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This article explores the nature of a federal intervention into teacher education through state policy making and problem framing. The authors examined the 16 comprehensive educator equity plans that were approved by the U.S. Department of Education in 2015 and surface four inadequacies the reports communicate about teacher education: (a) an inability to recruit diverse candidates, (b) an unsuitable curriculum for high-needs schools, (c) limited exposure to diverse teaching placements, and (d) an environment that lacks accountability. Through this project, this article covers how federal educational aims are delegated to states in order to frame economics as the goal of education and teacher education as negligent in this pursuit.  相似文献   

This empirical study examined postsecondary-student attitudes and preferences regarding five discrete student loan plans and loan plan features. Certain demographic variables were examined for their relationship to student attitudes toward the various loan plans. The study addressed the following questions: What debt ceiling do students identify as acceptable? Are students willing to indebt themselves over an extended time span? What percent of annual income do they feel reasonably can be applied to loan repayment? Will students alter their repayment plan choices given additional and more detailed information about loan options? A random sample of 218 recipients of federal higher education loans during the 1973–74 academic year was drawn from the population of 6,765 undergraduate borrowers at the University Park Campus of the Pennsylvania State University.  相似文献   

本文主要研究了美国教育财政诉讼中其法律依据和教育公平标准的转变.法院审查教育财政制度的法律依据主要是联邦和州宪法公平保护条款、州宪法教育条款,法院采用的公平标准先是财政中性原则,后来演变为充分性原则.法律诉讼是推动美国教育财政制度改革的有效途径.  相似文献   

Issues surrounding student participation, transition, retention and successful completion in higher education are topical. While the Australian federal government has identified broad groupings of under‐represented students, these do not shed light on the complexities underlying the issues of the educationally disadvantaged, such as the compounding problems of multiple equity‐group membership or the overlay of the acute or chronic effects of equity sub‐group membership. This paper details the Equity Raw‐Score Matrix. The matrix is a multi‐dimensional indicator of potential disadvantage in learners, created for the specific purposes of diagnosing the complexities of educational disadvantage and creating pre‐emptive strategies for the participation, transition and retention of students who are disadvantaged. The paper also describes the qualitative research study that was the catalyst for the creation of the matrix.  相似文献   

Many educators believe that the goal of equity is far from being achieved given the dilemmas faced by today's inner city public schools. The authors examine the potential of Temple University's Professional Development School Partnership, a collaborative project with the School District of Philadelphia, to facilitate educational equity within an urban center. Current understandings of the construct of equity are identified and used to explore the possibilities and challenges of striving for equity in the urban center. The development of this partnership documents growth into a more inclusive, expansive, and collaborative style of working together. A closer look into this process is provided by an in-depth discussion of two essential components of the partnership, namely, its culturally responsive process and its objective of transforming the teaching and learning conditions of schools. It is argued that school systems need to look critically at their own educational resources as well as policies and practices to guarantee that they genuinely promote participation and achievement of all students. In essence we contend that there cannot be equity without the assurance that students will achieve to their fullest potential.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes activities and perspectives from the Center for Innovative Learning Technologies' annual conference in 2000. The theme of the conference was technology and equity, seeking to promote collaborative discourse and deeper understanding of the complex challenges and opportunities of improving quality of learning for all students.  相似文献   

There is a strong rationale for people seeking asylum and refugees given temporary protection to be key beneficiaries of Australian higher education equity practices. However, despite the extreme precarity they face, this group remains among the most educationally disadvantaged populations in Australia. Here, we use critical discourse analysis to examine the publicly available statements of 38 Australian universities to identify discursive representations of equity practices and connections, with our analytic gaze focused through the lens of people seeking asylum. Using a three-part analytic heuristic examining ‘statements’, ‘practices’ and ‘connections’, we offer a critical discourse analysis of how each public university expresses its commitment to the equity agenda in powerful stakeholder-facing documents—such as annual reports, strategic plans and media releases—and we compare this analysis against institutional stated practices with regard to people seeking asylum. In identifying misalignments between equity statements and stated practices, we suggest that institutional equity narratives articulate ‘imagined worlds’, in which all marginalised groups can access higher education. We argue that now is the time to move beyond these ‘imagined worlds’, to enact stated commitments to universal education, by instituting real and effective practices to facilitate equitable access to Australian higher education for people seeking asylum.  相似文献   

Financial problems at colleges and universities have led many institutions to initiate extra efforts to obtain extramural funds. One such effort has been the establishment of formula-based research incentive plans. These plans generally utilize the recovery of indirect costs as the basis for allocating additional incentive funds to various areas as an encouragement to obtain additional extramural funds. Data from surveys conducted by the University of Missouri-Kansas City and Ohio University were combined with National Science Foundation reports to provide information about this relatively recent phenomena. The increasing popularity of these plans was shown in that a majority of institutions had such plans in effect during FY 1979. Analyses of the effectiveness of these plans showed no statistically significant differences between institutions with incentive plans and those without such plans, although mean federal research expenditures were approximately 20% greater at those institutions without these incentive plans. The evidence presented indicates that the receipt of federal research funds is not associated with the use of a formula-based research incentive plan.  相似文献   

客户关系管理已经作为~种新的管理理念在企业中广泛地应用着。本文通过研究电大实施客户关系管理的驱动因素及客户关系管理与电大核心竞争力的相互关系,提出了电大进行客户关系管理以提高核心竞争力的思路。希冀对电大核心竞争力建设起到一定的参考作用。  相似文献   

