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CD-ROMs are becoming more widely used now and one particular genre seems to have a good deal to offer as a medium for the development of reading. These so-called ‘interactive books’ have not yet been investigated in terms of their usefulness in teaching reading and Clare Burrell and John Trushell make a useful beginning to this. They are particularly concerned with whether the eye catching graphics of these books helps or hinders children’s reading of them and their report raises many interesting issues.  相似文献   

中小学生的阅读兴趣、阅读习惯、阅读方法掌握、阅读量的积累等的实际状况与语文课程标准的要求相距甚远。语文课程标准重视阅读,注重扩大阅读量,倡导课外阅读,为了贯彻这一理念,语文教材对学生的课外阅读要给予必要的支撑和引导,如重视教材选文,引导读整本的书,强化课外阅读观念。课外阅读应更多地指向获得型阅读,尽量与课堂教学配合,由课内迁移到课外,与课堂教学进行对比,让学生积累有用的素材,并有意识地运用。教师还要注重课外阅读的设计和指导。  相似文献   

高校图书馆是大学生自主学习的第二课堂,应该培养大学生良好的阅读习惯,引导他们“多读书、读好书”。通过“多读书”提高大学生的人文修养和素质内涵,通过“读好书”激励大学生积极向上的生活态度。为此,高校图书馆一定要做好宣传和引导工作,吸引大学生走进图书馆。  相似文献   

大力推进学生的课外阅读是语文新课改的亮点之一,但学生的课外阅读往往被理解为对经典名著的阅读,对新出版的优秀书籍方面的课外阅读往往被漠视、无视,导致当代文化竟然成了当代中学生的盲区的奇怪现象。为此,笔者把新书的推荐阅读作为动态的课程进行研究和实践:先引导学生了解和新书有关的信息,再精心选择用于新书推荐的文本材料,利用现代新信息技术,创设浓烈的新书阅读的氛围,以此充分激发学生阅读新书的兴趣;同时,教师应全程指导学生阅读新书,时刻关注学生的新书阅读动态,随时做好激励、指导工作,让学生的新书阅读始终在有趣而又得法中顺利进行。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was (1) to examine the causal effects of READ 180, a mixed-methods literacy intervention, on measures of word reading efficiency, reading comprehension and vocabulary, and oral reading fluency and (2) to examine whether print exposure among children in the experimental condition explained variance in posttest reading scores. A total of 294 children in Grades 4–6 were randomly assigned to READ 180 or a district after-school program. Both programs were implemented 4 days per week over 23 weeks. Children in the READ 180 intervention participated in three 20-min literacy activities, including (1) individualized computer-assisted reading instruction with videos, leveled text, and word study activities, (2) independent and modeled reading practice with leveled books, and (3) teacher-directed reading lessons tailored to the reading level of children in small groups. Children in the district after-school program participated in a 60-min program in which teachers were able to select from 16 different enrichment activities that were designed to improve student attendance. There was no significant difference between children in READ 180 and the district after-school program on norm-referenced measures of word reading efficiency, reading comprehension, and vocabulary. Although READ 180 had a positive impact on oral reading fluency and attendance, these effects were restricted to children in Grade 4. Print exposure, as measured by the number of words children read on the READ 180 computer lessons, explained 4% of the variance in vocabulary and 2% of the variance in word reading efficiency after all pretest reading scores were partialed out.  相似文献   

This study investigated the complexity of leveled passages used in four classroom reading assessments. A total of 167 passages leveled for Grades 1–6 from these assessments were analyzed using four analytical tools of text complexity. More traditional, two-factor measures of text complexity found a general trend of fairly consistent across-grade progression of average complexity among the four assessments. However, considerable cross-assessment variability was observed in terms of the size of increase in complexity from grade to grade, the overall range of complexity, and the within-grade text complexity. These cross-assessment differences were less pronounced with newer, multi-factor analytical tools. The four assessments also differed in the extent to which their passages met the text complexity guidelines of the Common Core State Standards. The authors discuss implications of the differences found among and within the classroom assessment systems, on one hand, and among the measures of text complexity, on the other.  相似文献   

