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亮亮聪明又可爱,可自从他学会自己吃饭以后,总喜欢左手拿筷子.爸爸妈妈多次要求他改正,可他依然我行我素.最令爸爸妈妈烦恼的是,亮亮画画时居然也是用左手拿水彩笔的.亮亮的父母很疑惑,究竟用左手拿筷子和画画好不好,要不要亮亮改过来呢?  相似文献   

亮亮从小就爱听故事,他每天睡觉前都要妈妈给他念书上的故事,否则就睡不着觉。后来,亮亮渐渐地长大了,短短的小故事听了越来越让亮亮觉得没意思了,他渐渐地迷上了孙悟空,迷上了科幻故事,他让妈妈到书店里买了好多的书来念给他听。可没过几天,亮亮又有意见了——故事那么长,每天晚上妈妈只能给他念几页,念了好多天才念到故事的高潮部分,听起来可没劲儿了。最后还是当作家的爸爸想出了个好办法:一个是去书店买来了故事书的缩写本,另一个是爸爸自己来缩写故事,然后让妈妈给亮亮讲。这一招可真妙!短一点的故事亮亮一个晚上就可以听完了,长一点的…  相似文献   

文旭 《家长》2011,(2):11-12
我和丈夫平时工作非常忙,因此无暇照顾儿子亮亮。所幸的是亮亮天资聪颖,学习刻苦,不用我们辅导功课,他的学习成绩也名列前茅。而且8岁的亮亮很喜欢和我们同事的孩子玩,那些孩子都比他大,但亮亮照样能和他们玩到一起去,这让我和丈夫都引以为傲。  相似文献   

文旭 《家长》2011,(Z1)
我和丈夫平时工作非常忙,因此无暇照顾儿子亮亮。所幸的是亮亮天资聪颖,学习刻苦,不用我们辅导功课,他的学习成绩也名列前茅。而且8岁的亮亮很喜欢和我们同事的孩子玩,那些孩子都比他大,但亮亮照样能和他们玩到一起去,这让我和丈夫都引以为傲。  相似文献   

我要李老师!你把我的李老师藏在哪儿了?”———1999年的一天 ,青岛金门路小学校长室接待了一位特殊的客人 :一个大眼睛的小男孩儿正在对着校长怒吼。这个男孩儿就是孤独症患儿亮亮。亮亮说的李老师 ,名叫李洪利 ,是亮亮的班主任兼语文老师 ,最近因为孕期反应厉害 ,请假回家休息了。然而 ,亮亮却着急了 ,找到校长要李老师。在亮亮心中 ,李老师是他最好的朋友 ,是他最信任的人 ,是他的第二个母亲。他不能没有李老师。李洪利老师今年29岁 ,从教才9年 ,工作一直勤勤恳恳 ,踏踏实实。回首教亮亮的几百个日子 ,李洪利的笑容和泪水一同涌…  相似文献   

朋友的儿子亮亮今年8岁,上小学二年级。周五下午,亮亮的爸爸接到班主任的电话通知:下周一班上有公开课,学校会对老师的工作进行考评。因为亮亮素来不遵守课堂纪律,非常调皮,难以管教,希望他在家里自学一天,以免影响老师的成绩。亮亮受此打击,很是失落,非常地消沉,亮亮的爸爸也感到十分生气,难以接受。听到这个消息,我感到十分吃惊。我们禁不住要问:是谁给了老师这样的权利,他凭什么能这样做?  相似文献   

亮亮是独生子,可没有一般独生子女常见的“娇”、“骄”二气。他很懂礼貌,幼儿园里老师和邻居都夸他是懂事的好孩子。一次,邻居小张阿姨故意问亮亮:“这么有礼貌,是谁教你的?”亮亮天真地回答:“这是从爸爸、妈妈  相似文献   

朋友的儿子亮亮今年8岁,上小学二年级。周五下午,亮亮的爸爸接到班主任的电话通知:下周一班上有公开课,学校会对老师的工作进行考评。因为亮亮素来不遵守课堂纪律,非常调皮,难以管教,希望他在家里自学一天,以免影响老师的成绩。亮亮受此打击,很是失落,非常地消沉,亮亮的爸爸也感到十分生气,难以接受。听到这个消息,我感到十分吃惊。我们禁不住要问:是谁给了老师这样的权利,他凭什么能这样做?  相似文献   

