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请根据图画完成下列对话,每空一词。1.A:IsBilltallerMary?B.No,heisn’t.A:Whoistaller,BillTom?B:TomistallerthanBill.2.A:classareyou?B:I’minClassOne.A:Whoisshortestboyinyourclass?B:Mikeistheshortestall.Jim’sJohn’s3.A:Whosecoatsthese?B:OneisJim’s,theotherisJohn’s.A:Whichis?B:coatischeaper.4.A:Whichdoyoulike,thejeeporthecar?B:Ilikethecarbetter.A:Why?B:Because(因为)thecargoesthanthejeep.5.A:Whichdoyoulike,birds,cats,monkeys?B:Ilikemonkeysbest.A:Canyouseemonkeysinthepark?B:,I.6.A…  相似文献   

A:Excuseme.DoIknowyou?B:Oh,no.I’mnewhere.Myname’sJimGreen.A:I’mLiLei.Nicetomeetyou,Jim.YourEnglishisverygood.AreyoufromEngland?B:No.I’mfromCanada.CanadiansspeakEnglishandFrench.A:I’mChinese.Doyoulikeourcountry?B:Verymuch.A:WhatdoyoulikeaboutChina?B:Thepeopleandfood.A:Whataboutthescenery?B:Ilikeit,too.Yourcountryisreallygreat.A:Thankyou.A:对不起,我认识你吗?B:哦,不。我是这儿新来的。我叫吉姆·格林。A:我叫李雷。很高兴见到你,吉姆。你的英语(说得)很好,你是英国人吗?B:不,我是加拿…  相似文献   

Two Ducks     
A:Goodmorning.MynameisGaGa.早上好,我的名字叫嘎嘎。What’syourname,please?你叫什么名字?B:Mynameis…It’sasecret!我叫……那是秘密!B:Hi,GaGa!Whatdayistoday?嘿,嘎嘎,今天星期几?A:Sunday.星期天。B:Oh!Let’sgototheswimmingpool,shallwe?哦!我们去游泳池玩,好吗?B:GaGa,bequick!嘎嘎,快一点!A:Ok,I’mcoming.好,我就来。B:Whereareyoufrom?你是什么地方的人?A:I’mfromBeijing.Andyou?我是北京人,你呢?B:I’mfromNanjing.Howoldareyou?我是南京人,你多大了?A:Two.两岁。A:Oh!I’mtired.哦,我累了。B:Ha!Ha.哈哈…  相似文献   

A:Good morning,sir.May I help you?B:Yes,I’d like to buy a white shirt.A:Yes,sir.I’d be glad to show you some. What size,please?B:Fifteen and a half,please.A:Here’s one in your size.This is a very fine shirt.B:How much is it?A:Five ninety-five.B:That’s a little more than I wanted to  相似文献   

Partl A:Good moming.United Airline. B:Hello.I’d like to speak to Mr.Re”olds. A:I’m 50叮he’5 not in right now.Would you like to leaveamessage? PartZ A:May 1 help you?Bank of Ameriea. B:I’mt币ng to eontaet a friend Fred Ashley. A:Just a moment.I’m afraid we have no one by that name,sir. B:1 see.Thank you. Paft3 A:Alitalia Airline。,sir. B:Extension 5578,Please. A:one moment,please. Patt4 A:Tllis 15 Dr.Wood’soffiee. B:15 this 792一3021? A:No,this 15 792一3025. Pafts A:Coul…  相似文献   

(一)请从右边的方框内选择正确的答案填入左边空格内。A:Hello!Sam.B:Hello!1A:2B:Howareyou?A:3Whataboutyou?B:Fine.What’stheweatherlikeinBeijing?A:4I’mafraid.There’salotofsnow.B:Areyoudoinganysports?A:5What’stheweatherlikeinAustralia?B:Oh,wehavebeautifulsunshineeveryday.6A:Whichmonthisthehottest?B:7A:WhenissummerinChina?B:8A:Whichseasondoyoulikebest?B:9A:Ihopeyouhaveagoodtime.B:10Good-bye.A:Good-bye.(二)A:Hi!Bruce.Whatabeautifulday!B:1A:IhopeyoucancometomypartynextSunday.B:2A:…  相似文献   

听力测试I.单句理解: 根据你所听到的句子,选择与之相对应的问句或答语。1.A.When did you get up this morning?B.I beg your pardon ?C.What’s your telephone number?2. A.No,I don’t.B.Yes I’d love to. C.What?3. A.I know.B.Me,too.C.Thank you,I will.4. A.Which pair?B.Whose pair?C.No,you mustn’t.5. A.Sure.B.I hope so.C.Not at all.II.对话理解: 根据你所听到的对话和问题,选择正确答案。6. A.He wrote a letter.B.He did his homework.C.He posted a letter. 7. A.She has gone to her hometown. B.S…  相似文献   

1.【原句】What’s the matter?【讲解】What’s the matter?常用来询问某人患了何种疾病或遇到了何种麻烦。当你看到别人气色不好或面带憔悴时,可以用该句型来询问对方,意为“哪儿不舒服?”、“出什么事了?”。【真题】从方框内7个选项中选择5个恰当的句子完成此对话。(2006重庆市)A:Jim,you said you would not stay out lateafter school,didn’t you?B:Yes,mom,I did.A:But it’s10o’clock now.1B:Sorry.I’ve been to the hospital.A:What?2B:No.I sent Jack to the hospital.A:Oh,really?3B:He had a terrible headache on the wayhome.A:Is he better now?B:4A:Good for you,my dear!I’m very glad youcan help others.B:5【点拨】答案为:C—F—E—D—B。做此类题时,关键在于联系上下文。由I’v...  相似文献   

