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一、动词的时态 [考点1]根据句中提示词now;Listen!Look!或上下文语境来判断、选用现在进行时。它由“am/is/are+v-ing”构成。其中的am/is/are可直接提问、否定、回答。例如  相似文献   

Hi!大家好!欢迎点击be动词[点击be的基本形式] be动词有am,is,are三种形式。其使用方法可依据以下口诀:(I)我用am,(you)你用are,is连着他、她、它(he,she,it)。单数is。复数are。如:I am a doctor.You are a girl.She is at school now.This is a good book.Those are new desks.  相似文献   

☆ 问候 Good morning / afternoon / evening! 早上/ 下午/ 晚上好! Hello / Hi! 你好! Nice to meet you! 很高兴见到你! How do you do? 你好! How are you? 你(身体)好吗? Fine , thank you! / I am OK! 很好, 谢谢! ☆ 介绍 My name is... 我叫…… I am from England. 我来自英国。 I am a student. 我是一个学生。 This is Mr / Mrs / Ms / Miss... 这是……先 生 / 夫人 / 女士 / 小姐 ☆ 感谢 Thank you (every much )! 十分感谢! Thanks a lot! 太感谢了! Thank / Thanks you for your help! 谢谢你 的帮助! You are we…  相似文献   

肯定形式:sb.am/is/are going to do sth.含义:表示打算将来要做的事情。否定形式:sb.am/is/are not going to do sth.  相似文献   

1.系动词be的用法I用am,you,we和they用are,is连着他/她/它;名词单数用is,名词复数使用are;问句am,is,are提前,句末问号勿忘了;否定句,也不难,am,is,are之后把not加。过去形式也容易,was替am和is,were替are。例如:Iamaworker.They/We/Youarestudents.Isshe/headoctor?I/He/Shewasnotateacher.Wereyou/they/weteachers?Thestudentsare/wereallontheplayground.2.区分可数与不可数名词名词分可数与不可数,将其分离便得知。一分再分仍原物,该词一定不可数。看不见也摸不着,此种名词也不可数。(如:air/cotton/coffee/bread/water/tea等为不…  相似文献   

一、动词be的形式口诀展示:be动词三变化,am,is还有are,"我"(I)用am,"你"(you)用are,is紧跟"他(he)、她(she)、它(it)"。"我们(we)、你们(you)"和"他们(they)"。全用are来表达。  相似文献   

1.构成:am,is,are+现在分词(doing) 2.用法:①表示说话时正在进行的动作。例如: Look!They are playing football.瞧!他们正在踢足球。He is writing a letter now.  相似文献   

H ello,everyone!I am your friend,我是“be”,刚接触我,有的同学有点挠头。这不,“be动词热线”正式开通,有问题尽管问吧!Zhang Shan:老师说,be是系动词,可有时又说am,is,are也是系动词,这是怎么回事?[答]我,be,是am,is,are的原形,一般不直接出现在句子中,需要我“出马”时,我摇身一变,就成了is/am/are,常作句子的谓语。Y u Q ing:你是不是总跟在主语后面呢?[答]那可不一定。不过,只要我变一下位置,句子类型也就变了:我在主语后面,一般是陈述句,如:Im in R ow1.(我在第一排。)我要跑到主语前面,句子就成疑问句了。例如:—A re you ten…  相似文献   

被动语态是英语的语法重点之一,其中现在进行时的被动语态则是高中学生英语学习中的难点。鉴此,笔者拟对现在进行时的被动语态的结构和用法作一总结,以供大家学习时参考。一、基本结构1.肯定形式:“助动词be(am/is/are)+being+过去分词”,其中的is,am,are表明谓语动词的动作发生的时间为现在,并随着作主语的名词(代词)的人称和数的不同而使用其中的某一个形式;being done则表示正在进行的被动动作。例如:The bridge over the river is being rebuilt.这条河上的桥正在重建。2.否定形式:把否定词not放在助动词be(am/is/are)之后,即:“be(am/…  相似文献   

I am Maria.I am from Mexico.I like New York better than other cities.It’s a busy place, and there are many people on the streets.Supermarkets are open for twenty-four hours every day. You can always find some places to eat. I am Dimitri.I am from Greece.Los Angeles (洛杉矶) is better for me! The life is more relaxed (轻松的) than the life in New York.The weather there is better too.I can go to the beach and enjoy the sun,because the weather is warm.I like the sunshine and the palm trees(棕榈树) best in Los Angeles.  相似文献   

