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由于人才结构和产业结构失衡所引致的失业、教育成本分担机制不合理、教育投资的预期收益偏差等政策和市场方面的原因,当前中国有相当一部分低收入家庭面临"教育致贫"问题。为规避"教育致贫"现象的发生,应加大政府在教育方面的财政支出,下移教育投入的重心,调整教育投入结构,切实增加弱势家庭的可支配收入,改革和完善成本分担机制,建立弱势家庭的风险补偿机制。  相似文献   

贫困一直是人类社会的主要问题之一.“治贫先治愚”、“知识改变命运”这些观念深入人心.与此同时,随着教育成本的增加,教育却成为了一些家庭走向贫困的直接原因.教育究竟是治贫还是致贫呢?本文拟从“教育致贫”的现象入手,分析“教育致贫”的影响及其形成原因并提出对策建议.  相似文献   

众所周知,教育具有促进经济、社会发展的功能,因此,我国政府也高度重视农村邋教育的发展问题.但是现在广大农村家庭因子女接受教育而陷入贫困,出现了"因教致贫"现象,引起了我们的反思:出现这种怪现象的原因究竟是什么?本文从经济学视角剖析"因教致贫"的原因并尝试提出了一些解决措施.  相似文献   

“因教致贫”是近几年为社会各界广为关注的问题,它已经与“因病致贫”和“因愚致贫”并称为社会顽症。因教致贫就是说一旦家庭中有孩子接受教育,家庭便开始贫困,贫困的原因就是现在的教育成本越来越高,教育的预期收益率却越来越低,教育投入成了“亏本买卖”。这种现实已经导致许多家庭形成了“一方面希望孩子上学,  相似文献   

“因教致贫”是近几年为社会各界广为关注的问题,它已经与“因病致贫”和“因愚致贫”并称为社会顽症。因教致贫就是说一旦家庭中有孩子接受教育,家庭便开始贫困,贫困的原因就是现在的教育成本越来越高,教育的预期收益率却越来越低,教育投入成了“亏本买卖”。这种现实已经导致许多家庭形成了“一方面希望孩子上学,另一方面又害怕孩子上学”的矛盾心态。“因教致贫”会导致新的“读书无用”论,并进一步形成“因贫致愚”到“因愚致贫”的社会怪圈,应该引起全社会的广泛关注。  相似文献   

因教致贫:教育成本与收益的失衡   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从教育投资一收益的角度审视主要发生在低收入群体身上的"因教致贫"现象,可以发现,"因教致贫"现象存在的直接原因在于教育成本的增加,而教育收益的相对低下导致的教育投资收益率的下降,则是问题存在的根本原因.通过新的制度设计,平衡不同高校的个人教育收益率,尽可能地减少低收入人群的教育投资风险,是目前解决"因教致贫"问题比较可行的办法.  相似文献   

随着我国经济社会的快速发展,我国的教育条件和水平迅速提高,但伴随的是教育成本的增加,教育收益的相对低下给许多家庭造成巨大的经济负担,我国"因教致贫"的问题愈来愈明显,备受社会各界的广泛关注。  相似文献   

在我国,高中教育不是义务教育,目前各地高中阶段教育收费不低,而助学制度还不完善,“高中致贫”现象已经出现,尤其是对于部分经济困难家庭体现得更为明显,甚至出现因学致贫、因贫失学现象,严重影响了教育公平的实现。[第一段]  相似文献   

"教育致贫"是目前中国民族地区脆弱性贫困的突出问题。文章以民族地区"教育致贫"现象为主题,以贵州黔南布依族自治州贵定县、湖北恩施土家族自治州建始县为调查对象进行入户访谈,结合从吉林延边朝鲜族自治州回收的相关数据作对比分析,探讨中国少数民族地区"教育致贫"现象产生的直接原因和间接原因;并针对问题成因,就中国民族地区教育问题的相关政策提出建议:加强地区经济建设,增加居民收入;实施民族地区教育结构优化,提高教育质量;扩大教育资助帮扶范围,加大高中阶段教育帮扶力度;加大教育帮扶政策和理财意识的宣传力度;出台民族地区大学生回乡服务抵偿国家助学贷款的相应政策;端正对待教育的态度,提高家庭教育决策的科学性。通过一系列政策的引导,促使"教育致富",使民族地区教育事业平稳发展。  相似文献   

通过分析当今中国普遍存在的教育高消费现象,认为教育高消费已成为中低收入家庭致贫的首要原因。运用筛选假设理论对教育高消费现象进行解释,提出解决教育高消费问题之对策即提高学校教育质量,树立理性教育消费观,转变企业用人观和个人择业观,促进困家经济发展以缓解就业压力。  相似文献   

