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Teaching Machines and Programmed Learning. Department of Audio-Visual Instruction. National Education Association, Washington, D. C., 1960. 736 pp. $7.50.

Secondary Education for All: The English Approach by A. Harvey Passow, Professor of Education, Teachers' College, Columbia University. A Kappa Delta Pi publication, issued by Ohio State University Press, 164 West Nineteenth Avenue, Columbus, 10, Ohio. 290 pp. $1.75.

EDUCATION School Public Relations—Issues and Cases by James J. Jones and Irving W. Stout. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1960. 195 pp. $3.75.

The Psychology of Character Development by Robert F. Peck with Robert J. Havighurst and Ruth Cooper, Jesse Lilienthal, and Douglas More. New York: John Wiley &; Sons, Inc. 261 pp. $6.50.

The Teaching of Secondary Mathematics by Charles H. Butler and F. Lynwood Wren. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. 1960. 624 pp. $7.50.  相似文献   

Abstract What is the philosophical status of the philosophy of education? Is it philosophy, no different from the philosophy of science and the philosophy of mind? Much depends on where these latter derive their philosophical bona fides from. There are two ways of viewing the matter. On one account, they are subdivisions of the veritable philosophy branches of metaphysics and epistemology. It being impossible to view philosophy of education as comparably emanating from any of the philosophical originals, this approach effectively deprives it of proper philosophical standing. On the other account, nonoriginal philosophy branches may be viewed as attaining philosophihood, each on its own. Such a purview provides the maneuverability needed to countenance the philosophical nature of philosophy of education as well. Still, George Pollack argues in this essay that if it is to fully accommodate philosophy of education, philosophy will need to be reconceived to include the unearthing of the philosophical foundations of a social practice.  相似文献   

In this essay, Steven Burik discusses Jacques Derrida's position with regard to the place of education in philosophy within the university system, and then relates these thoughts to comparative philosophy. Philosophers find themselves constantly having to defend philosophy and the importance of teaching philosophy against pressure from the powers that be. Burik contends that the argument Derrida set forth to "protect" philosophy entails a double bind: Derrida emphasized the value and importance of philosophical thinking while at the same time criticizing the limits of philosophy, both self-mandated and externally imposed. Derrida's defense of philosophy was anything but a protection of the status quo, according to Burik. Derrida ultimately argued that the teaching of philosophy and philosophy itself should be inherently open to new developments. Burik relates Derrida's defense of philosophy and attack on mainstream philosophy to comparative philosophy, demonstrating that both argue for an expansion of thinking beyond the narrow Western confines of philosophy as "pure" reason or rationality by showing how alterity always inserts itself, and that both seek to give this alterity a valid place in educational systems.  相似文献   

哲学、诗歌与智术-柏拉图的千古课程难题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为安顿灵魂与城邦,柏拉图提出以学园、对话作为实施其哲学教育的外在条件,但这些条件并未涉及哲学教育的内涵,因此他必须展开一段旨在界定其哲学教育内涵的思考。通过极力与诗人、智者设计的教学内容区别开来,柏拉图界定了自己的哲学教育,让自己的学园与对话教学有了满意的内容,同时也挑起了何为哲学、知识分裂与灵魂完美之悖论关系等千古课程难题,以至于尼采、海德格尔等现代思想家不得不重构柏拉图的哲学界定。但他们终究无法让教育安定下来,有关教育内容的思考仍可能会在柏拉图曾经遭遇的分裂与紧张中,寻求即使达不到也坚信一定存在或应当存在的完美。  相似文献   

In the article, Sophie Haroutunian‐Gordon asks, Did Plato have a philosophy of listening, and if so, what was it? Listening is the counterpart of speaking in a dialogue, and it is no less important. Indeed, learning from the dialogue is less likely to occur as people participate unless listening as well as speaking takes place. Haroutunian‐Gordon defines a philosophy of listening as a set of beliefs that fall into four categories: (1) the aim of listening; (2) the nature of listening; (3) the role of the listener; and (4) the relation between the listener and the speaker. The beliefs, as they fall into these four categories, have implications for one another, and, because they are logically related, constitute a philosophy of listening. In the article, Haroutunian‐Gordon argues that Plato had a philosophy of listening and describes its components.  相似文献   

A bstract .  In this review essay J.J. Chambliss assesses the current state of the field of philosophy of education through analysis of four recent edited compilations: Randall Curren's A Companion to Philosophy of Education ; Nigel Blake, Paul Smeyers, Richard Smith, and Paul Standish's The Blackwell Guide to Philosophy of Education ; Wilfred Carr's The RoutledgeFalmer Reader in Philosophy of Education ; and Randall Curren's Philosophy of Education: An Anthology . He considers how these books address the question of what constitutes philosophy of education, with specific reference to the approach each takes to two topics: feminism and practical reason. Then, taking as a starting point Carr's insight that a revised history of the philosophy of education could help us better understand the discipline, Chambliss traces the evolution of philosophy of education in the United States from the discipline's origins, dominated by a tension between Empiricism and Idealism; to the "schools of philosophy" approach — that is, applying a set of beliefs derived from a particular philosophical school to education — that prevailed through the mid-twentieth century; to the wide-ranging contemporary work in the field that draws from newer methodologies and philosophical research programs.  相似文献   

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