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儿童肥胖已成为公共健康问题,单纯性肥胖对儿童的身心健康造成一定的影响。如果对儿童期肥胖不给予足够的重视和适当的治疗,儿童就可能在青少年时出现高血压、糖尿病、心血管等疾病,甚至影响儿童心理的健康发展。2009年,我园开始通过调整饮食结构、强化体育运动等方法对19名单纯性肥胖儿童进行干预,结果显示,19名肥胖儿童的身体状况都得到了改善:18名中度肥胖儿童通过饮食和体育锻炼,达到了正常标准,1名重度肥胖儿童身体状况也得到了改善,变为中度肥胖。  相似文献   

目的:在经过8年随访的中国肥胖儿童青少年中,评价多巴胺受体D2(DRD2)基因多态性和肥胖缓解的相关性。创新点:探索肥胖儿童青少年的基因多态性与长期体重变化的相关性,期望能够指导肥胖儿童青少年的临床诊疗。方法:该研究纳入了我院随访8年的108名肥胖儿童及青少年。基线的临床资料和DRD2基因多态性(包括rs1076562、rs2075654和rs4586205)相关数据从原始病历及检验结果中提取。于2017年5月份进行电话随访,采集相关数据,包括身高、体重、饮食和运动干预依从性。结论:DRD2基因rs2075654位点多态性与肥胖儿童青少年的长期体重变化有相关性。  相似文献   

全球儿童肥胖现象日益严重,我国肥胖儿童群体整体呈现“基数大、增幅快”的趋势。肥胖不仅会影响儿童青少年的正常生长发育,还会对身体多系统、心理智力、社会适应等产生严重危害。儿童肥胖也是引起成年肥胖和成年代谢综合征的高危因素,呈现出“慢性病低龄化”的现象,已成为我国国民健康体系中亟待解决的重大公共卫生问题。儿童肥胖大多与传统育儿观念、代际伦理教育方式、现代育儿环境等家庭不健康的生活理念和行为有关。家庭作为儿童长期生活的直接接触环境,是防治儿童青少年肥胖的“主阵地”,在儿童青少年肥胖防治中具有重要指引及监管作用。此外,社会各环节的脱节管理也大大减弱了儿童青少年肥胖协同防治效能。因此,解决儿童肥胖问题,要坚持预防为主、防治结合,从早期防范干预肥胖,基于数字化智能智算平台,实现以家庭为主、以路径驱动的“家校社医政”五维联动模式构建,促进全社会多环节的精准实施和紧密联动,这也是探索新时期积极实践慢性病防控与管理的重要举措。  相似文献   

儿童青少年肥胖已经成为我国和全世界面临的一个严峻的问题,儿童青少年肥胖同时也给医学带来一定的挑战,本文就针对儿童青少年肥胖的有关问题做有关讨论。  相似文献   

本文应用文献资料法、专家访谈法、试验测试等方法对贵州省城区肥胖青少年体质及部分代谢指标进行分析,以贵州省12—16岁城区青少年为研究对象,通过氧运动干预方案的制订,分别对受试者进行有氧运动训练,观察受试者干预前后的身体成分、生理机能、身体素质和血脂、血糖等代谢指标的变化情况,主要探讨以下问题:(l)运动干预对超重和肥胖少年体质的影响;(2)运动干预对超重和肥胖少年脂肪、糖代谢部分指标的影响。通过对上述两方面的研究,在降低超重和肥胖少年肥胖程度的同时,探讨有氧运动干预对其身体成分、生理机能、身体素质和代谢影响的差异,从而为肥胖青少年增强体质和改善代谢的个体化干预方案的设计提供理论和实践资料,进而促进贵州省城区肥胖青少年的健康成长。  相似文献   

目前,幼儿单纯性肥胖正成为严重的儿童健康问题。让幼儿积极参加体育锻炼可防止肥胖,能达到不使孩子过胖而又健康的目的。我园通过对肥胖儿童管理有效策略的研究发现,激发肥胖儿童运动的兴趣,鼓励肥胖儿童真正地"动"起来,可以有效地控制肥胖儿童的体重。一、充分利用家长资源,鼓励幼儿童在家"动"起来家长配合程度是肥胖儿童体重成功控制的关键。我们争取家长的配合,调整了对肥胖儿童的干预  相似文献   

