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语篇阅读是英语学习的基础,是外语学习过程中最重要的知识输入渠道。然而,在大学英语语篇阅读教学中,由于学习者的基本知识储备不足、课堂缺乏互动等问题,致使学生阅读水平无法有效提高。此外,语言差异导致的框架差异也在很大程度上阻碍了学生的有效阅读。基于此,本研究尝试用框架语义学的方法指导语篇阅读教学。框架语义学的教学方法不仅强调发挥学生的主观能动性,重视语篇背后的背景知识,并且可以通过帮助学生重构二语框架的方式来有效避免框架差异带来的理解困难问题。  相似文献   

现行英语阅读教材容量大,题材广,为学生提供了大量具有各种背景知识的题材。在英语阅读的过程中,学生会碰到许多由于背景知识缺乏或由于中西方文化差异而产生的理解障碍。它影响着学生阅读的速度和理解的效果。因此,背景知识在阅读理解中起着重要的作用。Nunan(1991)曾引  相似文献   

黄冬梅 《培训与研究》2006,23(11):126-128
以广东商学院2005级的86名非英语专业的学生为对象,通过三种测量手段,对学生的外语阅读焦虑、外语阅读模糊容忍度和英语阅读理解水平进行测试和相关性研究。结果显示:学生的外语阅读模糊容忍度与阅读焦虑显著负相关;阅读焦虑与模糊容忍度均对阅读理解成绩产生影响。  相似文献   

阅读理解困难学生的认知特点不同于普通学生,多媒体教学资源只有经过学生的认知加工才能发挥作用.本研究采用实验研究的方法对适合于阅读理解困难学生的多媒体呈现方式进行了探讨.结果显示,阅读理解困难学生的多媒体学习特点不同于普通学生,图像在其阅读理解形成过程中的促进作用稳定,文字结合综合图像呈现方式更适合他们.发声语词的作用不稳定,在多数阅读理解阶段中自控型发声语词方式与纯文字方式差异不显著,同步型发声语词不适合阅读理解困难学生.  相似文献   

小学生在阅读课本时,可能会产生理解上的困难。出现阅读困难的原因,可能是由于学生不理解课本上的有关内容,但也可能是由于他们不理解课本上的有关插图。反之,学生对插图的理解,又会加深他们对课本内容的理解。因此,教师要重  相似文献   

<正>支架一词来源于建筑行业,在教学中发挥“脚手架”的作用,即为学生理解新知识和掌握新技能所构建的概念框架。在阅读教学中,学生的阅读能力与阅读经验不同,对文本内容的理解也各不相同。教师可以基于学生的阅读需要搭建适切的学习支架,以使学生“跳一跳摘到桃子”,走进阅读的深处。那么,在课堂教学中,如何搭建阅读支架才能真正为学生的阅读与学习助力呢?教师可以从以下方面入手。  相似文献   

何爱红 《考试周刊》2015,(22):105-106
英语阅读焦虑广泛存在于学生的英语学习当中,而焦虑的产生与学生模糊容忍度关系密切。作者通过对学生阅读焦虑的调查,结合相关数据及大学英语四级考试阅读理解的特点,提出学生在语言学习中应夯实基础知识、活用阅读技巧、调整认知风格及优化学习策略等建议,以期对模糊容忍度的提高产生积极的影响。  相似文献   

阅读是从文字材料中获取有效信息的过程。通过对文本的阅读,个体在这个过程中得到感悟和体验、从而构建自己的理解。阅读是可以根据阅读者不同目的来进行调控的,所谓"一千个读者心中有一千个哈姆雷特"。因而一个文本所含的意义往往需要阅读者去挖掘,而由于每个读者的人生经历和价值观不完全相同,读者在品味文本的过程中也就有了不同的感悟。现在的语文教学中,由于上述原因,学生对课文的理解也就"仁者见仁,智者见智"了。高中语文课标注重学生个性化的阅读,要达到这个要求,教师就要充分调动学生的积极性,使学生在阅读时既能够把握文学作品的基本框架和作者表达的思想,又能够对文本作出自己的分  相似文献   

