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手风琴在中国曾经是风靡一时的乐器,不仅能担任独奏,还经常为声乐和器乐担任伴奏。由于电子音乐的发展,经济水平的提高,需求的多样化,手风琴渐渐淡出了舞台。由于实践需求减少,导致手风琴专业学生伴奏能力的培养被忽视和停滞。本文针对手风琴专业学生伴奏能力的培养,就手风琴伴奏的优势、伴奏能力培养的重要性、以及伴奏能力培养的途径提出了建议和看法。  相似文献   

手风琴伴奏是中小学音乐教师必须掌握的一项基本功,同时手风琴课程又是音乐教育专业学生的必修课。结合手风琴的基本技巧和作品分析等知识,培养学生的手风琴伴奏技能是高师手风琴教学的主要目的,也是音乐教育专业手风琴教学体现师范特性的关键。  相似文献   

旺杰 《西藏教育》2008,(5):31-32
即兴伴奏是各类学校的音乐教师和手风琴专业演奏员必不可少的演奏技能之一,在实际教学与工作中更多的是担任伴奏,即兴伴奏是指未经编写的即兴伴奏即:一拿到单旋律谱便能立刻用合理、顺畅的和声、节奏及其他技术手法,演奏出较完整的伴奏,即兴伴奏在各大师范院校及专业音乐学院早已得到了重视,并增加了手风琴即兴伴奏的内容,用来培养学生对手风琴即兴伴奏的演奏技能,一些学者和教育工作者通过多年的实践,总结了经验,也写出了不少关于手风琴即兴伴奏的教程,我校手风琴课程设置中也应增加手风琴即兴伴奏的有关内容是很有必要的,因为,很大一部分手风琴演奏者仍然不能较熟练地掌握即兴伴奏的演奏技能。  相似文献   

高等师范院校音乐教育专业中,手风琴教育是一门重要的课程,它不仅仅是学生独奏能力的培养,而且也覆盖了伴奏能力的教育。我国高校手风琴伴奏教育尚未真正走向教学讲台,各自为政的现象依然存在,完善的教学理论体系尚未形成,在伴奏课程设置及教育重视程度上。与国外相比还存在着不小的差距。本文就高师手风琴伴奏教学情况。分析了手风琴伴奏教育的重要性,结合自身教学实地,提出了点滴教学建议。管窥蠡测,以期抛砖引玉。  相似文献   

曾杰 《甘肃高师学报》2003,8(6):100-102
手风琴即兴伴奏能力是中小学音乐教师的基本技能 ,也是高师手风琴教学的重要环节。由于这一课程开设时间短 ,教学内容多 ,许多教师将重点放在培养学生的独奏能力上 ,而忽视了伴奏能力的培养。即兴伴奏与手风琴基本功训练同步进行并付诸实践的教学方案 ,在教学实践中收到了显著的教学效果。  相似文献   

中等师范院校手风琴课程设置时间较短,一般为一年或两年,开课的要求与方法也不尽相同。由于在教与学方面存在一些问题以及客观因素的影响,许多学生还不能很好地掌握伴奏技能,这是各院校普遍存在的问题。以中专三年学制为例,在第二学年开设手风琴课,除去教学实习,仅有不到两学期的课程,解决伴奏问题更为困难。问题的关键在于:第一,学生对伴奏知识仅限于理性的了解,未通过大量的实际练习,印象谈薄,理解粗浅,缺乏和声、伴奏织体与歌曲旋律结合的感性知识,头脑中缺乏那种伴奏所需的“超前的实际音响”。第二,学生实际伴奏能力得不到一定量的练习,达不到应有的熟练程度,显得“心有余而力不足”。第三,学生长期处于被动的学习状态(拉教程、练习别人的作品),自己处理作品的能力得不到锻炼,动脑动手能力差。第四,客观上的不利因素,学程很短,使学生演奏程度低,音乐素质较差等等。  相似文献   

浅谈高师院校手风琴教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姚琴 《考试周刊》2009,(40):211-212
手风琴轻巧、携带方便、音色优美、音域宽广、和声丰富、表现力强,不仅适合独奏、重奏和协奏,而且可以伴奏。它在中小学的音乐课堂教学及课外文娱活动中被广泛运用。从这个意义上说,手风琴教学在高师音乐教育中至关重要。这就要求教师必须选择合适的教材,重视演奏的基本知识和技能,并注重学生实践运用能力的培养。教师从手风琴伴奏入手,引导学生将这些知识技巧运用于基础教学和伴奏实践,从而达到举一反三、学以致用的目的,只有这样才能较好地体现手风琴教学的师范特性,有效提高师范生的手风演奏及伴奏能力。因而,对手风琴教学的探讨具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