目的 通过探讨健康管理方案干预青少年肥胖的效果,为制定更有效的健康管理方案提供参考.方法 从膳食指导、饮食行为矫正和体育锻炼等方面对肥胖青少年进行健康管理干预.结果 对比健康管理干预前后的肥胖青少年的各项身体指标发现,健康管理组所有肥胖青少年的体重和体脂率都有所下降,体脂率降幅远远大于普通干预组,男生肌肉含量增加,握力体重指数和仰卧起坐次数升高.结论 健康管理干预青少年肥胖有显著效果,能够有效降低肥胖青少年的体脂率,对改善青少年身体素质有一定的作用.  相似文献   

随着经济的发展和人民生活水平的不断提高,我国儿童肥胖症的检出率从1986年的0.91%上升到2014年的5.0%,而同期全国总的年平均增长率高达9.1%,儿童肥胖已成为公共健康的热点问题。肥胖对儿童的身心健康和生命质量构成威胁,从生理、心理、家庭、社会等方面诱发心理问题。明确干预目标,采取干预措施,运用玩沙盘游戏,对单纯性肥胖儿童的心理问题进行有效干预,缓解身心失调、社会适应不良、人格发展障碍等现象,促进单纯性肥胖儿童健康成长。  相似文献   

美国心脏协会(AHA)的最新声明指出,美国儿童和青少年中的重度肥胖比例仍然在攀升,更提到:年轻人中的中度肥胖将引起重大的健康后果,这是比肥胖本身更严重的儿童疾病。研究证据显示,儿童重度肥胖与心血管疾病有关,并伴随着高胰岛素血症、糖尿病前期、肌肉骨骼问题和抑郁等社会心理问题。因此,应更多地重视减肥手术和体重干预手段的效果研究。  相似文献   

智力障碍儿童青少年的体重超重与肥胖率都显著高于同龄群体,且具有低龄化的趋势。个体因素、家庭的不良饮食习惯与生活方式以及较低的身体活动水平是智力障碍儿童青少年体重超重与肥胖的主要影响因素。未来在早期干预与行为矫正中应积极采用个人运动疗法、家庭生活方式干预、学校体重管理干预及心理干预的方法。这也对未来的家校合作、培智学校的体育课程设置和运动性校本课程开发提出了更高的要求。  相似文献   

Although research has indicated that maltreated children are at higher risk of adolescent substance use, it remains unclear whether the type and timing of maltreatment affect the likelihood of adolescent substance use. Research has also found father involvement to be a potential protective factor against adolescent substance use, but the role of quality vs. quantity of father involvement as well as gender differences in the effects of father involvement on substance use among at-risk adolescents have not been studied. The current study adds value to the existing literature by filling these gaps in knowledge. We conducted a secondary data analysis with a sample of 685 at-risk adolescents drawn from the Longitudinal Studies of Child Abuse and Neglect. The study found a connection between early childhood (birth to 5) physical abuse and adolescent substance use, but not for later childhood physical abuse or other forms of child maltreatment. The quality of father involvement was found to be a protective factor, regardless of child gender; quantity of father involvement was not significant. Based on these findings, development of intervention strategies focusing on prevention of early childhood physical abuse and promoting positive father-child relationships are important prevention strategies for adolescent substance use. Additionally, professionals working with at-risk adolescents need to be cognizant of the implications of early childhood physical abuse and act accordingly to mitigate the increased potential for adolescent substance use.  相似文献   

