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Despite the need for information technology knowledge in the business world today, enrollments in information systems (IS) courses have been consistently declining. Student performance in lower level IS courses and student assumptions about the level of difficulty of the courses seem to be reasons for lower enrollments. To understand how student motivation may explain learning outcomes in introductory IS courses, this study investigates the impact of intrinsic and extrinsic academic motivations as framed by self‐determination theory on two measures of learning outcomes: (1) student self‐reported measures of learning and (2) actual grades obtained in courses and course components. Using 269 student responses collected in a second‐year undergraduate core course and a first‐year MBA core course, both of which are offered in a traditional face‐to‐face classroom environment, study hypotheses are analyzed. Results indicate that the motivational model explains both the affective and cognitive perceptions of learning held by students. In examining overall grades and grades in course components, the motivational model, however, was unable to sufficiently explain student performance. Data also indicate that there are significant differences between undergraduate and graduate students in terms of their motivation and learning outcomes.  相似文献   

Designing intelligent services for workplace learning presents a special challenge for researchers and developers of learning technology. One of the reasons is that considering learning as a situated and social practice is nowhere so important than in the case where learning is tightly integrated with workplace practices. The current paper analyses the experience of more than 10 years of research intending to offer intelligent services through capturing and leveraging knowledge structures in workplace learning. The reflection looks at results of several European research projects that have promoted this view. From this analysis, I arrive at a dichotomy of guidance versus emergence that describes how the technologies foregrounded one or the other, and what the effects of these design choices have been. I derive conclusions for dealing with this design trade-off in terms of conceptual, technological and empirical research.  相似文献   

Today’s software industry requires individuals who are proficient in as many programming languages as possible. Structured query language (SQL), as an adopted standard, is no exception, as it is the most widely used query language to retrieve and manipulate data. However, the process of learning SQL turns out to be challenging. The need for a computer-aided solution to help users learn SQL and improve their proficiency is vital. In this study, we present a new approach to help users conceptualize basic building blocks of the language faster and more efficiently. The adaptive design of the proposed approach aids users in learning SQL by supporting their own path to the solution and employing successful previous attempts, while not enforcing the ideal solution provided by the instructor. Furthermore, we perform an empirical evaluation with 93 participants and demonstrate that the employment of hints is successful, being especially beneficial for users with lower prior knowledge.  相似文献   

Companies are beginning to realize that simply storing data in warehouses and databases is not sufficient to ensure the usefulness of that data or information. As information is processed with a purpose ( Ackoff & Emery, 1972 ), it becomes knowledge. Knowledge exists on many planes; one is the tacit‐explicit plane described by Polanyi (1966) . Knowledge‐based applications are becoming a key factor in determining organizational value. For example, Activity‐Based Costing (ABC) and Knowledge Value Added (KVA) are two methodologies that organizations use to measure explicit knowledge. However, this interest in measuring and managing knowledge creates two important questions. First, do companies include tacit knowledge in their measurements of knowledge? Second, can educators demonstrate that they are helping increase tacit knowledge? This paper posits that companies may not be including the full range of knowledge in their endeavor to measure knowledge in their organizations. To help make a case for including tacit knowledge and implicit learning, an active learning exercise is created to demonstrate a method to quantify and test for changes in both types of knowledge. The results show that the activity created observable changes in explicit and tacit knowledge. Future research will need to concentrate further on understanding how the two types of knowledge interact. For now though, these results demonstrate one way to observe the two types of knowledge and more importantly, point out the need for organizations to find ways to value both implicit and explicit knowledge.  相似文献   

网络英语统考辅导中,远程教育机构主要关注的是学科性学习支持服务建设,对非学科性学习支持服务的重视不足。文章以学生为中心,构建适合网络英语统考辅导的非学科性学习支持服务体系,为远程学习者提供个性化的学习服务,以期指导、帮助和促进远程学习者自主学习,提高学习效率和质量。  相似文献   

主讲教师是关系到网络课程质量的关键人物。当前,由于很多主讲教师并非专职的远程教育从业人员,因此,如何在有限时间内将主讲教师的专业角色发挥到极致,是值得课程建设管理者深入思考的现实问题。在大量实践的基础上,我们将主讲教师的管理模式分为理想型、保姆型与护航型三类,并重点探讨"护航型"管理模式的理念、概念模型与学习支持类型。所谓"护航型"管理模式,即在面向主讲教师常规的管理中,整合"学习支持"这一维度。面向主讲教师的"学习支持"包括面向活动的学习支持(培训、评价、交流)和面向资源的学习支持(指南、案例、工具)。通过"学习支持"维度的整合,将更容易解决主讲教师管理中出现的问题,从而有效提升网络课程的开发质量。  相似文献   

