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This paper explores 30 students' views on the purposes for studying US history. Twelve students were 5th graders, 12 were 8th graders, and six were high school students. Responses were drawn from detailed interview protocol data compiled over three years in the context of a larger research programme that extensively studied the teaching and learning practices in five American history classrooms, two at 5th grade, two at 8th grade, and one at the high school level. Two questions from the protocol frame this exploration:'Why do you think they teach you American history in school?' and 'How might learning American history help you in your life away from school?'. Responses indicated that (a )all the students were able to construct some answer to the questions; (b ) rationales for learning history varied considerably by age, interest and ethnic background, but versions of the Santayanan rationale and utilitarian responses were most common; (c ) students seemed initially puzzled by the questions as though they had never considered them before; and (d ) students appeared to hold a 'stabilized', consensus view of history, meaning that they thought of history as a collection of putative facts and that their task was to learn them. Implications are considered against the backdrop of teaching and learning American history and the current history curriculum.  相似文献   

By gradually placing more importance on game-based education and changing learning motivation by applying game-playing characteristics, students’ learning experiences can be enhanced and a better learning effect can be achieved. When teaching the content of Chinese poetry in Taiwanese junior high schools, most teachers only explain the meaning of Chinese poetry, while it is difficult for students to understand why poets write these poems, resulting in learning confusion. This paper implemented a digital game-based situated learning system based on Tang Dynasty poems for learning Chinese poetry to simulate the situations of hardship encountered by poets when writing poetry in animated form to help junior high school students in Taiwan to have greater understanding when learning the content of Chinese poetry. The research results show that students who used the Gourd Tang Dynasty system in game-based instruction had significantly better learning achievements than students who underwent traditional narrative instruction. Among them, students in the low learning ability group improved in their grades significantly more than students in the high learning ability group in terms of their Tang Dynasty poetry learning. Furthermore, the authors examined the predictive relationships between perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness and behavioural intention related to the digital game-based situated learning system for Chinese language poetry. The factor of perceived usefulness was a key factor in the students’ positive attitudes towards the digital game-based situated learning system. There were no significant differences with respect to individual characteristics (i.e. gender, online game experience and digital learning experience). The results demonstrate that this type of system can be widely accepted by students with different learning experiences.  相似文献   

卢仝虽然隐居一生,但他身随心不隐,希望走“终南捷径”,只不过未被征召;卢仝死于“甘露之变”的说法基本可信;其诗歌具有平直和险怪两种风格,险怪诗多写于元和四年至元和六年,表现出题材怪异、以文为诗、抒情直露、调笑浅俗的特点;卢仝的诗歌创作对韩孟诗派其他人具有一定的影响。  相似文献   

明显受到中国诗歌影响的意象派是美国新诗运动中最引人注目的一个派别,它对美国现代诗乃至20世纪世界诗坛产生了特殊的影响。意象派对中国古典诗歌所作的借鉴,可谓有得亦有失。庞德的《在一个地铁车站》,作为意象派的代表作,在意象的创造、处理方面深得中国古诗之奥妙,是一首著名的意境诗。由于意象派更看重意象本身,对意象的象征、暗示、比喻作用处理得非常隐蔽,一定程度上又会影响到诗作的深度和境界。  相似文献   

美国19世纪诗人朗费罗在诗歌创作中采用戏剧化的叙事策略,包括戏剧对话、戏剧独白、戏剧冲突、戏剧场景以及戏剧情境等,取得了较大的艺术成就。各种文学艺术形态之间互相渗透会为彼此带来巨大的活力,戏剧的艺术技巧与诗歌创作是一脉相承的。朗费罗诗歌所具有的戏剧性增强了诗歌的戏剧效果,凸显了诗歌的主题,使这些诗的价值内涵扩大了。  相似文献   

