, was published higher education received little attention. It was a massive Bill, with major changes for the schools. But as time went on reaction outside Parliament, and lobbies within it caused higher education, but mainly the universities and their role, to be forced to the front of the political stage. Although key government concessions were made in the Commons, most of the action happened in the Lords. The government may have wanted to deflect the Lords from making substantial changes to their school reforms by giving their Lordships something to bite on in higher education. Or was it the success of the CVCP campaign, which undoubtedly raised morale in the universities, that was responsible for key changes? Was it luck, political circumstance, or the intellectual vigour of the arguments that led to government defeats on the question of academic freedom? This paper traces the passage of the Bill as it affected higher education.  相似文献   

作为保障义务教育之后的受教育权利的一种方法 ,教育券被提议用来资助终身学习。这类教育券会提供给所有完成义务教育的人 ,以资助他们选择更广泛的教育培训。保障后义务教育权利的资助形式有助学金和按收入的一定比例偿还的贷款。后者可以通过投资教育和培训获得的更高收入来偿还。文章阐述了教育权利资助机制的全面性和灵活性会提高教育和培训的公平与效率。文中讨论了资金、规章制度和支持服务等各个方面 ,同时 ,对将提高退伍军人教育福利的GI法案作为实施义务教育之后的受教育权利的有效历史经验进行了讨论  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationships between professional knowledge, self-concept, and interest of pre-service physics teachers. In order to support student learning and interest development alike, teachers need a profound professional knowledge and respective motivational orientations. Developing both professional knowledge and motivational orientations in teachers is therefore a key challenge of teacher education. Prior research has focused on the development of content knowledge (CK) and pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) within teacher education, but the role of motivational orientations such as self-concept and interest have mostly been neglected areas of study. As individuals develop domain-specific motivational orientations, they compare their achievement in an external frame to the achievement of their peers, and they compare their achievements in an internal frame across domains. The effects of these psychological processes on domain-specific motivational orientations are described by the generalized internal/external frame of reference model (GI/E model). We assessed the professional knowledge (CK and PCK) and motivational orientations (self-concept and interest) of N = 200 pre-service physics teachers from 12 teacher education institutes in Germany. To investigate the predictions of the GI/E model, we utilized structural equation modeling. In line with the GI/E model, the analysis revealed that pre-service teachers use social comparisons. Pre-service teachers with a higher CK/PCK also showed a higher CK/PCK self-concept. We also identified instances of internal comparisons as we found that a high level of CK corresponds with a lower PCK self-concept. While we could not identify the same effects from professional knowledge on interest, self-concept mediated the effects from professional knowledge on interest. The results suggest that interdependencies between professional knowledge and motivational orientation should be given more consideration in teacher education research and should also be addressed more explicitly in teacher education.  相似文献   

数字化学习资源建设是无锡市终身学习公共服务平台建设的核心内容。在无锡建设学习型社会的大背景下,平台以服务全体市民为宗旨,力图建设一批丰富的、多类型的数字化学习资源,内容涵盖社会教育、远程开放教育、职业教育、高等教育、基础教育等领域。平台采取"自建、共享和引进"相结合的资源建设模式。为保证此模式的顺利实施,需要形成政府、高校、企业、社会、个体等纵横一体的多主体资源建设的动力机制,实现多元合作,并建立统一的技术标准。这对于无锡市终身学习公共服务平台的建设与运营有着重要意义。  相似文献   

The Covid-19 pandemic has driven the fastest changes to higher education across the globe, necessitated by social distancing measures preventing face-to-face teaching. This has led to an almost immediate switch to distance learning by higher education institutions. Anatomy faces some unique challenges. Intrinsically, anatomy is a three-dimensional subject that requires a sound understanding of the relationships between structures, often achieved by the study of human cadaveric material, models, and virtual resources. This study sought to identify the approaches taken in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland to deliver anatomical education through online means. Data were collected from 14 different universities in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland and compared adopting a thematic analysis approach. Once themes were generated, they were collectively brought together using a strength, weakness, opportunity, threat (SWOT) analysis. Key themes included the opportunity to develop new online resources and the chance to engage in new academic collaborations. Academics frequently mentioned the challenge that time constrains could place on the quality and effectiveness of these resources; especially as in many cases the aim of these resources was to compensate for a lack of exposure to cadaveric exposure. Comparisons of the actions taken by multiple higher education institutions reveal the ways that academics have tried to balance this demand. Discussions will facilitate decisions being made by higher education institutions regarding adapting the curriculum and assessment methods in anatomy.  相似文献   

