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The acute renal failure is the frequent medical complication observed in liver transplant patients. The objective of this study was to determine the cause of acute renal failure in post liver transplant patients. A total of 70 patients who underwent (cadaveric 52, live 18) liver transplantation were categorized based on clinical presentation into two groups, namely hepatorenal failure (HRF, n = 29), and Hepatic failure (HF, n = 41). All the patients after the liver transplant had received tacrolimus, mycophenolate and steroids. We analyzed the modification of diet in renal disease, (MDRD) serum urea, creatinine and albumin before and after 5th and 30th day of liver transplant and data was categorized into survivors and non-survivors group. In HRF survivor group, serum creatinine, and urea levels were high and, albumin, MDRD were low in pre- transplant and reached to normal levels on 30th day of post transplant, and 79.3 % of patients in this group showed resumption of normal kidney function. On the contrary in HRF nonsurvivor group, we did not observed any significant difference and 20.7 % of patients showed irreversible changes after the liver transplant. In HF survivor group, 82.9 % of liver failure patients did not show any deviation in serum creatinine, urea, albumin and MDRD, whereas in HF non survivor group, 17.1 % of liver failure patients who had HCV positive before the transplant developed acute renal failure. The levels of creatinine, urea, albumin and MDRD were normal before the transplant and on day 30th, the levels of albumin and MDRD were significantly low whereas serum urea, creatinine levels were high. In conclusion, based on these observations, an diagnosis and treatment of Acute renal failure is important among the liver transplantation cases in the early postoperative period.  相似文献   

Dietary and lifestyle factors have been shown to have a profound effect on paraoxonase-1 (PON1) activity. Cigarette smoke has been shown to inhibit its mass and activity where as resveratrol has been shown to enhance it. We exposed hepatoma derived cell line (HepG2) to resveratrol and nicotine in varying doses and measured PON1 enzymatic activity and PON1 gene expression. In addition, total protein content of HepG2 cells was also measured. Resveratrol in a dose of 15 μmol/l or above significantly increased the PON1 enzyme activity (p > 0.001) where as nicotine in a dose of 1 μmol/l or higher significantly reduced it (p < 0.05). The resveratrol in this dose also enhanced the PON1 gene expression whereas nicotine decreased it as compared to controls. However, the protein conent of cells was not changed suggesting that they were not cytotoxic in the doses used. Till date the antioxidant vitamins have shown disappointing results against LDL oxidation and cardiovascular protection. However, the effect of resveratrol on PON1 gene expression and activity was significant, suggesting increase in PON1 activity and enhanced gene expression may be its alternative mechanism for offering protection against cardiovascular disease and may be an potential pharmacological agent which can be used for this.  相似文献   

Low serum vitamin D level has an increased association with risk of multiple sclerosis (MS).There has been no published data on the levels of this vitamin in Indian population with MS. Hence we decided to undertake this study to document if there is evidence of vitamin D deficiency in patients with MS in our population. 26 patients with diagnosis of MS by modified Mc Donald’s criteria were enrolled in this study. Serum vitamin D (1,25 hydroxy) levels were measured by electro-chemiluminescence in our biochemistry lab. An age-matched control group of 202 patients who did not have a diagnosis of MS were included. In our study group 76.9 % had vitamin D level less than 20 ng/ml compared to 65.5 % of control group (p value of 0.019). Our study revealed a trend towards low vitamin D values in Indian MS patients.  相似文献   

