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运用内容分析法对2005-2019年教育政策研究领域的388篇博士学位论文的研究主题以及研究方法进行分析发现:研究主题主要关注教育政策过程研究和教育政策内容研究,对于教育政策价值和系统的研究相对不足;研究方法倾向于采用定性研究范式,其中历史—比较研究法和政策话语分析法是占比最高的研究方法类型;不同的研究主题各有其研究方法选择倾向。基于此,应适当提升对于教育政策系统的关注,推动教育政策研究方法的规范化使用,促进教育政策研究范式的融合与共生,以实现教育政策研究主题的转向、研究方法迷思的澄清以及研究证据的多元化。  相似文献   

教育研究中存在着种种危险倾向,其根源错综复杂,既有历史的也有现实的,既有社会群体的也有个体自身的。研究者只有厘清教育研究的意义,正确认识研究对象的特性,并提高自我反思意识,才能跳出这些危险倾向,走一条扎扎实实的教育研究之路,真正发挥其服务于教育实践的功能。  相似文献   

论教育中的培育研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教育中的培育研究是对中小学教师(包括学校)的典型教育经验进行发掘、建模、检验和推广的教师研究。它帮助教师使自己的经验由幼小到壮大,由零散到系统,.由感性到理性,由具体到一般;它提高教师的教育理解力,增强教师的职业本领,改善教师的生活质量,让教师更加幸福。由于它坚持“为了教师的幸福”的研究方向,有更大的适切性和有效性,因而较受广大教师欢迎。  相似文献   

This paper will examine the Times Higher Education's (THE) World University Rankings as a corporate media product. A number of empirical studies have critiqued the methodology of the THE, yet individuals, Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and governments continue to use them for decision-making. This paper analyses the influence of rankings through the concepts of mediatization and visualisation. To this end, this paper will examine how media defines excellence in HEIs through rankings, and how HEIs use rankings to define themselves within a competitive educational marketplace.  相似文献   

Educational research should both inform policy and practice and be forward looking, anticipating the future questions of policymakers, teachers and the community. This paper uses one research organisation, the New Zealand Council for Educational Research (NZCER), as a case study to illustrate possible strategies for promoting research through utilising and building upon research-policymaking and research-practice linkages. It highlights some of the issues, opportunities, and risks for research resulting from the demand for evidence-based policy and from the trend for practitioners to be integral to the research team as research partners and as researchers. It also raises some challenges for research organisations if they are to work effectively both within and beyond the policy and practice parameters of the day. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   


The paper examines the future prospects for educational research as conducted in UK universities and colleges of higher education in the light of current general changes in the organisation, funding and culture of higher education, and in respect of specific changes in the initial and in service training of teachers. It includes a critical examination of the claim made by some educational researchers that their research constitutes a special case, differentiated from other social science and humanities disciplines, both by the routes into educational research and the concerns of those who practise it. It is suggested that the special case argument for the alleged distinctiveness of educational research is largely unjustified, and does not contribute positively to the future prospects of that research or kelp to ease the relative isolation of educational researchers. Alliances between educational researchers, and those researching in the social sciences are advocated as one strategy which will help both partners. It is also suggested that educational researchers should try to ensure that novel and existing modes of training new researchers such as doctoral programmes, make connections with the training of other beginning researchers, rather than dividing would‐be educational researchers from their counterparts in other disciplinary or interdisciplinary areas.  相似文献   

“再研究”对高职教育教学模式发表了新的看法,提出了“跟单式”教学模式,在借鉴兄弟学校在校企合作、订单培养方面成功经验的基础上,进行了“跟单式”教学模式的尝试,结合天津冶金职业技术学院的实际情况和特点在“跟单式”教学模式上进行了实践和研究。经过一段时间实训课实践,总体感觉这种教学模式比较适合学生成长的教育,符合职业教育的特点,适合企业用人单位的要求,更是有效的提高了教师们的对职业教育办学理念的认识,促进了校企合作的有效发展,为教学改革的实施提供了有价值的参考。  相似文献   

教育研究属于人文社会科学范畴,研究方法的选择不仅取决于问题的属性,而且与研究者自身的研究立场、研究方法偏好密不可分。研究方法的运用不是方法规则的执行过程,而是问题、方法与研究者自身三者相融合的过程,涵养科学精神是研究者运用研究方法有效解决问题的重要保证。  相似文献   

从学科的研究对象、研究目的、研究方法3个方面具体分析教育装备学与教育技术学的异同,对一些概念进行界定。作为教育装备发展史的一个研究课题,这些概念的界定是十分必要的。  相似文献   

Secondary Education and Research in New Zealand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Through the 1990s the secondary sector was a site of considerable change as the Government sought to ensure that the curriculum and associated assessment practices were designed to meet student needs and the long-term goals of New Zealand society. The new regime aimed to promote student achievement and in particular to attain more equitable educational outcomes for all New Zealand students. These were policy rather than practice driven initiatives that linked somewhat tenuously to research based evidence. This paper begins by giving an overview of the secondary sector in New Zealand and these educational reforms. The overview sets the context for the following section that describes links between educational research, policy and practice during this time. Key issues within the sector are highlighted and some of the ways research has been used to monitor changes and inform policy are identified. It is argued that much of the research over the past decade has been small scale and short term and while this has served the immediate policy agenda it has provided only fragmentary evidence to inform longer term goals such as improving student performance. The paper concludes by discussing some of the current initiatives that might contribute to improving the interface between research and policy/practice in secondary education. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

