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教师认知在教师教学生活中发挥着重要的作用,教师认知与教学行为、教学效果、教学方法、课程革新及教师专业发展之间的关系是紧密相连的。研究教师认知问题已经成为大学英语教学改革中不可缺少的环节。  相似文献   

教师的教学行为对课程实施效果和课堂教学质量起着至为关键的作用。调查表明,研究性学习指导教师的教学行为呈现出多元和复杂的特征。多数教师认同新课程倡导的教学方式和学习方式,但在实践中要践行这种理念会遭遇很多困境,教师教学行为与课程改革的要求有一定的差距。变革教师教学行为的有效路径和策略包括引导教师从学生发展的角度认识教育的价值,提升教师变革动力;建构具有共同的价值观和教育理想的学校文化;重建合作开放的教师专业文化;构建基于人格和谐发展的课程评价体系;建立动态互惠的院校合作伙伴关系;以教师专业发展理论为指导改进教师培训模式,提升教师的课程实施能力等。  相似文献   

在新课改的背景下,教研组的建设对教师的专业发展提出了新的挑战。教研组是学校和教师进行教学研究的一个基层组织,为教师专业发展提供了平台。教研组的制度、活动内容和活动气氛,都直接影响着教师的专业发展。因此,加强教研组的建设,成为促进教师专业发展的关键因素。  相似文献   

教师教学执行力是教师在主观能动性作用下创造性地落实教学目标和任务的专业实践合力。其存在的前提是教师对教学目标的深刻领悟,行为过程中表现为教师的专业实践合力,追求教师的教学智慧形成与外显。教学实践中,教师教学执行力表现为个体差异性、育人指向性、场域依赖性、课标先导性以及政策引领性等主要特征,具有落实教学目标、凝聚教学合力、促进教学改革以及激励教师发展等功能。  相似文献   

职业教育课程改革与教师专业发展关系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
课程改革作为深化教育教学改革的核心内容,关键在于教师,同时也对教师的专业发展提出了新的要求.课程改革与教师的专业发展是密切相关的,两者之间存在着相互影响、相互制约和相互促进的关系.从一定意义上说,课程的变革就是教师的变革,课程的发展就是教师的专业发展,课程改革的过程即是重构教师能力,促进教师专业发展的过程.  相似文献   

教师素质的好坏直接影响教育质量的高低,教师教育担负着提高教师素质的重任,可见教师教育改革是教育改革的关键。在20世纪80年代以来的西方新一轮教育改革中,许多国家都将教师培养和培训的改革作为重点。美国的专业发展学校和英国的校本教师培训就是这种改革的产物,它们所反映的面向中小学实际需要的教师教育观,在一定程度上代表了未来教师教育的发展方向。因此,考察英美教师教育改革的经验,能为我国当前的教师教育改革提供有益的启示。  相似文献   

In a context where the role of the teacher and teacher education are undergoing considerable change, the role of educational psychology in teacher preparation is discussed within a new framework. Educational psychology is now perceived as an inherent component within teacher training and professional development, having previously been an additional course and often considered irrelevant to teaching practice. The current paper discusses the relationship between educational psychology and teacher preparation. Educational psychology's contribution to teachers' professional development is delineated through the constructs of teachers' prior beliefs about teaching, reflective practice and self‐efficacy, while its contribution to the improvement of teacher–pupil interaction is viewed through the lenses of instruction theories, social and emotional learning, special educational needs and classroom management. It is argued that through a productive dialectic dialogue between educational psychology and education, educational psychology provides the knowledge defined by its field to be utilized by teachers, whereas at the same time, teachers gain a wider reconceptualization of their practice.  相似文献   

随着高等教育教学改革的不断深入和教师专业化进程的日益推进,我国高校教师遭遇到了越来越严重的职业压力。其压力主要来源于过高的社会期望和要求、教育改革带来的冲击、工资福利待遇偏低、不良的人际关系、教师自我发展要求和自我期望值过高等。因此,必须联系高等学校和高校教师职业压力特点,针对性地采取措施以缓解高校教师职业压力。  相似文献   

During the most recent educational reform in Estonia, a new National Curriculum was introduced in 2010 providing new guidelines for education generally and foreign languages specifically. To investigate the understanding that an EFL (English as a Foreign Language) teacher has about professional teaching and whether it matches the principles of the curriculum, a research project was conducted amongst EFL teachers at the lower secondary school level. A brief theoretical background to the topic is given and Estonian EFL teachers’ beliefs about professional teaching based on the findings of the survey are described. The study identifies that, although generally EFL teachers’ beliefs about professional teaching are in concordance with the principles contained in the new curriculum, there are aspects that should be addressed by both pre- and in-service education teacher programmes.  相似文献   

Qatar initiated a K–12 national educational reform in 2001. However, there is limited information on the instructional practices of the teachers in the reform schools. This project was an observational study of classrooms with a stratified random sample of the first six cohorts of reform schools. Specifically, 156 classrooms were observed in 29 reform schools. Instructional differences were noted in schools with different gender of students and were moderated by school level. Implications of findings were discussed pertaining to implementation of the Qatar national reform and professional development needs of teachers.  相似文献   


This article offers a critical review of the impact of policy-induced changes on school teachers in the Chinese Mainland where educational reform has been an ongoing project for four decades. It addresses three aspects of the current state of teaching and the teaching profession: the contextual factors that have influenced their development; the state policies that effected the teachers; and the lessons that can be drawn from the reform experiences of the teachers. By examining the changes that have occurred in curriculum and teaching, teacher preparation and training, and teacher professionalism and leadership, this paper argues for a more inclusive approach to policy formulation and implementation that can accommodate the needs of frontline teachers serving in the diverse educational settings of Chinese schooling.  相似文献   

