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本文针对当前高中英语写作教学"高投入、低效率"的现状,提出教师将作文批改过程中学生的典型错误、亮点句子、优秀范文、教师下水作文等按试卷来源、体裁、题材等进行整理,组成英语作文语料库。作文素材库的建立有利于学生建立写作"支架",减轻写作焦虑,调动写作积极性,也减轻了教师挑选作文试题的负担。  相似文献   

陈蓓 《林区教学》2013,(9):46-47
分析错误、评改作文从而提升作文质量是大学英语教师面临的难题,也是众多学者研究的对象,在写作教学中尝试区别对待学生的作文错误,对学生作文的语言、结构、内容等方面进行分析和评改,培养学生自我纠错的能力。  相似文献   

李婵 《时代教育》2013,(16):117
高中生在进行议论文写作时,往往会出现很多的逻辑性错误和文章叙述上的一些表达不清。教师要排除学生在进行作文写作时的逻辑性错误,通过对错误的分析和探索,找到适合学生的方法,并且帮助学生解决逻辑性的错误,促进学生健康向上的发展。  相似文献   

徐秋云 《师道》2011,(11):34-35
在初中英语写作教学中,传统的教学方式存在“费时多,收效低”的难题:英语教师通常只关注学生的写作结果,忽略写作的过程。教师选题,提出写作要求和时间限制;学生在规定的时间内写完后交给老师;老师根据学生作文的内容和语法的准确程度给分,然后在班上讲评学生作文中出现的主要错误。在这个过程中,老师忽视了学生是怎样写出作文的。  相似文献   

教师是否应对学生英语作文中的形式错误提供反馈是写作研究和教学中一个有争议的问题,很多学者和教师对此持否定的态度,而本文从四个方面论述了教师提供这方面反馈的必要性.教师指出学生作文中的形式错误能够有助于学生的英语习得,帮助学生提高英语写作水平,实现写作的交际功能,同时这也是学生的要求.本文中还结合教学实践,针对教师应在什么时间、以什么形式提供这方面的反馈提出了一些具体建议,指出对学生作文中的形式错误可采取分阶段、有选择、区别对待的方法,以更有效地帮助学生提高英语写作水平和综合水平.  相似文献   

通过对98名学生作文中的错误统计分析,提出大学英语四、六级考试的作文应试技巧,并阐明这些技巧不仅有助于学生参加各类英语考试的写作测试,同时也对教师的英语写作教学大有帮助。  相似文献   

教师反馈不仅是英语写作教学的重要环节,也是提升学生写作能力的关键所在。在具体的作文评阅过程中,教师应基于不同类型的写作错误采用不同的反馈方式,这有利于培养学生的错误识别能力,提高学生反馈利用率,以提升学生英语写作水平。  相似文献   

作为一名教写作多年的教师,笔者在批改学生的英语作文时,会发现有的学生的英语作文写得不好,分析一下原因,主要问题还是出在句子的写作上。他们写的句子在语法、修辞、逻辑、惯用法等方面的错误很多,用词方面的错误更是五花八门。我们很难想象,连英语句子都写不好怎能写好英语作文。现在一般的英语写作书,主要介绍写作内容,指导写作技巧和方法,  相似文献   

长期以来,中学英语写作教学一直在低谷中徘徊,不少学生只能寥寥数语,而且文章中拼写错误和其他语病到处可见,学生英语作文的质量不能尽如人意。尽管很多老师花费大量的时间用于批改学生的作文,但是效果并不好。究其原因,英语写作教学长期以来都重复着同一种模式:老师布置写作内容——学生完成作文——教师批改作文——发回给学生。长此以往,单调乏味,作文教学的活力将会受到扼杀。另外,学生是如何对待自己作文中的错误,教师的批改是否真正达到促进作用,这样的跟踪调查我们教师做得并不多。鉴于英语写作教学高投入、低产出的这种状况,笔者对…  相似文献   

长期以来,传统的英语写作教学一直延续着这样的一种模式:教师给出题目,提出要求,并让学生在课内或课外规定的时间内完成一篇作文,之后交给教师批改。这样的训练模式,往往使大部分学生写作起来相当被动,缺乏写作的积极主动性和热情,同时使广大教师任务繁重,埋头于批改学生作文的语法和词汇等细节性错误。  相似文献   

作为以培养师范生为己任的高师院校,需要以其独特的教师文化来潜移默化地陶冶师范生的心灵,让高师教师文化的影响在师范生以后的教育工作中得以深化和延伸。但高师院校中的教师文化呈现出教师专业个人主义文化盛行、教师角色认同危机、教师职业操守沦丧、教师学术研究异化、教师人文精神缺乏、教师创新意识衰微等诸多病态,扭曲了高师教师的形象。  相似文献   

教师话语的质量关系到英语课堂的质量和学生英语水平的发展。该文通过对某初中优秀英语教师的课堂话语进行研究,分析教师提问话语、修饰话语以及教师反馈在课堂互动中对整个课堂教学和学生二语习得的影响。  相似文献   

师生行为互动博弈:角色定位与影响因素分析新视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着教育环境的变化,课堂上的师生角色定位需要重新进行审视。学生可在多方面影响教师行为:学生层次和需求愿望;课程内容的可接受性;教学质量评价体系;学校对教学的管理强度;学校的奖惩制度设计;课堂学生规模与专业构成;授课时间安排;教师对课堂的愿望。教师也可通过多方面影响学生行为:教师的仪态仪表;学术影响;承担行政职务;行为举止;与学生交流的愿望;创造性的思维方式;课堂教学的组织能力;与学生的沟通方式。师生之间的行为互动是通过不完全信息博弈机制完成的。  相似文献   