家庭治疗在网络成瘾干预中具有积极作用,它能改善家庭环境和家庭功能,完善青少年的人格和社会技能,满足青少年的情感需求和沟通需要  相似文献   

As the negative outcomes of harsh parenting for child development have been gradually revealed, researchers become increasingly interested in the mechanisms through which harsh parenting affects child development. This study aimed to explore the mediating role of child moral disengagement and the moderating role of negative parental attribution in the relation of harsh parenting to child aggression. A sample of 397 Chinese adolescents aged from 12 to 16 years (227 boys and 170 girls, Mage = 13.98) with their parents were recruited as participants from two public schools situated in rural areas of Shandong province in China. Data were gathered from parents reporting on their harsh parenting and negative parental attribution, adolescents reporting on their moral disengagement, and peers nominating out aggressive children. Results indicated that harsh parenting was both directly and indirectly associated with adolescent aggression via adolescent moral disengagement. Negative parental attribution was found to moderate the indirect relation of harsh parenting to adolescent aggression via moral disengagement. Specifically, harsh parenting was only significantly associated with moral disengagement for adolescents with high levels of moral disengagement was more likely to induce aggression among adolescents with high levels of negative parental attribution (bsimple = of harsh parenting to adolescent aggression, adolescent moral disengagement could mediate the association between harsh parenting and aggressive behaviors for adolescents with high levels of negative parental attribution.  相似文献   

Child abuse prevention research has been hampered by a lack of validated multi-dimensional non-proprietary instruments, sensitive enough to measure change in abuse victimization or behavior. This study aimed to adapt the ICAST child abuse self-report measure (parent and child) for use in intervention studies and to investigate the psychometric properties of this substantially modified tool in a South African sample. First, cross-cultural and sensitivity adaptation of the original ICAST tools resulted in two preliminary measures (ICAST-Trial adolescents: 27 items, ICAST-Trial caregivers: 19 items). Second, ICAST-Trial data from a cluster randomized trial of a parenting intervention for families with adolescents (N = 1104, 552 caregiver-adolescent dyads) was analyzed. Confirmatory factor analysis established the hypothesized 6-factor (adolescents) and 4-factor (caregivers) structure. Removal of two items for adolescents and five for caregivers resulted in adequate model fit. Concurrent criterion validity analysis confirmed hypothesized relationships between child abuse and adolescent and caregiver mental health, adolescent behavior, discipline techniques and caregiver childhood abuse history. The resulting ICAST-Trial measures have 25 (adolescent) and 14 (caregiver) items respectively and measure physical, emotional and contact sexual abuse, neglect (both versions), and witnessing intimate partner violence and sexual harassment (adolescent version). The study established that both tools are sensitive to measuring change over time in response to a parenting intervention. The ICAST-Trial should have utility for evaluating the effectiveness of child abuse prevention efforts in similar socioeconomic contexts. Further research is needed to replicate these findings and examine cultural appropriateness, barriers for disclosure, and willingness to engage in child abuse research.  相似文献   

Drawing on data from a longitudinal study of 204 Mexican-origin adolescent mothers, their mother figures, and their children, the current investigation examined (a) adolescent mothers’ educational re-engagement and attainment beginning during their pregnancy and ending when their child was 5 years old; and (b) the influence of the family economic context on adolescent mothers’ educational re-engagement and attainment and their children’s academic and social-emotional outcomes. Findings detailed adolescent mothers’ re-engagement in school after the birth of their child and revealed that family income during adolescents’ pregnancies was directly associated with re-engagement and attainment, and also initiated cascade effects that shaped adolescents’ economic contexts, their subsequent re-engagement and attainment, and ultimately their children’s academic and social-emotional outcomes at age 5.  相似文献   

For parents who have experienced childhood interpersonal trauma, the challenges of parenting an adolescent may trigger memories of abuse, intensifying conflict, resulting in negative cycles of relating and poorer responsiveness to emotions when parenting. This study examined whether Tuning Relationships with Music, a dyadic therapy for parents and adolescents, increased responsive parent-adolescent interactions and parent emotion coaching whilst reducing conflict and adolescent mental health difficulties. Twenty-six parent-adolescent dyads were recruited if parents had a trauma history and the dyad were currently having high levels of conflict. Dyads were randomly allocated into intervention or wait-list control and completed questionnaires and observation assessments at baseline and 4-month post-baseline follow-up. Those allocated to the intervention condition participated in 8 sessions of Tuning Relationships with Music. Trial registration: ANZCTR: 12615000814572. Parents and adolescents reported significant reductions in conflict. Parents in the intervention condition were observed to significantly improve their nonverbal communication, emotional responsiveness and non-reactivity toward their adolescent. Although parents reported they were less dismissive and punitive, and more encouraging of their adolescent’s emotions, and both parents and adolescents reported improvements in the adolescent’s mental health, these were not statistically significant. Findings suggest Tuning Relationships with Music may assist parents with a history of childhood interpersonal trauma and their adolescent to reduce conflict and increase responsive ways of relating that may positively impact the young person’s mental health. Future trials with a larger sample are warranted.  相似文献   