混合方法研究是近几年在美国兴起的一种教育研究方法范式,由于其提倡在同一研究中合并质性研究和量化研究的优点,增加交叉性优势,压缩非重叠性弱点而深受学术界关注。针对当前国内教育技术学研究方法单一,缺乏整合性等问题,以及质性研究和量化研究相互对立的现状,混合方法研究从"和合"的思维方式为教育技术学研究方法提供一些有意义的启示。  相似文献   

如今,任何一个具有独立思考能力的研究者都不会认同这样的说法,即:在教育研究领域中,实验研究是解决所有问题的"黄金标准".遗憾的是,这种"黄金标准"已经开始被某些教育政策和研究报告所过度青睐,同时其它的一些联邦法案和基金文案也开始竭力鼓吹.所有的学者、教师、以及研究者都应当站出来反对这种无理的要求.事实上,并不是今天才提出这样的反对意见,只是联邦政府的要员充耳不闻罢了.  相似文献   

迄今为止教育研究方法取得了长足的进展,其与心理研究方法的比较显示了它对心理研究方法的借鉴与移植。但是现今教育研究方法仍然存在概念模糊、过分强调技术手段等缺陷。未来的教育研究方法需要不断进行整合与创新,并重视对研究方法本身的研究。  相似文献   

受教育生活史研究范式的启发,学前教育史研究应关注所有学前教育参与者的日常生活,并实现从"生活故事"的文本叙事到"生活史实"的微观叙述的转变;应关注学前教育生活的层次与结构,使学前教育史的研究内容更具综合性和均衡性;应运用多种研究方法和研究技术还原学前教育生活史实,使之更具研究价值。学前教育生活史研究将有助于探析学前教师思想和观念的形成过程,促使学前教师更好地认识、理解和支持儿童的发展。  相似文献   

医学教育研究面临的挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在过去几十年中,医学教育研究已在世界范围内得到了迅速的发展,但是许多问题仍然存在。英国皇家自由大学医学院Elizabeth Murray教授,在她的一篇评论中列举了当前医学教育研究工作中存在的问题,并提出了若干解决办法。为提高医学教育研究的质量,作者认为在研究工作中应重视随机化、资金筹措、限定成果和文化等问题。  相似文献   

后结构主义方法论的特点是解构、强调微观多元去中心化及差异、及回归历史等。它对建构比较教育研究方法论有一定价值,包括强调对教育话语和文本的解构;宏观到微观中心到边缘总体到差异;强调“根状茎”思维和“游牧”思想;引入历史之维——考古学和谱系学;一种游戏性的姿态;注重对自身研究实践的反思等。  相似文献   

随着网络技术的发展,高职院校学生的思想意识、价值观念和生活方式都发生了重大而深刻的变化,科学认识、研究高职院校网络思想政治教育的教育价值理论,对于加强和改进高职院校思想政治教育乃至整个高校思想政治教育具有重要的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

素质教育的概念、内涵及相关理论   总被引:52,自引:0,他引:52  
素质教育概念及其理论,是我国改革开放实践尤其是教育改革深化和发展在教育理论和思想上的产物。素质教育是具有鲜明时代特征和重要理论价值的命题。要立足于构建社会主义和谐社会的总体目标,突破和超越原有的思维方式,以更高的定位来思考素质教育问题。认真分析新形势下素质教育的新要求和发展的不平衡性,将素质教育放在社会系统中来研究;继续完善素质教育理论,研究方法取向上注重理论与实践结合;挖掘素质教育的成功样态,从教育实践中总结、提炼、概括、丰富素质教育理论。  相似文献   

教育研究中量化与质性方法之争的当下语境分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
阎光才 《教育研究》2006,27(2):47-53
20世纪80年代以来,西方教育研究领域中颇为激烈的量化与质性研究范式之争,其表是方法论之争,其里却有着浓厚的政治立场与意识形态冲突色彩。正是因为这种激进立场的介入,人们过于夸大了两者间的范式差异,而漠视了其中存在的相容性。教育与其他社会科学研究所面对的社会现实是主观建构与客观型构的统一,量化与质性方法并不存在必然对立,而是具有相容性和相互补充解释的作用。  相似文献   

Strengthening links between school and community is critical for improving people’s participation in environmental issues. However, Mexican education programmes are generally unrelated to rural students’ life experience and are planned without considering either teachers’ or students’ opinions. This article describes the participatory construction of a preparatory school environmental education (EE) programme in Ixtlan de Juarez, a Mexican indigenous community internationally recognised for sustainable forest management. The qualitative research methods used are based on the action research methodology. Results from interviews conducted with the preparatory school’s headmaster, the coordinator, and nine teachers provided the needed documentation of the school site for contextualising learning activities. Feedback during focus groups with six students, three teachers, five local communal authorities, and two researchers highlighted that all participants perceived the need for creating an educational programme focused on local forest management. The contents and activities of the programme were designed by the focus group’s participants. The programme has been continuously taught by teachers and forest workers since 2005 and was officially integrated with the preparatory school science curriculum in 2006. This participative educational experience has thus transformed the mandatory school curriculum in Ixtlan.  相似文献   

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