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E-books have increasingly penetrated the academic world. However, despite efforts from Vietnamese universities and colleges to establish and broaden their e-books collection, students seem reluctant to use these digital books. This study aims to examine the barriers to using e-books in libraries among Vietnamese students. Data were obtained from 355 undergraduate students who were interested in e-books. The findings demonstrate that some key barriers impeding students from using e-books include the lack of computers and e-books in libraries, limited information and knowledge about e-books and their preference of using print books. Interestingly, female students tend to perceive the barriers to be stronger than their male counterparts. This study’s findings have important implications for universities, libraries and publishers who seek to promote e-books to students.  相似文献   

台湾地区大学图书馆电子书使用现况调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于数字出版的发展,电子书已在台湾的大学及技专校院图书馆占重要地位。为了解大学师生对这些电子书的使用状况,台湾学术电子书联盟于2010年进行了大规模的使用调查。调查问题包括:大学师生是否使用过图书馆的电子书,使用频率为何,透过何种管道查询电子书,使用电子书的意愿为何,使用电子书的动机为何,使用电子书遇到的问题及需要协助的困难为何,哪些是用户重视的电子书质量及功能,对于台湾学术电子书联盟引进的电子书满意度如何。调查采用在线问卷,共有91个学校,26,120位教职员生填答。调查发现,大学教师、研究员及研究生使用过电子书的比例高达六成以上;在同时有纸本书及电子书的情况下,半数以上的教师、研究员及研究生会优先选用电子书,但大学生仍喜爱纸本图书;对于电子书的质量,用户重视的是全文影像是否清晰、搜寻功能是否良好、使用接口是否易于操作、浏览方式是否便利、全文阅读方式是否符合需求等。另外,找不到所需的电子书,是读者最常遇到的困扰,显示图书馆的电子书种类仍不足以应付使用者的需求。  相似文献   

文章利用扎根理论方法,对读者使用电子书意愿的影响因素进行探究,并分析各因素间相互作用的机理。通过对访谈资料的编码、译码,得到概念范畴和逻辑关系,再借助使用与满足理论和UTAUT2模型构建读者使用电子书意愿的影响因素模型。研究结果显示,产品因素、读者因素和外部情景因素均对使用意愿产生影响,其中产品因素和外部情景因素还对读者需求和阅读习惯产生影响。文章基于分析结果提出出版单位优化电子书出版、图书馆提升电子书服务等措施。  相似文献   

The objectives of this paper are: (i) to illustrate the use of e-books by health studies students at a college of higher education; (ii) to provide a demonstration of how e-books may be facilitated by library and information services staff working across the health and academic sectors; (iii) to comment upon the experiences of health studies students, in using e-books. A focus group of 10 student midwives was used to gain insight into how e-books may be used in an academic context for health professionals. The findings of the student midwives' focus group are reported and discussed. In this instance, the student midwives were encouraged to use e-books as part of a structured information skills programme. The paper concentrates on how the e-books were used within this context and addresses the potential benefits and disadvantages from a student perspective. The results provide evidence of a largely positive experience of using e-books as an electronic information resource. The focus group reveals many benefits and advantages in the facilitation and use of e-books, as well as addressing areas for development. It is concluded that e-books have a place in health library and information resources, but further development of e-books and e-book collections is required and subsequent investigation into their most effective use.  相似文献   

电子图书在高校图书馆利用状况的调查与分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着计算机和网络技术的飞速发展,电子图书已成为图书馆信息资源的重要组成部分。本文在对电子图书在高校图书馆中利用状况调查的基础上,重点分析高校图书馆在电子图书利用方面存在的一些问题,并指出提高电子图书在高校利用率的一些措施。  相似文献   

Due to the growth in both the number and use of e-books, the question arises as to which factors may influence information professionals and library and information science (LIS) students when considering adopting e-books in their organizations. This study uses the technology acceptance model (TAM), a well-known theory for explaining individuals' technology behaviors, and cognitive appraisal theory as theoretical bases from which to predict factors that may influence information professionals and LIS students in their adoption of e-books in their organizations. This study explored two main themes: whether there are differences between information professionals' and LIS students' perspectives towards e-books, and to what extent the TAM, as well as other personal characteristics such as threat, challenge, and motivation, explain information professionals' and LIS students' perspectives. Researchers used questionnaires to gather data on computer competence, attitudes to ebooks, motivation, and cognitive appraisal. Findings reveal that there are major differences between the two groups concerning computer competence, motivation, and challenge. In addition, the TAM, as well as other personal characteristics, can predict the likelihood of e-book adoption, and highlights the importance of individual characteristics when considering technology acceptance.  相似文献   