随着计算机和网络技术的发展,人们的学习方式发生了很大变化。WBL框架对构建学习者在线学习环境有很好的指导作用,为此,作者对该框架进行了介绍,并基于该框架对中小学教师在线学习系统的开发提出了建议。  相似文献   

在线合作与反思成为教师专业发展的重要途径,具有显著的生态性效应、经济性和可持续性优势。英国伦敦大学教育学院承担的学习设计支持环境项目是对在线教师专业发展的一次成功探索,取得了良好的社会效益。作者概括了该项目的研究背景,整理了其探索内容和路径,分析了其理念以及对我国在线教师专业发展研究和实践的意义和启示。  相似文献   

随着网络教学平台运用的普及,英语学习管理转用网络在线记录智能功能对学习者的学习全过程实施实时监控,实现了教学管理与网络的融合,凸显了网络教学平台的优势。以行为主义学习理论、认知主义学习理论、现代建构主义学习理论和人本主义学习理论为指导,研究英语学习管理的理论与实践,探讨了具有全新沟通机制与丰富资源的学习环境下所进行的数字化内容学习与教学活动。  相似文献   

面向MOOC的学习管理系统框架设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大规模在线开放课程(MOOC)是近年来远程开放教育领域出现的一种新兴在线学习模式。它体现了以学习者为中心的教学理念,改变了传统网络课程内容固定、结构化的特征,使学习者获取知识的途径从简单线性转向复杂化、网络化。学习管理系统是远程开放教育的主要媒介,当前大多数学习管理系统框架主要面向传统网络课程,仅支持学习者对课程知识的单方面访问,对以关联主义学习理论为基础,具有更多交互性的MOOC课程模式支持不够充分,因而有必要对当前学习管理系统框架进行改进。面向MOOC的学习管理系统框架,在已有的LTSA模型基础上增加了交互代理和知识代理两个元件,使学习资源数据库的知识可以随课程的进展不断更新,学习者之间可以构建学习网络,通过不同途径获取知识。  相似文献   

面向自主学习的网络课件的教学设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄勇 《现代教育技术》2008,18(10):80-84
网络课件有三种应用模式:面向传递教学、面向自主学习、面向混合式教学。在现代远程教育中,应当设计和开发面向自主学习的网络课件。面向自主学习的网络课件包含六种教学设计成分:学习内容、扩展学习资源、教学策略、动机策略、学习指导和学习评价,论文分析了上述六种教学设计成分的设计方法,归纳了网络课件的教学设计模式。  相似文献   

整合游戏化学习理念是解决在线学习动机难以维持的方法之一,但对于落实该理念载体的游戏化元素,目前的理论和实证探索还处于初步阶段。鉴于学习者心理需求对于游戏化元素的选取至关重要,研究试图从学习者对游戏化元素偏好的视角开展研究,进而为利用游戏化元素优化在线学习提供参考。通过文献探讨,总结了游戏化元素的三分类体系(动力类、机制类、组件类),并设计了三维度偏好指标(有趣性、重要性、有用性)。对在线学习者的调查发现:(1)在线课程中只涉及部分游戏化元素,属于轻游戏化;(2)学习者对三类游戏化元素在整体偏好上没有差异;(3)学习者对三类游戏化元素在具体偏好指标上有所差异,对动力类元素偏好其重要性,对机制类元素偏好其重要性和有用性,对组件类元素偏好其有趣性;(4)对游戏化学习的态度会积极影响在线学习动机。基于上述结果,研究就如何针对不同学习需求选取适当的游戏化元素提出了相应建议。  相似文献   

自学考试网络助学学习支持服务体系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自学考试网络助学的学习支持服务体系在充分利用技术手段的同时,必须适应自学考试制度本身的特殊性,以促进整个自学考试助学事业健康顺利发展。自学考试网络助学的学习支持服务体系在其实施主体、服务内容等方面都有其自身的特色,建立自学考试网络助学的学习支持服务体系对完善自学考试制度有着不可替代的作用。  相似文献   

