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举证责任制度是中国法官较陌生的法领域之一.本文在简要分析举证责任的概念及其结构的基础上,阐述了举证责任分配的一般规则及其相关代表性学说、倒置规则、特殊情况下举证责任分配的原则,对推进举证责任分配相关制度研究,促进法官公正司法具有一定的指导意义.  相似文献   

调解是一种根据合意的纠纷解决方式。必须在调解中坚持最基本的证明观念:调解中同样存在证明的问题,当事人需要对基本事实进行证明,调解员也承担着对基本事实进行了解、查明的责任。调解中的证明与诉讼中的证明相比存在自身的独特性:调解中的证明是一种自由证明,而非严格证明;调解中存在主观证明责任,但是客观证明责任在调解中不一定发生作用;调解中证明标准具有更大灵活性,但要避免在调解中过分降低证明标准。  相似文献   

采用模糊数学方法,依据咸阳区域小气候样本之间的属性特征的亲疏关系,进行聚类分析,由此划分出小气候的相似区域,它可为咸阳市的农业生产结构调整提供一个依据。  相似文献   

In this theoretical paper, we present a framework for conceptualizing proof in terms of mathematical values, as well as the norms that uphold those values. In particular, proofs adhere to the values of establishing a priori truth, employing decontextualized reasoning, increasing mathematical understanding, and maintaining consistent standards for acceptable reasoning across domains. We further argue that students’ acceptance of these values may be integral to their apprenticeship into proving practice; students who do not perceive or accept these values will likely have difficulty adhering to the norms that uphold them and hence will find proof confusing and problematic. We discuss the implications of mathematical values and norms with respect to proof for investigating mathematical practice, conducting research in mathematics education, and teaching proof in mathematics classrooms.  相似文献   

It is sometimes the case in mathematics that the same result can be proved in two or more essentially different ways (a luxury of mathematical riches, you might say). A recurrent theme in this context is the tension between combinatorial proofs and algebraic proofs. Inthis two-part article we describe some results which allow for proofs of both kinds and give us an opportunity to contrast them. We shall see some beautiful examples of both kinds of proofs. In Part I we dwell on results that deal with the binomial coefficients and with Fibonacci numbers. We will not be overly zealous in our usage of the term ‘combinatorial’: we will allow a proof to be so categorized if it is largely combinatorial, with only a ‘small’ component of algebra. However, that small part may well be an essential component of the proof. The simplicity of counting arguments can be deceptive. In recent times, Paul Erd?s has shown just how subtle and powerful such arguments can be, and how far they can reach.  相似文献   

零知识证明协议按照实现的不同方式可以分成密码学方法的零知识证明协议和物理方法的零知识证明协议.与密码学方法的零知识证明协议相比较,物理方法的零知识证明协议简单明了,更容易被不具备密码学专业知识者所理解和接受,而无需借助计算机的帮助.本文在对经典的阿里巴巴山洞的零知识证明问题分析的基础上,又给出了几类问题物理方法的零知识证明方案,并进行了相应的分析.  相似文献   

集合论、传统数学对维数的认识是相互矛盾的,从两方面分析了这个矛盾:1)分析了集合论中空间填充曲线的证明过程,指出在该证明过程中本应使用超穷归纳法进行证明,但实际上却用归纳法进行证明,因此该证明是不严格的;2)分析得出在考虑序关系后,无穷集合中整体和部分的一一映射将包含矛盾。为了分析上述各个矛盾产生的原因,基于代数结构及方程论,建立了一个与集合论等价的代数模型,并把该代数模型与集合论模型进行了对比分析,得出结论:1)罗素悖论、哥德尔不完全性等可以转化为方程组无解的问题。因此虽然在集合论中,罗素悖论、哥德尔不完全性不可避免,但对一个具体的集合,可以判断该集合中是否包含罗素悖论或不完全性命题;2)无穷集合的整体与部分的一一对应将导致矛盾,该矛盾与高维空间物体映射到低维空间后产生的重影点带来的矛盾相同;3)相对于集合论,传统数学对维数的认识更加可靠和严格。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate students’ conceptions about proof in mathematics and mathematics teaching. A five‐point Likert‐type questionnaire was administered in order to gather data. The sample of the study included 33 first‐year secondary school mathematics students (at the same time student teachers). The data collected were analysed and interpreted using the methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis. The results have revealed that the students think that mathematical proof has an important place in mathematics and mathematics education. The students’ studying methods for exams based on imitative reasoning which can be described as a type of reasoning built on copying proof, for example, by looking at a textbook or course notes proof or through remembering a proof algorithm. Moreover, they addressed to the differences between mathematics taught in high school and university as the main cause of their difficulties in proof and proving.  相似文献   

This paper is a case study of the teaching of an undergraduate abstract algebra course, in particular the way the instructor presented proofs. It describes a framework for proof writing based on Selden and Selden (2009) and the work of Alcock (2010) on modes of thought that support proof writing. The paper offers a case study of the teaching of a traditionally-taught abstract algebra course, including showing the range of practice as larger than previously described in research literature. This study describes the aspects of proof writing and modes of thought the instructor modeled for the students. The study finds that she frequently modeled the aspects of hierarchical structure and formal–rhetorical skills, and structural, critical, and instantiation modes of thought. This study also examines the instructor’s attempts to involve the students in the proof writing process during class by asking questions and expecting responses. Finally, the study describes how those questions and responses were part of her proof presentation. The funneling pattern of Steinbring (1989) describes most of the question and answer discussions enacted in the class with most questions requiring a factual response. Yet, the instructional sequence can be also understood as modeling the way an expert in the discipline thinks and, as such, offering a different type of opportunity for student learning.  相似文献   

