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An accurate algorithm for fault location of double phase-to-earth fault on transmission line of direct ground neutral system is presented. The algorithm, which employs the faulted phase network and zero-sequence network as fault-location model in which the source impedance at the remote end is not involved, effectively eliminates the effect of load flow and fault resistance on the accuracy of fault location. The algorithm achieves accurate location by measuring only one local end data and is used in a procedure that provides automatic determination of faulted types and phases, and does not require the engineer to specify them. Simulation results showed the effectiveness of the algorithm under the condition of double phase-to-earth fault. Project (No. 023801211) supported by the Key Science Foundation of Tianjin, China  相似文献   

A diagnostic signal current trace detecting based single phase-to-ground fault line identifica- tion and section location method for non-effectively grounded distribution systems is presented in thisi oaper. A special diagnostic signal current is injected into the fault distribution system, and then it is de- tected at the outlet terminals to identify the fault line and at the sectionalizing or branching point along the fault line to locate the fault section. The method has been put into application in actual distribution network and field experience shows that it can identify the fault line and locate the fault section correctly and effectively.  相似文献   

Transmissionlinesformthebackboneofpowerutilityoperationsandachievethecontinuityofservicefromgenerat ingplantstotheusers.Linesaresubjecttomultifariouskindsoffaultsbecausetheyareexposedtotheelements .Thecausesoffaultaremultifarious .Linefaultmaybetriggeredbylight ningstrokes.Treesmayfallacrosslines .Fogandsaltsprayondirtyinsulatorsmaycausetheinsulatorstringstoflashover.Iceandsnowloadingmaycauseinsulatorstringstofailmechanically .Followingtheoccurrenceofalinefault,itisnecessaryforthemaintenance…  相似文献   

The modern travelling wave based fault location principles for transmission lines are ana-lyzed. In order to apply the travelling wave principles to HVDC transmission lines, the special tech-nical problems are studied. Based on this, a fault locating system for HVDC transmission lines is developed. The system can support modern double ended and single ended travelling wave princi-ples simultaneously, and it is composed of three different parts: travelling wave data acquisition and processing system, communication network and PC based master station. In the system, the fault generated transients are induced from the ground leads of the over-voltage suppression ca-pacitors of an HVDC line through specially developed travelling wave couplers.The system was applied to 500 Kv Gezhouba-Nanqiao(Shanghai)HVDC transmission line in China. Some field op- eration experiences are summarized, showing that the system has very high reliability and accu- racy,and the maximum location error is about 3 km(not more than 0.3% of the total line length). Obviously, the application of the system is successful, and the fault location problem has finally been solved completely since the line operation.  相似文献   

We propose a new class of negative refractive index transmission line in which ideal operational amplifiers are applied to form the periodically loaded negative-impedance-converted inductors and capacitors. The phase response of the new trans-mission line is opposite to that of a positive refractive index conventional transmission line. Unlike the existing negative refractive index transmission line,the new negative refractive index transmission line is non-dispersive and thus can lead to many novel applications such as designing new broadband devices.  相似文献   

根据各测距算法采用的原理不同,将现有的各种测距算法分为行波测距、单端测距和双端测距三类。然后逐类对各种算法的理论基础和应用条件进行了分析、对比和讨论,并在此基础上总结出了各测距算法的优点及存在的问题,指出了每种测距算法的适用范围和应用局限性。最后,对高压架空输电线路故障测距进行现场实验及研究,并对其应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

提出基于EMD和相对能量法相结合的消弧线圈接地系统故障选线方法.通过EMD时空滤波,在故障线路零序电流中提取暂态分量作为特征量,再求得各线路的相对能量,以能量为故障判据,从而检测出故障线路,经Matlab/simdlink仿真验证,结果表明该方法有效,且算法简便.  相似文献   

In this letter, we introduce a novel passive transmission line of negative refractive index (i.e., left-handedness) based on identical symmetrical lattice type structures [thus called "lattice type transmission line" (LT-TL)]. The dispersion characteristic and the transmission response of the proposed LT-TL are analyzed. While all the other left-handed passive transmission lines are of high pass, the present passive left-handed transmission line is of low pass. Compared with a conventional transmission line, the LT-TL has a phase shift of 180° in the entire wide pass-band.  相似文献   

In this letter, we introduce a novel passive transmission line of negative refractive index (i.e., left-handedness) based on identical symmetrical lattice type structures [thus called "lattice type transmission line" (LT-TL)]. The dispersion characteristic and the transmission response of the proposed LT-TL are analyzed. While all the other left-handed passive transmission lines are of high pass, the present passive left-handed transmission line is of low pass. Compared with a conventional transmission line, the LT-TL has a phase shift of 180° in the entire wide pass-band.  相似文献   