In the tradition of grassroots environmental movements worldwide, activist Buddhist monks in rural Thailand have, since the late 1980s, led a popular movement to protect local forest, water and land resources while at the same time challenging dominant state and corporate ‘economist’ development paradigms. Most famously, these ‘development monks’ (phra nak phathanaa) and ‘ecology monks’ (phra nak anuraksaa) have led local villagers and NGO activists in the symbolic ordaining of large trees and forests (buat paa). They do this in the hope that they will not only protect forests from logging, but also teach local people the value of conserving forest resources. This paper charts the history, philosophy and practice of the activist forest monk movement in Thailand, its contribution to our collective knowledge of adult education in new social movements, and its value to environmental adult education.  相似文献   

In spite of continuing patterning of curriculum subject preference and choice by gender, there has been little recent attention to the argument developed in the 1970s that children play with different toys according to their gender, and that these provide girls and boys with (different) curriculum‐related skills. The article describes a small‐scale empirical study that asked parents of 3–5 year old children to identify their child’s favourite toys and viewing material, and analysed responses according to children’s gender. The most frequently identified toys and viewing materials were subjected to content and discourse analysis, with the intention of identifying both educative aspects of content, and the gender discourses reflected. The article explores conceptual issues around categorisations of ‘education’ within toys and entertainment resources, positing the notion of ‘didactic information’ to delineate between overtly educational content and other social discourses. Analysis reveals toy preferences to be highly gendered, with boys’ toys and resources concentrated on technology and action, and girls’ on care and stereotypically feminine interests. Didactic information, and aspects developing construction and literacy skills, were identified in the selected toys and resources for boys, and were lacking in those for girls. All the toys and resources could be read as implicated in ‘gendering’: the various gender discourses, and other discourses around aspects of social identity reflected in the toys and resources are identified and analysed. The analysis presented suggests the value of reinvigorated attention to children’s toys and entertainment resources in terms both of the education they afford, and their role in the production of social identities.  相似文献   

Learning analytics (LA) has demonstrated great potential in improving teaching quality, learning experience and administrative efficiency. However, the adoption of LA in higher education is often beset by challenges in areas such as resources, stakeholder buy-in, ethics and privacy. Addressing these challenges in a complex system requires agile leadership that is responsive to pressures in the environment and capable of managing conflicts. This paper examines LA adoption processes among 21 UK higher education institutions using complexity leadership theory as a framework. The data were collected from 23 interviews with institutional leaders and subsequently analysed using a thematic coding scheme. The results showed a number of prominent challenges associated with LA deployment, which lie in the inherent tensions between innovation and operation. These challenges require a new form of leadership to create and nurture an adaptive space in which innovations are supported and ultimately transformed into the mainstream operation of an institution. This paper argues that a complexity leadership model enables higher education to shift towards more fluid and dynamic approaches for LA adoption, thus ensuring its scalability and sustainability.  相似文献   

The author views the Guidelines for Distance Learning Library Services of the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) as a sort of constitution that guarantees the rights of distance higher education students to the provision of appropriate library services by their higher education institutions. He thus presents the ten precepts underlying the Guidelines as a sort of Bill of Rights relating to library services provided to distance learning students.  相似文献   

English, in the words of Bill Bryson, ‘is one of the world's great growth industries’. Like some kind of metalanguage with its own Europe‐based meaning systems, it has constructed its own discourses in relation to Africa's conserved natural environment, nature documentaries, tourism and environmental education – at the expense of indigenous knowledge systems, cultural practices and languages. This paper examines the potency of English when it comes to notions such as that of the animal, the ‘wilderness experience’, hunting practices and ‘the African bush’ and how these meaning systems have percolated through to environmental education in relation to conserved areas in eastern and southern Africa. Drawing on critical language awareness theories and informal interviews and discussions with staff and students (representing a multitude of languages) at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, the predominance and hegemony of English as the exclusive language of learning and teaching in environmental education is questioned.  相似文献   