Current national reforms in Australian higher education have prioritised efforts to reduce educational disadvantage within a vernacular expression of neoliberal education policy. Student-equity policy in universities is enmeshed in a set of competitive student recruitment relations. This raises practice-based tensions as universities strive to meet specific institutional targets for low-socio-economic status (SES) and Indigenous student participation, whilst broadening participation more generally within the sector. This paper seeks empirically to trace the activation and appropriation of federal policy through two sites of higher education policy practices: a state government-sponsored equity practitioner body and two differently positioned universities, Dawson and McIllwraith, as they engage with low-SES schools. Working together Dorothy Smith’s insights into the textually mediated activation of local practices, Levinson and colleagues’ concept of the local appropriation of authorised policy, and Bourdieu’s notion of the contested field, we demonstrate that the generation of state level and institutionally specific policies for student-equity practices not only articulates to federal policy, but also appropriates the ruling relations of mandated policy. Further, the scope of these creative local appropriations is organised within a hierarchical academic field through which particular institutional imperatives, as well as the needs of low-SES students, are negotiated. The analysis demonstrates the vernacularisation of policy in the national rearticulation of global discourses, in appropriation at the level of the state body and in the practices of equity workers.  相似文献   

李耀土 《丽水学院学报》2010,32(3):117-120,128
在国外和国内重点高校的创业教育大潮影响下,地方高校如何有效地开展创业教育是个值得探索的课题。文章以丽水学院开展创业教育的探索为例,总结了地方高校开展创业教育的做法,并就如何提高地方高校创业教育的效果进行了思考,提出了应重点加强创业教育师资建设、提高学生逆商、开设社会资本及人际沟通课程、加强奏效型思考模式培养四方面的建议。  相似文献   

国际开放教育资源典型案例:一个研究计划   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:2  
开放教育资源运动不仅体现了大学的使命与教育体系的开放,而且使得知识开始成为公共财富。文章在简要介绍开放教育资源的内涵、分类以及开放教育资源运动发展现状的基础上,报道了"国际开放教育资源运动典型案例研究"的背景、目的、典型案例遴选方式以及该研究专栏的研究方法。作为"开放教育资源运动"系列论文的首篇,文章还就整个研究专栏的设计与安排作了简要介绍。最后,深入分析了此项研究对我国开放教育资源建设乃至教育信息化的重要意义和借鉴价值。  相似文献   

从诞生之日起,美国特许学校就处在不同利益集团的博弈中,两大对立利益集团就特许学校的效能、责任和公平性等方面展开了针锋相对的论争。博弈使特许学校的发展呈现出许多不确定性。但基于美国政府的有力支持、特许学校法的修订和利益集团间的对话等理由,美国特许学校将会有一个比较好的发展前景。  相似文献   

澳大利亚国际教育产业发展探究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
澳大利亚国际教育产业形成于20世纪80年代中期。为支持该产业发展,澳大利亚政府主要采取了三大策略:开拓国际教育市场;立法保护国际教育市场;保障国际教育质量。在这些策略推动下,澳大利亚国际教育产业发展迅速。与此同时,其进一步发展也将受到四个问题的掣肘:政府支持过度;移民政策的负面效应;教育产业整治中的利益考量;大学的公共财政支持不足。尽管存在这些问题,在未来一段时期内澳大利亚国际教育产业仍将保持其竞争力。  相似文献   

国家社会经济和教育事业的全面发展,使普通高中教育发展面临着新形势。借鉴国际研究,我国普通高中教育发展应注重以下四个方面:全民终身教育引领普通高中教育的定位,满足社会进步与经济发展对个体发展的新要求,将教育公平与教育选择纳入普通高中教育发展的体系,建立基于平衡的普通高中教育发展规划和政策体系。  相似文献   

公平是教育发展的重要议题,公平政策影响着教育公平程度,而补偿性政策又往往是国家促进教育公平的首选政策.美国作为联邦制国家,自《初等与中等教育法》颁布四十余年来,十分重视补偿性教育政策的制订与落实,从而解决了基础教育中实践中存在的诸多问题,因而大大提高了教育公平的程度.  相似文献   

This is an examination of the criteria for determining if equitable education occurs through desegregation and the effects of other educational programs on these criteria—access, participation, and outcomes. Equity in access may not provide equity in either participation or outcome. Other federal educational policies may interfere with the achievement of equitable education by all three criteria.  相似文献   

This paper describes the resultsof a study that re-examined the relatively lowhigher education participation rate of peopleliving in rural or isolated Australia. Thefocus of the study was the goals and plans ofAustralian school students in their seniorschool years and the underlying attitudestowards education. The study suggests highereducation participation for people in rural andisolated areas may be affected less by distancefrom university campuses than by socioeconomiccircumstances and the influences of ruralsocial and cultural contexts. Socioeconomiceffects are generally more pronounced andpervasive than any effects of locationidentified by this study. The implications ofthe findings for equity policy and programs arediscussed.  相似文献   

Over the past two years, Florida State University's Science Education Program and Sabal Palm Elementary have collaborated to develop a PPS. The formation of the Sabal Palm PPS was not based upon a predetermined design nor has one group served as an authority to direct how the PPS ought to operate. The success of this model relies on PPS participants working collaboratively to establish goals and plans for actions to be taken to support teacher-learning. The Sabal Palm PPS continues to evolve as dynamic model for creating a center for teacher and student learning. The purpose of this paper is to discuss our involvement in the formation a PPS and implications for enhancing teacher education programs. Specializations: professional practice school development, teacher research, primary science education Specializations: environmental science, primary science education.  相似文献   

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