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The French republican principles upon which public education is based include strict separation of religion from schooling. At the same time, public funds subsidise a large number of private schools, over 90% Catholic. Virtually no recognition or public support is provided for Muslim or Jewish schools, nor is there any public or group demand that it do so. This article examines the complex and changing context in which Muslim identity has evolved in France for and by second and third generation immigrants of Muslim origin from the Maghreb (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia) or to a lesser degree from ex-Yugoslavia, Turkey or sub Saharan Africa. The latest phase is the most confrontational as the Muslim origin population, regardless of its actual heterogeneity or length of stay in France, is affected by the waves of terrorism and fundamentalism flowing from the Algerian civil war. Ill-informed French public opinion frequently amalgamates all Maghreb or Machrek individuals and communities when faced with the threat of violence. This article situates the official discourse which proclaims that the state and its schools promote a secular and equal opportunity for all and at the same time makes no allowance for cultural, linguistic, religious or socio-economic diversity. It examines more recent attempts by French governments to address the longer term needs and aspirations (especially religious) of immigrant populations of Muslim origin as it becomes clear that these populations are massively becoming French citizens and have no further plans to return to countries of origin. The article concludes with reflections on the specificity of the French approach to religious and cultural diversity. Above all, it emphasises a certain unity of view across political parties and communities that this specificity, although in crisis, does not require major change of the traditional republican approach.  相似文献   

近代湖南私立学校,无论是从师资力量、办学设施还是办学特色方面,都代表了近代湖南学校教育发展的主流方向。一是师资力量完备,办学设施完善;二是始终站在湖南教育近代化进程的教前列;三是办学特色鲜明。  相似文献   

西北是回族重要的聚居区,近代以来回族社会面临重要的社会转型,回族教育也以一种多元化的不同类型呈现出来,回族传统的经堂教育、新式教育和陕甘宁边区的回族教育是其主要的几种类型,同时还有"化彼殊俗"的汉化教育、私塾性质的回族教育和分别由政府、回族上层人士、寺院创办的民族教育、新式回族女子教育、回族幼儿教育等类型。  相似文献   

To fully understand the implications of the global climate of heightened suspicion about Islam we must also be aware of its expression through distinctive national discourses. Media debate leading up to the adoption by the French parliament of a law banning the hijab at school fits into a global discourse, but also presents local strategies of incorporation and silencing. The targets of scrutiny are primarily first and second generation migrants, a large and increasingly visible portion of whom live in rundown public housing and attend ‘problem’ schools associated with violence and failure. It is important therefore to consider the position, and positioning, of Muslims in relation to media representation. This article analyses the forms the dispute over the hijab has taken in France in terms of the role of the school in Republican ideology; the social and economic position of Muslims; and dominant representations of migrants and Islam.  相似文献   

Through an examination of selected documents, this article explores the role which the Irish state attributed to education in promoting the Christian, specifically Catholic, identity of its young citizens. The essay also examines the evidence of a desire to distance the state from a direct role in reinforcing the religious dimensions of cultural identity and of an endeavour to reconcile respect for the nation's Christian heritage with respect for other versions of human self-understanding.  相似文献   

现代汉语有标记复数名词在语义指称方面的特点是:定指为主,类指(不定指)为辅;有指(指称性用法)为主,无指(归属性用法)为辅。有标记复数名词的语义指称特点与词缀“们”的语法意义之间有联系。  相似文献   

论现代民法中的诚信原则   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代民法中的诚信原则既是当事人进行民事活动的行为准则,又是法官享有自由裁量权的依据。它标志眷立法方式从追求法律的确定性到容忍法律的灵活性的转变。城信原则将城实信用的道德准则上升为法律规范,兼有法律调控和道德调节的功能。其法律功能有:对权利行使和义务履行的指导功能;对法律行为的解释、评价和补充功能;对法律的解释、补充功能;制定或修订法律的准则功能。为了充分发挥城信原则的积极功能,应对其适用范围进行必要的限制。  相似文献   

人权是人作为人的基本权利。我国已经实现了人权入宪,并实施了第一个《国家人权行动计划》。现代学校不仅应该传播人权思想,开新风,树正气,更应该成为维护人权原则的践行者,成为彰显人权、保护人权的标兵。现代学校教育从教育目的、教育内容,到教育方法、教师角色,都应该贯彻人权原则,使学生的基本权利得到应有的保护和实现。  相似文献   

