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Heptahelical G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are located in the cell??s plasma membrane and are responsible for transmitting chemical signals across the lipid bilayer. GPCRs comprise a large family of related receptors that have evolved to bind a wide range of extracellular ligands, from biogenic amines and neuromodulatory peptides to peptide hormones and proteins, and to lipids and fatty acids, to name but a few. Recent advances in the study of structural biology of GPCRs, including reports of high-resolution crystal structures of nearly ten different receptors have transformed the field. Beginning in the mid-1980??s and continuing until his retirement, H Gobind Khorana and his co-workers at MIT worked on the prototypical GPCR rhodopsin and provided an early framework of experimental technologies and discoverieswhich propelled the field forward and continue to have a huge impact on literally hundreds of laboratories worldwide.  相似文献   

This article provides the reader with insight into what research and development (R&D) work specifically entails. The various stages in development processes are described from the research question and analyses that have current practice as the point of departure to consolidation and new practice based on the testing of concrete teaching programs. This article also illuminates the “R” in R&D work. A thorough review is given of how the development processes can be explored by having a meta-perspective on concrete practice. A number of models have been developed to visualize development and research. We introduce our own R&D model in the article which is a very accessible way of presenting the various processes within the stages and levels of R&D work. The article ends by pointing out the importance that focused research questions have for R&D work and how the model can be a tool for researchers cooperating with teachers in communities of development.  相似文献   

Job crafting makes people’s work rewarding through meaning making. This article discusses the ways in which a field director may use job crafting to address a common challenge in field education. Field placements are based on various institutional expectations; however, many students have preconceived notions of what social work and social work education should be, and they complain that their placements are “not clinical ” enough. Through the application of job crafting, students can reframe their field learning experiences in a meaningful way. Using the case study method, this article demonstrates one way to support MSW students, highlighting common challenges and practices at a large public northeastern university.  相似文献   

社会主义要体现共同富裕,不搞两极分化,就必须从改变阶级社会的分配制度、改变资本主义初次分配方式入手。按劳分配作为初次分配基本制度是有严格的实现条件的。我们现在已经具备了改变传统方式,建立新的剩余劳动分配制度的基本条件。我国处于社会主义初级阶段,是坚持公有制为主体多种所有制经济共同发展的所有制结构。这就决定了我们的分配制度必然是以按劳分配为主体,多种分配方式并存的制度。健全劳动、资本、技术、管理等生产要素按贡献参与分配的制度,初次分配和再分配都要处理好效率和公平的关系,再分配更加注重公平。  相似文献   

劳动分工与企业起源   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李琼 《教学与研究》2001,83(2):31-37
企业是以内部具有分工协作关系的团队生产为基础、为交换而生产的经济组织,分析企业的性质必须包括技术关系和经济关系两方面的内容。社会分工体系的发达,劳动组织内对工序和操作的细分以及基于操作专业化的各工序与操作的劳动协作,是企业产生的决定因素。所谓企业起源问题,从历史上说也就是资本主义手工工场和工厂的产生过程。  相似文献   

This paper takes up understandings of organisations where practices constitute and frame past and present work, as well as future work practice possibilities. Within this view, work practices, and thus organisations, are both perpetuated and varied through employees’ enactments of work. Using a practice lens, we are particularly interested in the ways workers simultaneously maintain and alter practices in their workplace—we characterise this as re-making one’s job. This perspective challenges ways in which managers often depict jobs and everyday work—as rational, linear and easily describable. We suggest that workers at various levels of responsibility contribute more to the formation of organisational practices than is often assumed. The processes of re-making jobs and remaking organisational practices create tensions that we posit as sites for learning. This paper addresses these issues through a focus on work practices in two Australian organisations that have been undergoing significant cultural change.  相似文献   

Personal Epistemology Research: Implications for Learning and Teaching   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The ideas that individuals hold about knowledge and knowing have been the target of research programs with disparate names, such as epistemological beliefs, reflective judgment, ways of knowing, and epistemological reflection, all of which appear to be a part of a larger body of work on “personal epistemology.” Epistemological perspectives are salient in numerous academic experiences, have been shown to be related to learning in various ways, influence reasoning and judgment throughout our lives, and have implications for teaching. Yet this work has remained outside the mainstream of educational psychology and cognitive development. This paper addresses three main questions: (1) What is personal epistemology research and how is it conceptualized? (2) How are individuals' conceptions of epistemology related to learning and instruction? (3) Given what we know about personal epistemology, what might educators do? Suggestions are also provided for future research and theoretical development.  相似文献   