Academic libraries are choosing to purchase electronic books (e-books) rather than print more frequently for multiple reasons. Unfortunately, e-books are not being used as much as they should be. With increasing academic e-book collections, many studies have examined student and faculty use of and attitudes towards this innovation. This paper will analyze the results in this area of research and align them with the Diffusion of Innovations Theory that includes the Rogers Diffusion of Innovations Curve, innovation categories, and the factors affecting the diffusion process of an innovation. This analysis will give libraries a better understanding of who is using academic e-books, why academic e-books are being used, and how to influence the behaviour of the academic libraries' patrons to increase their use of academic e-books. An analysis of these three areas will help libraries to develop effective marketing and education strategies aimed at increasing e-book usage.  相似文献   

Academic libraries can effectively plan and market their services by identifying the value users perceive in their services and in their social media communications about those services. This study reports on findings of a survey of 104 undergraduate students in information technology courses at a large research university. Results of an ordered logistic regression analysis indicated that students considered access to information and computer resources and study support services as the most important library services offered. Likewise, students perceived library social media postings related to operations updates, study support services, and events as the most useful. Future related research will investigate the needs and priorities for library services of other key user populations of academic libraries, such as graduate students and online students, to assemble service repertoires that are tailored to individual user groups. In addition, future research will examine whether and how libraries can use the analysis of users' engagement with a library's social media postings to inexpensively gauge the value they perceive in library services.  相似文献   

This paper provides a broad international overview of e-books in academic libraries. The inconsistent terminology relating to e-books is noted in the first section and a brief history of e-books and some current definitions are given. The stakeholders within the e-book industry are described, with details of some of the services offered. For users and staff in library and information services, e-books can provide a variety of advantages as well as challenges, and these are outlined for those in academic libraries. Findings from various studies on e-books are presented and some of the issues involved in managing e-books in academic libraries are described. Finally an overview is presented of the e-Books Working Group in the United Kingdom. The paper is illustrated with a number of screenshots related to e-books in academic libraries in various parts of the world.  相似文献   

Online reading platforms offer an ideal environment for the emergence of information cascades, a phenomenon where user selection is heavily driven by the information inferred from others' behavior. Prior research has mainly focused on the effect of information cascades on free e-books. The purpose of this study is to empirically test and compare the effect of informational cascades on online reading behaviors of free and paid e-books. Two 114-day panel data sets covering 1548 free e-books and 362 paid e-books were collected from Zongheng.com, a well-known online reading platform in China. Results suggest that online users' choice was significantly affected by book ranking after controlling for cumulative clicks and word-of-mouth (WOM) volume, whether they are free e-books or paid e-books, as predicted by information cascades theory. Review volume has no effect on the clicks of free and paid e-books with higher ranking, whereas it does exert a positive effect on the clicks of free and paid e-books with lower ranking. Information cascades are more salient for paid e-books than for free e-books. These findings not only offer important theoretical contributions for library and information science research, but also provide practical implications for online readers, content creators and managers.  相似文献   

分析目前高校电子图书使用状况,通过问卷调查获悉大学生对电子图书认知度较低、使用率很低和满意度不高,建议提高电子图书利用率应从图书馆、图书商和管理层三方面做出改进,立足于电子图书的优势,提高大学生的认知度和满意度,促进电子图书的快速发展。  相似文献   

通过调查了解目前我国高校引进外文电子图书的种类,统计不同高校图书馆引进外文电子图书的数量,发现目前我国高校图书馆外文电子图书的订购有订阅模式和买断模式,主要服务模式有链接服务模式和整合服务模式。指出相应的问题并提供解决举措,如针对高校图书馆外文电子图书引进模式单一的问题,应加强图书馆联盟的作用,鼓励国内供应商进行服务升级;针对永久访问权保障困难的问题,应加强电子资源长期保存的意识,争取外文电子图书的所有权和长期保存授权;针对服务水平普遍较低的问题,应争取足够的使用权限,加强外文电子图书的整合,并加强宣传和培训。  相似文献   

