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The scientific rigor of education research has improved dramatically since the year 2000. Much of the credit for this improvement is deserved by Institute of Education Sciences (IES) policies that helped create a demand for rigorous research; increased human capital capacity to carry out such work; provided funding for the work itself; and collected, evaluated, and made available the results of that work through the What Works Clearinghouse. Major challenges still remain for education research, however. One challenge is dealing with the replication crisis that has plagued other scientific fields and is likely to be a problem in education science. A second challenge is better supporting the generalizability of education research. A third challenge is adapting our rigorous research designs to the increasing complexity of our interventions and our questions about the mechanisms by which these interventions achieve their effects. Promising approaches to meet each of these challenges are suggested.  相似文献   

国家发展依靠教育,尊师重教关系到国家的未来。只有切实提高教师的社会政治、经济地位,让教师安心教育,保持为人师表的那份尊严,才能谈得上教育的尊严与国家的进步。本文中,笔者就大力提倡师道尊严的必要性、我国学校教育存在的问题及提倡师道尊严的途径三个方面进行了阐述。  相似文献   

Neuroscience has the potential to make some very exciting contributions to education and pedagogy. However, it is important to ask whether the insights from neuroscience studies can provide "usable knowledge" for educators. With respect to literacy, for example, current neuroimaging methods allow us to ask research questions about how the brain develops networks of neurons specialized for the act of reading and how literacy is organized in the brain of a reader with developmental dyslexia. Yet quite how these findings can translate to the classroom remains unclear. One of the most exciting possibilities is that neuroscience could deliver "biomarkers" that could identify children with learning difficulties very early in development. In this review, I will illustrate how the field of mind, brain, and education might develop biomarkers by combining educational, cognitive, and neuroscience research paradigms. I will argue that all three kinds of research are necessary to provide usable knowledge for education.  相似文献   

以欧洲主要国家的高等教育发展为背景,阐述了面对知识经济时代,为加快高等教育发展所采取的“加强各国间合作,共建面向未来欧洲高等教育;把高等教育纳入国有创新体系,发挥高校在知识经济发展特点是科技创新中的作用”等有效措施。  相似文献   

The principal set of challenges facing tertiary education today is that set which links it to the construction of knowledge societies. Governments, the private sector, and the World Bank have specific tasks to perform in meeting these challenges. Countries--depending upon whether or not they are transition economies, low-income countries, or small states--will select varying strategic options.  相似文献   

知识经济的基础是教育,素质教育是知识经济时代对教育提出的必然要求,教育观念创新、教师角色创新和教育评价创新是变应试教育为素质教育的重要途径。  相似文献   

人类社会正从工业经济时代悄然迈向知识经济时代,时代的巨变将对我国教育带来空前的挑战。我们应准确地把握机遇,迎接挑战,创造中国教育21世纪的辉煌。  相似文献   

Despite the promise of scientific knowledge contributing to issues facing vulnerable children, families, and communities, typical approaches to research have made applications challenging. While contemporary theories of human development offer appropriate complexity, research has mostly failed to address dynamic developmental processes. Research typically fragments or splits the human organism into "investigatable" units—biology, behavior, culture, genetics, relationships, innate modules of mind, etc.—resulting in the inevitable loss of the person as an integrated, embodied center of agency. This is problematic for generating knowledge that is usable because in educational practice the unit of analysis and application is the whole person. We discuss the problems inherent to generating usable knowledge when theory and research methodology are so deeply incongruent. In an illustrative example, we adopt a "person-in-context" perspective to demonstrate how research has led to the mischaracterization of maltreated children as immature, disorganized, and dysregulated. Using this "person-in-context" perspective in research can facilitate generating usable knowledge.  相似文献   

《学位与研究生教育》杂志自1984年9月创刊以来,已经走过了20年的历程。在国务院学位委员会及其办公室、教育部学位管理与研究生教育司和社政司的正确领导下,在中国学位与研究生教育学会的积极扶植下,在广大学位与研究生教育战线同志们的热情支持下,在北京理工大学高度重视和积  相似文献   