证据能力和证据证明力是证据法学中的两个不同的概念,二者的关系理论上存在着重大的分歧。从理论上正确界定证据能力和证据证明力的关系,具有公正高效地裁判和遏制司法腐败的实践价值。  相似文献   

Is proof activity in danger with the use of dynamic geometry systems(DGS)? The papers of this special issue report about various teachingsequences based on the use of such DGS and analyse the possible roles ofDGS in both the teaching and learning of proof. This paper is a reaction tothese four papers. Starting from them, it attempts to develop a globaldiscussion about the roles of DGS, by addressing four points: the variety ofpossible contexts for proof in a DGS, the dual nature of proof (cognitiveand social) as reflected in the `milieu' constructed around the use of aDGS, from observing to proving, and the overcoming of the oppositionbetween doing and proving.  相似文献   

以往对《论语》定型本之研究,在论证方向上,只有从初本至定型本之演变的定性描述,缺乏从今本上溯至定型本的版本论证,至少未有何晏本上溯至郑玄本环节的论证,而这二者是否相合,恰恰是检验定型本的关键。基于此,本文以何晏本所据底本为研究对象,论证何晏本与郑玄本之关联,从而揭示了郑玄本为定型本之实质。  相似文献   

赵白云 《天中学刊》1997,12(2):16-19
将求常系数微分方程特解的比较系数法,推广至一些特殊的变系数微分方程,并给出了证明和计算公式.  相似文献   

我国刑事诉讼法对举证责任的规定很简略,理论上也少有针对性的细线条探究,司法实践中标准不明,随意性大。根据我国的立法规定和司法解释,结合外国立法和举证责任分配的基本原理,公诉案件审判程序中举证责任的具体分配原则为:对于犯罪构成要件事实由公诉方承担举证责任;对于排除犯罪事实由被告方承担举证责任;对于量刑、执行刑罚有影响的情节,谁主张谁举证;对于举证责任冲突的情节,可分不同情况处理;对于程序的合法性,公诉方负举证责任。  相似文献   

为避免我国社会公共利益受行政权侵害,监督行政权行使,在我国建立行政公益诉讼制度刻不容缓。从行政公益诉讼概念和特点出发,分析我国构建行政公益诉讼制度原因,如公共利益遭受严重损害;行政公权力监督机制不完善等,进而思考行政公益诉讼原告、受案范围、举证责任等问题,希冀对我国行政公益诉讼创设有所裨益。  相似文献   

The Notion of Proof in the Context of Elementary School Mathematics   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Despite increased appreciation of the role of proof in students’ mathematical experiences across all grades, little research has focused on the issue of understanding and characterizing the notion of proof at the elementary school level. This paper takes a step toward addressing this limitation, by examining the characteristics of four major features of any given argument – foundation, formulation, representation, and social dimension – so that the argument could count as proof at the elementary school level. My examination is situated in an episode from a third-grade class, which presents a student’s argument that could potentially count as proof. In order to examine the extent to which this argument could count as proof (given its four major elements), I develop and use a theoretical framework that is comprised of two principles for conceptualizing the notion of proof in school mathematics: (1) The intellectual-honesty principle, which states that the notion of proof in school mathematics should be conceptualized so that it is, at once, honest to mathematics as a discipline and honoring of students as mathematical learners; and (2) The continuum principle, which states that there should be continuity in how the notion of proof is conceptualized in different grade levels so that students’ experiences with proof in school have coherence. The two principles offer the basis for certain judgments about whether the particular argument in the episode could count as proof. Also, they support more broadly ideas for a possible conceptualization of the notion of proof in the elementary grades.  相似文献   

乐观的司法信念是刑事错案频频发生的逻辑原因;司法证明具有或然性,而诉讼却又具有终结性,乐观司法信念依然无法适应于这种裁判悖论的发生。建立在司法证实的不确定性和确证信念基于盖然性证实是可错的基本逻辑认识,理性司法在事实认定过程中的选择必然是谨慎的。在司法证明过程中树立谨慎的司法信念,需要构建相应的司法规则和制度体系。  相似文献   

赠与合同成立之后,在财产权转移之前,赠与人可以行使任意撤销权,由此产生的法律责任主要为赠与人的法律责任,应将此责任认定为缔约过失责任。本文就赠与人缔约过失责任的理论依据、含义、构成要件以及责任承担等问题,结合我国立法实践进行了初步的研究和探讨。  相似文献   

知识产权侵权诉讼举证责任如何分担,目前在我国的司法实践争议较大,要解决这一问题,应遵循坚持民事诉讼举证责任分担和坚持依法进行举证责任分担的原则;在法律无明规定的情况下,可根据经验法则分配当事人的举证责任;在上述规则分配举证责任导致失衡时采取自由裁量原则。  相似文献   

本文介绍了柯西中值定理的多种证明方法及其应用.其中证明方法有:利用构造辅助函数,根据罗尔定理证明;利用坐标旋转变换证明;利用达布定理证明;利用复合函数证明;利用同增量性证明.其应用方面为:求极限;证明不等式;证明等式;证明单调性.  相似文献   

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