Development economists and policy makers have in recent times focused attention on child poverty as a crucial aspect of poverty. The importance of the analysis of child poverty partly lies in the fact that children are the most vulnerable group in every society. This study used two poverty lines and the Foster-Greer-Thorbecke index to analyze extreme and overall child poverty headcount, depth and severity in Nigeria. The study also used the headcount ratio to analyze the extent of child deprivation in education, health, nutrition, child protection, water and sanitation. The study was based on the 2010 Harmonized Nigeria Living Standard Survey (HNLSS) and the 2011 Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS), obtained from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), Abuja, Nigeria. The study revealed that 23.22% of children in Nigeria were in extreme child poverty while 70.31% of children in the country were in overall child poverty. The study further showed that there was pronounced child deprivation in education, health, nutrition, child protection, water and sanitation. Both child poverty and child deprivation were more pronounced in the rural sector than in the urban sector and in Northern Nigeria than in Southern Nigeria. Therefore, the Nigerian government should take adequate steps to eradicate child poverty and obliterate all forms of child deprivation in Nigeria – particularly deprivation in basic needs. In taking such steps, more attention should be focused on rural areas and Northern Nigeria.  相似文献   

中国当前扶贫进入新阶段,贫困根源愈加复杂,衡量扶贫成果的标准也更加全面。内蒙古贫困县不仅受到自然、经济等条件制约,严重匮乏的基本公共服务更是成为影响其扶贫开发的重要因素。为实现贫困地区的经济社会总体可持续发展,实现其造血功能,当前应从贫困县基本公共服务与扶贫开发的联系出发,针对存在的具体问题提出相应的解决措施。  相似文献   

从非线性动力学的视角出发,运用混沌理论的方法对贫困进行度量.通过建构贫困模型和贫困的影响力模型,描述了贫困的变化趋势,精确预测了贫困对社会系统的影响程度.  相似文献   

贫困解释的两个维度:文化与制度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
有关贫困原因的解释一直以来围绕着文化与制度两个层面展开。从文化维度,贫困被视为一种亚文化,是穷人所享有的代代相传的生活方式。从制度层面,贫困的形成源于社会内部的权力结构、社会地位和资源占有的不平等。两种维度对贫困的解释似乎意味着穷人只能被动接受自己的贫困处境,贫穷是不可改变的命运。  相似文献   

Traditional studies of development and education focus either on the benefits of education for lifting the poor out of poverty, or on the vicious circle created when poor cannot afford education. This paper adds to the traditional view by also focusing on the poverty trap that is created for families that invest heavily in education without obtaining returns. It offers another perspective on the new education–poverty trap, with the burden of educational costs as cause of poverty and deprivation for low- and middle-income families. Data from a large-scale survey of the Western regions of China shows that the cost of higher education is far beyond low- and middle-income families’ affordability. Chinese households face a dilemma: borrowing money to educate a child or avoiding debt but foregoing education and mobility. While already acknowledged as a major social problem in China, the new poverty–education connection has so far received relatively little scholarly attention.  相似文献   

The increasing number of children running away from home in Bangladesh is a major concern, and in need of critical attention. This yearlong study explores why children leave home with a sample of street children in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Purposive sampling from three locations in Dhaka yielded a sample of 75 homeless children aged 10–17. For each participant, a 60–90 min in-depth qualitative interview was conducted multiple times. While the dominant explanations rely on poverty or abuse, the findings of this study reveal that the cause is actually three heads of a Hydra monster: poverty, abuse, and family disorganization and their interactions. It shows that the primary reasons for children breaking from their family are all interrelated. The findings from this study are likely to add knowledge regarding the issues and may lead to preventative interventions for street children and their families.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a mixed methods study carried out within the Initial Teacher Education (ITE) programme at the University of Oxford on the ways that the course sought to frame and address the link between poverty and poorer educational outcomes. The study was concerned with the views held by ITE students on the effects of poverty on pupils' learning, well-being, and educational achievement. The paper initially explores why these questions are important, how they are framed internationally, and how they relate to current education policy, particularly in England. Data were collected from student teacher pre- and post-PGCE course questionnaires and a focus group discussion. The findings showed a tendency for student teachers to associate low achievement more strongly with family and cultural factors than with socio-economic or school factors, although there was some evidence that the thinking of some students changed during their programme. Implications for policy and practice in ITE are discussed with a view to ensuring that the social justice commitments espoused by many such courses are actually enabled more effectively to influence the learning experiences of beginning teachers.  相似文献   

基于国家教育扶贫政策的演变逻辑和广西的教育贫困实际,广西的基础教育扶贫政策逐渐囊括了教育补偿的资助体系、学校发展的援助体系、教师队伍的补充体系、教育信息化的发展融合体系等独具特色的教育扶贫内容,在政策逐步落实并不断完善的过程中形成了具有自身特色的经验特征:以贫困学子为中心的价值取向、以教师发展为核心的扶贫体制、以学校建设为支撑的扶贫平台、以信息技术为基础的扶贫手段。  相似文献   

本通过对泰州辖区城镇贫困群体的抽样调查,分析了这一群体的特点,现状和贫困成因,并作了一些思考,提出了几点对策措施。  相似文献   

1960年代的加拿大经历了对社会贫困问题"重新发现"的过程。在那之后,相关研究得到了很大发展。它所涉及的学科领域不断扩大,研究对象也不断细化,产生了很多有价值的成果。然而,已有研究中仍存在着一些明显的不足之处,如相关政策研究关注的范围往往过于狭窄,以及相关历史研究和整体性研究的缺失等等,仍有待未来进行补充。  相似文献   

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