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This study sought to explore library employee attitudes toward people with disabilities and accessibility. It also aimed to determine the training needs of current library employees. A survey with both quantitative and qualitative questions was developed and snowball sampling was used. Analysis of both types of data indicates that librarians across library types generally feel unprepared to work with patrons with disabilities. Based on the results, there are several recommendations for improvement within the profession, including creating a more robust training program focused on accessibility and disability, examining policies from local through national levels, and improving recruitment and retention of people with disabilities into the profession.  相似文献   

我国信息无障碍运动研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
信息平等访问是信息社会中人人享有的基本权利之一,信息无障碍是保障这项基本权利的关键。通过对我国信息无障碍运动中涉及的概念介绍,阐述我国信息无障碍运动所蕴含的重大的实践价值和社会意义,回顾我国信息无障碍运动的发展历史和研究现状,最后提出推进我国信息无障碍运动的实践策略,以期促进我国信息无障碍理念深入人心,让信息无障碍惠及所有的群体,从而构建和谐信息社会。  相似文献   

This article describes a method for using LibGuides as a tool for collection development by benchmarking peer (Carnegie or other classification) institutions’ reference resource recommendations. The results of this benchmarking can be used to build strong, compact collections. Although the focuses of this study are on building and maintaining of a sociology reference collection, the method transfers directly to other subject areas.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]推动信息检索课的教学改革,为高校图书馆嵌入式学科服务找到了最佳切入点.[方法/过程]利用LibGuides平台,创建信息检索课课程导引,并开展嵌入网络教学系统的具体实践,采用问卷调查、点击量分析的方法,检验该实践的可行性以及实用价值.[结果/结论]总结教师创建课程导引的优势、宣传策略的效果以及开发本土学科服务平台的必要性,同时,指出利用LibGuides平台,嵌入学校网络教学以及管理系统,是提升图书馆学科服务的一个有效途径.  相似文献   

The Physician Assistant (PA) specialty encompasses many subject areas and requires many types of library resources. An analysis of PA LibGuides was performed to determine most frequently recommended resources. A sample of LibGuides from U.S. institutions accredited by the Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant (ARC-PA) was included in this study. Resources presented on guides were tabulated and organized by resource type. Databases and point-of-care tools were the types of resources listed by the most LibGuides. There were over 1,000 books listed on the 45 guides, including over 600 unique books listed. There were fewer journals listed, only 163. Overall, while the 45 LibGuides evaluated list many unique resources in each category, a librarian can create an accepted list of the most frequently listed resources from the data gathered.  相似文献   

通过对国内外6所大学图书馆LibGuides平台的网络调研,从应用程度、功能布局、资源组织、创建模式和用户参与等方面,对国内外大学图书馆在LibGuides创建理念、创建内容和创建主体上的差异性进行深入分析和比较,得出以下启示:国内导引创建要以用户需求为导向,合理规划导引框架和内容,同时要充分调动用户参与的积极性,提高LibGuides的知名度和影响力,保证导引平台的健康可持续发展。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]研究影响视障者访问公共图书馆网站的因素,并针对网站信息无障碍的设计提出具体建议和优秀范例,为图书馆网站更好地服务视障者提供借鉴。[方法/过程]首先,采用内容分析法和调查问卷法,从文献中整理出本研究参考的17项无障碍设计原则;其次,选择百度排名靠前的5家国内公共图书馆,邀请5位视障者利用读屏软件访问其网站并完成一系列任务,获知结果和总体评价;再次,参照LibQUAL+TM模式,针对17项设计原则设计调查问卷,让视障者对5家公共图书馆网站的各项服务进行评分。[结果/结论]通过对视障者的评价及评分进行综合分析,发现5家国内公共图书馆网站提供的信息服务离读者认为理想的服务水平还有差距,并从网站资源与网站操作两方面探讨影响视障者访问网站的因素,同时列举出国外优秀公共图书馆网站范例。最后,针对国内公共图书馆网站信息无障碍的设计提出加强网站首页的营销功能等10项具体建议。  相似文献   

