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The outcome-selective effects of presenting intertrial unconditioned stimuli (USs) in a rat appetitive conditioning paradigm were examined in two experiments. In both experiments, two stimuli were paired with different outcomes, while one of these outcomes was also presented in the intertrial interval (A+, B*, +). Two measures of learning, stimulus-elicited magazine approach and Pavlovian-to-instrumental transfer, were used to examine these effects. The presence of freely occurring outcomes in the intertrial interval (ITI) was observed to interfere more with the learning of a new association (Experiment 1) and to degrade more an already established association (Experiment 2) when the conditioned stimulus had been paired with the same outcome as that occurring in the ITI. An outcome-selective effect of ITI USs distinguishes among accounts of contingency based on general performance, attentional, and motivational mechanisms from those based on more specific associative mechanisms. Overall, the data highlight the importance of specific encoding processes in the analysis of associative learning.  相似文献   

A CS was paired with rewarding intracranial stimulation while Ss were immobilized by curare. Tests of the activity response to the CS were carried out before and after conditioning. With either simple or discriminative conditioning, activity to the rewarded CS increased after training. These results are comparable to those in studies using food reward and support the hypothesis that a central motivational state is conditioned to stimuli preceding reward.  相似文献   

We used an appetitive sensory preconditioning procedure to investigate temporal integration in rats in two experiments. In Phase 1, rats were presented with simultaneous compound trials on which a 10-sec conditioned stimulus (CS) X was embedded within a 60-sec CS A. In Group Early, CS X occurred during the early portion of CS A, whereas in Group Late, CS X occurred during the latter portion of CS A. In Phase 2, CS X was paired simultaneously with sucrose. On a subsequent test with CS A, the rate of magazine entries peaked during the early portions of the stimulus in Group Early and during the latter portions of the stimulus in Group Late (Experiments 1 and 2). Similar response peaks were not observed on tests with a control stimulus that had been presented in compound with a stimulus that did not signal reward (Experiment 2).  相似文献   

In three experiments that used appetitive preparations with rats, we examined the effects of reinforcing a compound consisting of two previously reinforced stimuli on subsequent responding to those stimuli. Experiment 1 showed that a Pavlovian conditioned stimulus given this treatment evoked fewer magazine entries when presented alone than did a reinforced stimulus that did not receive the compound treatment. Experiment 2 examined inhibition of delay and generalization decrement accounts for the results of Experiment 1. Experiment 3 extended this finding to an instrumental learning paradigm.  相似文献   

In four experiments utilizing an appetitive conditioning preparation, reacquisition of conditioned responding was found to occur both rapidly and slowly following extinction. In Experiment 1, acquisition of responding to a tone that had been conditioned and extinguished occurred more rapidly than acquisition in either a group that received equivalent exposure to the food unconditioned stimulus or a “rest” control group that received only exposure to the apparatus in the first two phases. However, reacquisition was impaired relative to acquisition in a “learning-experienced” group that had previously received conditioning and extinction with a different stimulus. Experiments 2 and 3 produced similar results, but also found that high responding during reacquisition was confined to trials that followed reinforced, rather than nonreinforced, trials. Experiment 4, in which very few initial conditioning trials were used, produced reacquisition that was slow compared with both learning-experienced and rest controls. The results are consistent with a role for sequential learning: Reacquisition is rapid when animals have learned that reinforced trials signal other reinforced trials.  相似文献   

Three experiments demonstrated Pavlovian appetitive discrimination learning in the marine mollusc,Aplysia californica. In each experiment, subjects were exposed to two conditioned stimuli; one stimulus (CS+) was paired with food presentations and the other stimulus (CS?) was never followed by food. In Experiments 1 and 3 different chemosensory stimuli were used, and in Experiment 2 different tactile stimuli were used. For both types of conditioned stimuli, bite responses occurred significantly more often to the CS+ than to the CS?. Experiment 2 also showed thatAplysia could learn a reversal of this discrimination. Experiment 3 showed that nonreinforced presentations of CS+ resulted in a decline in the frequency of conditioned biting. The implications of these results for neurobiological analyses of learning are discussed.  相似文献   