在小学音乐教学和开展少年儿童文艺活动中,手风琴是经常用来作伴奏的理想乐器。手风琴是一种和声乐器。如何使手风琴伴奏获得较好的和声效果,这就必须根据音乐作品的内容;根据和声学的基本规律和方法,正确地编配和弦,而其中转位和弦在手风琴伴奏低音部的使用是重要的一个方面。  相似文献   

手风琴乐器轻巧、携带方便 ,具有音色优美、音域宽广、和声丰富、表现力强等特点 ,不仅适合独奏 ,而且可以伴奏 ,它在中小学的音乐课堂教学及课外文娱活动中被广泛地运用着。从这个意义上说 ,手风琴教学在高师音乐教育中至关重要。研究手风琴伴奏教学的基本技巧 ,从基础训练、作品分析、自编伴奏、习惯培养等环节入手 ,有效提高师范生的手风琴伴奏能力 ,是高师手风琴教学体现师范特性的关键  相似文献   

给学生上手风琴即兴伴奏课是为了完善教学,在一定程度上提高学生的综合素质,使学生不只是掌握单一的演奏,而是把技巧学活,灵活运用到演奏中。即兴伴奏教学是融歌曲分析、和声理论与伴奏编配知识为一体的综合教学。  相似文献   

教育技艺是教育关系中的重要构成。在古典的教育世界中,柏拉图从自然目的论的角度审视了教育技艺。就教师的自然生命与教育技艺之关系而言,教育技艺不仅仅是工具,更是教师自然生命的实践方式和公开显现。就学生的自然生命与教育技艺之关系而言,教育技艺的目的在于治疗学生灵魂的疾病,促进灵魂的完善。如同专门的技艺不同于赚钱的技艺,教育的技艺也不是赚钱的技艺,否认这一点,教师就会变成出售自己技艺的智术师。对于现代人来说,重温柏拉图基于自然目的论的教育技艺观,有助于我们反思和改进当下的教育技艺,恢复教育技艺的本真内涵。  相似文献   

面向测评的虚拟化学实验室研究与实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着信息技术的不断发展,一种新的实验技能测评方法——基于计算机仿真的实验技能自动测评,逐渐成为研究的热点并被采纳到远程教育和课堂教学中来。在该方法中,虚拟实验室的实现是测评的基础。本文以化学实验技能的测评为切入点,提出了一个面向测评的虚拟化学实验室的具体实现。  相似文献   

The study was designed to investigate the influence of student characteristics and classroom characteristics on students' inquiry skill. The sample consisted of a national stratified random sample of 1955 17-year-olds who were assessed as part of the 1981-1982 national assessment in science. The dependent variable was a 17-item measure of students' inquiry skill. The independent variables were selected from the available data using the Model of Educational Productivity as a guide in the selection of the variables. The first purpose of the study was to test the effectiveness of the Model of Educational Productivity for predicting the inquiry skill of 17-year-olds. The results of this study indicate that this model was capable of accounting for between 24 and 32% of the variance in inquiry skill for the general population of 17-year-olds. More specifically, students' reporting of their general ability alone accounted for between 17 and 22% of the variance. The second question posed by this study asked whether the prediction of inquiry skill differed for males and females. While there was some difference in the contribution of the minor predictors, there was very little difference in the prediction of inquiry skill for males and females using the Model of Education Productivity. The third question posed by this study asked whether the prediction of inquiry skill differed for white and nonwhite students. For nonwhite students, the Model of Educational Productivity accounted for only 18% of the variance in science inquiry skill. Thus, it would appear that there is a great deal that is not known about the factors that contribute to the science inquiry skill of nonwhite students.  相似文献   

阐述了建构技能型社会的理论基础,即人力资本理论和社会投资型国家理论,促进经济增长需要进行人力资本投资,从消极福利制度转向积极救助则要通过教育和培训提升就业能力。诠释了技能型社会的涵义,它是一种倡导促进技能知识积累和技能习得的社会发展理念,通过技能形成制度集合覆盖全体劳动力、贯穿全生命周期、囊括全产业链。界定了技能型社会的功能,它能够促进一个经济体实现技能均衡模式转变,形成贫困治理的自动稳定器。论述了技能型社会的核心制度,即基于“三全”特征,设计学历框架与资历框架接续的“两历对话”机制。  相似文献   