Digital inclusion is a strategy pursued to foster social inclusion of those who have been sidelined from the mainstream of information society due to lack of access to digital technologies and the skills to use them. Libraries have been working to close the gap by providing access to computers, the Internet, digital content, and digital literacy programs. However, research reveals a new type of divide where digitally competent people could be digitally excluded. This shows the need for a better conceptualization of access and literacy. This paper commits to exploring the concept of access to digital content from the perspective of people with print disability. It involved in-depth interviews with ten participants with print disability where the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health was used as a framework for data analysis. The overall analysis shows that digital inclusion would be more meaningful if it involved providing content in alternative formats and empowering users to make informed choices. Issues such as flexibility and adaptability in content presentation and design of content discovery tools are among those discussed.  相似文献   

指出LibGuides具有组织清晰、后台管理灵活,用户交互性强、社会服务性好等特点。重点分析中国人民大学图书馆协作式学科服务平台建设实践,认为学科馆员主导、用户协作的建设方式能够结合学科馆员图情方面的专长和用户的专业知识,提高指南的实用性、权威性和建设效率;将用户进行分类,邀其参与不同阶段的指南建设,有利于充分发挥各类用户的作用。  相似文献   

LibGuides are an essential resource in academic libraries. Although librarians use LibGuides primarily as instructional tools there is little discussion about the application of pedagogical and learner-centered design principles to the design of LibGuides. Current research focuses almost exclusively on issues of usability, resulting in best practices that are user-centered but not necessarily learner-centered. This paper fills the gap in the literature by integrating the findings from user studies with instructional design principles to propose best practices for LibGuides that are both user- and learner-centered. The ADDIE model of instructional design is used as a procedural framework for implementing these best practices.  相似文献   

Web信息系统的内容易用性规范   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
 根据W3C规范文件,介绍了Web环境下包括数字图书馆系统在内的信息系统内容易用性的意义、要求、级别、易用性准则和相应检验点。  相似文献   

Web信息系统创作工具与用户代理易用性规范   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据W3C规范文件,介绍了Web环境下包括数字图书馆系统在内的信息系统的创作工具与用户代理易用性的意义、要求、级别、易用性准则和相应检验点。  相似文献   

信息资源的易访问性是实现数字图书馆目标的关键,而当前信息资源的易访问性并没有得到数字图书馆设计者、开发者应有的重视。同时,针对数字图书馆信息资源建设中出现的问题及其产生的原因进行分析,并就如何解决数字图书馆信息资源易访问性问题提出相应的解决方案。  相似文献   

In an age of ubiquitous information and communication technologies, urban public libraries are some of the only places to provide free Internet access for all members of the community regardless of ability or disability. This study provides a website accessibility assessment of the 127 U.S. public library members of the Urban Library Council, using the World Wide Web Consortium’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines to establish the level of Web readiness of urban public libraries to meet the needs of individuals with disabilities. Findings suggest these libraries require additional and ongoing maintenance to be digitally inclusive.  相似文献   

首先介绍LibGuides 对3 种社交网络工具的整合、LibGuides 的主要功能、Web2.0 在LibGuides 中的体现; 其次在大学网站上调查LibGuides 在美国各大学的应用;最后提出LibGuides 对我国学科导航建设的几点启示。  相似文献   

The proliferation of research guides created using the LibGuides platform has triggered extensive discussion touting their benefits for everything from assessment, engagement, and marketing, to outreach and pedagogy. However, there is at present a relative paucity of critical reflection about the product’s place in the broader informational landscape. This article is an attempt to redress this lacuna. Relying primarily on examples from the field of Slavic, East European, and Eurasian studies, the authors briefly describe the evolution of online research guides; identify reasons for the proliferation of Springshare’s product in academic libraries; question whether LibGuides improve learning or reinforce information inequality in higher education; and propose a way to move beyond LibGuides.  相似文献   

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