This article provides an updated review of recent empirical research on the potential impact of private school vouchers. It addresses 3 questions: (a) do students that use vouchers to attend a private school obtain better outcomes than would be obtained in a public school? (b) Do vouchers encourage student sorting and how does sorting affect student outcomes? (c) Does the offer of vouchers promote competition, improving outcomes of students who remain in public schools? Conclusions are that African American students who are offered vouchers experience small achievement gains. The results are highly sensitive to analytical assumptions and are not evident for other racial or ethnic groups. The evidence further indicates that large-scale voucher plans encourage sorting that could lower the achievement of public school students. There is no compelling evidence that such losses are outweighed by competitive gains in public schools. The conclusions on sorting and competition are most applicable to unrestricted choice plans in which flat-rate vouchers are offered to a large number of students with few eligibility restrictions. Some emerging evidence indicates that alternate approaches to policy design could yield more promising results.  相似文献   

郭沫若作为一代文学大师,一生创作了大量的诗篇,也发表了大量的诗论。他主张诗歌的本质专在抒情,诗歌要重视音乐性,新诗要打破一切形式束缚,新诗和旧诗应同时并存,写诗贵在自然流露以及写诗并不神秘等等。这些内容,构成了郭沫若诗歌美学的主干,在我国现代诗坛产生了重要而广泛的影响。  相似文献   

汪蕾 《天津教育》2021,(2):111-112
从古至今,中华文化高峰迭起,其中最为璀璨的明珠便是古诗文。然而现今小学生学习古诗文时面临诸多挑战,自然也与年龄、认知能力有关。因此,本文从厚积薄发,诵读是前提;指导预习,了解诗文背景;看图画图,理解诗意三方面浅析小学生古诗文教学。旨在探查原因,寻找帮助小学生更好地学习古诗文的方式。  相似文献   

将唐宋元三朝诗歌作为各自独立的整体放在一个认知框架内来比较特色与高下,就是明人的三朝诗合论。它也是明人进行诗法选择和建设展开明诗学的重要方式。明人的三朝诗合论大致有比较宋元诗、否定宋元诗、肯定宋元诗及反复等三个过程。  相似文献   

This study examined secondary school students' knowledge of the conventions and aesthetic operations that theorists hypothesize are associated with the poetic genre. Students read texts presented visually both in the shape of poems as well as prose. The identification of a text as a poem triggered significantly more references to the conventional expectations as well as greater appreciation of aesthetic elements that add a layer of meaning. Students also spent longer thinking about the poem‐shaped texts and rated the poems as more enjoyable, challenging, emotionally engaging, and as eliciting more imagery. If poetry triggers the tendency to engage in active and meaningful thinking by guiding us to see language in new ways, it may be one more reason to include it in the secondary school English curriculum.  相似文献   

除了教科书解押着学生读诗,读诗和写诗基本上仅限于受过高等教育的少数知识分子,并不是大众。重新兴盛诗歌,诗人当然责无旁贷,但教育担当着重大的责任。让学生亲自参与诗歌创作活动.很有必要,十分急迫,且十分可行,但关键要抓住:让小学生拥有一颗“诗心”,让中学生放飞满怀的诗情。  相似文献   

This study explored the use of wikis in a science inquiry-based project conducted with Primary 6 students (aged 11–12). It used an online wiki-based platform called PBworks and addressed the following research questions: (1) What are students’ attitudes toward learning with wikis? (2) What are students’ interactions in online group collaboration with wikis? (3) What have students learned with wikis in a science inquiry-based project in a primary school context? Analyses of the quantitative and qualitative data showed that with respect to the first research question, the students held positive attitudes toward the platform at the end of the study. With respect to the second research question, the students actively engaged in various forms of learning-related interactions using the platform that extended to more meaningful offline interactions. With respect to the third research question, the students developed Internet search skills, collaborative problem solving competencies, and critical inquiry abilities. It is concluded that a well-planned wiki-based learning experience, framed within an inquiry project-based approach facilitated by students’ online collaborative knowledge construction, is conducive to the learning and teaching of science inquiry-based projects in primary school.  相似文献   