Aren't you David Smith? 你是大卫·史密斯吗? A:I say,aren’t you David Smith? B:Yes,but I don’t think we’ve mel before. A:I’m a cousin of Tim Lawford.We did meet once before at my uncle’s cocktail[鸡尾酒] party. B:I see!Well,in that case,it's a great pleasure to meet you again!  相似文献   

(1) A: You pay for the supper and I will treat you to a movie. OK? B: It’s a deal. A:你付晚饭钱,我请你看电影,怎么样?B:一言为定!(2) A: Now I will tell you the new theory I have established. B: I’m all ears. A:现在我要告诉你我新建立的理论。B:我洗耳恭听。口语充电  相似文献   

一、看看他们怎么样? 1 .A:How do you feel? B:1 feel haPPy 2 .A:How old are you? B:I’m twelve. A:How old 15 he? 姗· B:1 don’t know.1 think he’。very()ld 3 .A:Are you happy? B:Yes!Do you feel haPpy? A:I丘el sad 4 .A:15 the girl tall? B:Yes,she 5 .A:The boy 15 tall and niee. 15 short B:How tall 15 he? A:He’5 1.2 metres tall 叠 1 2 3 45 二、他们都喜欢什么? 1 .A:What do you like,Ben? B:1 like apples. 2 .A:Do you like a ear? B:No.1 like a bus 3 .A:May 1 borrow your marker?1 want to…  相似文献   

1)A: Jack, I can’t go with you to the movie tonight. B: Why? What are you up to? A: I guess I have to bone up for my English test Friday. A:杰克,今天晚上我不能和你一起去看电影了。B:为什么?你在忙什么?A:我想我得准备星期五的英语考试了。2)A: Can you beat your opponent? B: I can’t make a promise, but I will put my best foot forward. A:你能打败你的对手吗?B:我无法保证。但我会全力以赴的。口语充电…  相似文献   

(A)A:Hell0!B:Hello!W卜dt,5 thjs in English?A:It’5 dPieture.B:L00k ot the piCture,pledse.A:0卜,1t’s the PICture Of our eldssroom.B:YeS,It iS.Whdt row dre y0U jn?A:I,m in ROW Three.B:衬卜dt,5 y0Ur nUmber?A:r m Number Six.And yoU?B:I,m NU而er翔e1VS.A:Cdn y  相似文献   

Hello Yes, A Bi刊流甸Pa抑 Sam!What a beautiful day! it’5 beautiful,isn’t it? 1 hope you ean eome to my party tomorrow· Party?What party? A B AB A:It’5 my birthday,andl’11 have a party.Didn’t you know? B:No Sorry Yes, 1 didn’t. ,1 forsot to tell you.Would you like to eome? I’d love to.Thanks a lot.I’11 give you a niee pre- AB Sent (礼物). In a Shop A:Can 1 helP you? B:Yes,I’m looking for a blue dress· What size(尺寸)do you wear? S汤eTwelve.Thisonelooksniee.WhereeanIt叮…  相似文献   

先阅读下面对话,了解大意,然后从所给的七个句子中选出五句填入五个空处,请将所选句子的标号字母填 入阿拉伯数字之后。 Ⅰ A: 1 ,madam? B:Yes? A: 2? B:Certainly.You can take a No.6 or No.8 bus.Let me see…Oh yes,you can catch a No.23 trolley bus,too, A:Can I go there on foot? B: 3 .It’s,far from here. A:Where’s the nearest busstop,please? B:It’s over there See? Oh,there come the bus.Hurry up. 4 A:Thanks very much.Bye—bye, B:5 And bye! a.Yes,I think so. b.That’s all right. c.I think you can catch it.  相似文献   

[知识与技能]阅读下列对话,注意与旅行相关的语句:(1)A:Where are you going for your vacation? 你去哪儿度假?B:I’d like to go to Taiyuan. How about you? 我想去太原,你呢?A:I haven’t decided, but I prefer Datong. 我还没决定,不过我想去大同。B:I went there last summer. It’s worth seeing. 去年夏天我去过,值得一看。(2)A:Excuse me,could you tell me where it is on the map? 对不起,你能告诉我它在地图上是什么位置?B:Oh,It’s here.This is Wuyi Road. 噢,在这儿,这是五一路。A:Co…  相似文献   

有一段关于中国学生Han Mei和英国妇女May Hyde之间的对话: A:Hello!What’s your name? B:My name is Han Mei. A:How old are you? B:I’m twelve.What’s your name, please? A:May Hyde。  相似文献   

How much is it?【情景对话】A:Good morning!Can I help you?B:Yes,please.I want to buy a radio.Can you give me the blue one to have a look?A:Here you are.I think this is a nice one.B:How much is it?A:It’s 200 yuan.  相似文献   

above ground活着的;未安葬的A:Will you find him? B:I’d bet that I’d find him if he was above ground. A:你会找到他吗? B:只要他还活着,我就能找到他。  相似文献   

1.have an axe to grind私心,个人企图A:He may offer you a post in his firm.B:Really?A:Yeah.He has decided.B:I can’t believe it.Why?Maybe this thing isn’t simple as itlooks.A:Yeah,he has an axe to grind.B:What’s it about?A:He wants to stand well with your  相似文献   

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