读写课教学中教师可以引导学生在阅读中运用阅读策略,分析文本内容,梳理文本框架,实现对文本的学习理解;在写作环节搭建写作支架,引导学生完成读写任务,发展语言技能;学生在读写过程中探究主题意义,迁移创新,走进生活,从而提高核心素养。本文通过对小学英语读写课教学案例的分析,阐述了在小学英语读写课教学中由理解到实践创新的读写课教学策略。  相似文献   

在中国的学习英语的具体国情下,由于高中生缺乏必要的英语图式知识、文章结构知识、文化背景知识,其在英语阅读中的阅读特点和语文阅读的特点截然不同,阅读中遇到的困难也更多。而在传统的英语阅读教学中,教师倾向于认为阅读一篇文章的过程就是对构成该文章的语言的理解过程,就是掌握词汇、语法,因此教师的唯一任务就是帮助学生扫清语言上的障碍,就是给学生讲解单词、语法,从字母→词→句子→语篇有序的自下而上的理解,搞清楚文章意思就可以了,而事实和相关研究证明并非如此。这样的教学造成的直接结果之一就是英语阅读的目的被扭曲,学生的整体阅读能力没有得到相应的发展:相当部分的学生英语阅读目的主要是掌握单词、短语和句型,从阅读中抠语法,而不是“为了获取知识和信息而阅读”,更没有“在阅读中培养理解能力、掌握文章主要观点、能复述文章主要内容并生发出自己的观点”等之类的元认知意识。  相似文献   

在跨语言学习测评研究中,目前尚未有学者探究同一群体的中国学生的中英文学习心理是如何相互影响,并最终影响语言能力。为弥补这一研究空白,本研究调查了中国北京267名初中生中英文阅读动机,并同时测试他们的和中英文阅读能力。在八个维度的阅读动机中,对中文作为母语和英文作为外语的阅读动机进行量化对比,中文阅读动机在自我效能感、好奇心、投入度、消遣娱乐性、社会伙伴态度五个维度上的表现高于英文阅读动机;而在学业成绩、工具性、社会家庭态度三个维度上,两者没有差异。同时,相关分析表明工具性与英文阅读水平密切相关;消遣娱乐性与中文阅读水平密切相关。此外,多元线性回归分析显示,不同维度的阅读动机分别解释中英文阅读水平的差异。这些研究结果验证了阅读动机的跨语言性迁移特征,不同的阅读动机对中英文阅读水平起着不同作用。文章最后对中英文阅读教学提出了指导意见。  相似文献   

This paper advances the argument that in learning to read/spell Chinese characters and words, it is important for learners to understand the role of the component parts. These constituents consist of phonetic and semantic radicals, or bujians, made up of clusters of strokes in their proper sequence. Beginning readers/spellers need to be sensitive to the positional hierarchy and internal structure of these constituent parts. Those Chinese children diagnosed with developmental dyslexia tend to have more difficulties in spelling Chinese characters and in writing to dictation than in reading. A lexical decision study with two groups of tertiary students differing in their Chinese language ability was carried out to test their efficiency in processing real and pseudo characters as a function of printed frequency of the characters, and the consistency of their component semantic radicals. There is some evidence that even for adult readers differing in their Chinese language ability, lexicality, frequency of characters and the consistency of the semantic radicals affect accurate and rapid character identification. Suggestions for research and teaching approaches are made to enhance the analysis and synthesis of the phonetic and semantic radicals to promote efficient reading and spelling in Chinese.  相似文献   

关于聋生书面语技能的培养及训练   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
聋生汉语书面语学习是一个重要的讨论话题 ,本文从聋生生理、心理及教育研究的特点出发 ,对聋生汉语尤其书面语学习的现状进行了分析 ,并从思维发展角度、书面语氛围的营造及语文教学活动等方面对聋生书面语的阅读及表达 ,提出了一系列培养、训练的方法。  相似文献   

This study aimed to explore the differences between Chinese good and poor readers in their strategy use by using a think‐aloud method. Eight grade 7 students in Hong Kong, four good readers and four poor readers, received a think‐aloud task and an interview in the study. Consistent with the Western studies, findings of this study indicated that Chinese good readers used more strategies and had better ability and knowledge of strategy use than did poor readers. In addition to the cognitive deficiencies, poor readers were also found to have poorer intrinsic motivation than did good readers. The combined problems of poor reading ability and motivation made them reluctant to process the text at a deeper level and they gave up easily when they encountered reading difficulties. Implications of these findings for studying the reading problems of Chinese students and implementing effective reading instruction in Hong Kong Chinese language teaching are discussed.  相似文献   