There is considerable interest in unifying post-compulsory education and training systems through the common teaching of core or key skills. Critical thinking appears to be a very attractive example of such a skill but this article argues against the idea that critical thinking is a core skill that should be widely taught to bridge what is termed ‘the academic vocational divide’. Some of the attractions of this idea are acknowledged but it is argued that the very meanings of critical, academic and vocational depend upon the context and purpose of thinking and it is misleading to suggest that thinking is any kind of a skill. On the basis of this argument and an empirical study it is concluded that when the idea informs curricular policy and practice, far from bridging an academic vocational divide, the idea will actually widen it. If this conclusion is correct for what appears to be a most plausible candidate for a core or key skill, then policies designed to bridge an academic vocational divide that are based on the core or key skills idea should be abandoned.  相似文献   

职业教育公共实训基地建设的目标,是建成能够实现资源共享,集教学、培训、职业技能鉴定和技术服务为一体的实训基地。通过医疗器械职业教育公共实训基地的建设和运行,可以看出职业教育公共实训基地有2种特性:公共性和公益性,以及2重功能:职业技能实训与职业资格鉴定。  相似文献   

交流沟通能力是从事职业活动所需的综合行为能力,是高职学生适应今后不断发展变化的工作任务而获得的跨专业、多功能和不受时间限制的一种基础能力。随着我国经济社会的飞速发展和经济全球化的到来,这种能力的培养对学生的未来发展显得十分重要。通过在美国社区学院的学习培训,借鉴美国社区学院在学生交流沟通能力方面的培养经验,结合我国高职院校的特点,应积极探索和实践加强学生交流沟通能力的培养。  相似文献   

A pervasive assumption in most accounts of normal reading and spelling development is that phonological coding is important early in development but is subsequently superseded by faster, orthographic coding which bypasses phonology. We call this assumption, which derives from dual process theory, the developmental bypass hypothesis. The present study tests four specific predictions of the developmental bypass hypothesis by comparing dyslexics and nondyslexics from the same families in a cross-sectional design. The four predictions are: 1) That phonological coding skill develops early in normal readers and soon reaches asymptote, whereas orthographic coding skill has a protracted course of development; 2) that the correlation of adult reading or spelling performance with phonological coding skill is considerably less than the correlation with orthographic coding skill; 3) that dyslexics who are mainly deficient in phonological coding skill should be able to bypass this deficit and eventually close the gap in reading and spelling performance; and 4) that the greatest differences between dyslexics and developmental controls on measures of phonological coding skill should be observed early rather than late in development. None of the four predictions of the developmental bypass hypothesis were upheld. Phonological coding skill continued to develop in nondyslexics until adulthood. It accounted for a substantial (32–53 percent) portion of the variance in reading and spelling performance in adult nondyslexics, whereas orthographic coding skill did not account for a statistically reliable portion of this variance. The dyslexics differed little across age in phonological coding skill, but made linear progress in orthographic coding skill, surpassing spelling-age (SA) controls by adulthood. Nonetheless, they didnot close the gap in reading and spelling performance. Finally, dyslexics were significantly worse than SA (and Reading Age [RA]) controls in phonological coding skill only in adulthood. This research was supported by the following grants to the first author: A NIMH RSDA (MH00419-05) and project grants from NIMH (MH38820-04), NICHD (HD19423-02) and the March of Dimes (12-135). Author Smith’s work was supported by a project grant from NICHD (HD 19423-02).  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to provide another perspective on the problematic nature of the concept of skill and in particular a tendency to place a lower value on certain types of job in the service sector than those in other industries. Qualitative research was conducted in three service industries in Australia, comprising interviews with key industry stakeholders, case studies in two companies for each of four occupations, and validation by a forum of industry experts. We present evidence of the existence of substantial levels of skill in occupations which are traditionally considered low-skilled. The data are utilised to create a new model which represents factors which contribute to perceptions of skill in occupations. The analysis extends and deepens current understanding of aspects of skill, primarily, but not only, building on social construction theory to posit a new model for analysing skill. New factors are added to the analysis of skill in occupations. The project was exploratory and covered only four occupations in three industry areas. The method could be utilised in a broader-scale project. The paper is designed to contribute to debates on the nature of skill and also has policy and practical implications in the fields of human resource practice and training.  相似文献   

口译笔记是口译工作者的基本技能,和其他技能一样,需要经过大量的实践训练才能获得。根据An-derson的ACT-R理论,指出口译笔记技能需要经过认知阶段、联想阶段和自主阶段,最终形成程序化的技能。  相似文献   

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