Three experiments with rat subjects examined the effects of contextual stimuli on performance in appetitive conditioning. A 10-sec tone conditioned stimulus (CS) was paired with a food-pellet unconditioned stimulus (US); conditioning was indexed by the observation of headjerking, a response of the rat to auditory stimuli associated with food. In Experiment 1, a context switch following initial conditioning did not affect conditioned responding to the tone; however, when the response was extinguished in the different context, a return to the original conditioning context “renewed” extinguished responding. These results were replicated in Experiments 2 and 3 after equating exposure to the two contexts (Experiment 2) and massing the conditioning and extinction trials (Experiment 3). The results of Experiment 1 also demonstrated that separate exposure to the US following extinction reinstates extinguished responding to the tone; this effect was further shown to depend at least partly on presenting the US in the context in which testing is to occur (Experiments 2 and 3). Overall, the results are consistent with previous data from aversive conditioning procedures. In either appetitive or aversive conditioning, the context may be especially important in affecting performance after extinction.  相似文献   

In three experiments, rats received appetitive conditioning with two unconditioned stimuli (US+ and US*) that supported a similar conditioned response. Stimulus A was first paired with US+, and then, for a second stage of training, the compound AB was paired with US*. Subsequent test trials with A revealed an abnormally strong conditioned response. The findings from additional groups indicated that such enhanced conditioning with A depended on the presence of B in the second stage and on the use of US+ and US* for the two training stages. A modification to a configural theory of conditioning is proposed in order to explain the results.  相似文献   

An appetitive-ayersive transfer experiment with rabbits determined that prior paired and unpaired tone CS and water US presentations, given in jaw-movement (JM) conditioning, respectively facilitated and retarded the acquisition of the nictitating membrane (NM) CR when the tone was subsequently paired with a shock US. In addition, the unpaired tone and water deliveries reduced the level of JM conditioning that was undertaken following the completion of NM CR acquisition. Finally, the reacquisition of the NM CR was accompanied by a large savings effect in contrast to the failure of the JM CR to display reacquisition savings. When the present findings are compared to the results of previous work addressing the influence of prior NM conditioning procedures upon subsequent JM CR acquisition, an asymmetry in appetitive-aversive interactions is indicated. This asymmetry encourages a reinterpretation of the opponent-process explanation of appetitive-aversive interactions. Moreover, the observed effects of the unpaired CS suggest the operation of a salience factor.  相似文献   

Prior research on Pavlovian-to-instrumental transfer has shown that when a CS previously associated with shock (AvCS+) is presented contingent upon a choice response to a discriminative stimulus for food reinforcement, it facilitates discrimination learning. Conversely, a response-contingent CS previously associated with the absence of shock (AvCS?) retards discrimination learning. To evaluate whether these findings reflect across-reinforcement blocking and enhancement effects, two experiments investigated the effects of appetitively conditioned stimuli on fear conditioning to a novel stimulus that was serially compounded with the appetitive CS during conditioned-emotional-response (CER) training. Although there were no differential effects of the appetitive CSs in CER acquisition, Experiment 1, using a relatively weak shock US, showed that a CS previously associated with food (ApCS+) retarded CER extinction to the novel stimulus, in evidence of enhanced fear conditioning to that stimulus. In addition, Experiment 2, using a stronger shock US, showed that a CS previously associated with the absence of food (ApCS?) facilitated CER extinction to the novel stimulus, in evidence of weaker fear conditioning to that stimulus. These results parallel traditional blocking effects and indicate not only that an ApCS+ and an ApCS? are functionally similar to AvCSs of opposite sign, but that their functional similarity is mediated by common central emotional states.  相似文献   

