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Statistical properties of stock market time series and the implication of their Hurst exponents are discussed.Hurst exponets of HJIA (Dow Jones Industrial Average)components are tested using re-scaled range analysis.In addition to the original stock return series,the linear prediction errors of the daily returns are also tested.Numerical results show that the Hurst exponent analysis can provide some information about the statistical properties of the financial time series.  相似文献   

Although many women now hold qualifications that in the past guaranteed an academic appointment, few jobs are available in universities. In an unrestrained labour market, the sex ratio of academics in Australian universities is unlikely to change much over the next 10 to 15 years. The likely impact of affirmative action policies and practices is discussed.  相似文献   

Theindexesofournationaleconomicde-velopmentindicatethatournationaleconomychangedfromshortageeconomyintostruc-turalsurpluseconomyinthemid-90s.Topusheconmicgrowth,themanagerialpoliciesofenlarginginvestmentandstartinginter-naldemandbecamethemainrhythemofmacro-adjustment.Sincelater98,ourstatebegantoadoptactivefinancialpolicies,i.e.increasinginvestmentdemandthroughbig-gergovernmentalinvestmenttobringaboutconsumptiondemand.Thishasseenprelimi-naryeffect.However,becauseoftoomuchgapinournationalpubli…  相似文献   

Data from a survey of 2,431 students attending high schools in Hawaii indicated that students agreed with their parents’ wishes for post-high school occupation. Females tended to choose more academic post-high school destinations than males. An inverse relationship between academic high school curricula and post-high school academic goals was found, probably due to the fact that females were academically upwardly mobile. The need for financial assistance tended to decrease academic aspirations. It was concluded that knowledge of parental values, differences in academic aspirations between males and females, financial need, and a student’s high school curriculum would be valuable in helping students select post-high school destinations.  相似文献   

Latino males across the country enroll in community colleges with the purpose of obtaining an educational degree, which could lead to accomplishing professional and personal aspirations. Even if Latino male students enroll in post-secondary education, they continue to be disenfranchised, vanished, and often rejected through the higher education pipeline. Research regarding access to education shows that money matters to the success of Latino students. Through a metasynthesis, this practice briefly identifies that there is little to no empirical research conducted that explores how Latino male community college students elicit, engage, and explore financial literacy programs. This paper makes recommendations for post-secondary institutions, practitioners, and policymakers to promote Latino males’ success at community colleges.  相似文献   


Graduating students must be prepared with knowledge and skills for the financial aspects of social work practice. This study examines graduating students’ attitudes and perceptions about client finances, as well as their financial knowledge. Internet survey results (= 116) of BSW and MSW graduating students indicate that respondents (a) perceive a limited function for discussing client financial circumstances in practice, (b) understand the relevance, however, of client finances, (c) are unprepared to address this aspect, and (d) are supportive of integrating this content into required policy and practice courses. Teaching and curricular implications, along with programmatic recommendations, are included.  相似文献   

这是一封穿越太空的回信,它让北大附中的同学们对航天更加神往。  相似文献   

“Dave,my mind is going!I can feel it!I can feelit!”—2001:A Space Odyssey“I am pork boy,the breakfast monkey.”—All That“I see you shiver with antiei...pation!”—Rocky Horror Picture Show  相似文献   

Little Peacock lived in a beautiful village with her good friends One day,Peacock moved to a city. Her new house is in a big zoo.The zoo has many tall trees and colorful flowers Now she has a lot of new neighbors.But Peacock misses her old friends  相似文献   

Taking The First StepHow will you know you can succeed at something if you don't give it a try?How will you know you can drag yourself out of the depths of your despair if you don't try?How do you know you won't get that new job if you don't apply? How do you know...  相似文献   

Using data from two freshmen cohorts at a public research university (N = 3730), this study examines the relationship between loan aid and second-year enrollment persistence. Applying a counterfactual analytical framework that relies on propensity score (PS) weighting and matching to address selection bias associated with treatment status, the study estimates that loan aid exerts a significant negative effect on persistence for students from low-income background (i.e., Pell eligible), and those taking up high amounts of loans in order to meet total cost of attendance, including students who exhausted the available amount of subsidized loan aid. However, no significant incremental effect associated with unsubsidized loan aid, net of subsidized loan aid, could be detected. The estimated effect of loan aid on persistence controls for first-year academic experience and takes into account 26 factors related to loan selection and persistence in order to match students with loan aid to a counterfactual case in covariate adjusted regression. Comparison with results from non-matched-sample analysis suggests selection bias may mask the negative effect of loans detected with matched-sample estimation. Validity of covariates determining the loan selection process and criteria for acceptable balance in the matched data are discussed, and implications for future research are addressed.  相似文献   

同学们在初一下册学到be from和come from。它们都表示“从……来,是……人”。如Jim is from England.The twins come from the USA.若问对方是哪儿人,有的同学会说:“Where are you from?”有的同学会说:“Where are you come from?”前者是对的;后者是错的,应说成:Where do you come from?  相似文献   

This paper investigates the long-term impact on earnings of attending a tuition-free, top-quality university in Brazil. We identify the causal effect through a sharp discontinuity in an admission process based on test scores. If admitted, low-income students are found to increase their earnings by 26% ten years later. However, admission has a small and insignificant effect on high-income students. The difference between income groups is not explained by educational attainment, program choice, or selection into better-paying jobs. The evidence suggests that most low-income applicants, if not admitted, still graduate from college but with much lower returns to education. High-income applicants who just miss the cutoff, however, can find other opportunities such that earnings trajectories are unchanged. Our results underscore the role of affordable higher education in promoting social mobility.  相似文献   

且不论《尖峰时刻3》这部片子本身拍得如何,我们还是应该向成龙大哥致敬,不仅是因为他曾经创造了多部好玩又好看的打斗场面(虽然后来发现他的片子基本上都是美国模式的个人英雄主义),还因为他的敬业。要达到尽善尽美的效果,仅仅靠功夫好是不够的,成龙付出了很多很多。  相似文献   

好不容易盼来了“五一”的七天长假,到哪儿去玩好呢?别着急,Goldie这次要带我们到南美洲的厄瓜多尔去开开眠界。那里一年四季都是春天,有世界上最好的玫瑰花,有世界上其他地方没有的植物,还有令人感到不可思议的企鹅……  相似文献   

Most Americans don蒺t like to get advice from members of their family. When they need advice, they don蒺t usually ask people they know. Instead, many Americans write letters to newspapers and magazines which give ad-vice on many subjects, including family problems, the use of language, health, cooking, child care, clothes, how to buy a house or a car, and so on.Most newspapers regularly print letters from readers with problems. A-long with the letters are answers written by people who are sup…  相似文献   

Even if you hate winter, there is at least one nice thing about cold weather and snow: no bugs. Or so you thought.A tiny fly fossil has turned up in Antarctica, about 500 kilometers from the South Pole. Scientists previously thought that the icy continent was never home to this type of fly, which is distantly related to the house flies living today.  相似文献   

许多“new-fashioned”的课堂教学技巧都有“old-fashioned”的影子,在使用“new-fashioned”技巧的时候,回想一下过去的技巧,也是有它们的可贵之处的。千万别“贪新忘旧”了  相似文献   

英语中介词from与动词的搭配能力很强,在高中英语教材中“动词与介词from搭配”是一个十分常见的结构。该结构常常作为各类测试的考查热点。  相似文献   

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