The conventional fault analysis method based on symmetrical components supposes that the three-phase parameters of un-transposed transmission line are symmetrical in case of fault. The errors caused by the method with the symmetrical distributed parameter circuit model as the equivalent circuit of the un-transposed ultra high voltage (UHV) transmission line were studied under both normal operation and fault, and the corresponding problems arising were pointed out. By contrast with electromagnetic transient and power electronics (EMTPE) simulation results with the asymmetrical distributed parameter circuit model of un-transposed line, it is shown that the conventional method cannot show the existence of negative and zero sequences before fault happening and there are many errors on voltage and current after fault happening which are different with fault types. The error ranges of voltage and current are 2.13%-81.13% and -7.82%-86.15%, respectively.  相似文献   

小电流接地系统故障选线是电力系统继电保护课程教学中的难点,为了更好地使学生掌握这一内容,设计了一种基于USB-4220数据采集卡结合上位机控制的故障选线实验平台.硬件装置中采用了具有多通道同步采集功能的数据采集卡,并设计了不同类型的可调整滤波电路.采集并记录实验数据及波形,对不同继保算法进行横向比较,完成判据指标分析,...  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Wave propagation in a material with negative magnetic permeability and negative electric permit- tivity was first theoretically analyzed by Veselago (1968). In such a left-handed material (LHM), the electric field E, the magnetic field H and the wave vector k of electromagnetic wave propagation obey the left-hand rule (instead of the right-hand rule for usual materials). After Smith et al.(2000) demon- strated simultaneously negative permeability and permittivity, using cop…  相似文献   

通过对传输线理论教学内容及教学中存在问题的分析,针对传输线3种工作状态、行驻波瞬态分布以及基于Smith圆图的阻抗匹配等教学内容,设计并实现了传输线理论仿真实验。该实验内容突出知识的综合性与应用性,以达到良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION An artificial dielectric medium that exhibits si- multaneously negative electric permittivity and magnetic permeability, also known as a left-handed (LH) material, was first envisaged by Veselago, who theoretically predicted that such a medium would exhibit a negative refractive index (NRI) (Veselago, 1968). An artificial NRI medium exhibiting back- ward-wave propagation characteristics (and therefore a negative refractive index) was first realized ex- perimentally in (She…  相似文献   

To solve the disability of conventional model used in electrical leak location when measurement electrodes were buried under the liner, a new model of high voltage DC leak detection is developed. For single-liner landfill, the waste material layer, the geomembrane liner and the soil under the liner are simulated with infinite horizontal layers. The leak is regarded as two parts, one being negative current source at the entrance, and the other positive current source of the same size at the exit. Comparisons between the new theoretical model and conventional model show that conventional model is efficient in locating leaks in geomembane liner associating the dipole scanning above the liner but is ineffective when the measurement electrodes were buried under the liner. The new theoretical model data are in excellent agreement with experimental data not only above the liner but also under the liner.  相似文献   

电力系统输电线路发生故障后,利用阻抗原理的测距装置测距误差较大,而利用行波测距技术可以实现精确故障定位.行波测距技术的优越性在于精度高、适用性强、方便使用等,行波测距技术在超高压输电线路中被成功应用,这一技术在电力系统中将有着广阔的发展前景.  相似文献   

To avoid ergonomic problems in the early planning stages of a production line and achieve more satisfactory planning and design, ergonomic simulation is particularly important in digital production line planning. An ergonomics analysis method is presented by using two theories: Ovako working posture analysis system (OWAS) and Burandt-Schultetus hand-arm force analysis (BSHA). The processes of ergonomics analysis and simulation are discussed based on a platform of process simulation and process designer. As an example, the paper shows how ergonomics problems are considered in production line planning to make a better choice between different production line planning schemes.  相似文献   

针对传统渐开线罗茨转子型线存在的面积利用率低的问题,提出了改变传统渐开线转子型线设计参数之间的约束关系以提高面积利用率的方法;通过分析逐步确定基本设计参数,在此基础上建立型线中渐开线段能够正确啮合的几何关系并求解渐开线坐标旋转角,对型线进行干涉分析,确定改进后型线的参数方程。  相似文献   

缔约过失责任自罗马法伊始即成为立法及学说上讨论的主要问题,不同国家、地区对于其涉及的主要内容有着不同的立法规定,但是一般均从两个方面入手,一是责任类型,二是法律效果。为能更好的把握缔约过失责任,有必要关注其与违约责任、侵权责任的关系,因为其与违约责任均属契约上责任,而侵权行为说曾一度被认为是缔约过失责任的法律基础。  相似文献   

论述嵩厦 2 2 0kV送电线路海上N9铁塔若干重要环节施工问题 ,对同类工程施工提出几点建议  相似文献   

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