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The purpose of this study is to identify major areas of concentration that have an impact on state hunter education programs. The study specifically attempts to identify and analyze areas that prevent hunter education programs from being implemented to their fullest. The major reasons for this research include: to improve the awareness, knowledge, and skills of hunters, to help ensure that hunter education programs are utilized to their maximum, and to identify specific program strategies to help overcome major barriers to the successful implementation of state hunter education programs. Based on data collected, areas of significant concern that have profound effects on program implementation were identified and analyzed. The major concerns and constraints identified by the study were in the areas of program instruction, course content, program communication, program funding, and program evaluation. Each of the identified program constraints was analyzed with recommendations put forth which could lessen its impact on program implementation.  相似文献   

Ideas of social responsibility and exploring art's place in society are widespread and prevalent. Access, community, participation, empowerment are words that appear with increasing frequency within disparate discourses. From Glasgow's successful bid to be UK City of Architecture and Design 1999, [1] to lottery guidelines [2] and policy research [3], there appears to be a preoccupation with such terminology. However, does this demonstrate a true desire to find a point of mediation between discourses, between one place or one group and another? Do projects establish sustainability in the relationships that are built up between apparently disparate elements or are these terms linked mainly to high profile events that intervene, then move on, leaving people with little more than a memory of the encounter? This paper proposes that in order to shift the topography of art practice – the where, how and on whose terms it occurs – spaces and forms of mediation have to reconstruct the very sub structure on which they are founded.  相似文献   

在我国,对文学艺术作美学的研究,早在20世纪之初就开始了。从王国维到朱光潜,几代学者都在努力尝试从美学的角度去研究文学艺术。但是,自觉地提出把文艺美学作为一个学科方向来建设,却是改革开放的产物。从80年代初到现在,经过许多学者的共同努力,文艺美学作为文艺学这一学科下的一个专业方向,已逐渐被学界所接受,继续在向广深拓展。胡经之是文艺美学的积极倡导者,为发展这一学科方向写过专著,也发表过不少文章。现在由华中师范大学出版社出版的《文艺美学论》,就较为全面地反映了他为发展文艺美学而不断思索的心路历程。胡经之在1980年全国…  相似文献   

建国以来,中国钢琴艺术民族风格的发展空前繁荣。仅从语境、结构、节奏、触键、音色、题材、和声七个方面的特点看,就明显有别于西方钢琴艺术。其发展从建国初至今,大致分三个阶段:即从建国初到1957年;60年代至70年代;80年代至今。三个阶段中涌现出了一批批名家名作,使中国钢琴艺术民族风格的发展欣欣向荣。随着中国经济的日益强大,中国钢琴艺术民族风格的发展会越来越繁荣。  相似文献   

Drawing on their experiences as researchers and teacher educators, the authors discuss issues concerning student research that uses web-based references. This article describes ways the authors: 1) structure the inquiry process for student research, 2) help students manage the quantity of information, and 3) provide a model for analyzing the quality of information that students find on web sites. The web-site analysis form provided to students requires them to evaluate information provided about the “who, what, when, how, and where” of a web site. The authors conclude with a discussion of the ways this model helps students engage, organize, and publish information in ways that share the knowledge that the students have constructed and the process of their inquiry.  相似文献   

传统的遗传算法由于采用固定长度的编码,使提高进化速度与收敛精度之间存在矛盾,据此提出了一种双空间搜索的方法,即在进化过程中生成动态的子空间,并同时在全局解空间与生成的动态子空间中搜索最优解,解决了二进制编码的串长与速度、精度之间的矛盾,对大范围解空间的寻优不仅提高了求解的速度,也提高了解的精度。  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

傅璇琮先生的《唐翰林学士传论·晚唐卷》是一部晚唐翰林学士的传记新著。此书从众多的典籍中进行耙梳整理,广搜慎考,纠正了众多典籍史料记载的错误,整理排列出晚唐81年间150余位翰林学士的事迹传记,其中对旧史籍指瑕纠误,又多所发明,提供给学界一部晚唐翰林学士的信史。  相似文献   

探寻网络实验教学新思路   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
针对目前高校计算机网络实验教学中存在的重理论轻实验,实验内容单一,无法满足不同层次专业学生的需求等问题,提出实验内容分层次,模块化、"套餐"化,以满足不同层次学生的实验需求,因材施教,因专业施教,同时改革实验方法,提高实验效果,达到培养高素质网络技术人才的目的。  相似文献   

根据2007年修订并自2008年6月1日起生效实施的《律师法》第6章法律责任之规定与旧《律师法》相关规定进行比较可见,新《律师法》在行政法律责任和民事法律责任的内容设计方面有了新规定。因此有必要对律师和律师事务所违法执业需要承担的行政法律责任进行新解读和新探索,以期有利于规范律师和律师事务所的执业行为,维护律师和律师事务所正常的执业秩序。  相似文献   

《简.爱》中蕴涵着家园追寻的母题。面对身体和精神的一次次放逐,简.爱并没有退缩,没有屈服,而是勇敢执着地踏上寻找家园的旅程。与双目失明的罗切斯特结合后,简.爱终于在芬丁庄园构筑起身体的家园,又用罗切斯特的爱情营造起精神的家园。  相似文献   

历史上,作为中国古代最高道德准则之一的“义”,一直以来都是文人学者竞相追求的修身、立性、践行的行为标准,在现代经济至上的社会,再一次深刻理解义的内在价值,挖掘义的深层涵义,弘扬义的现代意义。对提升人们的整体道德素养具有深远的现实意义。  相似文献   

Visits to six school districts which were identified by the National Science Teachers Association's Search for Excellence program were made during 1983 by teams of 17 researchers. The reports were analyzed in search for common characteristics that can explain the requirements necessary for excellent science programs. The results indicate that creative ideas, administrative and community involvement, local ownership and pride, and well-developed in-service programs and implementation strategies are vital. Exceptional teachers with boundless energies also seem to exist where exemplary science programs are found.  相似文献   

大学是传授普遍知识的场所."绿色"象征着春天和希望,象征着科学与先进,象征着生命与生机.大学与绿色有着本源上的联系.大学应该是绿色的,因为大学校园是绿色的,大学精神是绿色的,教育理念是绿色的,个体生命是绿色的.然而,当今大学层出不穷的学术腐败、大学师生的自杀以及师生教学中存在的功利现象,昭示着大学离真正意义上的绿色大学还有很大的差距.依靠社会、高校等多方努力,建设具有真正绿色含义的"大大学",让绿色成为大学亘古的风景线,才能找寻到绿色大学.  相似文献   

本文通过分析列满秩线性方程组Ax=b(A∈R^mxn(m〉n),rank(A)=n,b∈Rm)最小二乘解的特征,给出一种新的计算最小二乘解的方法。算法的思想基于R^m=R(A) R(A)^⊥,用(A)^⊥的基向量补充到矩阵A中,使A变成非奇异方阵^- A.然后求解非奇异线性方程组A^- x^- =b,而x^- 的前n个分量恰是Ax=b的最小二乘解。  相似文献   

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