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We describe our process for transforming a traditional, core operations management/supply chain management (OM/SCM) course into an experiential, integrated, and coordinated course. We developed a vison to create a course that all business majors would find engaging and relevant and that faculty would teach consistently and at the same level of rigor. A primary result was three new learning outcomes that focused on concept integration across operations, the supply chain, and the business. We specifically focused on decision trade‐offs and the effects of OM/SCM decisions on other parts of operations, the supply chain, and the business. The redesigned course has been implemented for three semesters. Our experiences offer new insights for redesigning and coordinating an OM/SCM core course and a process that can be implemented in other redesign efforts.  相似文献   

网络技术和多媒体技术的迅速发展,为学生开展协作学习提供了条件.根据新课程标准下科学课程的内容特点及协作学习在科学课程学习中的优势,在科学课程中可构建以下3种协作学习模式:(1)人际互动的科学协作学习模式;(2)信息收集分析的科学协作学习模式;(3)问题解决的科学协作学习模式.  相似文献   

高校思想政治理论课考核是衡量其教学质量的依据,也是实现其教学目标的标尺。然而,目前考核仍然沿袭传统的标准化考试的考核方法,很难适应思想政治理论课教育教学的特殊性。因此,探究思想政治理论课考核方法及形式,对提高思想政治理论课教育教学质量,增强其教育教学的针对性与实效性、感染力与吸引力,具有重大的现实意义。  相似文献   

马克思主义大众化是当前马克思主义理论研究热点,高职院校马克思主义大众化的重要实践平台就是马克思主义理论课,该课的实效性决定着马克思主义大众化的效果。本文从马克思主义理论课教学实效性的现状、原因及对策来探讨马克思主义大众化  相似文献   

Service‐learning (SL) is a pedagogical approach in which students are assigned a course‐related project in a not‐for‐profit organization, and are tasked to apply course content to execute the project. While the benefits are multifarious, only recently have supply chain management (SCM) courses adapted this innovative teaching methodology. The present article aims to popularize this pedagogical concept by providing a detailed overview of the background, development, implementation, and success of an SL project in an undergraduate SCM course; this serves as a “how to” guide for instructors interested in implementing the approach. Compelling evidence for the value of SL is provided by data assessing the students’ learning experiences, and benefits for participating organizations are demonstrated. Caveats and challenges are noted, and ensuing best practices for SL are presented.  相似文献   

创新网络课程开发的管理模式,提高网络课程开发的工作效率,越来越受到国内远程教育界的关注。开发支持网络课程开发业务的管理信息系统已成迫切需求,基于工作流技术构建相应的系统是解决此类问题的最佳途径。东北财经大学网络教育学院和北京师范大学知识工程研究中心合作,通过系统环境、组织结构和职责调查、业务流程及业务流程数据分析,对国内网络教育学院网络课程开发过程进行调研,形成网络课程开发的业务流程并进行工作流建模,然后基于JBPM工作流引擎,开发了支持项目管理、模式管理且可以配置流程的网络课程开发工作流管理系统。  相似文献   

主讲教师是关系到网络课程质量的关键人物。当前,由于很多主讲教师并非专职的远程教育从业人员,因此,如何在有限时间内将主讲教师的专业角色发挥到极致,是值得课程建设管理者深入思考的现实问题。在大量实践的基础上,我们将主讲教师的管理模式分为理想型、保姆型与护航型三类,并重点探讨"护航型"管理模式的理念、概念模型与学习支持类型。所谓"护航型"管理模式,即在面向主讲教师常规的管理中,整合"学习支持"这一维度。面向主讲教师的"学习支持"包括面向活动的学习支持(培训、评价、交流)和面向资源的学习支持(指南、案例、工具)。通过"学习支持"维度的整合,将更容易解决主讲教师管理中出现的问题,从而有效提升网络课程的开发质量。  相似文献   

实践能力的培养是高职教育的重要特点。在目前高职院校的《档案管理学》的教学中存在着重视理论知识的传授而轻视职业工作能力培训的问题。《档案管理学》课程教学应做到,优化实践性教学环节,并对档案实习过程全面监管。  相似文献   

This article highlights a best practice approach that showcases the highly successful deployment of a hybrid course delivery structure for an Operations core course in an Executive MBA Program. A key design element of the approach was the modular design of both the course itself and the learning materials. While other hybrid deployments may stress the importance of modular design, our deployment demonstrates how content can be easily mixed and matched into shorter courses on select topics. In particular, through the migration of select content online and the use of face‐to‐face class time for discussion and active‐learning experiences, we were able to dramatically reduce face‐to‐face student seat time, positively increase the student experience, and facilitate dramatic improvement in student academic achievement.  相似文献   

基于团队理论视角下开设好团队管理课程,并有效组织好实践性教学,是提升高职院校课程教学品牌的一个重要着力点。高职院校团队管理课程实践性教学的特点是实际操作性和应用性,要"以项目促训练,在实践中提升"的讲练结合的课程实践性教学为主旨观点,同时,应注意培养持续积累职业发展能力、坚持针对性等问题。  相似文献   

There is a tendency for lecture-based instruction in large introductory science courses to strongly focus on the delivery of discipline-specific technical terminology and fundamental concepts, sometimes to the detriment of opportunities for application of learned knowledge in evidence-based critical-thinking activities. We sought to improve student performance on evidence-based critical-thinking tasks through the implementation of peer learning and problem-based learning tutorial activities. Small-group discussions and associated learning activities were used to facilitate deeper learning through the application of new knowledge. Student performance was assessed using critical-thinking essay assignments and a final course exam, and student satisfaction with tutorial activities was monitored using online surveys. Overall, students expressed satisfaction with the small-group-discussion-based tutorial activities (mean score 7.5/10). Improved critical thinking was evidenced by improved student performance on essay assignments during the semester, as well as a 25% increase in mean student scores on the final course exam compared to previous years. These results demonstrate that repeated knowledge application practice can improve student learning in large introductory-level science courses.  相似文献   

Industry demand for talented analytics professionals has created a significant increase in degree programs (e.g., MS in Analytics) around the globe. Many of these programs incorporate experiential learning in the curriculum to foster a deeper understanding. This article focuses on the value and challenges in implementing experiential learning in an analytics‐focused degree program by incorporating and scaffolding multiple organizational analytics projects throughout the curriculum. In addition, this article focuses on the manner in which these organizational analytics projects can create value for scholars, beyond student learning. Scholar‐practitioner partnerships have the potential to advance not only the field of academic research but also the rigor of actual practice. We report our experiences and best practices in creating and leveraging scholar‐practitioner partnerships in the context of project‐based experiential learning in a Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA) program. We provide motivation for creating such partnerships for teaching analytics, document student and organizational success, offer illustrations of exemplary experiential learning projects, and discuss the challenges that need to be managed.  相似文献   

Active learning has attracted considerable attention in higher education in response to concerns about how and what students are learning. There are many different forms of active learning, yet most of them are classroom based. We propose an alternative to active learning in the classroom through active learning outside of the classroom in the form of student consulting projects. While the literature on student consulting has largely focused on projects to assist small business owners, this research demonstrates the potential for using student-consulting projects in the Production/Operations Management course. We use a case study to describe the use of a student-consulting project as an alternative to the other types of active learning described in the Operations Management education literature.  相似文献   

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