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This study describes response to intervention (RTI) screening and progress‐monitoring instruments and procedures in 41 local school settings. For screening the schools most often used published reading assessments or commercial products; a three‐times‐per‐year screening schedule was most prevalent. For progress monitoring schools most often relied on published reading assessments; a weekly progress monitoring schedule was most prevalent. The variability between local school practices is discussed with regard to efficiency, equity, and viability of RTI.  相似文献   

通过对新课标下英语写作存在问题的分析,根据分层教学理论和条件把学生合理地分层,在英语写作教学中尝试使用分层教学,从而达到提高不同层次的学生的写作水平。  相似文献   

信息技术课程的建设需要先进教育思想的指导,也需要成功经验的支持。本文结合教育部重点课题《中英中小学教育技术应用状况比较及网络教学策略研究》的研究工作,对英国中小学信息技术课程开设的整体情况进行了简要的介绍,以英国牛津郡小学6年级ICT课程中的“多媒体作品呈现”单元的教学实例为典型,对其学习目标、教学策略、学习模式和评价方法进行了分析,以期对我国当前信息技术课程的开展提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

中小学教师对学生学业失败归因的反应模式研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究运用归因反应模式测验,以333名中小学教师为被试,探讨中小学教师对不同类型学生考试失败的归因,所引发的不同生气反应、奖惩以及对学生未来失败可能性的预测。结果发现高能力、低努力、无学习困难三类学生的考试失败会引发中小学教师较强的生气反应、较低的奖励;教师认为高能力学生比低能力学生在未来考试失败的可能性更小。小学教师主要基于学生是否努力,对其考试失败进行归因反应,而中学教师主要基于学生能力高低对其考试失败进行归因反应。  相似文献   

2007年,我国文学教育研究在理论和实践领域都取得了较大进展。文学教育在理论上的拓展主要集中于对定位与目标的反思和对方法与途径的探讨两方面。研究者对文学教育的实践研究有了更多的反思意识,并把这种思考运用于实践,总结出一些文体教学的新思路、新办法。  相似文献   

With a renewed focus on early intervention, teachers must address the difficulties students are having as early as possible to promote their progress. Culturally and linguistically diverse students may not respond to universal interventions that have shown efficiency for mainstream populations. In order for Response to Intervention to be effective, we need to include diverse populations when researching all tiers of instruction.  相似文献   


This randomized controlled trial examined effects of the MyTeachingPartner-Math/Science intervention on the quality and quantity of teachers’ mathematics and science instruction, and children’s mathematics and science outcomes in 140 pre-kindergarten classrooms. Teachers participated in the intervention for two years with consecutive cohorts of children. Results from Year 1 are considered experimental, however due to high levels of attrition, results from Year 2 are considered quasi-experimental. Across both years, intervention teachers exhibited higher quality and quantity of instruction. In Year 1, there were no significant effects of the intervention on children’s outcomes. In Year 2, children in intervention classrooms made greater gains in teachers’ ratings of mathematics and science skills and performed better on a spring assessment of science skills. These results have implications for designing and evaluating professional development aimed at supporting children’s mathematics and science knowledge and skills.  相似文献   

This commentary reviews the papers in this special issue, highlights the importance of understanding the nature, prevalence, and potential impact of leadership in international schools, and provides a set of guiding questions for the reader to reflect upon the relevance and implications of the findings.  相似文献   

传统的结构化英语教学存在着较大的不足和弊端,因此,对中学英语教学的方法、内容及观念进行改革的同时,要注意输入过程的强化训练——重视"语感"培养;注意记忆课文内容的强化训练——重视理解能力的培养;注意输出过程的强化训练——重视外在能力的培养。  相似文献   

早期预警系统是数据驱动教学实践的一项重要策略,是美国中学识别学生学业危机和实施精准教学干预的有效工具.美国中学着眼于学生毕业率问题的考虑,并依托教育大数据战略的推动作用,继而实现了早期预警系统的建设与运行.美国中学早期预警系统建设包括五个方面:组建早期预警团队并明晰权责,确立与导入出勤、行为和课程表现等教育数据基本指标,挖掘与解释预警风险根源实质,匹配与执行分层预警干预方案,评估与完善早期预警干预流程.美国中学在推进早期预警系统建设过程中形成了制度保障、人员保障、平台保障和社会保障的运行保障机制,实现了基于大数据分析的早期预警干预体系的深入推进与纵深发展.  相似文献   