There is widespread use of the undergraduate prospectus as a decision-making tool for prospective university students. Surveys have examined factors that affect student decision-making; none have specifically examined the use of the prospectus as a marketing tool for academic libraries. This study aimed to examine the usefulness of the prospectus as a marketing tool for academic libraries. A content analysis of twenty prospectuses was carried out to determine the portrayal of the library within them. A questionnaire was used to uncover the perceptions of prospective university students. This was distributed to 44 sixth-form students. The prospectus was identified as the most important source of information for prospective students. The library was deemed important in the prospectus in terms of decision-making, but it ranked behind other information, such as course content or entry requirements. The exposure of the library varied within prospectuses; some featured the library heavily, others excluded the library altogether. The most heavily referenced features of the library were information technology, printed and electronic resources, and study space. The prospectus has potential for library marketing, increasing the exposure, and highlighting the value of its services. A “best practice” policy for library marketing and promotion within prospectuses is presented.  相似文献   

This study examines the availability and use of information technology in public libraries in Kuwait. Specific areas addressed are (1) hardware/software, (2) patterns of connectivity such as LANs, Internet, etc., (3) training and development activities in support of information technology, and (4) future projections regarding the use of information technology. The study provides policy-makers and information professionals with previously unavailable baseline data concerning the use of computers and access to telecommunications networks in public libraries in Kuwait. A questionnaire sent to all public libraries (N=25) yielded a 92% response. Interviews with libraries' administrators and authorities were also undertaken to gather additional data. The results of the study reveal that many information technology inequalities exist among the libraries. Only eight libraries make use of computers and 15 are without any type of IT-related technology. The study shows that few libraries have connectivity, limited use of applications, and the implementation of an automated library system are slow moving. Factors impeding the development of information technology are planning, funding, human resources, and building structure. Recommendations are made with the intention to encourage the public library sector and information professionals in Kuwait to take a proactive position in overcoming the forces that hinder the development of IT.  相似文献   

国外高校图书馆电子书利用权益相关问题探究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李京 《图书情报工作》2013,57(13):76-82
电子书在国外高校图书馆的使用主要存在如下问题:①对于图书馆读者使用电子书的限制:对于浏览、打印、下载和传送文件的限制;数字版权管理的限制。②图书馆文献流通和馆际互借的限制:对于用户数量和用户类型的限制;对于流通的限制;对于以课程储备为目的的电子书使用的限制和对于馆际互借的限制; ③电子书阅读器在高校图书馆的借阅限制:专有软件和文件格式的限制;不能离线访问的限制;用户设备上的电子书存在被撤销的潜在可能。应对许可限制最直接的方法就是从供应商处获取不限制使用的电子书、与其他图书馆和联盟合作从为用户争取最大权益的角度出发与出版商谈判对图书馆界有利的许可条款,并尽量购买供应商提供可接受的条款的电子书,同时培养用户良好的电子书使用习惯。  相似文献   

面向大学生信息素质教育的参考咨询服务   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张群 《图书情报工作》2008,52(10):125-128
如何在网络环境下深入开展面向大学生信息素质教育的参考咨询服务,是当前高校图书馆面临的重要研究课题。本文对大学生利用参考咨询服务的现状进行了调查与分析讨论。在此基础上,文章指出:深入开展面向大学生信息素质教育的参考咨询工作,必须从人力资源、制度建设、技术应用三方面入手。  相似文献   

Kate Moore’s presentation gave audience members an overview of the current e-book environment in academic libraries. Her presentation included a review of the literature on motivations for moving to an e-preferred collection development policy, information on user preferences and behavior with e-books, and technological barriers and other obstacles that still impede library uptake of e-books. She concluded with a list of items to consider when incorporating e-books into a collection development policy.  相似文献   

Business students and faculty expect the electronic delivery of content within their multiple disciplinary subject areas. The speed of acceptance and the rate of migration from print to electronic sources within the various business disciplines outpaces the acceptance rates in the humanities and other social sciences. Business students and faculty exhibit information-seeking behaviors that are unique to the practice-oriented nature of a business education. Electronic resources re-enforce this information-seeking behavior. The technology utilized in the creation of e-books enables business students and faculty to successfully locate specific data, both textual and numeric within the resource, further reinforcing their behaviors and accelerating the demand for additional e-books. Business students and faculty use e-books as reference books.  相似文献   

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