王晓珺 《成才之路》2020,(6):128-129
以绘本为载体开展写话教学,作为语言教学的有效途径,受到教师的广泛关注。教师应针对学生词汇及阅读量不足、语言能力不强的特征,利用绘本为学生提供广阔多元的写话素材,有效训练学生语言表达技巧,为写话教学提供丰富的教学模板及路径,从而提升学生语文综合能力。文章对绘本写话课堂教学策略进行探讨。  相似文献   

A number of studies have shown that low-income and minority students undergo larger summer reading losses than their middle-class and White classmates, and that reading is the only activity that is consistently related to summer learning. The purpose of this study was to explore whether reading books during summer vacation improved fall reading proficiency, and whether access to books increased the volume of summer reading. The results from the multivariate regression analyses suggest that the effect of reading 4 to 5 books on fall reading scores is potentially large enough to prevent a decline in reading achievement scores from the spring to the fall. Furthermore, children who reported easy access to books also read more books. The findings have implications for designing school-based summer reading programs and for conducting future experiments that confirm the correlational findings from this study.  相似文献   

A grade level of reading material is commonly estimated using one or more readability formulas, which purport to measure text difficulty based on specified text characteristics. However, there is limited direction for teachers and publishers regarding which readability formulas (if any) are appropriate indicators of actual text difficulty. Because oral reading fluency (ORF) is considered one primary indicator of an elementary aged student's overall reading ability, the purpose of this study was to assess the link between leveled reading passages and students’ actual ORF rates. ORF rates of 360 elementary‐aged students were used to determine whether reading passages at varying grade levels are, as would be predicted by readability levels, more or less difficult for students to read. Results showed that a small number of readability formulas were fairly good indicators of text, but this was only true at particular grade levels. Additionally, most of the readability formulas were more accurate for higher ability readers. One implication of the findings suggests that teachers should be cautious when making instructional decisions based on purported “grade‐leveled” text, and educational researchers and practitioners should strive to assess difficulty of text materials beyond simply using a readability formula.  相似文献   

This study investigated Korean and U.S. preschoolers’ personal and fictional narratives, their classroom book environments, and their teachers’ attitudes about reading aloud. The participants were 70 Korean and American 3- and 4-year-olds enrolled in 2 university lab preschools and their 4 teachers. The structures and content of the preschoolers’ personal and fictional narratives were analyzed. The teachers’ attitudes and practices about their language and literacy curriculum, including books provided in the classroom and selected for reading aloud, were examined for associations with preschoolers’ narrative productions. Research Findings: The content of preschoolers’ personal narratives and the structural levels of their fictional narratives differed between the 2 Korean and 2 U.S. classrooms. The classroom book environments in the Korean and U.S. classrooms also differed, with more fictional books displayed in the 2 U.S. classrooms than in the 2 Korean classrooms. The 2 Korean and 2 U.S. preschool teachers also held different attitudes about the use of fiction and nonfiction for read-aloud story sessions, and U.S. teachers allocated more time in their school day for reading aloud than did Korean teachers. Practice or Policy: U.S. preschoolers may profit from a greater balance between fiction and nonfiction books in the classroom. Korean children might benefit from more exposure to fiction and fantasy along with more practice in creating fictional narratives.  相似文献   

通过自行设计的调查问卷,对教师的教育类专业阅读状况进行调查,并运用访谈法访谈五位教师。研究发现:从整体上看,虽然教师的教育类专业阅读状况较好,但大多数教师属于功利性阅读,只阅读直接与课堂教学相关的教学类专业期刊,而其它三类教育专业书刊的阅读情况较差。为了更好地实现教育类专业阅读的专业发展价值,需要引导教师转变单纯的功利性专业阅读取向,多做涵养性的专业阅读;为更多的教师提供高层次培训的机会,在学习共同体中进行有效的专业阅读;营造专业阅读的氛围,为教师专业阅读创造有利的条件。  相似文献   

The emphasis on schools' providing reading materials for students at home is very much on the primary school years, when the skill of reading is being acquired. Little consideration has been given to the impact of curtailing school‐mediated access to books beyond this point. Regular recreational reading offers a wide range of benefit, and is essential for supporting ongoing literacy development. Without easy access to books, it can be readily surmised that capacity for regular engagement in reading can be limited. This article adds to the body of research supporting the benefit of student access to books in the home, linking access to books in the home with improved attitudes toward and frequency of engagement in recreational book reading, particularly in boys. It also provides analysis of data on students' access to books in the home, as well as discussing alternative avenues of access to books, such as the library and devices. The implications of the findings are explored, with educators ultimately urged to support increased access to self‐selected home reading materials through the secondary school.  相似文献   