高校安全保卫工作对维护国家和社会稳定、推动高校自身发展、促进学生健康成长有着重要的意义。但是近些年危害高校安全的事件频发,对平安校园的构建产生了不利影响。高校安全防范设施落后、高校后勤重经济效益,轻卫生安全等均为目前高校安全保卫工作中存在的主要问题。为有效解决上述问题,应当以加强学校的监督管理、提高学生的心理素质以及政府各部门积极配合治理校园周边环境等方面为切入点,切实加强并完善高校安全保卫工作。  相似文献   

In recent decades reading research has moved from predominantly quantitative work to more qualitative studies in which individual readers are observed in interaction with texts. Considerable differences have been found in the strategies employed by these readers, especially by those of different social and cultural backgrounds. These diverse strategies can be partly attributed to the different processes by which people learn to read and through the different ways in which they see written texts used in their own social environments; the contrasting situations and strategies of Japanese and Nigerian readers are used to illustrate the point. If teachers are to deal effectively with readers of various cultural backgrounds—as they must do in ESL and EFL classes—they need to know more about such contrasts; more work is therefore needed on the relationship between the literacy practices of cultural communities and the reading strategies of particular individuals.  相似文献   

坚持和发扬民主作风是邓小平民主思想的重要内容。邓小平认为,民主作风总的说来是党风问题,各级领导干部的威信是建立在民主作风基础之上的,因此必须恢复和发扬党的民主作风。  相似文献   


This paper presents an overview of some of Michael Cole’s work, starting with his pioneering research in Liberia with the Kpelle (and later, with Sylvia Scribner, studies of literacy with the Vai, 1981), which was formative of his version of a cultural-historical psychology, his translation and interpretations of the work of L. S. Vygotsky and finally his development of the 5th Dimension after-school programs, which in various ways build on the insights from the previous work. I discuss how contesting notions of cultural and intellectual deprivation or inferiority have been a central preoccupation in Cole’s work, spanning practically his entire career, and was already on display as a central concern in his early work in Liberia.  相似文献   

In recent years, various forms of group work have been introduced in university courses across various subject domains, including construction management courses. Although the use of group work in higher education has sound pedagogical reasons and advantages, group work has its own drawbacks. Therefore, the acceptance by students and the success of group work critically depend on a fair and credible assessment of the group process. In this paper, the implementation of different approaches to peer assessment (PA) of individuals’ contributions to group projects in two core units in an undergraduate construction management course in an Australian university is reported. The effectiveness of the adopted PA approaches have been evaluated and validated by students. It has been found that contrary to doubts of the sufficiency of a simplistic approach to PAs, the fairness of a PA approach does not necessarily depend on its complexity. Besides, voluntary group discussions, learning and collaboration are found to aid in improving each of the group’s camaraderie. Hence, it is recommended that academics should develop both a structured methodology to progressively encourage group members to work cohesively in teams and effective PA approaches that measure individual member’s contribution.  相似文献   


This article discusses critical methodological design decisions for collecting, interpreting, and synthesizing empirical evidence during the design, deployment, and operational quality-control phases for automated scoring systems. The discussion is inspired by work on operational large-scale systems for automated essay scoring but many of the principles have implications for principled reasoning and workflow management for other use contexts. The overall workflow is described as a series of five phases, each one having two critical sub-phases with a large number of associated methodological design decisions. These phases involve assessment design, linguistic component design, model design, model validation, and operational deployment. Through brief examples, the various considerations for these design decisions are illustrated, which have to be carefully weighed in the overall decision-making process for the system in order to unveil the complexities that underlie this work. The article closes with reflections on resource demands as well as recommendations for best practices of interdisciplinary teams who engage in this work, underscoring how this work is a blend of scientific rigor and artful practice.  相似文献   