Alcoholic liver disease (ALD) is due to excessive alcohol intake for long duration. Distinguishing ALD from non-ALD (non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, hepatitis of viral origin) is difficult as patient may deny alcohol abuse. Clinical examination, histology and serology may not differentiate these conditions. Accurate diagnosis is important as management of ALD differs from non-ALD patients. The aim of our study was (1) To evaluate the patients of ALD and non-ALD by biochemical parameters compared to controls, (2) To assess whether these parameters can differentiate ALD from non-ALD. Study was carried out on 50 patients of ALD in group I and 35 patients of NASH (non-alcoholic steatohepatitis) and acute viral hepatitis each in group II. Age matched healthy controls n = 50. Selection criteria—history of alcohol intake (amount and duration), clinical examination, sonography of abdomen, serum alanine transaminase (ALT) and bilirubin levels. Blood samples were analyzed for bilirubin, aspartate transaminase (AST), ALT, alkaline phosphatase (ALP), gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT) by kinetic method. Statistical analysis was done by Student unpaired ‘t’ test. Patients of ALD have raised AST/ALT ratio (De Ritis ratio) (>2), ALP and GGT compared to controls (P < 0.01).There is significant difference in AST/ALT ratio, serum GGT and ALP in ALD group compared to that in NASH and acute viral hepatitis (P < 0.05). This study suggests that De Ritis ratio >2 in ALD patients may be due to alcohol induced hepatic mitochondrial injury and pyridoxine deficiency. High GGT and ALP values may indicate enzyme induction by alcohol and mild cholestasis. Thus ALD patients have severe hepatic damage. De Ritis ratio <1 and normal to mild elevation in GGT level in NASH and acute viral hepatitis suggest mild hepatic injury of non-alcoholic origin. Our study concludes that ALD patients can be differentiated from NASH and acute viral hepatitis with certainty by measuring serum AST/ALT ratio, GGT and ALP. These biochemical parameters may help clinicians to support the diagnosis of ALD and non-ALD.  相似文献   

劳力民  郑敏 《科技通报》1995,11(5):321-327
用酶联免疫吸附试验测定28例系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)患者血清铁蛋白水平,结果表明,与正常对照比较SLE患者血清铁蛋白水平增高,但治疗前后血清铁蛋白改变无显著性,与疾病活动指数无显著相关性.这些结果提示SLE患者存在有异常铁代谢,本文对此进行了讨论.  相似文献   

Psoriasis patients are determined to have a high ratio of coronary artery calcification. Fetuin-A and osteoprotegerin are systemic calcification inhibitors and related to vascular calcification and cardiovascular mortality. In this study we investigated the relationship between fetuin-A and osteoprotegerin levels in psoriasis patients. The study included 40 healthy volunteers and 40 psoriasis patients. Venous blood were collected from healthy volunteers and psoriasis patients in order to search the fetuin-A and osteoprotegerin levels. Disease severity were grouped as mild, moderate and severe according to psoriasis area and severity index (PASI). The relationship between fetuin-A and osteoprotegerin levels and clinical features as sex, PASI and presence of psoriatic arthritis were analyzed. Fetuin-A levels in psoriasis patients were statistically lower than the control group (p < 0.001). In serum osteoprotegerin levels, no statistically significant difference was found in two groups (p > 0.05). Serum fetuin-A and osteoprotegerin level differences were not statistically significant between patients with psoriatic arthritis history and those without. When we grouped patients in respect of their sexes fetuin-A and osteoprotegerin levels of males and females were not significantly different (p > 0.05). No correlation was detected between the ages and PASI scores and the fetuin-A and osteoprotegerin levels of patients. As a result fetuin-A levels in psoriasis patients are found to be low but not related to disease severity. In the light of our results we concluded that fetuin-A may have a role in psoriasis pathogenesis and may contribute to the calcification process developed in psoriasis.  相似文献   

Coronary artery disease (CAD) has become the most common cause of mortality in the entire world. Homocysteine is implicated as an early atherosclerotic promoter. We studied the relationship between levels of serum homocysteine with severity of coronary artery disease. Total of 70 subjects who scheduled for coronary angiogram consented to participate in this study. In all the patients Gensini scoring system was used to assess the severity of CAD. Venous samples were taken from the patients in fasting state before angiography. Homocysteine levels in patients were measured by enzyme linked immunosorbant method and were compared with respective Genseni scores of participants. Fasting serum homocysteine levels in CAD patients were significantly higher than patients without coronary artery disease (p < 0.001). Also Homocyseine levels correlated significantly with increasing severity of CAD (p < 0.001). Serum homocysteine levels correlated well with the severity of CAD.  相似文献   