This research advances the understanding of how to define, evaluate, and promote e‐learning success from an information systems perspective. It introduces the E‐Learning Success Model, which posits that the overall success of an e‐learning initiative depends on the attainment of success at each of the three stages of e‐learning systems development: system design, system delivery, and system outcome. To study this model, an online version of an undergraduate quantitative methods core course for business students is developed using a prototyping strategy. Four cycles of development are traced, each comprised analysis, design, implementation, testing, and enhancement. Findings from the study confirm the validity of using the proposed success model for e‐learning success assessment. In addition, an action research methodology is also found to be a valuable impetus for promoting e‐learning success through an iterative process of diagnosing, action planning, action taking, evaluating, and learning.  相似文献   

In the natural sciences, collecting, cataloguing, and comparing living specimens have long been a popular, collaborative mode of discovery and learning. New species are discovered, and the relationships between species are theorized. From Aristotle's “History of Animals” to Darwin's “On the Origin of Species”, and beyond, this process of learning through expedition has yielded bountiful knowledge and insights to students of science. In this paper, we propose that expeditionary learning can be applied to a softer science: the field of information systems. In the field of information systems, specimens (information systems) are created by humans, evolving with great speed. Expeditionary learning—where students collaboratively discover, catalog, and compare rapidly evolving information system specimens—is an innovative approach for learners in the IS field, and is effective in increasing IS program visibility and delivering significant, measurable community impact. Our results indicate that learning by expedition has a strong, positive community impact through educating external learners (such as high school and community college students, and the general public), and compares favorably to conventional experiential and service learning styles. Though expeditionary learning does not yield improved course evaluations, we demonstrate that learners’ perceived self‐knowledge and intentions to pursue the subject area are improved.  相似文献   

为了促进学生个性化发展、提升教育公平,基于学生的异质性提供个性化辅导成为学者们探讨的热点问题。为了解一对一在线辅导这种政府提供的个性化教育公共服务是如何促进不同背景学生的个性化学习,该文针对北京某区2471名学生辅导产生的16820条对话数据,分析不同成绩学生在线辅导行为差异,并对辅导主题和师生情感分布进行组间比较分析。结果表明:在线行为中,学生参与辅导的次数和难度与其学习成绩相关;不同成绩组学生的辅导次数与难度均存在差异性;通过对辅导高频知识点的分析,发现不同成绩组学生辅导知识点具有相似性,同时也存在一定知识点广度和深度的群体差异;在情感维度发现,不同绩效背景群体没有显著差异,且师生参与辅导的正面情感密度远远高于负面情感,表明师生对参与一对一辅导整体持有积极、肯定的情感。  相似文献   

如何利用移动设备的位置识别功能开发创新性的移动应用系统,是众多研究者和商业应用开发者关注的焦点。基于位置识别的移动学习系统5R自适应框架为实现自适应移动学习环境提供了一套解决方案和标准化结构。5R自适应框架能够根据学习者、位置、时间、移动设备等因素自动生成学习者所需要的学习内容,增强学习者与学习情境之间的交互。5R自适应框架的实施需要描述基于位置的学习内容并使之标签化,建立自适应约束条件和学习内容之间的关系。在基于位置识别的地理课实地考察移动学习过程中,5R自适应框架能够很好地支持这一应用,而且在实现过程中体现出高度的灵活性。  相似文献   

韩姗姗 《电大教学》2014,(5):97-103
复杂学习是一种为达成多种学习目标的综合学习。它不是孤立知识碎片的简单组合,而是将知识、技能和态度进行协调与综合从而成为一个整体,并使之能够灵活运用在真实情境中以解决实际问题。网络教学环境所具备的灵活、开放、可共享、支持个性化学习等优势对复杂学习的进行十分有利,但同时,这些优势本身并不能保证学习者适应这种学习形式。针对复杂学习特点,在网络教学环境的设计上应:有利于真实任务情境的呈现、有利于知识与教学资源的结构化组织、有利于多元化的知识表征和应用、有利于多用户角色的交流互动、有利于进度监控与反馈。  相似文献   

对基于网络支持的教育实习共同体(简称"在线教育实习共同体")的概念框架的讨论,内含对"在线教育实习共同体"的本质目标、构成要素、基本特征与培育规划等四个方面的分析."在线教育实习共同体"本质上是指向教育实习过程中显隐性知识的转化;包含了成员、领域、实践及网络等四个构成要素;具有情境性、结构性、分布性与整合性等四个基本特征.所建议的"在线教育实习共同体"培育规划包括分析培育需求、制定培育计划、提供适宜的支持以及培育效果评价等四个关键环节.  相似文献   

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