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50 early it,5 still almost dark out. I’m near the window with eoffee, and the usual early morning stuff that Passes for thought. When 1 see the boy and his friend walking uP the road to deliverf递送]the newsPaPer. They wear caps and sweaters, and one  相似文献   

Imagine life as a game in which you are juggling five balls in the air. You name them: work, family, health, friends, and spirit, and you're keeping all of them in the air.You will soon understand that work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back. But the other four balls-family, health, friends, and  相似文献   

If it'S possible to see red(火冒三丈)about not seeing red,that is what Iwas doing.We had misjudged(错误判断,错误估计)the timing of our autumntrip to see the changing leaves in the Great Lakes states,and I was reallyupset.No matter how I strained my eyes,I couldn't spot red anywhere.NOteven a hint of golden yellow broke through the monotonous greenery. I recalled an earlier leaf-viewing trip to Vermont in October,and the  相似文献   

when I turned 12 years old I got to babysit1 for the first time.My aunt asked my parents if I could babysit my cousin. My aunt and uncle wanted to go to the  相似文献   

We are living in a society of innovation.every person,every family,even every country is seeking for novelty in every way and trying their best to avoid repetition.For instance,writers rack their brains to come up with new ideas for interesting works;journalists go all out to search for the latest news; composers have to write out something special to attract the audience;and as for teachers,they must always keep updating themselves in order to catch up with the fast-developing world...  相似文献   

If you're happy and you know it,clap yourhands.If you're happy and you know it,clap your hands.If you're happy and youknow it.And you really  相似文献   

Happiness pays off, studies show. Psychologists' seeking the real secrets of happiness report that very happy people tend to be more extroverted and agreeable than less happy people. Our findings suggest that very happy people have rich and satisfying social relationships and spend little time alone relative to average people, "write psychologists Ed Diener and Martin E. P. Seligman in the journal Psychological Science.Solid social relationships do not guarantee happiness, but they are a significant contributing factor. The very happy people whom the authors studied all said they had good quality social relationships. However, the authors write, there is no single key to high happiness. High happiness seems to be like beautiful symphonic music-necessitating many instruments, without any one being sufficient for the beautiful quality.Diener defines happiness as "subjective well-being"-in other words, the person evaluates his or her own quality of life. The question to ask is, "is my life going well, according to the standards I choose to use? "If the answer is "yes, "then that person is judged to be happy.  相似文献   

Susan: I can't believe that we're almost out ofhigh school.Jack: I can't either. What are you going to do next fall? Go to college?Susan: Yes, but I can't decide where to go.  相似文献   

人物:牧童甲、乙、丙,智慧姑娘。地点:偏远的树林里。时间:十年前的上午、十年后的上午。画外音随着悠扬的音乐由远至近。画外音:从前,有三个牧羊的小孩,他们彼此很要好,常常从村子里把羊群赶到很远很远的树林里。音乐渐强,传来阵阵羊叫声。牧童作赶羊状上场,音乐强烈,又终止。  相似文献   

1.The children are——. A.in the pa出 B.in the school2.Betty is——. A.100king and smiling C.I_eading a b00k3. feels hot.C.in the lake D.in a hotelB.making a planeD.eating and“nking A.DaVid B..Lily c.Mary D·Sam4.David feels——.. A.tried B.hot C.happy D.hungry and tllirsty5.Lily is——. . A.嘲ndil唔 B.出1wing C.雌Lking a pb【ne D.e撕ng and商nl(ing (答案本期找)≮看图选择填空》答案:、I.1lI lI.看图选择填空(英文)@刘世一…  相似文献   

在一次可怕的疫病传遍世界后,人们变成了夜间活动的嗜血魔物(bloodthirsty,nocturnal creatures),只有罗伯特·奈维尔幸免于难,但同时也成为变种人的猎物。白天,他四处奔波,努力寻找可能的生存者并消灭被感染的吸血鬼们(stalking the infected monstrosities);夜晚,他蜷缩在家中祈祷黎明赶快到来(barricades himself in his home and prays for dawn)……这部恐怖小说(horror)的同名电影由威尔·史密斯主演,刚上映,就获得周票房冠军;同时,小说也获得了一致好评。下面这一段就是我们唯一的幸存者白天的活动情况。  相似文献   