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease shares many features of metabolic syndrome and its presence could signify a substantial cardiovascular risk above and beyond that conferred by individual risk factors. This study is an attempt to investigate the association of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease with carotid intima-media thickness and plaque as surrogate measures of increased cardiovascular risk. The study was conducted on 645 non diabetic, non alcoholic subjects in the age range of 20–60 years. Metabolic syndrome was assessed by using ATP III and ADA (2005) criteria. Anthropometric factors—waist circumference and blood pressure were measured. Fasting serum samples were analyzed for glucose, triglyceride, cholesterol and its fractions, insulin, alanine and aspartate transaminases, gamma glutamyl transferase and free fatty acids. Insulin resistance and secretion were calculated by homeostasis model and insulin sensitivity by QUICKI index. Liver ultrasonographic scanning was used for assessing fatty liver. Carotid atherosclerosis was assessed by B-mode ultrasonography of common carotid artery and internal carotid artery. The prevalence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease was 15.6 % in non alcoholic population and 68.5 % of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease had metabolic syndrome, which was associated with hyperinsulinemia, insulin resistance, insulin insensitivity along with elevated levels of waist circumference, blood pressure, triglyceride, FFA and decreased HDL cholesterol. NAFLD patients had markedly greater carotid intima media thickness than non NAFLD subjects with MCIMT of 591.6 ± 108 and 489.5 ± 132.4 μm (P < 0.001) and plaque prevalence of 19.2 and 2.2 %, respectively, thus the carotid intima media thickness is associated with NAFLD.  相似文献   

This work was designated to monitor the coagulation abnormalities associated with the gradual progression of liver diseases. The study included fifty patients; forty were diagnosed with liver cirrhosis with different stages categorized according to the Childs-Pugh classification and another ten patients were diagnosed with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Haemostatic variables including fibrinogen (FI), calcium (FIV), transglutaminase (FXIII), prothrombin time (PT) and platelet count were estimated in patients and compared with the baseline levels of healthy subjects (n = 10). The results demonstrated that the fibrinogen level was progressively decreased, whereas PT was progressively prolonged in Child A, Child B and Child C groups. The maximum deterioration was observed in HCC patients. Calcium significantly increased in mild (Child A) and moderate (Child B) but not in Child C cirrhosis and HCC patients. FXIII level did not show any significant changes in cirrhotic patients compared to healthy group. Some of the haemostatic variables we investigated were correlated with serum albumin and bilirubin but not with aminotransferases (ALT and AST). The results indicated that the haemostatic abnormalities in fibrinogen, calcium and PT (but not FXIII) were deteriorated in parallel with the gradual regression of the constitutional function of liver.  相似文献   

Liver transplantation means surgical replacement of a diseased liver with a healthy liver. The survival rate used to be 30 % after 1 year and LTx was considered to be the last procedure when all medical or surgical intervention failed. Advances in donor organ preservation, surgical techniques, patient selection, immunosuppressive regimens and treatments for opportunistic infections all have contributed to substantially improve the survival rates. Despite substantial technological, medical and surgical advances, liver transplantation remains a complex procedure that is accompanied by significant morbidity and mortality. The post-operative outcome of each patient varies greatly depending on the patient’s pre- operative state, quality of the donated organ and the complexity of the surgery. Complications occur both immediately post transplant and in the long term. Most of the problems can be satisfactorily assessed with a panel of routine LFTs results of which are generated quickly, cheaply on the analyzer which operates 24 h. Liver Function Test identifies the presence of problem but not problem itself. Abnormal results can be meaningful only when used with clinical data, radiological findings. The study includes 75 post LTx patients in three groups adults (non ACR), Pediatrics and ACR. All recipients were on immunosuppressive therapy (tacrolimus, mycophenolate and methylprednisolone), antiviral (ganciclovir), antiprotozoal, antibacterial and antifungal (fluconazole). 5 mL of blood was drawn in plain vacutainer from the post LTx patients every day for 15 days and LFT and GGT was done. Routinely performed liver function tests correlates well with clinical complications involving liver in the transplant patients. Instead of daily testing, may be alternate day analysis of LFT should be sufficient for effective monitoring of patients. The total protein and albumin and the transaminases offer little help in monitoring LFT post LTx. The elevated levels of serum GGT and ALP may be related to chronic immune damage to the transplanted liver. Serum GGT and ALP can be used as early markers for diagnosing biliary complications and can be used to asses adequacy of endoscopic treatment in the group of patients presenting early. Thus, most of the problems can be satisfactorily assed with a panel of routine LFTs generated quickly, cheaply on analyzer which operates 24 h each day. However, it must be emphasized that LFTs may identify the presence of problems but not the problem itself and the abnormal results are meaningful only when correlated with other clinical information.  相似文献   