亮亮7岁时,妈妈交给他一条鱼。亮亮挺自信:养条鱼有什么了不起?不久,鱼死了。看着小小鱼缸里几周没换过的浑浊的水和翻了肚的鱼,亮亮第一次感觉到:养活一条小生命竟是件挺困难的事情。妈吗又送给亮亮一条鱼,亮亮这次再也不敢粗心贪玩,他很勤快地给鱼换水,还不忘每天绐它喂食。吃得太饱的鱼,却又一次死去了,亮亮才发觉:养活一个小生命,不能过分溺爱。妈妈第3次送给亮亮一条鱼。这条鱼在亮亮  相似文献   

朋友的儿子亮亮今年8岁,上小学二年级.周五下午,亮亮的爸爸接到班主任的电话通知:下周一班上有公开课,学校会对老师的工作进行考评.因为亮亮素来不遵守课堂纪律,非常调皮,难以管教,希望他在家里自学一天,以免影响老师的成绩.亮亮受此打击,很是失落,非常地消沉,亮亮的爸爸也感到十分生气,难以接受.听到这个消息,我感到十分吃惊.我们禁不住要问:是谁给了老师这样的权利,他凭什么能这样做?  相似文献   

This paper examines the intercultural interaction experiences of local, first-year students (n?=?25) in their first few weeks at university. The focus on local students complements existing intercultural interaction literature, which has tended to concentrate on the experience of the ‘cultural other’ student. Employing qualitative analysis, the study revealed relationships between how students conceptualise culture, see diversity and experience their initial intercultural interactions on campus. A link between students' cultural backgrounds and the depth of their intercultural interaction experiences emerged.  相似文献   

Intercultural competence has been placed increasing attention in globalized educational systems. The study presents a series of qualitative and quantitative investigations to construct and validate scores on a brief self-report measure assessing intercultural competence of university students. Following a comprehensive literature search and qualitative expert reviews in the scale construction process, 50 potential items were classified based on the attitudinal, cognitive, and behavioral intercultural competence framework. In the psychometric evaluation process, a unidimensional structure was obtained to represent the 50 items. Item response theory analysis was performed to yield a brief measure of five content-specific items measuring intercultural competence, capturing cross-cultural self-efficacy, cultural knowledge application, perspective taking/suspending judgment, and behavioral regulation in intercultural situations. Not just contributing to measurement advancement, but the newly developed and validated instrument holds promise for guiding the design of intercultural competence educational programs and assessing students’ intercultural competence performances/gains.  相似文献   

This research examines the understandings and experiences of mono-cultural, mono-lingual local students in relation to intercultural interactions within small group learning activities at university. Bourdieu’s concepts of field, habitus and capital are employed to illuminate a number of barriers to intercultural interaction. Using qualitative analysis of interviews with local students, the study revealed intercultural interactions to be co-shaped by multiple co-existing, interdependent and often competing structural and contextual elements, as well as the personal dispositions that students bring to the classroom. The field tends to privilege the capital held by local students (knowledge of small group work, verbal confidence, language), and imposes structural limits on interactions. While students' habitus mediates this effect, the overall result discourages interactions between local students and those from different cultural backgrounds. Implications for universities are discussed.  相似文献   

Universities’ internationalisation rhetoric suggests that students studying on internationally diverse campuses will automatically engage positively with one another and develop intercultural competence. This study examined the extent to which a cohort of first year UK and non-UK students studying on an internationally diverse campus developed intercultural competence. The Intercultural Development Inventory® (IDI®) and a locally designed survey were used to assess students’ intercultural competence and to explore their intercultural experiences over seven months. Students began almost exclusively in lower (ethnocentric) stages of intercultural development and most showed little progress despite reporting relatively high levels of intercultural contact, friends from other cultures and positive experiences. Findings suggest that even positive intercultural experiences do not necessarily lead to the development of intercultural competence and that university policy and practice may need to be enhanced if producing graduates with higher levels of intercultural competence is to become a realised outcome of internationalisation.  相似文献   