Remembering me,discover and see All over the world,she’s known as a girl To those who are free,their minds shall be key Forgotten as the past,cause history will last  相似文献   

I’ve paid my dues Time after time I’ve done my sentence[判决] But committed no crime[犯罪] And bad mistakes I’ve made a few I’ve had my share of sand Kicked in my face But I’ve come through And we mean to go on and on and on and on  相似文献   

1.Onenight,athiefclimbedintoAvan鄄ty蒺shouse.Seeingthis,Avantyhidhimselfintoawoodentrunk(大木箱).2.Whenthethieffoundnothingvalu鄄able,hecameovertothetrunkandopenedit.ThemanwassurprisedtoseeAvantyin鄄sideit.“Whatareyoudoinghere?”heasked.3.“I蒺msorry,butI蒺mtoopoortomeetyou熏”Avantyanswered.Hearingthis,thethiefranaway.4.Afewdayslater,Avantywaswritingalettertoafriendwhenhenoticedthatsomebodypeeked(偷看)attheletterbehindhim.Thenhewrote,“Ihavealottotellyou,butthereisapersonwhoistooimpolit…  相似文献   

那是一个飘着细雨的黄昏,我隔着玻璃望着窗外简陋的校舍和远处迷蒙的村庄,天空中有一行大雁飞过。我想起了宋词里的一段:“天际征鸿,遥认行如缀。平生事,此时凝睇,谁会凭栏意!”在很长一段时间里,我对自己所从事的教育工作彷徨过。许多过去的同学纷纷弃教从商,而且有许多已经干得相当出色,他们在谈笑间挣得的钱是我这个穷教书匠辛劳一生都望尘莫及的。在那段时间里,不断有请我参加开业庆典的请柬寄来。我并没有去,因为我舍不得班里的那些孩子们。可与此同时,我也尝到了清贫的苦头:家里的草房没钱翻盖;年过半百的父亲拖着疲惫的身躯依然在矿…  相似文献   

我一辈子幸福感最强烈的时候,是什么时候?主要是两段时光。一段是谈恋爱的时候。我在上初中的时候,就暗恋一个女生,她坐在我后面三四排的样子。上课时我老是回头去看她,后来慢慢地我就想让她知道我在看她。只要我回头看她,她就脸红了。我现在还记得她的样子,圆脸,经常穿一件绿色的衣服,那时候脑子里面老是在打腹稿,写情书,怎么样给她写情书。初三的时候,她坐在我旁边,那时候我就特别幸福。  相似文献   

我坚信自己是幸福的,一向如此。因为我实在找不出不幸福的理由。我猜想,所有的不幸福都是通过比较而得出的荒唐结论。倘若非要把一种幸福和另一种幸福作比较,人便走向了幸福的反面。  相似文献   

王万军 《山东教育》2005,(1):111-111
那是一个飘着细雨的黄昏,我隔着玻璃望着窗外简陋的校舍相远处迷蒙的村庄,天空中有一行大雁飞过。我想起了宋词里的一段:“天际征鸿,遥认行如缀。平生事,此时凝睇,谁会凭栏意!”  相似文献   

这个故事发生在19世纪40年代的美国。青年亨特遇上了天真活泼的大家闺秀郝斯达,他着迷了,可他家境贫寒又没读过什么书,也没有一个像样的职业,唯一有的是对她的一往情深。就凭这一往情深居然也赢得了郝斯达的芳心。  相似文献   

初逢一女子,憔悴如故纸。她无休止地向我抱怨命运的不公,开始我还有点不以为然,后来也沉入她洪水般的哀伤之中了。  相似文献   

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