程吟梅 《科技通报》1993,9(2):112-114
对肝肾疾病进行转铰蛋白(Transferren简称TF)和铜蓝蛋白(Ceruloplasmin简称CP)测定,结果表明:各组肝炎病人的TF均显著低于正常组,且谷丙转氨酶异常和HBsAg阳性者TF含量明显低于正常者,TF可作为判断肝病预后的一个指标。肾炎病人的TF也比正常人低,CP含量各组不一,肝癌患者的CP(52.44±8.73mg%)显著高于正常人(46.75±7.92mg%),乙型肝炎病人和正常组间未见差异.肝豆状核变性患者CP非常显著低于正常人,故检测CP有助于鉴别肝硬化和肝癌,同时对临床诊断肝豆状桉变性提供一项可靠的客观指标.  相似文献   

Aminotransferase assay is often used as a screening test as well as an endpoint for resolution of disease in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Aim of the study was to evaluate the relationship of transaminase level with metabolic variables and histology in NAFLD. Single center observational study was conducted in a gastroenterology clinic at Cuttack in coastal Odisha. Subjects were consecutive patients presenting with functional bowel disease and undergoing abdominal sonography. All participants were evaluated for the presence of metabolic syndrome (MS), insulin resistance, liver function test and lipid profile. Various parameters were compared between NAFLD subjects and controls. 53.5 % of NAFLD had normal serum transaminases, whereas 20.8 % of healthy controls had transaminitis. NAFLD patients had significantly higher BMI, fasting plasma glucose, serum transaminases, serum triglycerides, serum insulin and homeostatic model assessment (HOMA) IR than controls. NAFLD patients who had transaminitis had significantly higher incidence of MS and higher mean HOMA IR than those without. There was no significant difference in histopathological features between NAFLD with and without transaminitis. To conclude, over half of NAFLD subjects do not have transaminitis while transaminitis is present in a fifth of healthy people without fatty liver. Hence serum transaminase should not be used as screening test for NAFLD. NAFLD patients with transaminitis had a higher incidence of MS and insulin resistance than those without. However, there was no significant difference in histopathological features between these two groups.  相似文献   

Pathology laboratories group some tests that they perform on their high throughput biochemistry analysers into profiles of tests that are associated with different organs (e.g. liver function tests—LFT). The components of these profiles are historic and often vary between different laboratories. This can lead to confusion and begs the question of what should be in a particular profile. In community medicine profiles may be used as screening tests but some of the components of the profiles may have low sensitivity and specificity and may produce both false positives and negatives. The LFT may include components which are poor liver function tests but are sensitive to fatty liver and hence elevations may cause unnecessary concern. Harmonisation of clinical chemistry reference intervals and units is occurring now so it is time to consider a similar process for components of a profile. A proposed list of analytes to be performed in the LFT profile is given.  相似文献   

To establish utility of single enzymatic marker for the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis. This is a cohort study. Tertiary care centre proven cases of acute pancreatitis (n = 50) admitted in surgery ward between December 2011 and May 2013 were included in the study. Serum amylase and lipase were performed along with many analytes. All relevant data including serum lab values and imaging were collected. All 50 patients included in the study had raised serum lipase, 42 patients had both amylase and lipase raised, 8 patients had amylase normal but lipase raised. In smaller hospitals where limited lab and radiological facilities are available, estimation of serum lipase will be a better choice over serum amylase in diagnosis of acute pancreatitis.  相似文献   