Helping mothers discuss sexuality and AIDS with adolescents   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The current study was designed to alter experimentally mothers' style when discussing sexuality and AIDS with their adolescent children. Mothers of 11- to 15-year-olds (N = 50) were assigned to an intervention or control group, resulting in 20 dyads in each group. All dyads were assessed twice, on self-reported and observed communication, AIDS knowledge, and perceived vulnerability to AIDS. Intervention group mothers received two training sessions. Observational data revealed that intervention group mothers reduced their amount of speaking, asked more open-ended questions, acted less judgmental, and discussed dating and sexuality more than did control group mothers. Intervention group adolescents reported increased discussions of birth control and increased daily comfort talking to their mothers. There was some evidence that intervention group girls increased in AIDS knowledge. There was no change in AIDS-related beliefs.  相似文献   

The maltreatment of adolescents   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Official reports of maltreatment involving adolescent victims were compared to those involving younger children in a representative sample of protective services' reports drawn from New York State in 1985. Specific case characteristics, including age, gender, ethnicity of the victim, and source of report, are described and their relation to case substantiation is examined. Analyses revealed that adolescents represent a substantial proportion of all victims of official child maltreatment reports. The impact of age on substantiation varied as a function of the type of maltreatment, where for adolescents sexual abuse reports were more likely to be substantiated, while neglect and physical abuse reports were less likely to be substantiated. Reports involving adolescents were significantly more likely to involve a female victim. Significant gender differences in substantiation rate were found only for sexual abuse reports involving adolescents. White children were also found to be under-represented in this sample, while blacks were over-represented relative to their numbers in the population. The impact of minority status on substantiation was significant for neglect and physical abuse reports involving children. The majority of adolescent reports came from mandated sources, which had a significantly higher substantiation rate than reports from non-mandated sources.  相似文献   

Obesity among children and adolescents is a major public health concern affecting the physical and emotional health of youth while increasing their risk of reduced quality and duration of life. Schools and communities have begun to galvanize to address this epidemic and need quality empirical information to guide their policy, programming, and intervention efforts. This article reviews the definition of childhood obesity and the physical, psychosocial, and academic consequences of obesity among youth. The roles of schools and school psychologists in intervening against this overwhelming trend are discussed as well as current empirically based programs. Schools are recommended to take a comprehensive, multifaceted approach to school policies and programs to increase nutrition and physical activity. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 43: 361–376, 2006.  相似文献   

Nearly six years have passed since the Physical Activity and Health: A Report of the Surgeon General (USDHHS, 1996) described the health and fitnesa status of Amrica's yarth. The Sugeon Guxd's Call to Action to prevent and Decrease Overweight and Obesity (USDHHS, 2001) provides a camprehensive review of research on the epidemiology, health risks, and prevalence of obesity in all segments of the poplation. Increasinngly, children and adolescents are turning to sedentary kisure-time activities. Media use has been linked to decread physical activity levels, incearsed BMI, and increased high-enugy food intake. This review of litnature pravides a comprehensive examination of the influence media use has on youth adiposity, dietary habits. and physical activity. Current and future intervention programs to decrease sedentary behavior in children are also highlighted. Reducing media use (including television, videaape viewing, nonacademic computer use, and video game playing) in youth cau address leisure-time sedentary behaviors. Future intervention program, using run interdisciplinary appach, need to decrease leisure-time sedentary behaviors while promoting active lifestyles.  相似文献   

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