In three experiments, rats received presentations of a diffuse 30-sec stimulus (a light) and of food, and their tendency to enter the food tray was monitored. Experiment 1 showed that when the light was made to signal the delivery of food, the response of entering the food tray increased in frequency during the stimulus. The acquisition of this conditioned response to the light was retarded in subjects that had received preexposure to the stimulus. In Experiments 2 and 3, subjects received preexposure to the stimulus, some in the same context as that subsequently used for stimulus-food pairings and some in a different context. Those experiencing the change of context acquired the response more readily. It is argued that these results demonstrate a latent inhibition effect that is attenuated by contextual change.  相似文献   

In an experiment with rats, an appetitive conditioning method was used to investigate the generality of the hypothesis that extinction should arouse attention to contextual cues, resulting in all learning in that context becoming context specific. Rats received appetitive conditioning with a tone either while extinction of a flasher occurred (Group With Extinction) or while it did not (Group No Extinction). Half of each group was subsequently tested in extinction in the context in which training had taken place or in a different context. The results revealed a three-way interaction of extinction and context with trials, in a direction opposite to the one the hypothesis would suggest. When rats were tested in a different context, there was generally better responding in Group With Extinction than in Group No Extinction. In the same context, there was generally lower responding in Group With Extinction than in Group No Extinction. Subsequent testing showed an ABA recovery effect. Results are discussed in terms of the challenges they pose for the revised retrieval theory presented by Callejas-Aguilera and Rosas (2011).  相似文献   

Rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) were given either a 100% or a 50% reinforcement schedule in classical conditioning. Two groups received an aversive US (shock) and two groups received an appetitive US (water to the oral cavity). With parameter estimates for the two-phase model serving as the dependent variables, it was possible to define more precisely the effect of US omission with the intermittent reinforcement schedule. For the aversive preparation, the major effect of intermittent reinforcement was to increase the duration of Phase 1, a phase during which response likelihood remains constant at its initial value. Only a small proportion of subjects reflected the effect of US omission during Phase 2, the “learning” phase, this being a low operator limit following trials on which neither the CR nor the US occurred. The major effect of US omission for the appetitive preparation was in Phase 2, primarily a result of a minority of subjects having a low operator limit following trials on which neither the CR nor the US occurred. Many subjects required separate operators for trials on which the CR did or did not occur. The results were interpreted to pose difficulties for strength theories of conditioning, and the limitation implied for successful application of the Rescorla-Wagner theory are discussed. The implications of the data for response-contingent interpretations and for individual differences are also discussed.  相似文献   

Appetitive contextual conditioning in rats and ringdoves was investigated in six experiments. In Experiment 1, differential contextual training produced greater anticipatory activity in rats in the presence of a context paired with food than it did in rats in the presence of a different context in which food was never presented. Furthermore, the rats showed a preference for the context associated with food when they were given a simultaneous choice test between contexts. In Experiment 2, rats were more active in and preferred a context associated with a variable-time 30-sec (VT30) schedule as opposed to a VT180 schedule. Experiment 3 was a between-subjects replication of the previous experiment. As expected, rats exhibited significantly more anticipatory activity in a context in which food had been presented on a VT30 schedule than they did in a context in which food had been presented on a VT180 schedule. Experiment 4 showed that anticipatory activity was a reflection of context-US associations in ringdoves, and in Experiments 5 and 6, ringdoves also exhibited an inverse relationship between the. amount of anticipatory activity and the length of the interreinforcement interval (IRI). These results reveal a relation between ERI and contextual conditioning opposite from that obtained in studies of aversive conditioning.  相似文献   

Seventy male hooded rats received single-alternation runway training in which goalbox placements were interpolated during the 20-sec intertrial interval. Placements provided alternating reward/ nonreward, random reward/nonreward, continuous reward, or continuous nonreward. Relative to nonplaced controls, alternation performance was reliably facilitated only by intertrial alternation placements which re-presented the goal event of each immediately preceding instrumental trial. All other intertrial procedures reliably impaired alternation performance. Degree of impairment was graded from least to most as follows: intertrial alternation placements with the goal event opposite to that of each immediately preceding instrumental trial, intertrial placements with continuous non-reward, intertrial placements with continuous reward, and intertrial placements with random reward/nonreward.  相似文献   

