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记录了湖南省衡山县南岳自然保护区的蝶类 115种 ,隶属于 9科 73属  相似文献   

报道了祁连地区的蝶类6科35属53种,其中凤蝶科2种,绢蝶科8种,粉蝶科12种,其中青海省新记录1种,眼蝶科12种,蛱蝶科10种,灰蝶科9种,以古北区为优势成分。  相似文献   

In this part, we examine some causes of congregations, look at courtship and wonder at migration.  相似文献   

The first part of this series is a brief history of the discovery and naming of Indian butterflies.  相似文献   

In this part of the series on butterflies, we look at the types of variations found within species as well as their causes.  相似文献   

In the second part of the series on butterflies, we look at some general aspects of their structure, flight, fuels and senses.  相似文献   

The settling of sediments is an accelerative process in which the concentration of the main sediments zone will heavily influence settling velocity,but the explicit relationship between the concentration and settling velocity has not been reported in literature. Here a theoretical function was built for the time dependent concentration and time dependent settling velocity of sediments;then the entire settling process reflecting concentration was shown on the basis of sediments instant-settlement theory and mathematical method. Agreement of computed results and experimental data was found. Several governing parameters,including particle size,particle density,initial suspended sediments concentration and suspension height,were discussed with a series of calculated velocity curves. The research indicated that ⑴ the presented concentration-velocity time relationship is rational,⑵ settling process of the sediments group with variation of concentration consists of acceleration stage,uniform motion stage and deceleration stage,and ⑶ particle size,particle density and initial suspended sediments concentration have more influence on the settling velocity than the suspension height and water temperature.  相似文献   

明代从中期开始, 由于政治的日益腐败, 立国以来一直困扰统治集团的“北虏南倭”问题更加突出出来。在边防危机的刺激下,出现了大批有关边防史地的撰述。这些作品在思想上具有批判现实弊政, 要求改革的色彩, 在编纂方法上亦表现出丰富、生动、注重文献考实的特点, 与同时兴起的“实学”思潮有一定的联系。而因海防危机引发的海防海权问题的讨论, 意义尤其深远。对中国史学中专史的发展亦有意义  相似文献   

定向运动是一项国防体育运动,本文通过定向运动对大学生学习军事课兴趣、巩固军训成果、学生综合素质培养等的评价分析,论证了定向运动在高校国防教育中的重要作用,提出了建设性的意见.  相似文献   

在灾荒史研究中,与灾荒救治有关系的民间赈灾组织备受关注。《同乡、赈灾与权势网络——旅平河南赈灾会研究》一文通过由在京的豫人精英等发起成立的旅平河南赈灾会切入河南1928年灾荒史研究,运用社会网络分析法,更多关注人际关系对社会行为的影响。它把旅平河南赈灾会看作一个由各种社会关系连接而成的网络,这张网络,由旅平河南赈灾会所承载,覆盖了整个活动区域,在赈灾活动中发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   


This article explores elementary children's ideas about insects. The study involved 20 children from each grade level, kindergarten through fifth-grade, for a total of 120 children. The data collection procedure was designed to investigate what an insect means to children, through the use of three different tasks: draw and explain, interview about instances, and the formulation of a general rule. Considering children's responses to the three tasks, I found that their ideas about insects reflect understandings based on physical characteristics of size and shape, arthropod characteristics, insect characteristics, human-insect interactions, life habits of insects, feeding habits of insects, and means of locomotion. Children's understandings are juxtaposed to that of a scientific perspective, elucidating implications for curriculum development and instructional practice.  相似文献   

2005年台商“春节包机”的顺利飞航,给两岸同胞带来了新的憧憬。尽管台湾当局人为地给两岸直航设置了种种障碍,但两岸同胞同文同种,血缘、亲情和悠久的文化传承是任何人也无法改变的,两岸互补互利的经贸合作是任何人也无法阻挡的。春节包机的实现表明,两岸中国人是有耐心、有经验、也是有智慧的。两岸直航是人心所向,也是历史发展的必然趋势。  相似文献   

南京蝶类秋季活动生境考察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
影响南京秋季蝶类活动的主要生态因素为寄主植物与蜜源植物的更替;蝶类的活动区域以林间和开阔地为主,并受其体型影响;多数蝶类喜在气温较高并相对稳定的晴天活动,对分布于南京地区的世界珍稀濒危蝴蝶--中华虎凤蝶及橙翅襟粉蝶、冰清绢蝶应加以保护.  相似文献   

在分析电机与拖动课程特点的基础上,本文分别从教学模式、教学方式、教学内容和教学反馈4个方面论述电机与拖动课程教学改革,以提高学生的学习自主性和分析与解决问题能力。  相似文献   

张掖地区蝶类的补报及垂直分布特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2000-2002年6-9月,对祁连山北坡及河西走廊蝶类经行采集,共采集蝶类标本500余号,经鉴定、整理,隶属于8科32种.在张掖地区总共采集到蝶类8科81种,根据世界及中国昆虫地理区划,其中东洋古北共有17种,占21%,古北种64种,占79%,古北种占绝对优势.其垂直分布特点为中部走廊荒漠、绿洲地带以世界性广布种为主,2500-3200米祁连山山地森林草原带蝶类以适应于寒温带山地的中国东北亚区以及欧洲—西伯利亚亚区成份为主,海拔3200m以上的亚高山灌丛草甸带,呈现典型的、适应青藏高原高寒山地的特有成份.  相似文献   

蒋东升 《高教论坛》2001,(3):96-98,102
高等院校担负培养高级人才的重任。体育教育对培养全面发展合格人才具有重要作用。体育教学如何适应 2 1世纪对社会对人才的要求 ,其教学目标和培养规格 ,必须符合新时期教育的特点 ,笔者从诸多方面 ,对体育教学改革进行探索  相似文献   


The study aims at investigating students’ learning/defence profiles. It also explores students’ profiles during different years of study. Participants comprised of 425 undergraduates. They completed the ‘Approaches to Study and Skills Inventory’ and the ‘Defense Style Questionnaire’. The students’ academic achievement was measured through grade point average. Cluster analysis revealed three profiles: ‘restricted maturity and dissonant-unorganized’ students, ‘defensive and reproduction oriented’ students, and ‘mature and learning advanced’ students. The profiles correspond to adaptive and maladaptive learning patterns. The study also revealed few (a) differences across the years of study (on strategic approach) and (b) interactions between the three clusters and the years of study (on mature defence style and GPA). The findings are discussed in relation to recent literature. Limitations and future research suggestions are presented.  相似文献   

2009年8月对安徽黄山风景区的蝶类资源进行了调查,经鉴定其中5种为安徽省新纪录种,分别是湘南荫眼蝶、黄重环蛱蝶、渡带翠蛱蝶、珠履带蛱蝶和曲纹袖弄蝶。  相似文献   

通过对沉默权产生发展的简介和分析,探讨了我国是否应该确立沉默权的问题。  相似文献   

文章分析了信息化条件下国防科技动员概念的内涵变化,阐述了国防科技动员在信息化战争中的地位作用,提出了强化国防科技动员建设的几个主要途径.  相似文献   

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