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总体上来看,2007~2008年的新闻实务研究,延续了前两年的一些热点话题,比如新闻策划、党报改革等.同时,由于新闻实务研究与新闻实践结合得最为紧密,而2007~2008年又是新闻实践的"多事之秋",研究者往往立足于新闻实践中的某个环节、某篇报道,敏锐地发现问题,并结合新闻理论进行解削和分析,寻找问题原因,探讨解决办法.新闻实务研究先天所具有的贴近实际、目标明确、导向作用强的研究视角和研究方法,在近两年体现得淋漓尽致.  相似文献   

陈杰 《新闻爱好者》2008,(12):188-189
总体上来看,2007~2008年的新闻实务研究,延续了前两年的一些热点话题,比如新闻策划、党报改革等。同时,由于新闻实务研究与新闻实践结合得最为紧密,而2007~2008年又是新闻实践的“多事之秋”,研究者往往立足于新闻实践中的某个环节、某篇报道,敏锐地发现问题,并结合新闻理论进行解剖和分析,寻找问题原因,探讨解决办法。新闻实务研究先天所具有的贴近实际、目标明确、导向作用强的研究视角和研究方法,在近两年体现得淋漓尽致。  相似文献   

本文对1998年—2008年新闻专业主义的研究进行分析整理,并对近十年来新闻专业主义的研究方向、研究内容及研究特征等进行总结,以期对今后中国新闻专业主义研究起到一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

中国新闻传播教育史学会(下文简称“学会”)于2008年10月25日成立。著名新闻史学家吴廷俊教授当选为首任会长。吴廷俊教授长期致力于中国新闻史和新闻传播教育的研究,他还长期担任华中科技大学新闻系系主任、新闻与信息传播学院院长等职务。  相似文献   

"海峡两岸新闻与传播研究交流中心揭牌仪式——暨两岸四地新闻传播研讨会"于2008年6月7日—9日在厦门亚洲海湾大酒店举行。  相似文献   

本文主要研究《南方周末》2008年头版突发事件报道的新闻话语文本分析,材料来自2008年45期共27篇报道①。文本首先对相关概念和研究情况进行分析,其次从多方面对样本报道进行文本解析,最后从构建和谐社会与新闻传媒责任担当的角度,讨论媒体在突发事件报道中社会责任体现的理想范式。  相似文献   

贺晓栋 《东南传播》2012,(8):184-186
本研究采用国外学者提出的框架理论,运用量化的方法对《华西都市报》2008年8月至2012年初汶川地震灾后重建报道中新闻框架的使用进行了分析。研究发现,都市报灾后重建报道中各个新闻框架都有所呈现,其中人情味框架使用最多;不同的新闻框架需要借助不同的新闻选题来实现。  相似文献   

徐艳旭 《青年记者》2009,(12):40-41
随着环境问题的日渐突出、政府对于环境问题的高度重视以及普通民众环保意识的普遍加强,各级媒体中环境新闻的报道量大幅上升。国内学者对于环境新闻的研究也逐渐增多。本文选取了人民日报1978-2008年有关环境新闻的报道作为研究样本进行内容分析,对于环境新闻的发展趋势及其特点进行简单总结。  相似文献   

随着环境问题的日渐突出、政府对于环境问题的高度重视以及普通民众环保意识的普遍加强,各级媒体中环境新闻的报道量大幅上升.国内学者对于环境新闻的研究也逐渐增多.本文选取了人民日报1978~2008年有关环境新闻的报道作为研究样本进行内容分析,对于环境新闻的发展趋势及其特点进行简单总结.  相似文献   

新闻传播学研究方法的不足与原因李彪在《新闻传播学研究方法的构造——1995~2007年我国四种主要学术期刊的考察》(载于《国际新闻界》2008年第一期)一文中,在研究考察了我国学术研究方法,并与  相似文献   

2008年国外图书馆学情报学研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2008年国外图书馆学情报学研究主要集中于知识管理、数字学术交流、图书馆出版、科学计量学、信息组织模式与机制、元数据与大众标注、图书馆联盟和图书馆中的著作权问题等领域。这8个维度的研究发展趋势有利于确保理论研究之树常青,为国内图情界感受国外图情界的最新研究动态打开一扇窗。  相似文献   

信息公开政策的的确立和实行是提升政府公信力的重要基础,并有利于提高政府运作的透明度。2008年中国新闻政策的变化主题是信息公开,作者对08年我国信息公开政策形成的四个阶段及其特点进行了历时性分析,并指出了其在中国新闻传播发展历史上的意义。  相似文献   