Adding limited female cues to a conditioned stimulus (CS) facilitates conditioned male sexual responding. In two experiments, we examined the mechanisms of this facilitation effect. The color of the female cues on the CS was varied in Experiment 1. Similarity between the CS plumage color and the color of the live female (the unconditioned stimulus [US]) could only partially account for the results. The extent to which the facilitation effect represents a specialization of sexual behavior was examined in Experiment 2 by comparing conditioning with either food or copulation as the US. The CSs with female cues elicited more approach and grab responses regardless of which US was used. However, uniquely sexual conditioned responses (mounts and cloacal contacts) were enhanced only when sexual reinforcement served as the US. These findings suggest that the facilitation effect of female cues represents a general feature of appetitive behavior systems.  相似文献   

In the presence and absence of an externalinterfood clock stimulus (a sequence of flashing lights), rats showed a multimodal behavior pattern during successive quarters of interfood intervals (IFI) ranging from 12 to 192 sec. Responses near the feeder peaked before and just after food presentations, whereas locomotion remote from the feeder peaked toward the middle of the IFI. The temporal patterns of nosing in the feeder and remote locomotion were scalar (the time at which a response peaked in the IFI was proportional to the IFI length), whereas the patterns of postfood feeder-directed behavior, rearing, and pawgrooming were time bound (peaking at a fixed time after food, regardless of IFI length). Responses varied in their control by the external clock stimulus. During the last half of the IFI, rats nosed in the feeder more with an external clock, but only at intermediate IFIs. During the first quarter of the IFI, rats pawgroomed more with an external clock, but only at the longest IFI. The general sequence of responses during the interfood clock was consistent with the view that food delivery engages an organized sequence of search states that are expressed through a variety of responses.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, four groups of rats received conditioned suppression training in which a tone was reinforced with shock. If the tone had been previously paired with response-independent food, aversive conditioning was slightly facilitated by comparison to control groups preexposed either to the tone randomly associated with food or to the tone and food unpaired. However, by comparison to a control which was not preexposed to the tone, animals receiving prior pairings of the tone and food showed retarded aversive conditioning. Experiment 2 replicated the facilitation in aversive conditioning after the tone had been paired with food relative to the random control condition and demonstrated that this difference occurred even if the tone and background stimuli continued to be associated with response-independent food during aversive conditioning. This result suggests that pairing a stimulus with an appetitive reinforcer reduces the retardation of aversive conditioning produced by stimulus preexposure.  相似文献   

Salt-hungry rats fail to develop anticipatory wheel-running activity when maintained under schedules of limited daily access to salt, in marked contrast to the robust anticipatory activity seen under food-access schedules. This suggests that the circadian oscillator underlying food-anticipatory activity is specifically related to food access and does not readily generalize to other scheduled resources. However, an alternative hypothesis is that rats are capable of anticipating daily salt-access periods, but that this anticipation is not manifest in wheel-running activity. In the present study, we maintained adrenalectomized rats under schedules of limited daily access to salt in which all salt was obtained by leverpressing. The results indicate that rats are capable of anticipating daily salt access by reference to an endogenous circadian timing mechanism. However, this behavior differs in several respects from that seen under food-access schedules.  相似文献   

Variation in the intertrial interval (ITI) preceding a given trial is shown to have an independent and opposite effect upon leverpress avoidance performance to that caused by variation in ITI after a trial. This finding accounts for the opposite effect of overall ITI upon leverpress avoidance to its effect upon one-way avoidance without recourse to an associative explanation. The implications of this finding for recent discussions of response constraints upon avoidance learning is discussed.  相似文献   

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