考试作为一种社会活动,隐含了各种功利目的。一些人为此而在考试过程中作弊。同时,由于考生对作弊乐此不疲,作弊开始变成商业化运作。如今,作弊方式花样繁多,作弊技术也日趋先进。鉴于此,考试主管部门采取了相应的反作弊措施。尽管如此,反作弊依然任重而道远。如何强化考试管理,提高考务人员素质是新形势下考试反作弊工作亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

Science educators have argued that it is insufficient to be able to recite thetheories of science and not know how knowledge claims in science are justified, what counts as evidence, or how theory and evidence interact. We wonder, however, how much students' understandings of the nature of science vary with content. This paper draws on data collected in a university astronomy course. Data include three interviews and written work from twenty students, as well as written work from the 340 students in the class. This study provides us with evidence on how students' talk and writing about the nature of science differs depending on the particular scientific topic which is under discussion. The relationship between theory and evidence, warrants for belief, and nature of observation are described in various ways in the different disciplines discussed in the course.  相似文献   

Increasing demands on academic work have resulted in many academics working long hours and expressing dissatisfaction with their working life. These concerns have led to a number of faculties and universities adopting workload allocation models to improve satisfaction and better manage workloads. This paper reports on a study which examined the workload models in use across a large Australian university. Analysis revealed that the various models could be categorised into three types. The pros, cons and impacts of these three categories of model were compared from both a management and staff perspective. The study found that while models of all types can lay the foundation for equitable distribution of workload, some categories of model can have unintended consequences with negative effects on the work culture and hence staff satisfaction.  相似文献   

Scholars in science and technology studies—and no doubt other fields—have increasingly drawn on Michel Foucault’s concept of biopolitics to theorize a variety of new ‘bio-concepts’. While there might be some theoretical value in such exercises, many of these bio-concepts have simply replaced more rigorous—and therefore time-consuming—analytical work. This article provides a (sympathetic) critique of these various bio-concepts, especially as they are applied to the emerging ‘bio-economy’. In so doing, the article seeks to show that the analysis of the bio-economy could be better framed as a political economy of nothing. This has several implications for science education, which are raised in the article.  相似文献   

For more than a decade the traditional roles of universities and the traditional and conventional views of scholarship (academic work) have been called into question. These shifts in the academe have led to the introduction of various forms of practice, which has often resulted in conflicting viewpoints and tensions. Restructuring in higher education in South Africa (as elsewhere) has been linked to global, social and economic trends and a general decrease in revenue for universities from state sources (Jansen, 2001; Mora & Villarreal, 2001). This has forced universities into an entrepreneurial culture which has had far reaching implications for the work of academics. This has led to conflict between intrinsic work motivation and working towards extrinsic reward systems. In this paper we describe a university-based case study which demonstrates how a practice of scholarship in environmental education can be in conflict with conventions related to the construct of scholarship at institutional and broader academic levels in a 'marketised' environment. In terms of our experience we argue for a broader view of scholarship which focuses on more than 'brownie points' and 'bean counts' and includes service rendered to various academic communities as indicators for scholarly practice and scholarship in environmental education.  相似文献   

随着高校招生制度改革的深入 ,学杂费的不断上扬 ,高校特困生已成为高校学生工作中一个不可忽视的群体。本文认为 ,特困生的形成既有历史的原因 ,也有现实的原因 ,他们不仅在经济上、生活上、学习上存在着困难 ,而且存在着心理上的巨大压力感和挫折感 ,从而产生这样或那样的心理问题 ;解决特困生问题不仅要给他们提供必要的物质支援 ,而且要做好他们的思想教育和心理辅导工作。  相似文献   

Women are underrepresented in advanced positions in higher education in Europe. This study takes a horizontal perspective and focuses on the relationship between gender and discipline in order to combine research on gender in higher education with theories of disciplinary differences in academic cultures. The study points out substantial differences between disciplines in gender composition, specifically, the probability of a person leaving academia after earning a doctor’s degree and various attitudes towards gender equality work. Our approach, which is based on quantitative longitudinal as well as qualitative research methods, has yielded a more complex and contradictory picture of gender equality in higher education than have vertical cross-sectional studies.  相似文献   

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