An Amplified Mindset of Design (AMD) has emerged from recent research on emerging design practices, as designers are once again re‐inventing their identity to include an adaptability to uncertainty and paradox. However, this is not yet visible in what design education offers. As designers intervene in complex contexts and embrace participatory, collaborative and interdisciplinary practices informed by strong ethical and sustainability concerns, design education must adjust and expand its scope to include, for example, collaboration, cross‐cultural and interdisciplinary skills, and a way of being in the world through design. In this article, I argue for the formal introduction and exploration of social complexity in design education to assist the development of an AMD in design students. Boundaries, dependence on context, edge of chaos, emergence and organisation were identified as key qualities of complex systems to introduce to students. Embodiment and visualisation techniques were used as the most appropriate vehicles for such an endeavour. In this article, I discuss the results of a qualitative research informed by action research in which I explore ways of teaching complexity to design students. The inquiry was driven by the following core research question: How can complexity can be taught in design education using visual and embodiment methods to encourage the development of an Amplified Mindset of Design?  相似文献   

新加坡高等教育枢纽包括学生枢纽、高技能人才枢纽和知识创新枢纽三个层次.新加坡通过制定外来人才与创新创业政策、全球校园计划、生物医学科学计划、卓越研究与科技企业校园计划以及与著名大学合作组建大学联盟等举措推动高等教育枢纽建设.与此同时,新加坡在建设亚洲高等教育枢纽进程中,面临着国际学生招生数量不断萎缩、国内民众的反移民情绪不断高涨以及如何处理国家高度干预与学术自由、基础研究与科研成果商业化的关系等诸多挑战.  相似文献   

The goal of this special section of Mind, Brain, and Education is to provide a platform on which practical insight can be gained from new empirical research on hormones and behavior in development. In this second installment we highlight two articles and a commentary, which broaden our focus beyond cortisol and stress system functioning to other hormone systems and tackle some of the methodological barriers to making research–practice connections in this domain. Articles specifically look at biology by environment interactions and offer nuanced procedures for hormone collection so as to allow for investigation into the day‐to‐day and even within day dynamic functioning of targeted systems.  相似文献   

伴随着理论和认识上的深化、立法的推进以及现实问题的迫使,对青少年性教育(包括大学生性教育)的认识在理论和实践上不断有所突破。但是,在性教育知识体系上存在较大差异和争论,还有很大局限性和进一步研究的必要性。大学生性教育知识体系的建构需要遵循以指导学生的生活实践为准则、体现适度原则和以情感、态度、价值观的形成为目标的理念,以期建构一个能够指导大学生学习如何生活,在内容和方法上适合大学生特点的,能促进大学生的人格完善和价值观形成以实现其幸福人生和自我发展为最终和最高目标的大学生性教育知识体系。  相似文献   

知识创新与信息流动是创新教育的一个必要后备过程,高质量的馆藏体系是建设大学创新教育的基础.大学被公认为是科学技术知识的公共存储器,而图书馆是高校三大支柱之一,知识创新与信息流动需要建立全国高校图书馆信息网络.  相似文献   

经济结构一般是指国民经济中各经济部门或产业之间的比例关系和结合状况,它是衡量一个国家经济发展水平的一个基本方面,知识经济时代向我国传统的经济结构提出了挑战,我国必须调整经济结构,以现代高新技术改造传统产业,促进经济结构的不断优化、迎接挑战。高等教育就应站在迎接挑战的最前列,转变教育观念,优化教育模式,更新教学内容,以崭新的面貌服务于知识经济,使我国的经济结构更加合理。  相似文献   

<正>Who doesn’t want to know more about the most adorable animals on the planet?谁不想更多地了解一下这个星球上最可爱的动物呢?1Pandas have huge growth spurts~1Pandas grow from tiny to massive in a few short years. Pink and hairless, panda infants weigh just three to five ounces and have been compared in size to a stick of butter. But within a year, pandas tip the scales at around 100 pounds;fully mature pandas can be up to six feet long  相似文献   

在全球化背景下,世界各国都被纳入了知识经济的洪流。劳动力市场中岗位特性的变化带来了对工作者技能要求的变化,要求建立以能力为基础的人才培养机制。在具有动态性和开放性特点的知识经济环境下,能力的提升和保障需要依靠灵活和持续的终身学习体系。因此,教育系统要提供公平而有质量的教育,就需要转变教育实践和教育研究的工作范式,最终建立终身学习的体系和现代教育管理系统。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT—The theme of Usable Knowledge in Mind, Brain, and Education will be a special section that will appear regularly in the journal. The section will focus on the synergistic connections between biology, cognitive science, and human development on the one hand and educational thought, policy, and practice on the other. Efforts to create usable knowledge in mind, brain, and education focus on questions that relate research and theory to educational practice, involving pedagogy and learning, discussions of how best to conduct ethical and valid research that crosses disciplinary boundaries, and consideration of how to use such research to promote responsible policy.  相似文献   

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