In recent years parental choice in education has become an important focus of political debate. Muslim demands for the state funding of Islamic schools have attracted a significant amount of media attention, with opposition sometimes coming from those who argue that such schools are likely to offer limited opportunities to pupils, particularly girls. This article reports on a small‐scale research project which examined the attitudes and values of Muslim women in the UK to their daughters’ education, particularly the basis on which they had selected either a private Islamic school or state primary school. It considers whether the concept of parental choice is a valid one for these women  相似文献   

西方学校教育面临现代性伦理问题,即学校是为个人自由而教育,还是为社会团结而教育的道德两难困境。了解这一问题,有助于我们理解和把握当前我国学校教育改革的价值取向。  相似文献   

近代法国在确立共和制度的过程中,从共和原则的诞生到共和国的宣告成立,再到多次共和制度的实践和广泛持久的共和运动,逐步形成了独特的共和主义传统。  相似文献   

文章修正和补充了现代英语名词不规则复数形式的构成。  相似文献   

This article rescues a series of texts produced by schoolteachers between 1820 and 1890 in order to comply with the ruling educational authority’s request for the elaboration of reports on their institutions. These documents are located in the General Public Instruction collection of the Archivo Histórico del Distrito Federal. The schoolteachers’ narrations are analysed from the perspective of their conceptual frameworks and structures of rationality. Through the narrations of the schoolteachers, written in their reports to the authorities, we can trace the emergence from practical experience of a collection of knowledges that reveal the conceptual frameworks and the structures of rationality that enable us to understand early schooling in Mexico. The article argues that the practical knowledge concerning the state of schooling contained in these texts constitutes the beginnings of a mode of conceptualizing educational processes that differs in nature to that which was developed by the pedagogical sciences, and that is directly linked to strategies of governance.  相似文献   

民国时期高校招生考试与学校教育的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
民国时期的统一高考与单独招考利弊共存,但前者有更利于中学的教育教学:会考制度是架设在高校招生考试与中学教育间的一座桥梁,不过考试的方法要适当,主要是考试标准要体现课程标准,体现出时代的素质要求。如此,方可夯实高等教育的基础,更利于提高高校新生的质量。  相似文献   

方志方言文献中的语言现象是近年来学术界讨论的热点问题之一。归纳整理了清至民国时期陕西、甘肃、宁夏方志文献中所记人称代词的复数形式,并结合李蓝先生《汉语的人称代词复数表示法》一文,进一步讨论这些复数形式的表示方法。  相似文献   

卡斯波林斯基是俄国近代史上最著名的穆斯林社会活动家和思想大师,是穆斯林社会运动的领军人物,故近代俄国穆斯林的教育理念与实践实际上就是卡斯波林斯基的教育改革理论与实践。他主张用提高文化教育水平促进社会进步和人与人之间的相互尊重和理解,通过启蒙教育的途径来消除人类社会生活中的暴力行为,以现代化和一体化来实现民族的复兴。  相似文献   

马艾 《青海师专学报》2011,(4):12-14,26
新式回民教育产生于清末民初,贯穿于20世纪上半叶,它既不同于清代以前的回民教育,也不同于解放后的现代回民教育,具有自己的特色:以科学文化知识为主要内容,吸收了先进的教育思想、教学理论和教学方法,课程设置上有少量的宗教知识课。新式回民教育是回族教育由宗教教育向普通国民教育过渡的一种教育形式。  相似文献   

方志方言文献中的语言现象是近年来学术界讨论的热点问题之一。归纳整理了清至民国时期陕西、甘肃、宁夏方志文献中所记人称代词的复数形式,并结合李蓝先生《汉语的人称代词复数表示法》一文,进一步讨论这些复数形式的表示方法。  相似文献   

诚信是对维系社会、市场和各种交易的法律法规契约准则的尊重和信守。目前,法律和制度为基础的诚信管理体制落后,企业失信成本过低,政府行政腐败等,是和谐社会建构中阻碍经济政治进程的重要因素;以诚信为原则的社会道德规范体制的滞后,是和谐社会建构中阻碍道德进程的重要因素;以诚信为核心内容的信用文化体制的不完善,是和谐社会建构中阻碍文化进程的重要因素。在和谐社会的建构中,树立全社会的诚信观念、培育以诚信为核心的社会公德、建立完善的现代诚信体系具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

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