Laboratory work is considered essential in promoting students’ learning of science and of scientific inquiry. What the students perceive as important to learn from a regular laboratory exercise is probably affected by the teacher’s objectives. We study the extent to which one teacher’s objectives are fulfilled during lab work, and how teacher–student and student–student interactions contribute to developing learning experiences from the laboratory exercise. Do students encounter opportunities to learn in agreement with the teacher’s objectives? This explanatory single case study includes use of a palette of methods, such as pre- and post-interviews, observations and video documentation from an experienced secondary school teacher and her 8th grade (aged 13–14) students’ laboratory work. Our results point to the importance of teacher involvement to help students understand what to look for, how to do it and why. Especially teacher–student interactions during lab work seemed to influence what students perceived as important to learn. In the laboratory exercise in this case, the teacher helped the students to observe and to use their observations in their explanations. The lab work included learning experiences other than those addressed by the teacher, and the teacher’s intentions were partially fulfilled. Not only what the teacher says, but also how the teacher acts is important to help students understand what to learn from a laboratory exercise.  相似文献   

高职教育合作学习中教师角色研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
高职教育合作学习模式下教师角色的定位影响着师生关系的建立。教师角色的定位能改善师生关系,增强学生的参与意识,提高学生的学习兴趣;同时,学生在合作学习中学会了如何与人交往、如何与人沟通、如何团队合作共同去解决难题,对学生后续的社会能力培养打下了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

In this study, we explored how a teacher used a new mobile application that enables students to collect data inside and outside the classroom, and then use the data to create scientific explanations by using claim-evidence-reasoning framework. Previous technologies designed to support scientific explanations focused on how these programs improve students’ scientific explanations, but these programs ignored how scientific explanation applications can support teacher practices. Thus, to increase our knowledge about using mobile devices in education, this study aims to portray the synergy with an emphasis on a teacher’s practices when using mobile devices in 2 different units (water quality and plants). Synergy can be thought of as various scaffolds (scaffolds in the mobile application and the teacher support) working together to enable students to support creating explanations when using the mobile application. The findings of this study showed that the decrease in the teacher’s support for claims did not affect the quality of the students’ claims. On the other hand, the quality of students’ reasoning was linked with the teacher’s practices. This suggests that when supporting students’ explanations, focusing on components that students find challenging would benefit students’ construction of explanations. To achieve synergy in this process, the collaboration between teacher’s practices, professional development days, and scaffolds designed to support the teacher played a crucial role in aiding students in creating explanations.  相似文献   

呼吁成为一名具有同情心的教师,不仅因为教师的同情心在学生成长中具有重要意义和深远影响,还在于在教导孩子学会同情的事务上,再没有比教师的同情心更为重要的因素。本文特以苏霍姆林斯基为分析对象,尝试对苏霍姆林斯基的言行进行分析,为如何成为一名具有同情心的教师提供了一种思考。  相似文献   

This qualitative case study explores how a teacher directed himself in implementing assessment for learning (AfL) among his students in a constrained context (i.e., a lack of institutional support in offering effective teacher education programs). The data included a Chinese college English writing teacher’s reflections over two courses, interviews, and dialogues with the students, coupled with field notes. The qualitative analysis shows that in a constrained context, self-directed AfL was buttressed by the teacher's existent pedagogical knowledge. In the process, the teacher’s self-agency empowered him in synergizing existent knowledge with external resources and revamping his teaching based on the students’ needs as reflected through AfL. These student-centered practices contributed to reduced complexity of AfL implementation, and yielded a more or less beginning cycle: the students echoed the teacher’s purpose of assessment, which considered knowledge appropriation as pivotal, and the teacher felt professionally rewarded from self-directed development using assessment-based information to improve his instruction and benefit his students.  相似文献   

生活中,人们习惯于从道德的角度来理解教师对学生的爱,甚至极端地认为,教师对学生的爱是教育的主要目标。一些专家学者在理解陶行知先生"爱满天下"等思想时也存在道德至上的片面性。本文从理论与实践两个层面,对教师爱的本质内涵做了思索和探讨。认为基于教师职业的特点,教师爱既包括教师对学生的道德爱,更包括教师对学生的专业爱,只有全面理解教师爱的上述双重内涵,才能真正推动教师工作的优化和学生的健康成长。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to compare the characteristics and sources of students’ mental models of acids and bases with a teacher’s anticipations and, based on this comparison, to explore some possible explanations why motivated students might fail to learn from a subject‐knowledgeable chemistry teacher. The study involves a chemistry teacher and her 38 ninth graders and focuses on the mental models of three high achievers and three low achievers who were interviewed in depth. Four students’ mental models of acid and base are identified. The mental models and sources of students’ conceptions of acids and bases that influenced the high achievers are compared to those of the low achievers. We find that the teacher in the study made accurate anticipations of her students’ mental models in the case of the high achievers but inaccurate anticipations of the low‐achievers’ mental models and the diverse sources influencing their mental models. In addition, the teacher incorrectly attributed the poor achievement of the low‐achieving students to their intuition and underestimated the effects of her teaching on the achievement of these students. As a result, the teacher’s instruction reinforced the low‐achievers’ incorrect mental models. Finally, the different approaches for teaching students with different achievements are emphasized according to the empirical data in this study.  相似文献   

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