基于计算机和课堂的多媒体教学模式的大学英语教学改革对大学英语教师提出了更高的要求。大学英语教师的专业发展问题越来越受到教育界的关注。本文针对我国大学英语教师专业发展的现状,着重强调了大学英语教师的终身化学习理念,并提出建立多样性,多渠道的教师培训方式和以"反思性教学"为主的教师自主发展模式。  相似文献   

人才培养关键在于教师的质量。发达国家与发展中国家在教师教育发展方面存在的差距十分明显。近年来,美国、英国和澳大利亚三国在教师教育改革方面都取得了较大的新进展:制定教师教育改革新政策,高度重视教师专业发展,注重教师职前培养、入职教育和在职培训三阶段培养一体化。比较和分析三国教师教育改革的新进展,有助于我们学习和借鉴三国的教育新理念和改革措施,反思自身存在的问题,促进我国教师教育改革。  相似文献   

浅谈中学英语教学改革中的课程教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中学英语课程是中学教育基础课程之一,具有较强的系统性和实践性。中学英语课程教学在新一轮的教学改革中要求教育工作者重新定位课程教学的各个要素,整合教学资源以促进教学效率和提高教学质量。本文试从教师的业务能力、师生关系、教学方法与手段、教学考核形式与评价标准等方面阐述新一轮教学改革对于中学课程教学的要求及英语课程教学应在适应现代社会发展的需要下逐步走向科学化、时代化、社会化和素质化。  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of reform policies on the work of Chinese teachers. It explores the policy context in which a fragile teaching profession attempts to develop and discusses the dynamics of interacting societal forces that have created the dilemmas for the teachers. The authors argue that while the continual implementation of reform policies has fostered a new outlook in Chinese schools, calls for profound change in schooling have caused much anxiety among teachers. The teachers' anxiety stems from the incongruence between their professional outlook, which is intimately linked to student academic achievement, and the dictates of state reform measures, which seek to broaden the conception of education to include other areas of human development. Throughout the years of reform, teachers have had to stretch their professional capacity in order to satisfy competing demands engendered by reform measures and educational reality. It is in the tensions caused by the implementation of reform policies that the humanism of teacher professionalism is magnified. In this paper, the authors discuss the educational and social issues that surround the teachers' preference for conventional practices.  相似文献   

A review of the literature suggests a relationship between life-long development of formal reasoning schema and performance in professional education careers. The study investigated implications of cognitive development of preservice teachers as it relates to their classroom teaching performance. Ninety-one seniors involved in a field-oriented teacher education program were given classroom responsibilities which included teaching a science unit. Formal thinking abilities were assessed using two types of developmental level tasks, performance on traditional type Piagetian tasks and recognition of formal thought approaches in solving educational tasks. Professional behaviors were assessed using observational ratings of classroom instructional and planning activities. Subjects assessed as formal operational, 30% of sample, using Piagetian performance tasks, had significantly higher facility in performing model classroom teaching behaviors than transitional or concrete subjects. Higher recognition ability of formal thought approaches to teaching was not related to facility in performing classroom teaching when compared to performance on Piagetian tasks. The relationship held up in seven of eight broad teaching behavior categories observed in classroom instruction. The results supported a general portrait of teaching behavior specifically related to teachers of differing cognitive functional levels. Implications for professional training programs are discussed.  相似文献   

教师专业发展是教育改革的重要内容,是教师的自觉行为,是教师在教学实践中不断自我完善的过程。当前的教师专业发展中存在着诸多现实问题,应该在基础教育课程与教学改革倡导的理念下,把握教师专业发展的未来趋向,积极寻求促进教师专业发展的未来路径。  相似文献   


Although Chinese teachers commonly participate in school-based professional development activities, there is a remarkable scarcity of large-scale quantitative research into the effectiveness of teacher professional development in China, which is characterised as an institutionalised practice. Based on a conceptual framework applying recent research knowledge, this study investigates the relationships between teacher participation in school-based professional development and its individual and school contextual antecedents and effects on teachers and teaching in the context of mainland China. A total of 1506 secondary school teachers responded to a questionnaire survey. The results show that teachers’ willingness to attend teaching research activities and supportive principal leadership facilitated teacher participation. Among the three dimensions of teacher participation, it was collective lesson planning and teacher collegiality, not the frequency of participation, that improved teacher efficacy and the adoption of desirable teaching strategies. These results enrich the knowledge about the characteristics and effectiveness of teacher professional development in China. The implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study investigated how pre-service teachers’ motivation and their sense of teaching efficacy influence their expectation about reality shock during the first year of professional teaching. A total of 533 pre-service teachers at a state university in the US Midwest participated in this study. The results showed that the pre-service teachers’ expectation of reality shock was negatively related to teacher efficacy and intrinsic motivation while it was positively related to introjected and external motivation. The results of a hierarchical regression analysis revealed that pre-service teachers’ sense of efficacy and introjected motivation were strong predictors of their expectation of reality shock, when gender difference was controlled for. There was an interaction effect between intrinsic motivation and teachers’ sense of efficacy in predicting the reality shock expectation. We discussed the educational implications for future research in an endeavour to reduce the reality shock among novice teachers.  相似文献   

农村教师专业发展:教育学改革的实践取向   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于地方高校的教师教育目标与教育学课程的特性,针对教育学理论脱离农村基础教育教师实际的突出问题,以促进农村教师专业发展为实践取向,进行教育学教材内容和教学方法改革,从中探索教育学理论与农村教师专业发展实际紧密结合的新路子,构建教育学教学结合农村教师专业发展实际开展职前培养与在职培训一体化的新模式。同时,提出教育学改革的这一实践取向,要适应拓展农村教师培养方向和提升培养层次的新需求。  相似文献   

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