在市场经济和高等教育大众化条件下,高等教育资源的配置是政府调控、市场调节、高校自主三支力量相互制衡、博弈的结果,三者之间彼此互动,此消彼长:政府在高等教育资源配置中的管控力量逐步消减,市场介入高等教育资源配置的领域和力量日益扩大,高校作为政府力量的执行者、教育资源的消费者和市场力量的承受者,通过大学自治、学术自由、学生自主已经成为资源配置中不可忽视的第三支力量。高等教育资源配置原有的政府—市场二元模式随之被政府—市场—高校"三位一体"模式所取代。  相似文献   

Nowadays access has become probably the most fashionable word in the world of higher education. Its popularity owes much to demographic desperation, but something also to the success of Access entrants in higher education. In the current climate, Access Courses, so recently labelled a threat to quality, have apparently come in from the cold, and are now identified as one of, ‘three recognized routes to higher education’. Yet, by comparison with the other two routes (‘A’ levels and vocational qualifications) very little is known about these courses and Access students are still classified as ‘non-standard’ entrants. This paper offers a basic guide to Access Courses, predicts their future in a post-Reform Bill world and considers whether the, present a lifeline or a threat to conventional departments, as the focus of debate begins to shift from the quality of the entrant to the quality of the higher education curriculum, and the question is not only who higher education is for but increasingly what is it for?  相似文献   

The paper explores the relationship between education reform and Intercultural Bilingual Education (IBE) for Bolivia's majority indigenous peoples, as this has evolved since the 1990s into the era of Evo Morales, Latin America's first indigenous president, elected in 2005. In order to bring out the significance of the new Education Bill awaiting approval in parliament since 2006, the paper examines in detail the recent historical relationship between education reform and IBE, the role of the country's indigenous social organisations in evolving this relationship, and the ideological underpinnings of the new education reform legislation.  相似文献   

加快服务网络体系建设 促进自学考试发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在高等教育大众化的背景下,高等教育自学考试面临着新的压力和挑战,但同时也存在着很大的发展空间。高等教育自学考试要在竞争中保持其强大的生命力,就必须不断开拓创新、建设服务网络体系。从自学考试的发展前景立论,分析自考服务网络体系存在的问题,并提出服务网络体系建设需要制度创新,必须利用网络资源促进自学考试发展等思考。  相似文献   

Academic boredom is a largely negative and disabling achievement-related emotion. In this mixed-methods exploration of 224 students attending a single university in England, academic boredom was found to arise at the point of course delivery, while studying at other times and during the completion of assignments for assessment. Quantitative data from the recently adapted Boredom Proneness Scale for use across the UK higher education sector (the BPS-UKHE) and the Approaches and Study Skills Inventory for Students (ASSIST), enriched with qualitative data from 10 semi-structured research interviews, indicate that those with a higher propensity towards academic boredom than others displayed the deep, strategic and surface profiles of ‘less effective learners’. This was reflected in their interest in ideas, their ability to organise resources and manage time, what they had to memorise or do to ‘get by’, their achievement motivation and their sense of purpose. As part of a greater evolving network of other contributing factors, this translated into lower final degree marks and fewer ‘good’ degree awards. Recommendations surrounding boredom mitigation and approaches to learning are suggested which warrant serious consideration. The work presented here makes an important contribution to a surprisingly neglected field of UK higher education research and the student engagement agenda.  相似文献   

关于高等教育资源地域配置判断标准的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
区域高等教育资源是指一定区域内所具有的能够满足本区域人们高等教育需求的要素。目前衡量高等教育资源地域分布的标准有某区域内的高校数量、高考录取分数线、每十万人在校大学生数、高等教育入学机会以及人均预算内财政经费等。以这些指标来判断各区域的高等教育资源分布时多有不当之处。要准确衡量各区域的高等教育资源占有量可从绝对数量、绝对质量、相对数量和相对质量四个指标来进行。  相似文献   

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