Vitamin B12 deficiency has been reported in patients with Autoimmune thyroid disorders. However there is limited data on exact prevalence of low B12 and its correlation with anti-thyroperoxidase antibody (anti-TPO) levels in these patients. The aim of our study was to estimate serum vitamin B12 levels in autoimmune thyroid disorders and to correlate B12 levels with anti-TPO. 350 patients were selected by convenient sampling. Vitamin B12 levels and thyroid parameters were estimated using fully automated chemiluminescence method on Access 2. Results of our study shows that using the manufacturer’s cut-off of 145 pg/mL, the prevalence of low serum vitamin B12 was found to be 45.50 %. Higher prevalence (55 %) was seen based on the published cut-off of 200 pg/mL The study however did not demonstrate any significant correlation between vitamin B12 levels and anti-TPO (r = −0.11 and p value of 0.30).

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s12291-014-0418-4) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

It is important that clinicians and laboratorians, including clinical chemists and pathologists, recognize and understand the clinical significance of abnormal liver function tests. The liver regulates many important metabolic functions. Hepatic injury is associated with distortion of these metabolic functions. Hepatic disease can be evaluated and diagnosed by determining serum concentrations of a number of serum analytes. Many serum analytes exist to assist in the biochemical diagnosis of liver disease. The focus of this paper is on the analytes which are associated with hepatic necrosis, cholestasis, defects in excretion and end stage hepatic disease which results in decreased synthetic function. The abnormalities of these serum analytes will be correlated with the important types of liver disease.  相似文献   

Breast cancer is one of the most frequent malignancies in the world. Available staging procedures to detect breast cancer are bone scan, chest X-ray, liver ultrasonography, computerized tomography, estimation of tumor markers like carbohydrate antigen (CA15-3) and carcino embryonic antigen. These procedures are expensive and may not be required in all cases. Out of 70 patients studied, 55 had normal CA15-3 and 15 had elevated levels of Ca15-3. Eight (14.5%) of the 55 patients with normal CA15-3 had abnormal bone scan. Fifteen patients had CA15-3 levels above the normal range and among these 9 (60%) had abnormal bone scan. While prime facie it would appear that a high level of CA15-3 correlate with abnormal bone scan, it is also true that the numbers are small at present and conclusions about the validity of CA15-3 as marker of bone metastasis may be premature.  相似文献   

Serum CRP and uric acid levels were estimated in twenty-five patients with psoriasis (group III) before and after 12 weeks of treatment. Results were compared with a group of 25 normal subjects (group I) and a group of 25 patients of various skin diseases other than psoriatic lesion (group II). Mean value for CRP was found to be increased by more than 20 folds in patients with psoriasis, which was subsequently reduced to nearly 50% of the initial value after 12 weeks of treatment. These patients also showed hyperuricemia. Nearly 25% of these patients also exhibited arthritis. It is thus suggested that both CRP and uric acid levels should be monitored in patients with psoriasis.  相似文献   

Routine laboratory investigations play an important role in estimating the risk of mortality in intensive care unit (ICU) patients. The significance of urea:albumin ratio (UAR) in predicting the stay and mortality of ICU patients is not known. It is a retrospective study of patients admitted to ICU (n = 412) with non-chronic kidney disease (non-CKD). Receiver-operating characteristics (ROC) analysis for predicting mortality was carried out to find area under curve (AUC) and threshold levels. Analysis of survival probability was carried out by Kaplan–Meier method and Log-rank test. The AUC to predict mortality were 0.695, 0.767 and 0.791 for serum albumin, urea and UAR, respectively. The threshold levels for albumin, urea and UAR were 2.8 g/dL, 53 mg/dL, and 23.44 mg/g, respectively. The highest odds ratio (OR) of 9.75 to predict mortality at threshold level was observed for UAR, while OR were 7.0 and 3.62 for serum urea and albumin, respectively. The serum urea above and albumin below threshold level were associated with increase in ICU stay of >3 days but the highest OR of 4.73 to predict stay of >3 days was observed for UAR. Kaplan–Meier survival analysis shows significant (p < 0.001) difference at the threshold value of UAR. Serum urea and albumin are found to be an independent predictor for the mortality and stay; however an increased UAR value is the best parameter in predicting mortality and stay in ICU patients with non-CKD illness.  相似文献   

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