Yun Yu  Marta Moskal 《Compare》2019,49(4):654-671
This paper looks at structural conditions or institutional arrangements that facilitate or hinder interactions for international students. Drawing on the contact and diversity theory, analyses compare Chinese students’ intercultural experience in business and non-business schools in one UK university and explore how these students interpret the meaning of quality intercultural contact based on their responses to the social environment around them. Findings indicate that the overwhelming number of Chinese students, particularly in business schools, combined with obstacles these students face in establishing intercultural contact around the university potentially motivates them to explore engagement with a wider host society (e.g. Christian churches). The denial of intercultural contact due to a lack of diverse environment may lead to inequality in opportunities for cross-cultural learning and personal growth. High quality intercultural contact is not only beneficial to international students, it also enhances the intercultural competency of native students in the global market place.  相似文献   

Competence in intercultural communication has become a necessity for functioning effectively in our increasingly globalised and multicultural society. This study reports the use of a group project to enhance students’ learning of intercultural communication. Participants were from a large undergraduate class in an Australian university. The aim of the course is to encourage students to develop knowledge of intercultural communication by orienting themselves to the world beyond the classroom, and by learning from each other’s experiences and perspectives. In a group project assignment, students used the knowledge and skills gained in class to resolve practical problems that they encountered in intercultural interactions outside the classroom. This paper focused on students’ experience of working in groups, and links between this experience and performance on the group project. Our study confirms previous research that demonstrates active engagement in group work can enhance learning outcomes. It also goes further in showing that groups that more highly rated their learning of intercultural communication through the group work experience obtained higher grades on the project.  相似文献   

In light of the move towards a bi/multilingual turn and recent reevaluation of translation in the field of applied linguistics, this article looks at the translation of culture-specific lexis (CSL) and its role in developing learners’ intercultural discussion and reflection. It examines learning journals kept by students in two different contexts, intermediate learners of Japanese in a U.K. university and intermediate learners of English in a South Korean university. Despite a difference in contexts, three recurrent themes were identified in the learning journals in both classrooms: (1) reflection of languages and cultures, (2) considerations of the target reader, and (3) critical reflection of one’s own translation. The results of the study show that translation tasks involving CSL can enhance students’ intercultural awareness and, consequently, contribute to the development of intercultural competence.  相似文献   

Scherto Gill 《Compare》2007,37(2):167-183
In the context of increasing recruitment of overseas students by British higher education (HE) institutions, there has been a growing need to understand the process of students' intercultural adaptation and the approaches that can be adopted by British academic institutions in order to facilitate and support these students' learning experience in the UK. Drawing upon one‐year of in‐depth qualitative research investigating the experience of a small cohort of Chinese postgraduate students' in a British university, I explore the three‐fold ‘stress‐adaptation‐growth’ intercultural learning process of these participants by focusing the discussions on the their lived experience in the UK. The key argument of this article is that intercultural adaptation is in itself a process of intercultural learning, which has the potential to bring about profound changes in overseas students themselves, transforming their understanding of the learning experience, self knowledge, awareness of the Other, and values and worldview.  相似文献   

This article examines and theorises the experiences of 12 primary pre-service teachers at an Australian university, undertaking a two week professional teaching experience in Bangkok. This qualitative ethnographic study of our students’ and to some extent our own experiences draws on interviews, questionnaires and observations from the students, as well as reflective notes from two participating supervisors, and sets out to account for and understand the sources of the achievements and frustrations experienced by our pre-service teachers. The findings illustrate differences between the students’ overseas experiences and Australian-based experiences. These differences include organisational structures, teacher mentoring and cultural understandings, and the effects these had on the students. In particular, we distinguish the more readily observable structural nature of the schools in which the pre-service teachers were teaching, and the less visible cultural aspects that underlie these structures. We propose ways of helping students, as part of pre-departure briefings, to become more aware of these cultural underpinnings, with a view to helping them become more at ease negotiating intercultural workplaces.  相似文献   

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