文章结合国外的相关研究,根据心理危机干预的原则、模式、技术等,立足于国内中学校的实际情况,提出一套实用于中学的整合连续的心理危机干预方案,涉及校园暴力事件的学校预警系统、应急处置、及时心理干预,以及事后干预四个阶段,依赖于学校、家庭、社会等多个方面的支持,重点突出“心理干预”的特点。以期能对校园暴力事件进行良好的心理危机干预,预防校园暴力事件的频繁发生,构建和谐校园。  相似文献   

In this experimental study, we examined the effects of a multicomponent reading comprehension intervention in sixth- to eighth-grade English language arts classes with a focus on factors to enhance treatment implementation. We tested the contribution of a theoretically derived fidelity framework that included adherence, quality, dosage, program differentiation, and student responsiveness. The study was conducted in three schools, involving 14 teachers and 859 students. English language arts classes were randomly assigned to the Comprehension Circuit Training intervention (n?=?30) or typical practice comparison (n?=?31) conditions, and all teachers taught in both conditions. Findings indicated that there was no reliable difference between the intervention and typical practice groups on standardized or researcher-developed proximal measures. To investigate the relationship between fidelity and student outcomes, we conducted a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) to determine the relation of the indicators to a latent fidelity factor. Results of the CFA revealed a single fidelity factor composed of the adherence, quality, dosage, student responsiveness, and program differentiation variables. The fidelity factor was statistically significantly related to outcomes on a standardized comprehension measure (γ?=?.86, p?γ?=?.52, p?相似文献   

近二三十年来,世界各国尤其是西方发达国家,为迎接21世纪信息化社会对人才需求多样化的挑战。顺应经济发展对教育的要求,纷纷制定普通教育与职业教育一体化的政策,积极推进普通教育与职业教育一体化的进程。普通教育与职业教育兼顾的综合高中在世界范围内得到迅速普及。顺应国际普通高中改革的潮流,综合高中逐步成了我国中等教育学校的基本模式或重要模式,而且这也是我国高中办学模式改革的理性选择。  相似文献   

中小学课外辅导机构有5个方面的基本特征。要根据这些特征,利用现代组织管理的理念,分别从市场开拓战略和内部管理措施上,认识提高中小学课外辅导机构效益的方法和手段,以提高此类组织在市场竞争中的地位,实现它的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

建构主义被心理学家们称为"当代教育心理学中的一场革命",其所蕴涵的教育、教学思想主要反映在知识观、学习观、学生观、师生角色的定位及其作用、学习环境等方面。作为对传统认识论、教育论的一场革命性的挑战,建构主义促使我们对传统的中学历史教学进行反思,并为这种反思提供了全新的教育心理学视角。  相似文献   

正Classroom teaching is the main wayfor students to learn English.But in mid-dle schools,a lot of problems still exist inthe English teaching.With the continualreform of English teaching and learningmethods,more and more teachers begin torealize the importance of creating theEnglish learning atmosphere.Henceteachers in middle schools organize theteaching process in English.But in prac-  相似文献   

校长能力、素质的高低直接关系到学校的兴衰。一个好校长就是一所好学校,这一点在农村教育中体现得尤为重要,所以,必须加强对农村中小学校长的管理。一、加强对农村中小学校长管理的作用对农村中小学校长管理的作用表现在以下两个方面:1.提高校长们的管理水平广大的农村中小学校长都是来自教学第一线,在某一学科的教学领域或许是能手,但对于庞大而复杂的管理也许不是十分在行,所以上级教育主管部门有责任对校长们进行管理。通过长期系统的理论学习、操作实践与指导是提高这一支队伍管理水平的关键。上级教育部门在加强对农村中小学校长管理…  相似文献   

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