In February 2008 the Book Industry Study Group (BISG) conducted a survey of U.S. publishers to determine the extent of technology-driven innovation and experimentation. The survey findings were published alongside a set of 10 case studies in May 2008 as “From experimentation to innovation in the digital age—case studies from the North American Book Industry 2008”. This article, written by Michael Healy, Executive Director of the BISG, summarizes the circumstances that led to the survey and shares the key findings.  相似文献   

This paper considers the history of the creation and development of the VINITI RAS AJ in the field of mechanics from 1953 to 2008. The changes in the back issues and dynamics of the distribution of the total number of documents in the Mechanics AJ/DB are traced. The document information flow of the “Mechanics” DB from 1953 to 2008 is statistically analyzed.  相似文献   

This essay examines the various roles and functions of the Internet predominantly in the Democratic primaries from January 1, 2008 through June 3, 2008. After tracing the emergence of the Internet in presidential campaigns since 1996, three functions of the Internet during the 2008 primary campaigns are examined. First, Democratic candidates employed their Web sites to create ideological unity, involvement, and commitment among their supporters and as a foundation for a new source of campaign funding, especially among small donors. Second, the Internet provides a foundation for tracking, if not predicting, the success of specific candidates at different stages in the campaign process. Third, while only an emergent force, the Internet increasingly appears to be functioning as an independent, if not discrete, sociopolitical system with unique modes of interaction, its own rules and procedures, and ultimately its own standards and guidelines for presidential campaigns. It is concluded that while the Internet can be usefully viewed strategically as an instrument to be manipulated by political candidates, it may be appropriate to also examine the Internet as a unique and discrete social system with its own ethos, pathos, and logos.  相似文献   

The paper summarizes the proceedings of the January 2008 conference entitled The Role of the NUKAT Union Catalog in Shaping the Society of Knowledge in Poland.  相似文献   

借鉴管理学领域的客户生命周期管理模型,追踪上海交通大学2008级本科生从2008年入学到2012年毕业的四年间在图书馆门禁的出入记录,分析得出本科生用户生命周期的四个阶段与其所处的四个年级相吻合,并根据各阶段用户行为特征的差异性推荐个性化的图书馆用户管理条例,以提高图书馆的利用率和价值.  相似文献   

TV evening news coverage of the 2008 presidential election by broadcast, cable, and public networks was predominately male and Caucasian in terms of reporters and sources. However, according to our content analysis of 888 campaign stories, viewers saw the least amount of source diversity if they watched the evening news on broadcast networks ABC, CBS, and NBC. Cable networks FOX and CNN, and the PBS evening news had more female and non-White sources. This pattern also holds true for reporter use of nonpartisan sources. Findings on the 2008 election for the traditional broadcast networks are not consistent with those for the 2000 and 2004 elections, when female reporters at these networks had more female and nonpartisan sources in their election coverage than did their male colleagues. Reporters at PBS provided the greatest overall source diversity, regardless of their race or gender, compared to what was observed on broadcast and cable networks. Differences in the way reporters used women and non-White sources to cover the 2008 presidential race may be attributable to organizational factors.  相似文献   

不少人将奥巴马称为互联网总统,强调其胜利归功于善用互联网。这种说法容易导致将社会变迁简单归因于某种媒介技术的采纳与应用。本文通过一系列实证数据的分析,破除有关的迷思(myth),说明互联网应用并非奥巴马取胜的决定因素。进而分析了奥巴马在选举过程中主要采纳了哪些互联网应用,以及从哪些方面来认识互联网给奥巴马带来的帮助,给美国总统选举带来的变革。  相似文献   

This article draws on the authors’ experiences in providing training for information seekers worldwide, from elementary school children to business professionals. Designed for the UNESCO Training the Trainers (TTT) in Information Literacy (IL) workshop in Wuhan, China in October 2008, the material offers a practical, structured framework for creating an information literacy program for trainers that is adaptable to changing learner needs and changing Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools. It includes examples and a case study using a basic course for paraprofessionals and beginning librarians. Based on input from participants at the Wuhan workshop, the article enhances the assessment portion of the presentation. The UNESCO program document listed a target audience of the less information literate ((UNESCO, 2008) Training the trainers in information literacy portal http://portal.unesco.org/ci/en/ev.php-URL_ID=25623&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html. Accessed 14.02.10). This paper, and in general the approach of the Wuhan session, focused on information literacy at an institutional rather than community level (Zhang, X. (Julia) (2009). Report of the UNESCO training-the-trainers in information literacy workshop, October 20–22, 2008, Wuhan, China. International Information & Library Review, 41(4) 273–276).  相似文献   

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