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Two experiments are discussed in which the sequencing procedure of webteaching is compared with a linear sequence for the presentation of text material. In the first experiment variations in the level of prior knowledge of pupils were studied for their influence on the sequencing mode of text presentation. Prior knowledge greatly reduced the effect of the size of sequencing procedures. In the second experiment pupils with a low level of prior knowledge studied a text, following either a websequence or a linear sequence. Webteaching was superior to linear teaching on a number of dependent variables. It is concluded that webteaching is an effective sequencing procedure in those cases where substantial new learning is required.  相似文献   


The present paper examines shifts in preservice students' understandings about teaching and learning as a consequence of developing a case study of an elementary-aged child. Data for this paper were gathered from 18 preservice students and included (a) admission statements, (b) responses to open-ended questions, with accompanying illustrations, regarding students' learning trajectory in relation to the child they studied, and (c) responses to a survey that asked students to contrast what they felt they understood at the end of the term as compared with what they thought they knew at the start of the term. In addition, six of the 18 students volunteered to participate in a more in-depth follow-up that involved a short interview. The present paper represents a preliminary exploration and begins with a discussion of the assumptions and theoretical framework guiding the analysis. Data are then presented and examined, after which the paper concludes with some recommendations for teacher educators.  相似文献   

This article concerns the kind of symbolic and strategic value that science-legitimated pedagogical knowledge has in the professionalization of teacher education. The aim is to try to understand certain peculiarities in this body of knowledge through studying the history of the “science of teaching” and of the professionalization of teacher education in Finland. The conclusion is that there are at least three professionalist drifts that produce and reproduce a kind of “decontextualized pedagogic discourse” in Finnish teacher education: the pursuit of science legitimation, loyalty to state educational reforms and a striving for distinction from rival disciplines. The analysis shows that, at least up to the present day, the science-legitimated knowledge system for teacher education has served as a very successful strategy in the struggles on the field of Finnish higher education.  相似文献   


Preservice teachers enter professional teacher education programs with personally constructed (but often implicit and unexamined) knowledge of what good teaching is and what kind of teachers they wish to become. If they are unable to connect new and/or expanded professional knowledge of teaching with their own unexamined narrative knowledge of teaching, professional knowledge presented in courses remains decontextualized theory; their personal narrative knowledge of teaching remains implicit and unexamined; and they teach as they believe they were taught. Here the use of four versions of narrative inquiry with preservice teachers are examined. Each one—Response to Practicum Experiences, Responses to Readings, Small and Large Group Discussions, and Reflection Papers—is intended to enable students to explore narrative assumptions that contribute to their images of teaching. Each form of narrative inquiry enables students to explore unexamined parts of their personal and professional knowledge of teaching and link these in explicit ways.  相似文献   

一般性发展目标的达成是发展性课程评价体系实施的关键 ,而加强STS知识教学是促使发展性目标达成的有效途径之一。基于这一点 ,本文提出了包括概念、过程、应用、态度和创新等领域在内的STS教学的评价模式。  相似文献   

Although formal programming is considered a recognised programming model, many avoid teaching it because of its very high mental cost. For that reason we developed a microscopic environment based on Emil Post's theoretical machine as an introduction to formal methods of programming and in the framework of an introductory computer science course.In this paper, we present a small formal system for the development and simultaneous verification of algorithms; we give an example of problem solving in this environment; we present a small existing software simulating Post's machine; we propose two modules to facilitate the work in this environment; and finally, we present the didactic uses of Post's machine as an introduction to formal methods.  相似文献   

知识对象是Authorware多媒体制作软件中的程序功能模块,它提供了实现课件程序的框架结构,其内置的向导程序能够引导用户进行课件内容的选择和设置,从而能极大地提高多媒体课件制作的效率。  相似文献   

This paper looks critically at a number of forms of inquiry that are now developing in the field of teacher education. Narrative methods and starving are two associated genres that have emerged forcefully in the past decade as ways of seeking to represent the lived experience of schooling. It is because of the very potential of these methodologies to bring us closer to the experience of schooling that our scrutiny should focus sharply upon both the strengths and weaknesses of these methods. To help the process of identifying the cultural place of stories and narrative, the paper seeks to link the emergence of such genres inside teacher education with broader cultural patterns within contemporary societies. In particular, the use of personal stories in the global media is examined; and as a result, a series of questions is asked and issues are raised. Finally, some conclusions regarding the role of stories and narrative in educational research are provided. Here, some antidotes to the absence of historical and theoretical context are developed.  相似文献   

Traditionally measured skills with arithmetic are not related to later algebra success at levels that would be expected given the close conceptual relation between arithmetic and algebra. However, adaptivity with arithmetic may be one aspect of arithmetic competences that can account for additional variation in algebra attainment. With this in mind, the present study aims to present evidence for the existence and relevance of a newly acknowledged component of adaptivity with arithmetic, namely, adaptive number knowledge. In particular, we aim to examine whether there are substantial individual differences in adaptive number knowledge and to what extent these differences are related to arithmetic and pre-algebra skills and knowledge. Adaptive number knowledge is defined as the well-connected knowledge of numerical characteristics and relations. A large sample of 1065 Finnish late primary school students completed measures of adaptive number knowledge, arithmetic conceptual knowledge, and arithmetic fluency. Three months later they completed a measure of pre-algebra skills. Substantial individual differences in adaptive number knowledge were identified using latent profile analysis. The identified profiles were related to concurrent arithmetic skills and knowledge. As well, adaptive number knowledge was found to predict later pre-algebra skills, even after taking into account arithmetic conceptual knowledge and arithmetic fluency. These results suggest that adaptive number knowledge is a relevant component of mathematical development, and may help account for disparities in algebra development.  相似文献   