英语写作是英语听、说、读、写教学中的最高阶段.培养和提高写作能力是英语教学中的一个重要环节,因为提高写作能力的过程能极大地促进、巩固和深化英语学习.然而,这门课又让学生望而生畏.怎样激发学生学习兴趣,提高他们的语言运用能力,文章从英语写作教与学所面临的困难进行分析,并提出在实践中的一些思路.  相似文献   

一般认为外语学习中阅读是最不容易引起焦虑感的,所以外语学习焦虑研究领域中关于阅读的研究不多,但是阅读焦虑确实存在而且是一种与一般学习焦虑不同的特殊焦虑。文章以蒙古国学生作为研究对象,调查分析了蒙古国学生汉语阅读焦虑的原因,结果表明蒙古国学生的汉语阅读焦虑主要由字和词的障碍引起,对中国文化的陌生不是其阅读焦虑的主要原因。  相似文献   

高中语文选修课"学本化"教材存在一些缺憾,而这恰恰给广大教师工作方式的完善预置了更广阔的空间。"学本教材"数量过多,与精品尚有距离,需要教师引导学生选择并创造性地使用;"学本教材"存在"泛人文化"倾向,需要教师引导学生有效探究;"学本教材"依旧存留"学术化"痼疾,一线教师可积极参与教材编写。  相似文献   

张耿 《海外英语》2012,(5):125-127
Implications of second language reading learning are often aroused by the insights of reading experience in first language.Chi nese learners’ performance concerning English reading comprehension may influenced by Chinese language or English language.This pa per attempts to explore the influence of first language(Chinese) knowledge on second language(English) reading comprehension for Chi nese students in middle school.This investigation concerns over three aspects of L1 knowledge:genre knowledge,reading skills,and cultur al knowledge.It firstly demonstrates the research question.Then,based on schema theory,it introduces the research method and partici pants in this study.Furthermore,this paper presents the data of the investigation along with the data analysis.It finally concludes that the positive effects of L1 knowledge on L2 reading comprehension overweigh its negative effects.  相似文献   

This study examined the relations between students' reading motivation, perceptions of reading instruction and reading amount, together with grade differences, in a Chinese educational context. A total of 1,146 students from 19 secondary schools in Hong Kong voluntarily responded to a questionnaire that measured these three sets of variables. The study's findings indicated that students' intrinsic motivation was most strongly related to their reading amount. Students' perceptions of the reading instruction they received in their Chinese language class were significantly related to their reading motivation, but were only indirectly related to their reading amount, being mediated through reading motivation. Consistent with previous studies, significant grade differences were found in all types of reading motivation, students' perceptions of reading instruction and students' reading amount. The findings indicated that junior secondary students had better self‐efficacy, intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation and social motivation than senior secondary students. The largest grade difference was in students' self‐efficacy. Junior secondary students also perceived the reading instruction in their Chinese language class as more mastery‐oriented and read more frequently than senior secondary students. The implications of these findings for understanding Chinese students' reading motivation and for planning effective reading instruction to enhance their motivation are discussed.  相似文献   

One of the challenges for educators working in multilingual settings has been to identify the causes of reading difficulties of language learners (LLs). It is difficult to distinguish between reading problems stemming from low levels of linguistic proficiency versus more general reading/learning difficulties. There is now growing research evidence of cross-language transfer in different literacy processes. Literacy components that reflect language-independent, metacognitive/metalinguistic processes show similarities across the two languages of students. Some examples are phonological awareness, syntactic awareness, knowledge of genres and meaning-making strategies. A possible way to use cross-language transfer as a diagnostic tool is proposed. If children have had enough exposure to and possibly instruction in their first language (L1), we can assess their skills and insights in L1. For LLs who have these skills and insights in their strong L1, we can expect transfer to their second language (L2). If they do not have these skills and insights in their L2 yet, it indicates a delay due to limited language proficiency, and not because of a disability. This way LLs who just need more L2 practice and exposure can be distinguished from those LLs who truly have special needs.  相似文献   

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