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一位英同博十说,能够降低癌症、痴呆症等疾病,以及出现皱纹等风险的抗老药很快就将上市。琳达·帕特里奇是伦敦大学学院的遗传学家,她对《每日电信报》记者说,这种抗老药设法解决的是这些疾病的根子——变老本身。  相似文献   

《Child abuse & neglect》2002,26(6-7):559

This paper reports on qualitative data that focus on the educational strategies of middle-class parents of Black Caribbean heritage. Drawing on Bourdieu’s key concepts of habitus, capital and field, our focus is an investigation of the differences that are apparent between respondent parents in their levels of involvement with regard to schools. We conclude that, within a broadly similar paradigm of active involvement with and monitoring of schools, nuanced differences in parental strategising reflect whether academic achievement is given absolute priority within the home. This, in turn, reflects differential family habitus, and differential possession and activation of capitals.  相似文献   

长期以来,人们一直认为孟浩然是一位纯粹的隐逸诗人,但近年来却有一些学者认为他有强烈的入仕之心.文章从文本入手探寻孟浩然"仕"与"隐"的矛盾心态,认为孟浩然的入仕情结是时代精神的充分体现.  相似文献   

Becoming connected,being caring   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper highlights perspectives on action research in education, health and social care and was originally presented as a keynote at the International Practitioner Research Conference and Collaborative Action Research Conference in 2005. The paper links with the other conference keynote given by Stephen Kemmis, co‐author of Becoming Critical. It reflects on the importance of Being Caring in action research in the context of health and social care; particularly in relation to emotionally supporting practitioners to improve their practice in settings which do not always welcome more emancipatory or critical approaches often used in education. The paper begins by exploring the nature of practitioner research and action research in health and social care and its links with quality. It argues that health and social care professionals have often drawn their methodological understanding from the literature written by colleagues in education. This literature tends to support critical and emancipatory forms of action research, which health and social care professionals have tended to adopt in an uncritical manner. Reflecting on some of the contextual constraints in health and social care, it argues that many of these factors are beyond the control of individual practitioners and suggests a need to focus on the neglected area of emotions, in addition to, contextual issues. To illustrate the usefulness of this approach an example of psychodynamically informed action research is given. The paper concludes that in the quest to be critical, practitioner researchers/action researchers in education, health and social care may be ignoring the emotional contexts in which they work. It suggests that being caring may be the key to being critical.  相似文献   

陈秀丽 《高中生》2011,(6):62-63
星期五的傍晚,一个贫穷的年轻艺人站在纽约的一个地铁站门口,拉着他的小提琴。琴声优美动听.虽然人们都急急忙忙地赶着回家过周末,但还是有很多人情不自禁地放慢了脚步,时不时地会有一些人在年轻艺人跟前的礼帽里放一些钱。  相似文献   

Some of the many reasons to celebrate the work of childbirth educators include Lamaze International's upcoming 40th anniversary, an impressive history of dedicated people who first pioneered childbirth education, and the active role childbirth educators continue to play in promoting consumer advocacy in health care.  相似文献   

陈秀丽 《高中生》2011,(18):62-63
星期五的傍晚,一个贫穷的年轻艺人站在纽约的一个地铁站门口,拉着他的小提琴。琴声优美动听,虽然人们都急急忙忙地赶着回家过周末,但还是有很多人情不自禁地放慢了脚步,时不时地会有一些人在年轻艺人跟前的礼帽里放一些钱。  相似文献   

甘阳 《高中生》2011,(28):29
一个文明社会最重要的产品是什么?是人。一个社会培养出来的人,是有素质、有气质、有教养的人,还是脑满肠肥、腰缠万贯却非常粗鲁的人,这是问题的关键。单纯的富裕并不足以使一个文明社会受到尊重,尤其中国这样一个有着几千年文明的国家,我们对国人要提出更高的要求。中国崛起,必然要求文化  相似文献   

哲学主要是指“思”的活动、思的过程。马克思主义哲学作为马克思及后继者思的结果,其理论“硬核”是“实践思维”。思与实践是人的固有属性,正是在思与实践的过程中,人才不断地超越自己成为新人,并创造出新的哲学。  相似文献   

In some ways, ‘a culture of the modern consulting room’ may be seen as having been initiated by Freud and followers. Here, social hierarchy, unconscious motivation and the authority of analyst may all be seen as manifestations of professional practice. With the contributions of Heidegger, Kierkegaard, May, Adler, Rogers and others of the existential and humanistic schools, it is argued that ‘transformative learning’ serves as a vehicle to ‘being’. It is not that the classroom becomes a consulting room. Rather, it is suggested that the change and transformation of ‘self’ and ‘being’ (‘Dasein’) are accompaniments of deep, relational learning. As such, they rightly occupy the activities of both classroom and consulting room. Far from being an abstract or irrelevant notion, the ‘existential classroom’ diverges radically from any lack of focus or neglect of ‘subjectivity’. Neither is it a ‘place apart’, as Freud would have it. The learning relationship itself furnishes a model of conviction for all who see; an expression of trust, symbol for community, and the way to Kierkegaard’s notion of self‐defining freedom.  相似文献   

In many real life situations, we have to draw conclusions from data which are not complete and have been affected by measurement errors. Such problems have been addressed from the time of Bayes and Laplace (late 1700’s) using concepts which parallel Boltzmann’s use of entropy in thermal physics. The idea is to assign probabilities to different possible conclusions from a given set of data. A critical — and sometimes controversial — input is a ‘prior probability’, which represents our knowledge before any data are given or taken! This body of ideas is introduced in this article with simple examples.  相似文献   

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