My school life     
Hello! My name is LuWenyi.I am a middle school student.I’m in Class 2,Grade 7.I love my school. Our school starts at eight in the morning from Monday to Friday.Our teachers are nice and the subjects are interesting.Usually we have three lessons in the morning.English is my favorite subject.I am very good at it.  相似文献   

My birthday     
正Today is Sunday.It's cloudy.It's the second of November.How happy I am!Guess!Why am I so happy?Yes,you're right.Because it is my birthday.My relatives and good friends come to my new house.They are my aunt,grandpa,grandma,brother,sister and my friends.Each of them gives me a nice present.  相似文献   

H i!B oys and girls!欢迎浏览“动词be”主页,点击“动词be”。一、点击动词be的形式be是原形,摇身可变成am,is,are。下面隆重推出一则口诀,帮你熟记动词be的形式及用法:我(I)用am,你(you)用are,is连着他(he),她(she),它(it)。单数名词用is,复数名词全用are。变否定,很容易,be后not加上去。变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃。还有一条须注意,句首大写莫忘记。注:动词be的形式在句子中随人称的变化而变化。变为否定式时,把否定词not加在动词be的后面即可,如:Im inClass Two.→Im notin Class Two.变为一般疑问句时,把be(am,is,are)提到句首…  相似文献   

嗨,亲爱的小朋友们,我是魔术师Be动词。相信你们一定很想知道我都会变什么吧,现在就让我给大家表演一下! 我be动词是一个奇妙的魔术师,摇身一变,就会变成三种形式:am,is,are--主语是I,我就变am;主语是he,she it或单数,我就变is;主语是you或复数,我就变are。请记住我是--I am你是--You are她/他/它是--She/He/It iS我们/你们/他(她/它)们是--We/You/They are  相似文献   

传说系动词be是来自花果山的一只小猴子,得到过猴王孙大圣的真传,拥有神奇的变化. 在一般现在时里,be有三个化身:am、are、is.这三个化身的使用规则,可背诵以下咒语: "I用am,you用are,is用在他她它(he、she、it),凡是复数都用are."  相似文献   

在英语中 ,动词be是am、is、are的原形动词 ,故am、is、are又叫be动词 ,它也被叫做系动词。它是很重要的一个动词 ,许多时态、句型结构中都会用到它。然而 ,对于何时使用am、is、are ,许多初学英语的学生都弄不清楚。下面 ,我们把它们的用法编成几句口诀告诉同学们 ,我们相信 ,同学们看后一定能够清清楚楚地知道am、is、are的用法的。这几句口诀是 :主语为I ,用am .主语为 you ,要用are .is用于单名、代。最典型是他她它。主语如果为复数 ,be就一定要用are。例 :Iamateacher.我是一个教师。Youareaboy .你是一个男孩。Areyoustudents ?你…  相似文献   

Hello! My name is Chen Jianing. I am a girl. I am eleven years old, I have a family, In my family there are three people; my father, my mother and h My father is an engineer. He is friendly. He has a lot of friends, He likes watching TV and reading newspapers at night. My mother is a good cook. She can cook well.  相似文献   

be动词am,is,are,如何正确使用它。我用am,你用are,is用于他、她、它。以上主语是单数,复数主语全用are。指示代词作主语,This,that用is,These,those要用are。若是变为否定句,Not系动词后面加。若变一般疑问句,句首A m,Is,Are,句末问号莫忘加。回答一般疑问句,Yes,或N o简回答。am,is,are用法歌@刘才来  相似文献   

1 Where is thumbkin? Where is thumbkin? Here I am. Here I am. How are you this morning? Very well. I thank you. Run away. Run away. 2 Where is pointer? Where is pointer? Here I am. Here I am. How are you this morning? Very well. I thank you. Run away. Run away.  相似文献   

be动词是原形,摇身一变可成is,am,are。具体怎样使用它呢?现在送你一则口诀,帮你熟记“be的用法”。be动词一般不直接出现在句子中,be随人称而变化,即:I am,you are,he/she/itis,we are,they are等。变为否定句时,把否定词not加在be动词的后面即可;变为一般疑问句时,须把be(am,  相似文献   

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