馆藏紧缺状态下的藏书剔旧   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前一些图书馆因馆藏紧缺而忽视藏书剔旧工作,致使馆藏质量下降,藏书利用率降低。藏书剔旧工作做得好,可以改善藏书质量,弥补馆藏量的不足,充分提高藏书利用率,最大限度地体现藏书价值,所以馆藏紧缺也要进行藏书剔旧,并将其常规化。  相似文献   

冯华春 《成才之路》2021,(14):30-31
教师将绘本合理引入道德与法治课堂,可以激发学生对道德与法治课程的学习兴趣,借助绘本中积极向上的内容向学生传递正能量。文章从“借助绘本,创设情境”“立足绘本,定型人格”“依据绘本,普及知识”“阅读绘本,设计问题”“延伸绘本,课后巩固”五个方面,论述如何使用好绘本资源,提高道德与法治课堂教学效果。  相似文献   

发现式教学法是一种由教师引导学生利用教材和提供的材料,主动地发现新规则和获取新知识的教学方法。为了解决高职药事管理课程内容枯燥、教学过程机械刻板的问题,将该教学法应用于药事管理课程的教学,既能增加法规性知识的可接受性,激发学生的学习兴趣,又能活跃课堂气氛。应用该教学方法的步骤为:明确学习任务,激发学生的探索欲望,引导学生提出假设、验证假设,通过讨论得出正确结论.  相似文献   

高职院校学生的的阅读水平关系到高职学生的素质,高职院校图书馆在提升高职学生阅读水平方面应发挥积极作用。要使高职院校的图书馆成为高职学生阅读的中心课堂,图书馆一定要充分重视学生阅读水平的重要性,采取一切措施吸引学生来图书馆借阅图书,以高职学生借阅者为首位,采用动态服务,改善图书馆网络环境等对策。  相似文献   

机械制图是高职教育的一门专业基础课程,主要教给学生绘图和识图技能,培养学生的空间思维力和空间想象力。抓好课堂教学、制图作业、CAI教学、CAD教学、零件测绘、制图测绘专用周实践、机械加工生产实习等环节是制图课教学成功的关键。  相似文献   

Teachers are influential in motivating and improving attitudes towards reading. This article reports on an investigation of eight teachers of 10‐ to 12‐year‐old students from five New Zealand schools and the strategies they used to improve attitudes to reading. Each school had been identified as implementing effective reading programmes by a panel of literacy experts and supported by standardised tests demonstrating overall improvements in reading achievement. A reading culture developed by using sophisticated picture books and novels for discussion and debate along with ready access to age‐related, high‐interest appropriate books in the classroom and school library. Teachers worked with children on a whole class, group and individually and demonstrated explicit teaching using texts that engage the reader. The research suggests that children need support by their teachers to negotiate them away from potential points of discouragement in learning to read. Also, teachers need to be aware that reading may not be considered ‘cool’ at this time of early adolescence and initiate strategies to make reading fun.  相似文献   

Fifteen toddlers (2- to 3-years old, nine boys and six girls) in a university preschool classroom were observed for 7 months while spending time with books during transition time, between story time and lunch. This qualitative case study investigated the ways that teachers can facilitate toddlers’ reading habits by providing literacy opportunities in unstructured learning environments and explored the contexts in which toddlers engage in independent reading activities. The findings of this study show that (1) toddlers can develop literacy through participating in meaning-making activities with peers while reading books together in unstructured environments and (2) toddlers want to read and choose to read in order to satisfy their curiosity, involvement, and social interchange, just as older children do.  相似文献   

This study describes one teacher's use of multimedia, specifically CD-ROM talking books, in the classroom. The goal of the investigation was to reveal and analyse how a primary (Grade 3) teacher integrated CD-ROM books into her curriculum. Issues emerging from the study included how features of the software interact with features of classrooms, how patterns of instruction are affected by the infusion of technology, and how students interact with the software, and each other, while reading the CD- ROM books  相似文献   

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