Angela Wiseman 《Literacy》2011,45(2):70-77
A poetry workshop can present opportunities to integrate students' knowledge and perspectives in classroom contexts, encouraging the use of language for expression, communication, learning and even empowerment. This paper describes how adolescent students respond to a poetry workshop in an English classroom centred on teaching writing that is based on their knowledge from their various life experiences and understanding of events beyond the classroom. Informed by New Literacy Studies and third space theories, ethnographic methods of participant observation were used to document an eighth‐grade urban public school classroom where a community member implemented a weekly programme using music lyrics and poetry for an entire school year. Findings illustrate how the poetry workshop encouraged students to contribute to the classroom learning context and engage critically with ideas that were relevant to their lives. Collaborating with a community member and tapping in to the powerful ways of using language to communicate led to important learning opportunities for students in this classroom. Poetic devices such as rhyme, rhythm, metaphor and wordplay enhanced and supported students' own language practices; students used these sophisticated writing strategies as they worked to convey their ideas, experiences and opinions.  相似文献   

小学语文古诗教学是培养小学生对古诗的敏感度以及中心思想理解的基础。基于核心素养开展小学语文古诗教学,使学生能够在思想的培养过程中,更加深入地了解小学语文古诗中的一些知识和内涵,有助于提高小学语文课堂教学有效性。本文首先简要分析了核心素养的内涵,随后分析了小学语文古诗文教学的现状,最后从三个方面分析了小学语文教学中提升学生核心素养的策略,以供相关人士参考。  相似文献   

Based on data collected from middle school students in a U.S. school (N = 159) and a Chinese school (N = 183), this study compared Internet use in school and at home between American students and Chinese students, explored what affected students’ use of the Internet, and examined how students’ Internet use related to their learning. Results reveal that (a) significant differences in online activities between American students and Chinese students were found in school, but not at home. Further analysis suggests that different pedagogical practices in these two cultural contexts led to the different uses of the Internet in school between American students and Chinese students. (b) There were significant school/home differences in Internet use for American students, but not much school/home difference was found for Chinese students. (c) There were salient similarities between American students and Chinese students in terms of the most popular activities they engaged in online. (d) Internet use in teaching and learning in school had some influence on students’ interest in learning specific subjects.  相似文献   

《金瓶梅词话》使用了大量诗词,其中有一些来源可考。如全书共有一百首回首诗,只有一首作品指出作者姓字而不详出处。考之于文献载录,此首连同其它六首可以确定出于唐宋诗人之手。这从一个侧面说明小说并不是严格意义上的文人个人创作,否则不能如此随意摘取。《词话》第二十五回中“舞手”一词究竟为何义?今人未有解,试解之并对第二十七回之“葡萄架”新进一解。  相似文献   

诗歌大多借助"意象"表达情思.小学课内以"儿童"为人物意象抒情言志的古诗词大致有工笔描"象",直抒生命意趣;借"象"抒情,寄托思想情怀;以"象"言志,表明志向抱负.基于意象去品赏古诗词,以象解意,以象教诗,唤醒学生对诗词的思考,对诗词文化的探究,小学古诗词教学才会真正触摸到诗词的灵魂.  相似文献   

庞德对中国古典诗歌中的意象小品心领神会,故其《地铁车站》能突破英美意象派的局限,成为英美意象派诗歌的压卷之作;而卞之琳既深谙英美意象派的玄奥,又精通中国古典诗歌的意象文化,故其《断章》能成为中国意象诗的翘楚之作。揭示二者成功的来龙去脉以及英美意象派与中国古典诗歌、中国意象诗与英美意象派、中国意象诗与中国古典诗歌之间的微妙关系,可窥见造成英美意象派局限性以及意象派在中国未能形成流派的原因,为促进中西文化的交融互汇提供借鉴。  相似文献   

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