针对计算机教学中存在的问题,根据波兰尼"个人知识"学说展开讨论,叙述了波兰尼"个人知识"学说对计算机教学的重要性,由波兰尼学说提出了教学建议培养学生对计算机知识的审美感;增加学生的实践机会,提高实践质量;外显化他人隐性知识,从而促进学生个人知识的形成,提高学生的能力.  相似文献   

From the1830s the colonial government in India became the agency for the promotion of ‘Western education’, that is, education that sought to disseminate modern, Western, rational knowledge through modern institutions and pedagogic processes. This paper examines a historical episode in which certain key categories of modern Western thought were pressed into service to explain a consequence of the dissemination of Western knowledge in colonial India. The episode in question was that of the alleged ‘moral crisis’ of the educated Indian, who, many argued, had been plunged into confusion and moral disarray following his exposure to Western knowledge in the schools and universities established by his British ruler. In the discourse of moral crisis, the knowledge being disseminated through Western education was simultaneously put to use in explaining an unanticipated effect of this education. How adequate was Western knowledge to explaining its own effects? More generally – for this paper is drawn from a larger study of how modern Western knowledge ‘travelled’ when transplanted to colonial India – what is the status of the knowledge we produce when we ‘apply’ the categories of modern Western thought in order to understand or explain India?  相似文献   

There is growing interest in promoting autism‐friendly environments, especially in a school setting. Findings to date have generally advocated an accepted reductionist or generalist approach when providing an autism‐friendly built environment. However, previous studies, while very well intentioned, have rarely involved those with autism spectrum condition (ASC) to comment on and then instruct designers on what, for them, constitutes an autism‐friendly learning environment. If going to be truly inclusive, the authors contend that those who are most knowledgeable about ASC, those with ASC, should, whenever possible, be given the opportunity to comment on the design of our shared built environment. Hence this article first introduces some of the challenges faced by those with ASC in trying to cope with their surroundings, before proceeding to outline the development of a simple school design ‘jigsaw’ kit that helped pupils with ASC to communicate ideas for their perfect school. Used in four design workshops, secondary school aged pupils (aged 13 to 18) with ASC imparted their likes, dislikes and what was most important to them within the school environment. This facilitated comparison with current autism‐friendly guidelines and provides a valuable insight into the mind of the secondary pupil with ASC. It is hoped that by increasing awareness and then including those with ASC in describing what might constitute an autism‐friendly learning environment, it will help facilitate greater inclusion of the child with ASC into mainstream education and society at large.  相似文献   

人的社会实践是由人的观念支配的,这一观念就是人在认知的基础上建构的实践观念.实践观念不仅承载着人的价值观念,也承载着人的道德观念,是在人认识和改造自然的活动中所形成的人与人和人与社会相互关系的产物.而道德观念本身也是一种价值观念,它与人的实践观念一道通过人的感性实践活动及其结果呈现出来.因此,在正确认识的基础上,建构科学而合理的实践观念就成为社会道德建设的核心内容.有了科学而合理的实践观念,才可能有科学而合理的道德观念.马克思主义的道德观念正是现代科学道德观念的直接体现.  相似文献   

余红月 《生物学教学》2010,35(10):15-16
本文从强化学生的反思意识、重视和促进学生的反思性学习方面总结了在生物学教学中如何引导学生进行反思性学习的体会。  相似文献   

The study investigates the relative contribution of personal and environmental variables to teacher burnout. On the basis of balance theories it was hypothesized that congruence between school climate — open/closed — and personal rigidity would explain the variance in burnout. Several measures (Rigidity Scale, Organizational climate Scale, School Perception by Teachers, the Maslach Burnout Inventory, were administered to 124 teachers. While the interaction between rigidity and closed school climate explained some of the variance in burnout, the other interactions did not. Rigidity, considered as an independent variable, not in interaction, did not explain burnout. A number of environmental variables were found to significantly predict burnout. Implications for the prevention of burnout are suggested.  相似文献   

为了使高等教育适应和谐文化建设的需要,必须进一步重视和加强高等学校的文化建设。建设大学文化,必须调浓人文色彩,加强人文关怀,促进人文教育和科学教育的融合;同时要注重优秀文化的熏陶,加强先进文化建设;坚持科学发展,加强和谐文化建设。  相似文献   

This paper reports on the use of a HyperCardTM-based tool to create and modify concept maps about science related subject matter. The tool was trialed with seventy-one preservice teachers who were planning to teach a science topic to a primary school class. Data gathered from interviews, journals and analysis of concept maps indicated that the concept mapping tool was easy to use because it generated little cognitive load and quickly became transparent to the users. This allowed preservice teachers to focus their attention upon the construction of their maps and to organise their cognitive frameworks into more powerful integrated patterns. It was also found that the process of concept map construction may enhance preservice teacher thinking about effective teaching.  相似文献   

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